Is Obama a liar?

Ame®icano;8103486 said:
They refused to fund the government...they shut it down. Simple logic. Spin all you want. Won't change the facts. Too bad for you.

They refused to vote on omnibus spending. Google what "omnibus" means.
Back in 70s, Congress changed ways of funding the government (guess whose idea that was) and adopted idea of taking budgets for all the different departments and lump them together because it takes less time to discuss, vote on and pass a single omnibus bill than it would to try to vote on bills for each department.
So, they didn't refuse to fund the government, they voted on funding departments and programs separately, as they suppose to do it per Constitution, Article I, Section 7 that states: "all bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives, but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other bills." As you should know, with the power to tax implicitly comes the power to spend.

So next time, before you repeat another Obama lie, try reading about our Constitution instead.

yawn...past your bedtime kid.

Do you always say that when you lose a debate?
They refused to fund the government...they shut it down. Simple logic. Spin all you want. Won't change the facts. Too bad for you.

They did not refuse to fund the government. They offered several options. Obama is the one who said there would be no negotiation, even if it meant defaulting on the debt.

Obama who so patriotically voted against raising the debt ceiling in 2006.

None of them funded the ACA which they passed; therefore the government was not funded.

You could repeat that backwards and hope for a subliminal message. Even that wouldn't make sense. Care to speak English?
Pre ACA passage: If you like your health plan you can keep it.

Post ACA: You will be getting a better plan.

The answer is obvious.

This is his bill so don't give me that he didn't know bs.

Wake the fuck up America. Vote Republican or independent and insist that this disaster gets overturned.

And yes fake Jake I know it's the law of the land FOR NOW

Of course he knew he lied. The only believable reason given is that he felt the ends justified the means. He lied on purpose to prevent the country from getting angry and opposing the stupid law.

Yes, because he lied and because the idiots passed it without it being read, it's the law of the land. Does that really mean anything these days? Immigration laws have been around even longer and the administration chooses to ignore those.

Any time one of the Democrats are asked if they read the bill, they quickly point out how many pages is in it. So what. They could have read it by now or at least consulted with experts who actually know how to read and then they'd be familiar with it. They've had a couple years to read it now. Are they that fucking slow? How long do they need? Or do they figure since it's law, there is no need to worry about it now? Passing laws that they understand nothing about should be a serious crime.

How can any liberal politician or Obama supporter defend anything in it? When people read it after it was illegally passed and started making some disturbing language found in the bill public, the libs called them liars. Some here called others liars for claiming that people would lose their insurance and their jobs, that rates would go up, that illegals would be covered, that we'd have fewer doctors and that there would be death panels.

Okay, now we know people are losing their insurance, their jobs, the rates are way up, illegals are covered and doctors are quitting. Obamacare will not allow elderly to get the same treatment they get now. Obama himself said sometimes pain pills are better than a pacemaker. Considering the radicals in Obama's administration, I wouldn't be surprised to see population control measures throughout the law.

Muslims are said to be exempt because they consider it gambling to buy insurance. The libs will dutifully deny anything that sounds negative. If it turns out to be true, then they'll somehow claim it's fair or better. I wish I could train my dog as well as Obama has trained his Obamabots.

Come on, libs, you said everything Obama said was true and now we know they were lies. Are you still going to defend the shit he's saying now.

Now he's seeking to convince Americans that he didn't say what we heard over and over for months. How insulting. Doesn't he realize that only his useful idiots will buy that crap? Nothing like rewriting his words after the fact in a pathetic attempt to cover lies. He never once said that people could only keep their plans only if they didn't change after the law was passed. Fucking liar. We all know what he said. He repeated it so many times that there is no question.
Sorry Spending bills originate in the House. The House has passed a budget every year. Spin all you want etc.

Yup. And they passed nine different bills that funded every single aspect of government just as the Democrats requested but postponed funding for Obamacare - the last one simply asked that the individual mandate be postponed for one year. So it was Obama and Harry Reid, who refused to compromise on that one issue, who shut down the government.

And it is small comfort but sweet irony that the fiasco that Obamacare is proving to be now has the Democrats clamoring to postpone implementation of Obamacare. :)

They could have just passed one bill that funded the government but they didn't do it; And they got blamed for the Boehner shutdown...just as they should have.

The ACA isn't "the government", it's an entitlement program subject to cuts, just like any other program.
Pre ACA passage: If you like your health plan you can keep it.

Post ACA: You will be getting a better plan.

The answer is obvious.

This is his bill so don't give me that he didn't know bs.

Wake the fuck up America. Vote Republican or independent and insist that this disaster gets overturned.

And yes fake Jake I know it's the law of the land FOR NOW

Of course he knew he lied. The only believable reason given is that he felt the ends justified the means. He lied on purpose to prevent the country from getting angry and opposing the stupid law.

Yes, because he lied and because the idiots passed it without it being read, it's the law of the land. Does that really mean anything these days? Immigration laws have been around even longer and the administration chooses to ignore those.

Any time one of the Democrats are asked if they read the bill, they quickly point out how many pages is in it. So what. They could have read it by now or at least consulted with experts who actually know how to read and then they'd be familiar with it. They've had a couple years to read it now. Are they that fucking slow? How long do they need? Or do they figure since it's law, there is no need to worry about it now? Passing laws that they understand nothing about should be a serious crime.

How can any liberal politician or Obama supporter defend anything in it? When people read it after it was illegally passed and started making some disturbing language found in the bill public, the libs called them liars. Some here called others liars for claiming that people would lose their insurance and their jobs, that rates would go up, that illegals would be covered, that we'd have fewer doctors and that there would be death panels.

Okay, now we know people are losing their insurance, their jobs, the rates are way up, illegals are covered and doctors are quitting. Obamacare will not allow elderly to get the same treatment they get now. Obama himself said sometimes pain pills are better than a pacemaker. Considering the radicals in Obama's administration, I wouldn't be surprised to see population control measures throughout the law.

Muslims are said to be exempt because they consider it gambling to buy insurance. The libs will dutifully deny anything that sounds negative. If it turns out to be true, then they'll somehow claim it's fair or better. I wish I could train my dog as well as Obama has trained his Obamabots.

Come on, libs, you said everything Obama said was true and now we know they were lies. Are you still going to defend the shit he's saying now.

Now he's seeking to convince Americans that he didn't say what we heard over and over for months. How insulting. Doesn't he realize that only his useful idiots will buy that crap? Nothing like rewriting his words after the fact in a pathetic attempt to cover lies. He never once said that people could only keep their plans only if they didn't change after the law was passed. Fucking liar. We all know what he said. He repeated it so many times that there is no question.

Look, let's be clear here. The Obama bootlickers will go to the ends of the earth to defend this incompetent slob. The "tape don't lie". Of course Barry lied and he lied repeatedly. Now, caught in the act, he is backtracking his butt off and his legion of moronic followers are all too willing to "forgive and forget".

Jesus, if republicans had been as brain dead as these liberal limp-wrists, Nixon would have never been forced out - and all he did was to lie about knowledge of a break in. My God, how this country has fallen……….
Ame®icano;8103486 said:
They refused to fund the government...they shut it down. Simple logic. Spin all you want. Won't change the facts. Too bad for you.

They refused to vote on omnibus spending. Google what "omnibus" means.
Back in 70s, Congress changed ways of funding the government (guess whose idea that was) and adopted idea of taking budgets for all the different departments and lump them together because it takes less time to discuss, vote on and pass a single omnibus bill than it would to try to vote on bills for each department.
So, they didn't refuse to fund the government, they voted on funding departments and programs separately, as they suppose to do it per Constitution, Article I, Section 7 that states: "all bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives, but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other bills." As you should know, with the power to tax implicitly comes the power to spend.

So next time, before you repeat another Obama lie, try reading about our Constitution instead.

yawn...past your bedtime kid.
Too boring for ya?

You see, I can easily explain to you how things works, but I can't understand it for you.
And since that's part you'll have to do on your own, that's where hard part begin.

Quick question: If you have to chose in between "easy way" and "stupid way" which one you'll chose? You don't need to tell me, I'm sure I know the answer.
They did not refuse to fund the government. They offered several options. Obama is the one who said there would be no negotiation, even if it meant defaulting on the debt.

Obama who so patriotically voted against raising the debt ceiling in 2006.

None of them funded the ACA which they passed; therefore the government was not funded.

You could repeat that backwards and hope for a subliminal message. Even that wouldn't make sense. Care to speak English?

No hope there, mate. She picked that randomly from another board.
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Yup. And they passed nine different bills that funded every single aspect of government just as the Democrats requested but postponed funding for Obamacare - the last one simply asked that the individual mandate be postponed for one year. So it was Obama and Harry Reid, who refused to compromise on that one issue, who shut down the government.

And it is small comfort but sweet irony that the fiasco that Obamacare is proving to be now has the Democrats clamoring to postpone implementation of Obamacare. :)

They could have just passed one bill that funded the government but they didn't do it; And they got blamed for the Boehner shutdown...just as they should have.

The ACA isn't "the government", it's an entitlement program subject to cuts, just like any other program.

Gee, if the Boehner Shutdown fiasco had been explained like that...LOL

Today it was the ACA...tomorrow it would be Medicare, Social Security, NEA, NPS, CPB...
You give in to extortion once, and it becomes repetitive. You punch the bully in the mouth and guess what, they tuck tail and run.
Ame®icano;8103486 said:
They refused to vote on omnibus spending. Google what "omnibus" means.
Back in 70s, Congress changed ways of funding the government (guess whose idea that was) and adopted idea of taking budgets for all the different departments and lump them together because it takes less time to discuss, vote on and pass a single omnibus bill than it would to try to vote on bills for each department.
So, they didn't refuse to fund the government, they voted on funding departments and programs separately, as they suppose to do it per Constitution, Article I, Section 7 that states: "all bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives, but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other bills." As you should know, with the power to tax implicitly comes the power to spend.

So next time, before you repeat another Obama lie, try reading about our Constitution instead.

yawn...past your bedtime kid.

Do you always say that when you lose a debate?

I usually start yawning when I explain where someone is wrong over and over and yet they continue to insist that they are right.
Do you always say that when you lose a debate?

I usually start yawning when I explain where someone is wrong over and over and yet they continue to insist that they are right.

Your impatience with posters may lead you to miss important information.

It's been what, 2 weeks since you guys called off the shut-down. You've been blamed by nearly every human alive for it, yet, when you come here, it's "Obama's fault" 24/7.

After a while, the once hilarious self-delusional neanderthals even become tiresome...

What's also tiresome is the hoping that the country's been 5 years; can't you guys at least start handicapping 2016 instead of cheering and hoping for an apocolypse that isn't coming?
Pre ACA passage: If you like your health plan you can keep it.

Post ACA: You will be getting a better plan.

The answer is obvious.

This is his bill so don't give me that he didn't know bs.

Wake the fuck up America. Vote Republican or independent and insist that this disaster gets overturned.

And yes fake Jake I know it's the law of the land FOR NOW

Of course he knew he lied. The only believable reason given is that he felt the ends justified the means. He lied on purpose to prevent the country from getting angry and opposing the stupid law.

Yes, because he lied and because the idiots passed it without it being read, it's the law of the land. Does that really mean anything these days? Immigration laws have been around even longer and the administration chooses to ignore those.

Any time one of the Democrats are asked if they read the bill, they quickly point out how many pages is in it. So what. They could have read it by now or at least consulted with experts who actually know how to read and then they'd be familiar with it. They've had a couple years to read it now. Are they that fucking slow? How long do they need? Or do they figure since it's law, there is no need to worry about it now? Passing laws that they understand nothing about should be a serious crime.

How can any liberal politician or Obama supporter defend anything in it? When people read it after it was illegally passed and started making some disturbing language found in the bill public, the libs called them liars. Some here called others liars for claiming that people would lose their insurance and their jobs, that rates would go up, that illegals would be covered, that we'd have fewer doctors and that there would be death panels.

Okay, now we know people are losing their insurance, their jobs, the rates are way up, illegals are covered and doctors are quitting. Obamacare will not allow elderly to get the same treatment they get now. Obama himself said sometimes pain pills are better than a pacemaker. Considering the radicals in Obama's administration, I wouldn't be surprised to see population control measures throughout the law.

Muslims are said to be exempt because they consider it gambling to buy insurance. The libs will dutifully deny anything that sounds negative. If it turns out to be true, then they'll somehow claim it's fair or better. I wish I could train my dog as well as Obama has trained his Obamabots.

Come on, libs, you said everything Obama said was true and now we know they were lies. Are you still going to defend the shit he's saying now.

Now he's seeking to convince Americans that he didn't say what we heard over and over for months. How insulting. Doesn't he realize that only his useful idiots will buy that crap? Nothing like rewriting his words after the fact in a pathetic attempt to cover lies. He never once said that people could only keep their plans only if they didn't change after the law was passed. Fucking liar. We all know what he said. He repeated it so many times that there is no question.

Look, let's be clear here. The Obama bootlickers will go to the ends of the earth to defend this incompetent slob. The "tape don't lie". Of course Barry lied and he lied repeatedly. Now, caught in the act, he is backtracking his butt off and his legion of moronic followers are all too willing to "forgive and forget".

Jesus, if republicans had been as brain dead as these liberal limp-wrists, Nixon would have never been forced out - and all he did was to lie about knowledge of a break in. My God, how this country has fallen……….

I agree. It seems that short of felony rape or an equivolent conviction, liberal politicians are immune from any form of censure, at least from anybody who is left of center. Not only are lies and malfeasance and overstepping authority tolerated, but they are expected and defended. Which is why I fear America is lost to those who love liberty and the concepts the Founders intended for us to have.
I usually start yawning when I explain where someone is wrong over and over and yet they continue to insist that they are right.

Your impatience with posters may lead you to miss important information.

It's been what, 2 weeks since you guys called off the shut-down. You've been blamed by nearly every human alive for it, yet, when you come here, it's "Obama's fault" 24/7.

After a while, the once hilarious self-delusional neanderthals even become tiresome...

What's also tiresome is the hoping that the country's been 5 years; can't you guys at least start handicapping 2016 instead of cheering and hoping for an apocolypse that isn't coming?

She don't lie, she don't lie, she don't lie, cocaine...

And wow, the hypocrisy absolutely reeks.

Isn't it a bit early in the day for the candy man?
Of course he knew he lied. The only believable reason given is that he felt the ends justified the means. He lied on purpose to prevent the country from getting angry and opposing the stupid law.

Yes, because he lied and because the idiots passed it without it being read, it's the law of the land. Does that really mean anything these days? Immigration laws have been around even longer and the administration chooses to ignore those.

Any time one of the Democrats are asked if they read the bill, they quickly point out how many pages is in it. So what. They could have read it by now or at least consulted with experts who actually know how to read and then they'd be familiar with it. They've had a couple years to read it now. Are they that fucking slow? How long do they need? Or do they figure since it's law, there is no need to worry about it now? Passing laws that they understand nothing about should be a serious crime.

How can any liberal politician or Obama supporter defend anything in it? When people read it after it was illegally passed and started making some disturbing language found in the bill public, the libs called them liars. Some here called others liars for claiming that people would lose their insurance and their jobs, that rates would go up, that illegals would be covered, that we'd have fewer doctors and that there would be death panels.

Okay, now we know people are losing their insurance, their jobs, the rates are way up, illegals are covered and doctors are quitting. Obamacare will not allow elderly to get the same treatment they get now. Obama himself said sometimes pain pills are better than a pacemaker. Considering the radicals in Obama's administration, I wouldn't be surprised to see population control measures throughout the law.

Muslims are said to be exempt because they consider it gambling to buy insurance. The libs will dutifully deny anything that sounds negative. If it turns out to be true, then they'll somehow claim it's fair or better. I wish I could train my dog as well as Obama has trained his Obamabots.

Come on, libs, you said everything Obama said was true and now we know they were lies. Are you still going to defend the shit he's saying now.

Now he's seeking to convince Americans that he didn't say what we heard over and over for months. How insulting. Doesn't he realize that only his useful idiots will buy that crap? Nothing like rewriting his words after the fact in a pathetic attempt to cover lies. He never once said that people could only keep their plans only if they didn't change after the law was passed. Fucking liar. We all know what he said. He repeated it so many times that there is no question.

Look, let's be clear here. The Obama bootlickers will go to the ends of the earth to defend this incompetent slob. The "tape don't lie". Of course Barry lied and he lied repeatedly. Now, caught in the act, he is backtracking his butt off and his legion of moronic followers are all too willing to "forgive and forget".

Jesus, if republicans had been as brain dead as these liberal limp-wrists, Nixon would have never been forced out - and all he did was to lie about knowledge of a break in. My God, how this country has fallen……….

I agree. It seems that short of felony rape or an equivolent conviction, liberal politicians are immune from any form of censure, at least from anybody who is left of center. Not only are lies and malfeasance and overstepping authority tolerated, but they are expected and defended. Which is why I fear America is lost to those who love liberty and the concepts the Founders intended for us to have.

politicians say many things... but not considered liars

This is different. These lies were intentional to urge aye votes in Congress and get citizens to vote for Obama in the upcoming election. It was criminal fraud at its finest.

Politicians can say they stretch the truth or actually want to do something in the future, but Obama and his advisors knew it was a lie at the time he first said it, and the reason they need to say it was immoral.

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