Is Obama a liar?


A good dictator maybe.
Get real. Obama is no more of a dictator than any other U.S. president. He has to follow the same rules as the rest of them.

A good president of a democratic republic doesn't lie to the nation to get legislation passed against their will and condescend to them and tell them that when they finally understand what what he has done for them they'll appreciate it.
Again ... ALL presidents lie. It's what they do. Obama is no exception.

Uhh Noooooo. He doesn't follow the same rules. It seems if someone criticizes this President's policies, he is labeled a racist.
Ok, let's put your claim to a test ... Ted Cruz criticized Obama ... who labeled Cruz a racist?
Get real. Obama is no more of a dictator than any other U.S. president. He has to follow the same rules as the rest of them.

Clinton was worse than Reagan. Bush significantly worse than Clinton, and Obama far worse than Bush.

The boundaries are pushed with each new executive. Obama has utter contempt for the Constitution and flouts it on a regular basis, such as his recess appointments. Obama behaves like a King - petulant, arrogant, and unreasonable. He is constrained to some small level by the other branches, less so than Bush was. I fear that his successor will be less restrained than he.

Obama came to office with the goal of transforming the Constitutional Republic into a more authoritarian and populist state. He has succeeded. We can barely be considered a free nation at this point, with the NSA and IRS activities. We are CERTAINLY not a nation of laws. Our Attorney General is a gangster who sells illegal guns to Mexican drug cartels. Our IRS attacks the political enemies of the regime.

Yeah, Obama is more of dictator than any POTUS before him, but he is an evolutionary move from Bush, not a revolutionary one.

Remember how in 2011, there was nothing Obama could do for so-called Dreamers because he couldn't change laws unilaterally. And then in 2012 suddenly he was able to rescue the Dreamers .... because he was running for reelection. lol

Yeah, I know this is a tangent, but your post gave me a chuckle and reminded me of that.

Not that Obama's opportunistic imperialism is anything to chuckle about ... but there's not much else to do.

Do you think it's wrong to change laws unilaterally?
Not exactly...

Yes exactly:

Lessons from the Fall of RomneyCare | Cato Institute

Review & Outlook: The RomneyCare Bill Comes Due -

Health Insurance Premiums Continue to Rise Under RomneyCare - Hit & Run :

"Not only are Masachusetts' health insurance premiums higher than elsewhere in the U.S. on average, they've grown at a faster rate since the adoption of RomneyCare"

I already addressed this.

And I confuted you.
If that's what your handler wants you to say, fine. We all know better.

This is what they were telling us 3 years ago:

My comments bolded.

10 Things Every American Needs to Know about the Health Care Bill:

1. Once reform is fully implemented, over 95% of Americans will have health insurance coverage, including 32 million who are currently uninsured.

Most of those 32 million choose not to be insured, are illegal residents or are covered under medicaid.

2. Health insurance companies will no longer be allowed to deny people coverage because of preexisting conditions--or to drop coverage when people become sick.

Does your auto insurance company cover you for preexisting dents?

3. Just like members of Congress, individuals and small businesses who can't afford to purchase insurance on their own will be able to pool together and choose from a variety of competing plans with lower premiums.

Lower premiums? How's THAT work out?

4. Reform will cut the federal budget deficit by $138 billion over the next ten years, and a whopping $1.2 trillion in the following ten years.


5. Health care will be more affordable for families and small businesses thanks to new tax credits, subsidies, and other assistance--paid for largely by taxing insurance companies, drug companies, and the very wealthiest Americans.

More bullshit. Some will save on insurance, but the rest will foot the bill. Insurance companies are guaranteed a profit margin and any additional taxes they pay will be passed on to the consumer.

6. Seniors on Medicare will pay less for their prescription drugs because the legislation closes the "donut hole" gap in existing coverage.

Yeah, right. The horror stories are already coming out.

7. By reducing health care costs for employers, reform will create or save more than 2.5 million jobs over the next decade.

Only it's NOT reducing any costs, anywhere! One has to wonder how man bureaucrats will obamacare "create or save". Could that be where the 2.5 million number came from?

8. Medicaid will be expanded to offer health insurance coverage to an additional 16 million low-income people.

And even if they hadn't pulled a half billion from Medicaid to make the numbers work, someone has to pay for 16 million more beneficiaries.

9. Instead of losing coverage after they leave home or graduate from college, young adults will be able to remain on their families' insurance plans until age 26.

I could see COBRA for "kids" when they leave their parents' plans, but 26 and still on daddy's plan? Grow up!? Hell I had been on my own for 8 years by then. I paid my own health care when I was in college.

10. Community health centers would receive an additional $11 billion, doubling the number of patients who can be treated regardless of their insurance or ability to pay.

Someone has to pay for that! I am unwilling.

Again -- if you pay taxes, you already pay for the healthcare of others. This is nothing new.

Yes I already pay taxes, and I pay too much. Now obama wants me to pay more so freeloading assholes like you won't have to pay anything. Go away!

Fuck you, buddy. I may even pay more in taxes than you and I provide health insurance for myself and my family. So don't even try to make this about me because you fail miserably.
Get real. Obama is no more of a dictator than any other U.S. president. He has to follow the same rules as the rest of them.

Again ... ALL presidents lie. It's what they do. Obama is no exception.

Uhh Noooooo. He doesn't follow the same rules. It seems if someone criticizes this President's policies, he is labeled a racist.
Ok, let's put your claim to a test ... Ted Cruz criticized Obama ... who labeled Cruz a racist?

How about this, for instance. I believe there was a thread about it a while back. While I have no idea if YOU commented, I'm certain some of your brain dead cohorts agree with the sentiment expressed.

These days it seems whatever Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) says he's going to be called a racist for saying it.

The latest such outrage stems from Cruz joking about the ObamaCare website being run by Nigerian email scammers.

This evoked outrage from the usual liberal suspects.

MSNBC's Michael Eric Dyson substituting for Ed Schultz on Tuesday discussed the racial overtones of Cruz's remark with Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-Pa.).

Salon's Joan Walsh - who like Dyson sees racism around every corner! - wrote Tuesday:

Hey, did you hear the one about the disappearing “Nigerian email scammers”? They’ve “become a lot less active lately” because they’ve “all been hired to run the Obamacare website.” That’s Sen. Ted Cruz, folks, on his Reactionary Real America Victory Tour Monday night, and he’ll be here all week, maybe all decade. Tip your waiter!

Declaring that our first black president’s signature policy achievement is being run by “Nigerian email scammers” is GOP dog-whistle politics at its finest. Of course, Cruz wasn’t just going for cheap laughs at the expense of the Affordable Care Act. He knows it’s a short hop from Nigeria to Kenya for his Obama-hating Houston audience.

Read more: Ted Cruz Called Racist for Saying ObamaCare Website Run by Nigerian Email Scammers | NewsBusters
Yes exactly:

Lessons from the Fall of RomneyCare | Cato Institute

Review & Outlook: The RomneyCare Bill Comes Due -

Health Insurance Premiums Continue to Rise Under RomneyCare - Hit & Run :

"Not only are Masachusetts' health insurance premiums higher than elsewhere in the U.S. on average, they've grown at a faster rate since the adoption of RomneyCare"

I already addressed this.

And I confuted you.

No, you didn't. You posted a different topic, not one that countered the site I referenced. You posted sites showing that insurance premiums rose since RomneyCare and that they are among the highest in the nation. The site I referenced also said that, but explained the reason was not due to RomneyCare. Also, healthcare costs in MA were already among the highest even before RomneyCare.
Again -- if you pay taxes, you already pay for the healthcare of others. This is nothing new.

Yes I already pay taxes, and I pay too much. Now obama wants me to pay more so freeloading assholes like you won't have to pay anything. Go away!

Fuck you, buddy. I may even pay more in taxes than you and I provide health insurance for myself and my family. So don't even try to make this about me because you fail miserably.

You fail miserably by defending a lie. You provide insurance for yourself and your loved ones, but STILL defend a law that has knocked over 3 million people off theirs. Don't make me laugh.
I already addressed this.

And I confuted you.

No, you didn't. You posted a different topic, not one that countered the site I referenced. You posted sites showing that insurance premiums rose since RomneyCare and that they are among the highest in the nation. The site I referenced also said that, but explained the reason was not due to RomneyCare. Also, healthcare costs in MA were already among the highest even before RomneyCare.

Cue the RomneyCare references. It was Obama's fault for trying to emulate it. How cute. Try sidestepping the issues less, please.
Again -- if you pay taxes, you already pay for the healthcare of others. This is nothing new.

Yes I already pay taxes, and I pay too much. Now obama wants me to pay more so freeloading assholes like you won't have to pay anything. Go away!

Fuck you, buddy. I may even pay more in taxes than you and I provide health insurance for myself and my family. So don't even try to make this about me because you fail miserably.

You probably do, seeing I'm retired. How much do you figure you've paid in income tax so far?
Me fail? Never happen here, Fawn.
As if it's incumbent upon me to prove someone else wrong after they fail to prove themselves right.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I asked you about your statement, and yes, homey, it's for you to defend your statements.

Nowhere has Obamacare succeeded, and your statement, even if Romney care has worked is true, isn't obamacare.

ObamaCare doesn't even go into effect until next year. How does one prove something that hasn't happened yet, isn't failing.?

And other than scope, what is the substantial difference between RomneyCare and ObamaCare?
Massachusetts government didn't have to lie and trick people into it.
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As if it's incumbent upon me to prove someone else wrong after they fail to prove themselves right.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I asked you about your statement, and yes, homey, it's for you to defend your statements.

Nowhere has Obamacare succeeded, and your statement, even if Romney care has worked is true, isn't obamacare.

ObamaCare doesn't even go into effect until next year. How does one prove something that hasn't happened yet, isn't failing.?

And other than scope, what is the substantial difference between RomneyCare and ObamaCare?

They are different programs. The only thing about them that's the same is the mandate. And it was your claim they are the same.
Ame®icano;8105181 said:
I asked you about your statement, and yes, homey, it's for you to defend your statements.

Nowhere has Obamacare succeeded, and your statement, even if Romney care has worked is true, isn't obamacare.

ObamaCare doesn't even go into effect until next year. How does one prove something that hasn't happened yet, isn't failing.?

And other than scope, what is the substantial difference between RomneyCare and ObamaCare?
Massachusetts government didn't have to lie and trick people into it.

And while being pathetic, it was actually Constitutional. Democrats still don't grasp State rights or the meaning of the 10th amendment. It was immoral to non-liberals in Massachusetts, but it was at least Constitutional.
Ame®icano;8103085 said:
Boehner's shutdown? Who told you that?

Lemme guess, same asshole who said you can keep your insurance if you like it. And of course, you trust him. :cuckoo:

They refused to fund the government...they shut it down. Simple logic. Spin all you want. Won't change the facts. Too bad for you.

They did not refuse to fund the government. They offered several options. Obama is the one who said there would be no negotiation, even if it meant defaulting on the debt.

Obama who so patriotically voted against raising the debt ceiling in 2006.

None of them funded the ACA which they passed; therefore the government was not funded.
They refused to fund the government...they shut it down. Simple logic. Spin all you want. Won't change the facts. Too bad for you.

Sorry Spending bills originate in the House. The House has passed a budget every year. Spin all you want etc.

Yup. And they passed nine different bills that funded every single aspect of government just as the Democrats requested but postponed funding for Obamacare - the last one simply asked that the individual mandate be postponed for one year. So it was Obama and Harry Reid, who refused to compromise on that one issue, who shut down the government.

And it is small comfort but sweet irony that the fiasco that Obamacare is proving to be now has the Democrats clamoring to postpone implementation of Obamacare. :)

They could have just passed one bill that funded the government but they didn't do it; And they got blamed for the Boehner shutdown...just as they should have.
Ame®icano;8103486 said:
Ame®icano;8103085 said:
Boehner's shutdown? Who told you that?

Lemme guess, same asshole who said you can keep your insurance if you like it. And of course, you trust him. :cuckoo:

They refused to fund the government...they shut it down. Simple logic. Spin all you want. Won't change the facts. Too bad for you.

They refused to vote on omnibus spending. Google what "omnibus" means.
Back in 70s, Congress changed ways of funding the government (guess whose idea that was) and adopted idea of taking budgets for all the different departments and lump them together because it takes less time to discuss, vote on and pass a single omnibus bill than it would to try to vote on bills for each department.
So, they didn't refuse to fund the government, they voted on funding departments and programs separately, as they suppose to do it per Constitution, Article I, Section 7 that states: "all bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives, but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other bills." As you should know, with the power to tax implicitly comes the power to spend.

So next time, before you repeat another Obama lie, try reading about our Constitution instead.

yawn...past your bedtime kid.

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