Is Musk to blame for Tesla's peoblems.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Of course he is. Doesn't he realize. MAGA is not buying his cars? His caustic mannerism, apparently love for MAGA, and his hard turn to the right are to blame. If he sold Tesla, the company would thrive.
Combustible engines are going away. Get used to it.
Not in our lifetime, the auto makers are backing away from the production of EV's.
Why you ask? They aren't selling, and I've already given you two good reasons why.
Another would be that charging station locations are pretty much nil, and when you can find them
many are broken down.

But, just listen to your master's :laughing0301:
Not in our lifetime, the auto makers are backing away from the production of EV's.
Why you ask? They aren't selling, and I've already given you two good reasons why.
Another would be that charging station locations are pretty much nil, and when you can find them
many are broken down.

But, just listen to your master's :laughing0301:
Just more ignorant MAGA talk. MAGA want to return to the 50's when women were kept in the kitchen, blacks in the back of the bus, and coal was king. It ain't gonna happen. The repub party is dying. Their rule as a minority party is coming to an end.

Of course he is. Doesn't he realize. MAGA is not buying his cars? His caustic mannerism, apparently love for MAGA, and his hard turn to the right are to blame. If he sold Tesla, the company would thrive.
No. EV's are a fad for a niche market. They're too expensive, inconvenient, and basically crap. Tesla is only there because of government subsidies. So as the niche market is now saturated and the subsidies are drying up, reality is now kicking in. So many people are now saying to the EVangelists, "We told you so".

Volvo have announced their last ICE vehicle manufacturing this year, electric from now on. So the question is, when will they go bust, or when will they U-turn?

Musk is a wise guy, take billions off a stupid idea, and when it goes tits up, he made his money off gullibles.
The high cost of car insurance for EV's is really hurting sales.
A fender bender with an ICE car is usually repairable and it's quickly back in the road.
But a fender bender with an EV is a whole different story. Because of all the very expensive electronics throughout the car, the shy high price of replacing a damaged battery, and the exorbitant hourly repair rate by a specialized mechanic. Insurance companies many times find it cheaper to write off a damaged EV as totaled. Which in turn drives up the cost of insuring EV vehicles.
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Of course he is. Doesn't he realize. MAGA is not buying his cars? His caustic mannerism, apparently love for MAGA, and his hard turn to the right are to blame. If he sold Tesla, the company would thrive.
First you loved him, now you hate him.
Not because he stopped making Dimmermobiles, but because now he talks sensibly.
Poor jimboliar, so confusing to be you.
Where will you move?
Just more ignorant MAGA talk. MAGA want to return to the 50's when women were kept in the kitchen, blacks in the back of the bus, and coal was king. It ain't gonna happen. The repub party is dying. Their rule as a minority party is coming to an end.
...and prices were affordable and laws were enforced.
Where will you move once you are done campaigning jimboliar??
The high cost of car insurance for EV's is really hurting sales.
A fender bender with an ICE car is usually repairable and it's quickly back in the road.
But a fender bender with an EV is a whole different story. Because of all the very expensive electronics, the shy high price of a damaged battery, and the exorbitant hourly repair rate by a specialized mechanic. Insurance companies many times find it cheaper to write off a damaged EV as totaled.
jimboliar knows nothing of the cost of things.....the government teat provides all the milk he can handle.

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