Is Melting Robert E. Lee's Statue A Sign Of White Genocide?

I don't back them. You're just going to pretend that I do because you're such an emotional bitch that you can't reconcile your own love for baby slavers.

You are a lefty moron. I'm sure you can find some reason to blame Israel for all this.

And the worst part is the killing is happening NOW, when everyone believes it is wrong, unlike slavery 150-400 years ago when slavery was common practice.
You are a lefty moron. I'm sure you can find some reason to blame Israel for all this.
I blame people for the things they do. HAMAS is responsible for their kidnapping and killing of innocent civilians and the IDF is responsible for the weapons it fires into Gaza that murder innocent Palestinian children.
And the worst part is the killing is happening NOW, when everyone believes it is wrong, unlike slavery 150-400 years ago when slavery was common practice.
Your attempts at deflection don't absolve you of loving baby slavers you deplorable mutant.
I blame people for the things they do. HAMAS is responsible for their kidnapping and killing of innocent civilians and the IDF is responsible for the weapons it fires into Gaza that murder innocent Palestinian children.

Your attempts at deflection don't absolve you of loving baby slavers you deplorable mutant.

Ah, there's the equivocation. HAMAS is responsible for the IDF fire if they are hiding amongst their own civilians.

"A statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee that was a focal point of a deadly white nationalist protest in 2017 has been melted down and will be repurposed into new works of art. The Jefferson School African American Heritage Center, a Charlottesville-based Black history museum, said Thursday that the statue had been destroyed. The Charlottesville City Council voted in 2021 to donate the statue to the heritage center, after it proposed a Swords into Plowshares project that would melt the statue and repurpose it into “public art that expresses the City’s values of inclusivity and racial justice,” according to the proposal submitted to the city."

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As Elon Musk seems to imply, the melting down of this statue is basically white genocide....they (whoever they are) wants the extinction of white people or at the very least, white Confederates. However, if this is the case, why would anyone think they are the target of "white genocide" today if the Confederacy hasn't existed for 150 plus years....who would these "Confederates" be today? and why would a statue being melted down trigger them to the point that they believe they are the target of genocide?

If black folks being systematically murdered BY THE STATE for years (even after the end of the Civil War) didn't constitute genocide, how the fuck would melting down a piece of metal be even remotely close to something considered genocide?
So if we destroy statues of MLK you wouldn’t be crying about it?
Objectively they are not. Nobody is responsible for your actions. That's a scientific fact.

When you hide behind your own people and fire at the other guys, by international law their deaths are on you, not on the side shooting back at you.
So if we destroy statues of MLK you wouldn’t be crying about it?
Why would you be destroying it?

Because he stood for equality for all, because he practiced non-violence and was willing to die for doing what's right?

Not just what was right at the time (WHICH TOOK COURAGE SINCE MORONS LIKE YOU HATED HIM WHEN HE WAS ALIVE) -- but because his cause was so just and so righteous that dic suckers like you have to pretend you support civil rights today because of how THOROUGHLY HE DEFEATED YOUR BULLSHIT

So please tell me, who would be the ones tearing his statue down?

This is why I call bullshit whenever a conservative tries to claim they supported the civil rights/voting rights movement....because you have clearly shown, they didn't -- to have the nerve to compare a Confederate traitor to MLK...shut yo pussy ass up
The UN isn't following the laws as written either. Again, you hide behind cilvilans, you are responsible for their deaths when the other side tries to kill you.
Nope. And that still doesn't change the fact that your heroes were baby slavers.

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