Is Minnesota a breeding ground for the "Ugly American."

This shocking episode of blatant racial and ethnic intolerance caught me by surprise, especially since the incident occurred in Minnesota. Here is what happened:

Location: Applebee's restaurant, Coons Rapids, Mn.

A local Somali immigrant family had settled into their seats at the above location and were conversing in Swahili.
Everything was just fine until a White couple in a neighboring booth took offense. The White female at first voiced her opinion that the Somalis ought to speak English while in America. The Somali woman spoke up and
told the aggressive White woman that she had the right to speak as she chose. Well, that didn't sit too well with
Mrs "conservative" USA. In a flash of violent rage, the aggressive White gal grabbed a mug and smashed the poor Somali woman in the face with it. The attacker fled, leaving her victim injured and bleeding. The Somali lady was transported to a local hospital and received 17 stitches.

Hate crime? Well, yes, this case has all the ramifications and meets every prerequisite necessary to declare it as one; but, there is a catch. In Minnesota, a hate crime is just a misdemeanor. Yep, that caught me by surprise too. I always thought hate crimes were somehow ensconced into federal civil right's laws that drew more serious penalties than regular crimes. Thus, the prosecutors will likely charge the offender with aggravated assault to preclude charging her with the lower tiered hate crime which is only a gross misdemeanor .

Given that Minnesota has chosen to address hate crime in that way, it leads one to wonder if such weak legislation was promulgated to make a political as well as an ideological statement. If so, the message was delivered with a bang. As expected, the riff raff , probably migrants from the south, seem to find it all too accommodating.
Gosh, she looks awful. Much like a lot of black women after their loser boyfriends beat the hell out of them.

In any case though the beaters should be prosecuted.
This shocking episode of blatant racial and ethnic intolerance caught me by surprise, especially since the incident occurred in Minnesota. Here is what happened:

Location: Applebee's restaurant, Coons Rapids, Mn.

A local Somali immigrant family had settled into their seats at the above location and were conversing in Swahili.
Everything was just fine until a White couple in a neighboring booth took offense. The White female at first voiced her opinion that the Somalis ought to speak English while in America. The Somali woman spoke up and
told the aggressive White woman that she had the right to speak as she chose. Well, that didn't sit too well with
Mrs "conservative" USA. In a flash of violent rage, the aggressive White gal grabbed a mug and smashed the poor Somali woman in the face with it. The attacker fled, leaving her victim injured and bleeding. The Somali lady was transported to a local hospital and received 17 stitches.

Hate crime? Well, yes, this case has all the ramifications and meets every prerequisite necessary to declare it as one; but, there is a catch. In Minnesota, a hate crime is just a misdemeanor. Yep, that caught me by surprise too. I always thought hate crimes were somehow ensconced into federal civil right's laws that drew more serious penalties than regular crimes. Thus, the prosecutors will likely charge the offender with aggravated assault to preclude charging her with the lower tiered hate crime which is only a gross misdemeanor .

Given that Minnesota has chosen to address hate crime in that way, it leads one to wonder if such weak legislation was promulgated to make a political as well as an ideological statement. If so, the message was delivered with a bang. As expected, the riff raff , probably migrants from the south, seem to find it all too accommodating.
Gosh, she looks awful. Much like a lot of black women after their loser boyfriends beat the hell out of them.

In any case though the beaters should be prosecuted.

You just HAD to go there, didn't you? This case had nothing to do with domestic abuse but you had to throw that unverified assumption in there. What is your point? Some White men are just as guilty as some Black men who beat their significant others. From what I have read and heard, the White woman who initiated this beating did not behave in the manner projected in the media that stereotypes white women as gentle souls.
Minnesota is the not so shining light of American muslim refugee policy. The somalis are in some kind of terror spawning contest it seems.

Minnesota is the not so shining light of American muslim refugee policy. The somalis are in some kind of terror spawning contest it seems.


Does that give any of you "real" Americans license to just beat the heck out of any random Somali you come across?
Isn't MN the state where a football player's wife killed a Thai chef in a hit and run? Should minorities beware there?
Minnesota is the not so shining light of American muslim refugee policy. The somalis are in some kind of terror spawning contest it seems.


Does that give any of you "real" Americans license to just beat the heck out of any random Somali you come across?
People shouldn't do stuff like that. They have no right or reason.

On the other hand, we should smack around our refugee policy. The dumbest of us, like the perpetrators of all these assaults, have noticed the elephant in the room in this immigration 'discussion'.

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