Is Obama a liar?

I'm so glad you just put this up. Talk about great timing.

Because I just found the Washington Post's Fact Checker on his pledge.

whoopsies: Obama?s pledge that ?no one will take away? your health plan

Sure but if you read the New York Times there is clearly a difference between repeatedly insisting something you know is untrue and actually lying. He just simply misspoke a few dozen times. So it's basically the same thing as when he misspoke and implied he believed there are 57 states.

This goes to show just how retarded America's rightwingnuts are. Obama never implied he believed there are 57 states, yet rightards are so mired in stupid, they still can't figure it out. All they know is, dadgummit, he said 57 states!
I'm so glad you just put this up. Talk about great timing.

Because I just found the Washington Post's Fact Checker on his pledge.

whoopsies: Obama?s pledge that ?no one will take away? your health plan

Sure but if you read the New York Times there is clearly a difference between repeatedly insisting something you know is untrue and actually lying. He just simply misspoke a few dozen times. So it's basically the same thing as when he misspoke and implied he believed there are 57 states.

You ARE saying that tongue-in-cheek, yes? Even though your analysis of the typical NYT interpretation is spot on. :)

I continue to emphasize here, because our leftist friends will not, there are only two choices of reasonable conclusions re Obamacare and Barack Obama:

1. He is a shameless, blatant, calculated, and deliberate liar with no conscience or sense of remorse and no concern about how many people get hurt


2. He is the most ignorant, incompetent, clueless, and willfully stupid person to have ever occupied the White House.

Take your pick.
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I'm so glad you just put this up. Talk about great timing.

Because I just found the Washington Post's Fact Checker on his pledge.

whoopsies: Obama?s pledge that ?no one will take away? your health plan

Sure but if you read the New York Times there is clearly a difference between repeatedly insisting something you know is untrue and actually lying. He just simply misspoke a few dozen times. So it's basically the same thing as when he misspoke and implied he believed there are 57 states.

This goes to show just how retarded America's rightwingnuts are. Obama never implied he believed there are 57 states, yet rightards are so mired in stupid, they still can't figure it out. All they know is, dadgummit, he said 57 states!

I could accept "57 states" statement from someone who's not born in US and knows nothing about it. Not from magna cum laude from Harvard. I dont think that average second grader would say something like that.

While we're at it, someone who graduated with honors should be proud of it, instead of hiding it. You see, I could understand if McCain tried to hide his college records, he at least has reason for it cause he sucked.

But hey, what do I know, I'm uniformed and stupid.
I'm so glad you just put this up. Talk about great timing.

Because I just found the Washington Post's Fact Checker on his pledge.

whoopsies: Obama?s pledge that ?no one will take away? your health plan

Sure but if you read the New York Times there is clearly a difference between repeatedly insisting something you know is untrue and actually lying. He just simply misspoke a few dozen times. So it's basically the same thing as when he misspoke and implied he believed there are 57 states.

This goes to show just how retarded America's rightwingnuts are. Obama never implied he believed there are 57 states, yet rightards are so mired in stupid, they still can't figure it out. All they know is, dadgummit, he said 57 states!

"corpseman" he said it 4 times in one speech. Is he really that ignorant, or did he mispronouce it on purpose? it has to be one or the other.
Ame®icano;8108126 said:
Ame®icano;8107878 said:
You yawned and called me a kid with intent to insult me.

What other response you could expect? To call you a whore? :eusa_hand:

In the ever-shrinking vocabulary the right wing has to describe women they can't intimidate...I fully expect it.

Sorry for not living up to your expectations.

You say that by reflex?
Ame®icano;8108158 said:
Ame®icano;8107903 said:
Changing the subject, I see. Typical.

We're talking about is Obama liar or not.
What approval of congress, last night election and most popular republican has to do with it?

Politics...give it some thought when you sober up...

This covers two rules from liberal playbook.

12. RESORT TO INSULTS. Try to question you opponent’s masculinity, his resolve, ANYTHING, but try to diminish and demean him.
14. SPEAK CRYPTICALLY. Try to make it difficult for people to divine your meaning

Damn...I wrote that playbook; someone has added some rules!!!
Ame®icano;8108388 said:
Sure but if you read the New York Times there is clearly a difference between repeatedly insisting something you know is untrue and actually lying. He just simply misspoke a few dozen times. So it's basically the same thing as when he misspoke and implied he believed there are 57 states.

This goes to show just how retarded America's rightwingnuts are. Obama never implied he believed there are 57 states, yet rightards are so mired in stupid, they still can't figure it out. All they know is, dadgummit, he said 57 states!

I could accept "57 states" statement from someone who's not born in US and knows nothing about it. Not from magna cum laude from Harvard. I dont think that average second grader would say something like that.

While we're at it, someone who graduated with honors should be proud of it, instead of hiding it. You see, I could understand if McCain tried to hide his college records, he at least has reason for it cause he sucked.

But hey, what do I know, I'm uniformed and stupid.

I CAN give somebody a pass on something like the 57 states--who among us has not at some time or other had a misspeak like that, most especially when we were extra tired or distracted? There are times I can't repeat my own phone number accurately and it is only later that I realized I gave somebody the wrong number and have to call them to correct it.

But there is a huge difference between this inadvertent and funny but forgivable gaffe:

[ame=]Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States - YouTube[/ame]

and this repeated in various forms almost two dozen times that are documented, and no doubt many other times that weren't so carefully noted:

[ame=]"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube[/ame]

The first video is of a guy who was tired and not thinking clearly after being on the campaign trail for months.

The second is of a blatant, cynical, and cruel liar - or - a totally clueless, incompetent idiot who never should have held any position in the White House.
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Ame®icano;8108388 said:
Sure but if you read the New York Times there is clearly a difference between repeatedly insisting something you know is untrue and actually lying. He just simply misspoke a few dozen times. So it's basically the same thing as when he misspoke and implied he believed there are 57 states.

This goes to show just how retarded America's rightwingnuts are. Obama never implied he believed there are 57 states, yet rightards are so mired in stupid, they still can't figure it out. All they know is, dadgummit, he said 57 states!

I could accept "57 states" statement from someone who's not born in US and knows nothing about it. Not from magna cum laude from Harvard. I dont think that average second grader would say something like that.

While we're at it, someone who graduated with honors should be proud of it, instead of hiding it. You see, I could understand if McCain tried to hide his college records, he at least has reason for it cause he sucked.

But hey, what do I know, I'm uniformed and stupid.
How truly bizarre? So a magna cum laud from Harvard Law school is supposed to be so perfect, that even when tired, they cannot make a mistake? No wonder so many righties refer to Obama as a "messiah." You expect perfection from a human being.

As far as graduating with honors .... Seems he is proud since he's not hiding that. If he were, you wouldn't know he graduated magna cum laud from Harvard Law school.

As far as the rest of your post, I wholeheartedly agree.
Ame®icano;8108126 said:
In the ever-shrinking vocabulary the right wing has to describe women they can't intimidate...I fully expect it.

Sorry for not living up to your expectations.

You say that by reflex?

From rules of liberal playbook:
12. RESORT TO INSULTS.* Try to question you opponent’s masculinity, his resolve, ANYTHING, but try to diminish and demean him.
18. BAIT YOUR OPPONENT. Needle him, tease him, call him names until he makes an inappropriate post, then scream bloody murder.

No, I was being polite. Reflex is all yours.

*(This is know as the “LBJ Rule” codified by him thus: “Accuse your opponent of being a pig fornicator, then make him deny it.) REMEMBER, IF YOU HAVE TO RESORT TO THIS TACTIC, IT MEANS YOUR OPPONENT IS WINNING!
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Sure but if you read the New York Times there is clearly a difference between repeatedly insisting something you know is untrue and actually lying. He just simply misspoke a few dozen times. So it's basically the same thing as when he misspoke and implied he believed there are 57 states.

This goes to show just how retarded America's rightwingnuts are. Obama never implied he believed there are 57 states, yet rightards are so mired in stupid, they still can't figure it out. All they know is, dadgummit, he said 57 states!

"corpseman" he said it 4 times in one speech. Is he really that ignorant, or did he mispronouce it on purpose? it has to be one or the other.
Seems he didn't know how to pronounce the word. As strange as that is, it pales in comparison to a rightie bringing attention to it after they elected George Bush, the president who so frequently spit out verbal flubs and malapropisms, the term, "Bushism," was coined.

Given that, one might expect righties to position themselves in a more humble manner, but then I suppose desperation breeds contempt, not humility.
Here it comes! The "Press" is beginning to abandon their "golden boy":

The Star-Ledger, the largest newspaper in New Jersey, endorsed President Barack Obama for re-election last October. A little more than a year later, the paper’s editorial board has drawn parallels with Obama and Richard Nixon.

Which Major Newspaper Is Comparing Obama to Nixon?
Specifically, the newspaper cited his widely disputed statements on Obamacare, the National Security Agency’s spying on foreign allies, and on dealing with Syria’s chemical weapons, and asked, “What’s the public to believe?”

In the editorial, which carried the headline, “Obama’s Growing Credibility Gap,” the board wrote: “It’s more than not just an old wives’ tale that a politician is only as good as his word. It’s mostly true.”

“(A politician) can lose an election — even more than one, as Richard Nixon proved — and still win the voters favor,” the editorial said of the president who left office in disgrace after the the Watergate scandal. “But he’s in real trouble if the paying public stops believing what he says, as Nixon also discovered. That’s why President Obama’s real problem is not so much the botched rollout of the Affordable Care Act, but the growing sense he doesn’t tell the whole truth, or doesn’t know it. Either can be fatal for leader.”

The editorial referred to Obama’s tortured explanation for having “sworn on a stack of speeches that everyone who’s happy with his or her current health insurance can keep it under Obamacare.”

The Star-Ledger did not directly accuse Obama of lying, but assumed he either didn’t know or decided to “fudge” the truth.

“The president got it wrong. But why is unclear. Was he misinformed?” the Star-Ledger asked. “Did he just misunderstand? Did he not take enough time to comprehend a complex law that would affect almost every American, as incomprehensible as that seems? Or did he just deliberately fudge it?”

While accusing European allies of hypocrisy for their public outrage over the NSA eavesdropping, the president’s reaction is also puzzling for the paper’s editorial board.

“What’s troubling here is the suggestion Obama didn’t know we were eavesdropping on German Chancellor Angela Merkel,” the paper said. “Actually, it’s not clear what’s true — wasn’t he told, or is he dissembling? Either way, he risks suffering a loss of public confidence.”

On another foreign policy issue, the paper criticized the president’s lack of following through with the Assad regime in Syria, a matter White House press secretary Jay Carney said was a key second term success.

“How about the ‘red line’ in Syria, Obama’s declaration that any use of poison gas by the Assad regime would bring a U.S. military response?” the paper said. “In the absence of such a response, Obama has labored to parse that commitment to make it seem less ironclad.” only took them 5 years to figure out what a thug this clown is…...
Seems you've got your wires crossed. I can't help if you possess the intelligence of a rock and believe that pointing out how something which has not yet reached its conclusion has not failed ... is the same as claiming it is successful.

I even tried to dumb it down with a football game analogy so even a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal could understand it, but regrettably, even that sailed clear over your head.

Hey, weren't you the one telling me you may be old, but you're not stupid? Looks like I was wrong to just accept your word for that, huh?

So something that is failing as we speak has not failed? What happened with the exchange roll-out? The employer mandate?
So far, it has failed miserably, hasn't it. No the whole thing has not failed... YET, but if the bits and pieces already implemented (or postponed) are any indication of the competence with which the ACA has been built, a logical mind would predict failure.
It's a shame Liberals aren't blessed with logic.
That's beyond stupid. ObamaCare is about healthcare. Things like a nonfunctional website, while a failure on its own, offers no glimpse into the future over the success or failure of healthcare under ObamaCare.

Again, dumbing this down for knuckle-dragging Neanderthals .... that would be like saying it's an indication the Packers' will fail because fans can't purchase tickets through their website yet or because some players are going to miss the first game of next year's season due to injuries.
The people managing/ assigning no bid contracts for the exchange web
sites will be administering your health care. If that doesn't scare the shit out of you, what will?

The woman can't choose a contractor to build a frigging website that works. Do you want Sebilius in charge of 15% of the US economy? Do you want here making YOUR health care decisions for you?
Well, Obama is either lying in his speeches or lying on his White House website:


Title I. Quality, Affordable Health Care for All Americans | The White House
I'm so glad you just put this up. Talk about great timing.

Because I just found the Washington Post's Fact Checker on his pledge.

whoopsies: Obama?s pledge that ?no one will take away? your health plan

Sure but if you read the New York Times there is clearly a difference between repeatedly insisting something you know is untrue and actually lying. He just simply misspoke a few dozen times. So it's basically the same thing as when he misspoke and implied he believed there are 57 states.

This goes to show just how retarded America's rightwingnuts are. Obama never implied he believed there are 57 states, yet rightards are so mired in stupid, they still can't figure it out. All they know is, dadgummit, he said 57 states!

You're right. He meant to imply there were 58 states. He said he had been to 57 and had one more to go.
This goes to show just how retarded America's rightwingnuts are. Obama never implied he believed there are 57 states, yet rightards are so mired in stupid, they still can't figure it out. All they know is, dadgummit, he said 57 states!

"corpseman" he said it 4 times in one speech. Is he really that ignorant, or did he mispronouce it on purpose? it has to be one or the other.
Seems he didn't know how to pronounce the word. As strange as that is, it pales in comparison to a rightie bringing attention to it after they elected George Bush, the president who so frequently spit out verbal flubs and malapropisms, the term, "Bushism," was coined.

Given that, one might expect righties to position themselves in a more humble manner, but then I suppose desperation breeds contempt, not humility.

Oh, Bush argument at last.

Difference is, we laugh at Bushisms, without need to defend him.
Ame®icano;8109007 said:
"corpseman" he said it 4 times in one speech. Is he really that ignorant, or did he mispronouce it on purpose? it has to be one or the other.
Seems he didn't know how to pronounce the word. As strange as that is, it pales in comparison to a rightie bringing attention to it after they elected George Bush, the president who so frequently spit out verbal flubs and malapropisms, the term, "Bushism," was coined.

Given that, one might expect righties to position themselves in a more humble manner, but then I suppose desperation breeds contempt, not humility.

Oh, Bush argument at last.

Difference is, we laugh at Bushisms, without need to defend him.

You see, Faun, when Bush was tired and confused looking; or unsure of something; or misspoke.....The press poked fun at him, his staff poked fun at him and his supporters poked fun at him.

When Obama does the same?

Those that poke fun at him are racists; hateful people; want babies to die.

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