Is Mitt Romney beginning to "fall apart"?



Romney seems to be running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Running from one subject to another subject. From Topic to Topic. He can't seem to spend more than ten minutes on any single issue.

And he's crumbled. Got rid of the gay foreign policy adviser, whose advice he could probably use right about now.

Couldn't stand up to Rush when Rush called a young lady "slut".

Tax returns have become a nightmare.

Signed documents saying he worked at Bain and didn't work at Bain in the same three year period.

He stopped talking about the Olympics once it was discovered he received over 1.3 billion in tax payer money.

Got Clint Eastwood to talk to an empty chair.

Took a trip overseas that ended up being a very long "blooper reel".

Gave a shout out to the birthers because he knew, since he's white, no one would ask for his birth certificate.

Invited reporters on labor day to his yacht while flying a "Cayman Islands" Flag.

Said if people knew his policies, they wouldn't vote for him.

Then, instead of any policy, there are all these lies about welfare, Medicare and apologies to foreign countries that never happened.

He promoted the idea of "Fewer Police, Firemen and Teachers" during a time when the southwest was literally "on fire".

His own website says we should try to get immigrants here with degrees and immigrants studying math and science in schools should have unlimited residency. At the same time discussing the possibility of cutting the department of education and increasing class size. He's talked about helping immigrants with capital so they could start businesses. Guess he wants everyone in his base to have a boss with an accent.

Didn't mention Afghanistan, Iran or Iraq in his acceptance speech.

Thinks Russia is our number one geopolitical foe. Thinks a bigger military can fight al Qeada. I'm not sure he knows who al Qeada is. After all, McCain thought Iran was supporting Bin Laden not knowing they were enemies.

And now he's frantically running around trying to stay ahead of protesters in the Middle East and putting out statements before he even knows what's going on.

The support he is getting is from a 90% white right wing who hates Obama. The reasons they hate Obama are stupid until you talk to them in private. Then, most will admit they can't stand having a black president.

This is someone in full panic mode having a meltdown. The next couple of weeks should be quite interesting.
Romney seems to be running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Running from one subject to another subject. From Topic to Topic. He can't seem to spend more than ten minutes on any single issue.

And he's crumbled. Got rid of the gay foreign policy adviser, whose advice he could probably use right about now.

Couldn't stand up to Rush when Rush called a young lady "slut".

Tax returns have become a nightmare.

Signed documents saying he worked at Bain and didn't work at Bain in the same three year period.

He stopped talking about the Olympics once it was discovered he received over 1.3 billion in tax payer money.

Got Clint Eastwood to talk to an empty chair.

Took a trip overseas that ended up being a very long "blooper reel".

Gave a shout out to the birthers because he knew, since he's white, no one would ask for his birth certificate.

Invited reporters on labor day to his yacht while flying a "Cayman Islands" Flag.

Said if people knew his policies, they wouldn't vote for him.

Then, instead of any policy, there are all these lies about welfare, Medicare and apologies to foreign countries that never happened.

He promoted the idea of "Fewer Police, Firemen and Teachers" during a time when the southwest was literally "on fire".

His own website says we should try to get immigrants here with degrees and immigrants studying math and science in schools should have unlimited residency. At the same time discussing the possibility of cutting the department of education and increasing class size. He's talked about helping immigrants with capital so they could start businesses. Guess he wants everyone in his base to have a boss with an accent.

Didn't mention Afghanistan, Iran or Iraq in his acceptance speech.

Thinks Russia is our number one geopolitical foe. Thinks a bigger military can fight al Qeada. I'm not sure he knows who al Qeada is. After all, McCain thought Iran was supporting Bin Laden not knowing they were enemies.

And now he's frantically running around trying to stay ahead of protesters in the Middle East and putting out statements before he even knows what's going on.

The support he is getting is from a 90% white right wing who hates Obama. The reasons they hate Obama are stupid until you talk to them in private. Then, most will admit they can't stand having a black president.

This is someone in full panic mode having a meltdown. The next couple of weeks should be quite interesting.
Seems so.
Romney may look presidental - until he opens his mouth. The debates should put the final nails in Romney's political coffin.
Georgie Steppedonarinocerous had him straight up on the run this evening on the ABC news. It was sad. Mittens was mad. :mad:
The thing about today’s turn in the campaign, in which Republicans have decided to gang up on the press, is just how tired and pointless the whole exercise is. It is, of course, nothing new; every losing Republican presidential campaign in the last 20 years (at least) has turned to it, from “Annoy the Media, Vote for (George H.W.) Bush” on.

Hey, Republicans! You have a president who has presided over a mediocre economic recovery and just had a foreign policy episode that certainly could be characterized as a mistake: Why are you giving up? Because you know what? To any experienced political observer, that’s exactly what this media-bashing sounds like.

The go-to move for Republican losers - PostPartisan - The Washington Post
Romney may look presidental - until he opens his mouth. The debates should put the final nails in Romney's political coffin.

No matter what, three minutes BEFORE the debates happen, fox Will declare romney the winner. Wait for it.
President Hussein hasn't had a conference yet with intelligence analysts in order to address the anti-American riots in the Mid East and the deaths of American citizens but strangely enough the left worries about Romney"falling apart" when the freaking Obama foreign policy is falling apart. Propaganda spamming seems to be more important to the left than current affairs and I have to admit that they are good at it with the aid of tax exempt prop[aganda entities like Media Matters..
Can't wait to see what Mitt does next.

The only thing he ever does

Romney seems to be running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Running from one subject to another subject. From Topic to Topic. He can't seem to spend more than ten minutes on any single issue.

And he's crumbled. Got rid of the gay foreign policy adviser, whose advice he could probably use right about now.

Couldn't stand up to Rush when Rush called a young lady "slut".

Tax returns have become a nightmare.

Signed documents saying he worked at Bain and didn't work at Bain in the same three year period.

He stopped talking about the Olympics once it was discovered he received over 1.3 billion in tax payer money.

Got Clint Eastwood to talk to an empty chair.

Took a trip overseas that ended up being a very long "blooper reel".

Gave a shout out to the birthers because he knew, since he's white, no one would ask for his birth certificate.

Invited reporters on labor day to his yacht while flying a "Cayman Islands" Flag.

Said if people knew his policies, they wouldn't vote for him.

Then, instead of any policy, there are all these lies about welfare, Medicare and apologies to foreign countries that never happened.

He promoted the idea of "Fewer Police, Firemen and Teachers" during a time when the southwest was literally "on fire".

His own website says we should try to get immigrants here with degrees and immigrants studying math and science in schools should have unlimited residency. At the same time discussing the possibility of cutting the department of education and increasing class size. He's talked about helping immigrants with capital so they could start businesses. Guess he wants everyone in his base to have a boss with an accent.

Didn't mention Afghanistan, Iran or Iraq in his acceptance speech.

Thinks Russia is our number one geopolitical foe. Thinks a bigger military can fight al Qeada. I'm not sure he knows who al Qeada is. After all, McCain thought Iran was supporting Bin Laden not knowing they were enemies.

And now he's frantically running around trying to stay ahead of protesters in the Middle East and putting out statements before he even knows what's going on.

The support he is getting is from a 90% white right wing who hates Obama. The reasons they hate Obama are stupid until you talk to them in private. Then, most will admit they can't stand having a black president.

This is someone in full panic mode having a meltdown. The next couple of weeks should be quite interesting.

rdean...did you actually compose that all by yourself?

Possible topics:

Obama's historically failed economy

Obama getting the Libyan Ambassador killed on 9/11

Something about Romney
Possible topics:

Obama's historically failed economy

Obama getting the Libyan Ambassador killed on 9/11

Something about Romney

Oh GAAAWWDD...Frankie... you could write a book on coming unglued. I'm sure you could e-mail or tweet or whatever you do to Mittens with some helpful tips on getting through this crisis.. :lol:
Possible topics:

Obama's historically failed economy

Obama getting the Libyan Ambassador killed on 9/11

Something about Romney

Oh GAAAWWDD...Frankie... you could write a book on coming unglued. I'm sure you could e-mail or tweet or whatever you do to Mittens with some helpful tips on getting through this crisis.. :lol:

Actually, it is your boy that is coming apart. He's ahead...but not far enough.

They know what is in store....and they don't like it.

Obama's acceptance speech (a foul ball at best) was telling as he admitted he had failed. But he want's another chance.

Fool me once...shame on you.

Fool me twice.....

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