Is Melting Robert E. Lee's Statue A Sign Of White Genocide?

"A statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee that was a focal point of a deadly white nationalist protest in 2017 has been melted down and will be repurposed into new works of art. The Jefferson School African American Heritage Center, a Charlottesville-based Black history museum, said Thursday that the statue had been destroyed. The Charlottesville City Council voted in 2021 to donate the statue to the heritage center, after it proposed a Swords into Plowshares project that would melt the statue and repurpose it into “public art that expresses the City’s values of inclusivity and racial justice,” according to the proposal submitted to the city."

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As Elon Musk seems to imply, the melting down of this statue is basically white genocide....they (whoever they are) wants the extinction of white people or at the very least, white Confederates. However, if this is the case, why would anyone think they are the target of "white genocide" today if the Confederacy hasn't existed for 150 plus years....who would these "Confederates" be today? and why would a statue being melted down trigger them to the point that they believe they are the target of genocide?

If black folks being systematically murdered BY THE STATE for years (even after the end of the Civil War) didn't constitute genocide, how the fuck would melting down a piece of metal be even remotely close to something considered genocide?

DemoKKKrats melting down statues of other DemoKKKrats. I love it.
"Us" as in both conservative and liberal attacks on art and expression, yes.

Whoopsie - goalposts moved.

The discussion pertains to the destruction of art/expression, not religion and enslavement excused thereby.
Right. I'm just putting into perspective what you care about. You care about continuing to celebrate slavers because if we don't then we'd be just like ISIS. Logic! 😄
It’s just stupid but it makes a certain group of people who were never slaves never forced to pick cotton for plantation owners feel good and feelings are it seems the only thing that matter today.
I'm just putting into perspective what you care about.
Mind-reading is a moronic pursuit.

Incompetent mind-reading even more so.
You care about continuing to celebrate slavers because if we don't then we'd be just like ISIS.
See above.

I care about art/free expression.

You support the destruction thereof.
Yours is an idiot logic, yes.

Mind-reading is a moronic pursuit.

Incompetent mind-reading even more so.

See above.

I care about art/free expression.

You support the destruction thereof.

Yours is an idiot logic, yes.
It's not mind reading you dumb Bingo, I'm just listening to your own argument. 😄 Freedom of expression with regards to public policy doesn't mean your expression. It means societies which we determine democratically.
It's not mind reading you dumb Bingo
Everyone who disagrees with you is a Bingo - gottit.
I'm just listening to your own argument.

It's called a straw man, and you made it.

You're trapped in the ghetto of your own incompetent Talibanism, and projecting it onto me.
Freedom of expression with regards to public policy doesn't mean your expression. It means societies which we determine democratically.
You only support art/expression which agrees with you, and/or which has 50% +1 support - gottit.

You're a Talibani, and you're too arrogant and incompetent to see it. :)
Everyone who disagrees with you is a Bingo - gottit.
When they make Bingo arguments like suggesting I'm reading their mind rather than their comments, certainly.

It's called a straw man, and you made it.
What strawman, describe it.
You're trapped in the ghetto of your own incompetent Talibanism, and projecting it onto me.
What ghetto? I don't live in the ghetto. What kind of racist shit is this?
You only support art/expression which agrees with you, and/or which has 50% +1 support - gottit.

You're a Talibani, and you're too arrogant and incompetent to see it. :)
You think democratically choosing to remove statues is just like ISIS? I say to that that if the worse thing ISIS ever did was go around removing statues, democratically or otherwise, that wouldn't be so bad. How else should we decide what statues or art to display?

What makes ISIS bad isn't that they redecorate, its that they're terrorist pieces of shit and tyrants. Kind of like the Confederates were. I argue that Confederates are more like ISIS than I am and your desire to keep up statues to America's ISIS is more evidence of you being like ISIS than me.
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Lee captured John Brown when he was a Union Officer. Doesn't he deserve a statue as much as Benedict Arnold?
If they can get rid of the memorials they can get rid of the memory. Then the event can be erased.

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”​

George Orwell 1984
There are no statues or monuments of Adolf Hitler, Rommel, Mengele, etc.

There is no Nazi heritage month or celebrations and yet the world knows who all those monsters are.

How is that?
Likely no. But the Kalergi plan (which won't work) is the prototype. You have to remember Biff that whites, especially with blue/green eyes, are huge global minority. We are exotic, you are not. We're special.
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Well, that must may black folks really exotic....they have green and blue eyes too...does this mean that melting this statue makes them the target for this genocide too?

"If you travel to places like Nigeria’s Kwara State or subregions of Melanesia, you’ll be surprised to be greeted by Black people with striking blue eyes and even bright blonde hair. Why do you ask? Their unique features exist all because of a little mutation called the OCA2 gene. This special gene helps to create P protein in melanocytes, which are responsible for producing melanin. Melanin is a unique substance that gives skin, hair, and eyes color."

And who are the ones actually doing the genocide by the way?
"Us" as in both conservative and liberal attacks on art and expression, yes.

Whoopsie - goalposts moved.

The discussion pertains to the destruction of art/expression, not religion and enslavement excused thereby.
So is this white genocide?

And why was your education so terrible that you need this statue to tell you that a bunch of traitors lost a war?

The Nazis lost a war to us as well.....but fortunately, we didn't need to erect a monument of Hitler to know we beat fascism
There are no statues or monuments of Adolf Hitler, Rommel, Mengele, etc.

There is no Nazi heritage month or celebrations and yet the world knows who all those monsters are.

How is that?
Robert E, Lee wasn't a monster. He was a truly great man. I celebrate his birthday every January 17th along with Jefferson Davis on June 3.
There are no statues or monuments of Adolf Hitler, Rommel, Mengele, etc.

There is no Nazi heritage month or celebrations and yet the world knows who all those monsters are.

How is that?
Because the people who have the power to continuously paint them as such have done so, although it's largely backfired. Same for cultural marxism that is now coming for the creator.
Robert E, Lee wasn't a monster. He was a truly great man. I celebrate his birthday every January 17th along with Jefferson Davis on June 3.
Yep, a collection of states left the union and the union attacked and invaded them to keep them in the union.

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