Is MSNBC Ramping Up Racial Tensions To Tag LGBT Agenda Onto New "Civil Rights Fury"?

Do you believe MSNBC is ramping up racial/police violence & deaths to "add new life" to LGBT Agenda?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 55.0%
  • No

    Votes: 9 45.0%

  • Total voters

Then by all means, tell us what statement by Maddow sent your head clicking. As you've got a reputation for phenomenally bad paraphrasing. So I'd prefer to hear it directly.

Show me. Don't tell me.

"Bad paraphrasing"? You mean like quoting directly verbatim from Windsor or other sources I'm talking about and then providing a link?

GOP silent on Scalise amid calls for apology MSNBC

The bit was cut off after 2:12 minutes. She is basically cut off in mid-sentence at that point. Usually the video bits run the entire course but this one is cut off before she started ranting about white bigots/christians. Which in itself is odd.

Typical of Maddow's style, she starts off slow and winds the viewer up into her crescendo. It was the crescendo that is missing from the video.
"Bad paraphrasing"? You mean like quoting directly verbatim from Windsor or other sources I'm talking about and then providing a link?

While omitting any mention of 'constitutional guarentees' that the Windsor ruling affirms the State laws are subject to. You routinely omit any portion of a quote that is inconvenient to your argument. This despite its immediate relevance, as every single federal court ruling that overturned gay marriage bans has been made on the basis that it violated these constitutional guarantees.

Every. Single. Ruling.

And yet you refuse to include any mention of it in any quote you offer. And of course, there's your comic misrepresentation of the question that Windsor is addressing.

Yes, but the specific question of law that was before it "Do states have the right to weigh in arguments for and against gay marriage and reach a consensus" WAS addressed. And you know what they Found? That's right, that states DO have that right and that born from that right was how they found in favor of Edie Windsor.

Post 185
11th Circuit Gears Up For Gay Marriage Case SCOTUS Page 19 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Which was the most inept paraphrasing jobs of the new year. As THIS was the specific question of law that was before the court:


Does Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act,1 U.S.C. §7,
which defines the term “marriage” for all purposes under
federal law as “only a legal union between one man and
one woman as husband and wife,” deprive same-sex couples
who are lawfully married under the laws of their states (such
as New York) of the equal protection of the laws, as guaranteed
by the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States?"

Directly from Edith Windsor herself. You suck at paraphrasing. You're just awful at it. Which is why I'm asking you to quote the statement made by maddow that made your head start clicking. Don't tell me about her statement. Quote her statement.

And you can't do it.
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Aren't you concerned that 2:12 minutes into Maddow's January 5, 2015 video, her monologue is cut off cold before she gets into talking about "white bigots/christians" in her typical crescendo?

Her monologue from Jan 5, 2015...a monologue I heard go on for a full 5 minutes or more, cuts off at 2:12 and then the website bumps you into the video from the next day's broadcast, January 6, 2015.

This is very unusual. Then when you refresh the page, it takes you to January 6, 2015 monologue straightaway.
Aren't you concerned that 2:12 minutes into Maddow's January 5, 2015 video, her monologue is cut off cold before she gets into talking about "white bigots/christians" in her typical crescendo?

What 'white bigots/Christian' talk?
Aren't you concerned that 2:12 minutes into Maddow's January 5, 2015 video, her monologue is cut off cold before she gets into talking about "white bigots/christians" in her typical crescendo?

What 'white bigots/Christian' talk?
The talk that is missing from her website's video that was cut off in the middle of her January 5, 2015 monologue about it a 2:12 and then goes directly to January 6, 2015's monologue.

For comparison, the next day's monologue of that same block is 8:40 minutes long. The part I'm referring to in January 5, 2012's broadcast is in the missing 6 +/- minutes that MSNBC is not putting up on their website.

Your question below has already been answered. You cannot quote what is omitted from MSNBC's website; that which was cut-off from their public-accessed archive. Yet my and hundreds of thousands of other pairs of eyes saw that footage aired.
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Aren't you concerned that 2:12 minutes into Maddow's January 5, 2015 video, her monologue is cut off cold before she gets into talking about "white bigots/christians" in her typical crescendo?

What 'white bigots/Christian' talk?
The talk that is missing from her website's video that was cut off in the middle of her January 5, 2015 monologue about it a 2:12 and then goes directly to January 6, 2015's monologue.

What statements by Maddow are you referring to? Quote them. As you demonstrated with your creative omissions from the Windsor ruling, along with your spectacular failure in the specific question of law being answered, you don't paraphrase well.
Watch the clip from the link from Maddow's January 5, 2015 show. Tell me why she was cut off abruptly at 2:12 when the next day's show (that the page inexplicably bumps you to) has a monologue 8:40 long?
Watch the clip from the link from Maddow's January 5, 2015 show. Tell me why she was cut off abruptly at 2:12 when the next day's show (that the page inexplicably bumps you to) has a monologue 8:40 long?

Why don't you quote the portion of her statements that made your head 'click'. As I have no idea what offended you. And if even YOU can't tell us what Maddow said that send you into this little tizzy, there's no chance I'm going to be able to.

Show us. Don't tell us.
Why don't you quote the portion of her statements that made your head 'click'. As I have no idea what offended you. And if even YOU can't tell us what Maddow said that send you into this little tizzy, there's no chance I'm going to be able to.

Show us. Don't tell us.
She was equating "white bigots" with "christians"..tying them together over and over. But it's difficult to quote her when her network cutt off her monologue at 2:12 and offers no transcripts I can find; then boots you to the next day's monologue which is 8:40 minutes like usual.

Which in itself is quite a little mystery, isn't it?

Here's the link again. See if you can explain why on January 5, 2015's show, Maddow is cut off short at 2:12 minutes.. GOP silent on Scalise amid calls for apology MSNBC
Why don't you quote the portion of her statements that made your head 'click'. As I have no idea what offended you. And if even YOU can't tell us what Maddow said that send you into this little tizzy, there's no chance I'm going to be able to.

Show us. Don't tell us.
She was equating "white bigots" with "christians"..tying them together over and over. But it's difficult to quote her when her network cutt off her monologue at 2:12 and offers no transcripts I can find; then boots you to the next day's monologue which is 8:40 minutes like usual.

I'd have to either see it or read it to be able to comment on it.
Well it seems that's exactly how MSNBC wants it, so you CAN'T see it or read it after it aired...duh! :cuckoo:
I don't watch TV, and haven't since 2011.

I watch shows I want to watch online, and haven't watched any crappy news shows on any network. I read newspapers and magazines that make me think instead.

If you hate MSNBC, no one is forcing you to watch it, same with CNN, FOX, or any other network that runs news shows.

There are reliable polls that aren't run by MSNBC, which show majority support of same-sex marriage. Then there are state votes in states like Maryland, where a majority voted to allow same-sex marriage.
Well it seems that's exactly how MSNBC wants it, so you CAN'T see it or read it after it aired...duh! :cuckoo:

It seems to me that you're asking us to trust you on something you think you mighta seen once. And your record of paraphrasing is simply abysmal.

You've simply cried wolf too many times.
Why don't you quote the portion of her statements that made your head 'click'. As I have no idea what offended you. And if even YOU can't tell us what Maddow said that send you into this little tizzy, there's no chance I'm going to be able to.

Show us. Don't tell us.
She was equating "white bigots" with "christians"..tying them together over and over. But it's difficult to quote her when her network cutt off her monologue at 2:12 and offers no transcripts I can find; then boots you to the next day's monologue which is 8:40 minutes like usual.

Which in itself is quite a little mystery, isn't it?

Here's the link again. See if you can explain why on January 5, 2015's show, Maddow is cut off short at 2:12 minutes.. GOP silent on Scalise amid calls for apology MSNBC

Did you try YouTube? Anything significant winds up on YouTube.
Could be that it wasn't significant... :dunno:
Why don't you quote the portion of her statements that made your head 'click'. As I have no idea what offended you. And if even YOU can't tell us what Maddow said that send you into this little tizzy, there's no chance I'm going to be able to.

Show us. Don't tell us.
She was equating "white bigots" with "christians"..tying them together over and over. But it's difficult to quote her when her network cutt off her monologue at 2:12 and offers no transcripts I can find; then boots you to the next day's monologue which is 8:40 minutes like usual.

Which in itself is quite a little mystery, isn't it?

Here's the link again. See if you can explain why on January 5, 2015's show, Maddow is cut off short at 2:12 minutes.. GOP silent on Scalise amid calls for apology MSNBC

Did you try YouTube? Anything significant winds up on YouTube.
Could be that it wasn't significant... :dunno:

Or it could be that it only exists in Silhouette's head...bouncing between strawmen.....
MSNBC is ramping up racial tensions just to ramp up racial tensions and perhaps spark some kind of national uprising. Gays might be a beneficiary but not intended to be the primary beneficiary.
this thread is more smoking gun proof that sillywet needs to get a life outside of gay bashing.
I'd recommend no parachute base jumping.

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