Is Obama a liar?

Ame®icano;8108388 said:
This goes to show just how retarded America's rightwingnuts are. Obama never implied he believed there are 57 states, yet rightards are so mired in stupid, they still can't figure it out. All they know is, dadgummit, he said 57 states!

I could accept "57 states" statement from someone who's not born in US and knows nothing about it. Not from magna cum laude from Harvard. I dont think that average second grader would say something like that.

While we're at it, someone who graduated with honors should be proud of it, instead of hiding it. You see, I could understand if McCain tried to hide his college records, he at least has reason for it cause he sucked.

But hey, what do I know, I'm uniformed and stupid.
How truly bizarre? So a magna cum laud from Harvard Law school is supposed to be so perfect, that even when tired, they cannot make a mistake? No wonder so many righties refer to Obama as a "messiah." You expect perfection from a human being.

As far as graduating with honors .... Seems he is proud since he's not hiding that. If he were, you wouldn't know he graduated magna cum laud from Harvard Law school.

As far as the rest of your post, I wholeheartedly agree.

Louis Farakhan was the first to call obama the "Messiah" Is he a righty?

No, we don't expect perfection from anyone, but we do expect to hear the truth from a President, or at least a mea culpa when something he repeatedly promises, fails to materialize.
This goes to show just how retarded America's rightwingnuts are. Obama never implied he believed there are 57 states, yet rightards are so mired in stupid, they still can't figure it out. All they know is, dadgummit, he said 57 states!

"corpseman" he said it 4 times in one speech. Is he really that ignorant, or did he mispronouce it on purpose? it has to be one or the other.
Seems he didn't know how to pronounce the word. As strange as that is, it pales in comparison to a rightie bringing attention to it after they elected George Bush, the president who so frequently spit out verbal flubs and malapropisms, the term, "Bushism," was coined.

Given that, one might expect righties to position themselves in a more humble manner, but then I suppose desperation breeds contempt, not humility.

I'm sure you NEVER criticized President Bush's malapropisms, did you?

Then why is it wrong to return the favor here?

Is it because he is black?
Ame®icano;8108388 said:
I could accept "57 states" statement from someone who's not born in US and knows nothing about it. Not from magna cum laude from Harvard. I dont think that average second grader would say something like that.

While we're at it, someone who graduated with honors should be proud of it, instead of hiding it. You see, I could understand if McCain tried to hide his college records, he at least has reason for it cause he sucked.

But hey, what do I know, I'm uniformed and stupid.
How truly bizarre? So a magna cum laud from Harvard Law school is supposed to be so perfect, that even when tired, they cannot make a mistake? No wonder so many righties refer to Obama as a "messiah." You expect perfection from a human being.

As far as graduating with honors .... Seems he is proud since he's not hiding that. If he were, you wouldn't know he graduated magna cum laud from Harvard Law school.

As far as the rest of your post, I wholeheartedly agree.

Louis Farakhan was the first to call obama the "Messiah" Is he a righty?

No, we don't expect perfection from anyone, but we do expect to hear the truth from a President, or at least a mea culpa when something he repeatedly promises, fails to materialize.

Yep. The Obama administration has scoured Youtube to obliterate the many videos of Farrakhan's address that set the stage for Obama being the 'messiah that has come', but they have missed this recorded version so far. . . . .you can google Farrakhan and Obama the Messiah Youtube and you'll find gazillions of hits of that presentation--all now deleted--

[ame=]Farrakhan Heralds Obama as Messiah - YouTube[/ame]

It's not much difference than the damage control Obama is now trying to do with his many recorded messages, most on youtube, that are out there with his lies. Even the leftwing media is having to admit he is now blatantly lying about his previous lies. :)
So something that is failing as we speak has not failed? What happened with the exchange roll-out? The employer mandate?
So far, it has failed miserably, hasn't it. No the whole thing has not failed... YET, but if the bits and pieces already implemented (or postponed) are any indication of the competence with which the ACA has been built, a logical mind would predict failure.
It's a shame Liberals aren't blessed with logic.
That's beyond stupid. ObamaCare is about healthcare. Things like a nonfunctional website, while a failure on its own, offers no glimpse into the future over the success or failure of healthcare under ObamaCare.

Again, dumbing this down for knuckle-dragging Neanderthals .... that would be like saying it's an indication the Packers' will fail because fans can't purchase tickets through their website yet or because some players are going to miss the first game of next year's season due to injuries.
The people managing/ assigning no bid contracts for the exchange web
sites will be administering your health care. If that doesn't scare the shit out of you, what will?

The woman can't choose a contractor to build a frigging website that works. Do you want Sebilius in charge of 15% of the US economy? Do you want here making YOUR health care decisions for you?
Wrong. The government is not administering healthcare. Insurance companies will be continuing to do that just as they have in the past.
Sure but if you read the New York Times there is clearly a difference between repeatedly insisting something you know is untrue and actually lying. He just simply misspoke a few dozen times. So it's basically the same thing as when he misspoke and implied he believed there are 57 states.

This goes to show just how retarded America's rightwingnuts are. Obama never implied he believed there are 57 states, yet rightards are so mired in stupid, they still can't figure it out. All they know is, dadgummit, he said 57 states!

You're right. He meant to imply there were 58 states. He said he had been to 57 and had one more to go.
Dayam, even with counting on your fingers, you still can't get it right?? LMAO!
That's beyond stupid. ObamaCare is about healthcare. Things like a nonfunctional website, while a failure on its own, offers no glimpse into the future over the success or failure of healthcare under ObamaCare.

Again, dumbing this down for knuckle-dragging Neanderthals .... that would be like saying it's an indication the Packers' will fail because fans can't purchase tickets through their website yet or because some players are going to miss the first game of next year's season due to injuries.
The people managing/ assigning no bid contracts for the exchange web
sites will be administering your health care. If that doesn't scare the shit out of you, what will?

The woman can't choose a contractor to build a frigging website that works. Do you want Sebilius in charge of 15% of the US economy? Do you want here making YOUR health care decisions for you?
Wrong. The government is not administering healthcare. Insurance companies will be continuing to do that just as they have in the past.
Oh Geeeses! A 2500 page bill and 30,000 pages of regulations telling us all how obunglecare is supposed to work and the government is not administering health care? Are you brain dead? There is no other explanation.
This goes to show just how retarded America's rightwingnuts are. Obama never implied he believed there are 57 states, yet rightards are so mired in stupid, they still can't figure it out. All they know is, dadgummit, he said 57 states!

You're right. He meant to imply there were 58 states. He said he had been to 57 and had one more to go.
Dayam, even with counting on your fingers, you still can't get it right?? LMAO!

Yup. That's what he said followed by "I haven't been to Alaska or Hawaii yet.

[ame=]Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States - YouTube[/ame]

So, according to him, are there 57, 58 or 59 states?
Ame®icano;8108388 said:
I could accept "57 states" statement from someone who's not born in US and knows nothing about it. Not from magna cum laude from Harvard. I dont think that average second grader would say something like that.

While we're at it, someone who graduated with honors should be proud of it, instead of hiding it. You see, I could understand if McCain tried to hide his college records, he at least has reason for it cause he sucked.

But hey, what do I know, I'm uniformed and stupid.
How truly bizarre? So a magna cum laud from Harvard Law school is supposed to be so perfect, that even when tired, they cannot make a mistake? No wonder so many righties refer to Obama as a "messiah." You expect perfection from a human being.

As far as graduating with honors .... Seems he is proud since he's not hiding that. If he were, you wouldn't know he graduated magna cum laud from Harvard Law school.

As far as the rest of your post, I wholeheartedly agree.

Louis Farakhan was the first to call obama the "Messiah" Is he a righty?

No, we don't expect perfection from anyone, but we do expect to hear the truth from a President, or at least a mea culpa when something he repeatedly promises, fails to materialize.
You really can't get anything right, can you?

No, Farrakhan was not the first. Rush Limbaugh started that. Farrakhan was merely mocking Limbaugh.

But now I understand why so many righties refer to Obama as a "Messiah." Being a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard Law school, many righties expect him to be perfect, beyond the capabilities of us mere mortals.
"corpseman" he said it 4 times in one speech. Is he really that ignorant, or did he mispronouce it on purpose? it has to be one or the other.
Seems he didn't know how to pronounce the word. As strange as that is, it pales in comparison to a rightie bringing attention to it after they elected George Bush, the president who so frequently spit out verbal flubs and malapropisms, the term, "Bushism," was coined.

Given that, one might expect righties to position themselves in a more humble manner, but then I suppose desperation breeds contempt, not humility.

I'm sure you NEVER criticized President Bush's malapropisms, did you?

Then why is it wrong to return the favor here?

Is it because he is black?
I already explained the difference. I can only hope you understand why I'm not shocked you don't get it.
How truly bizarre? So a magna cum laud from Harvard Law school is supposed to be so perfect, that even when tired, they cannot make a mistake? No wonder so many righties refer to Obama as a "messiah." You expect perfection from a human being.

As far as graduating with honors .... Seems he is proud since he's not hiding that. If he were, you wouldn't know he graduated magna cum laud from Harvard Law school.

As far as the rest of your post, I wholeheartedly agree.

Louis Farakhan was the first to call obama the "Messiah" Is he a righty?

No, we don't expect perfection from anyone, but we do expect to hear the truth from a President, or at least a mea culpa when something he repeatedly promises, fails to materialize.
You really can't get anything right, can you?

No, Farrakhan was not the first. Rush Limbaugh started that. Farrakhan was merely mocking Limbaugh.

But now I understand why so many righties refer to Obama as a "Messiah." Being a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard Law school, many righties expect him to be perfect, beyond the capabilities of us mere mortals.
It was the other way around, you fool. Limbaugh frequently uses stupid people's own words to mock them. This case was no different.
Seems he didn't know how to pronounce the word. As strange as that is, it pales in comparison to a rightie bringing attention to it after they elected George Bush, the president who so frequently spit out verbal flubs and malapropisms, the term, "Bushism," was coined.

Given that, one might expect righties to position themselves in a more humble manner, but then I suppose desperation breeds contempt, not humility.

I'm sure you NEVER criticized President Bush's malapropisms, did you?

Then why is it wrong to return the favor here?

Is it because he is black?
I already explained the difference. I can only hope you understand why I'm not shocked you don't get it.

Because I have more than your 2 functioning brain cells?
Louis Farakhan was the first to call obama the "Messiah" Is he a righty?

No, we don't expect perfection from anyone, but we do expect to hear the truth from a President, or at least a mea culpa when something he repeatedly promises, fails to materialize.
You really can't get anything right, can you?

No, Farrakhan was not the first. Rush Limbaugh started that. Farrakhan was merely mocking Limbaugh.

But now I understand why so many righties refer to Obama as a "Messiah." Being a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard Law school, many righties expect him to be perfect, beyond the capabilities of us mere mortals.
It was the other way around, you fool. Limbaugh frequently uses stupid people's own words to mock them. This case was no different.

LOL -- maybe Faun thinks Rush made up "Obama the 'Magic Negro'" too. SMH. The media has done a HUGE disservice in demonizing the right for calling out the outrageousness of the left. America is paying on a grand scale for feeding the delusion.
I'm so glad you just put this up. Talk about great timing.

Because I just found the Washington Post's Fact Checker on his pledge.

whoopsies: Obama?s pledge that ?no one will take away? your health plan

Sure but if you read the New York Times there is clearly a difference between repeatedly insisting something you know is untrue and actually lying. He just simply misspoke a few dozen times. So it's basically the same thing as when he misspoke and implied he believed there are 57 states.

You ARE saying that tongue-in-cheek, yes? Even though your analysis of the typical NYT interpretation is spot on. :)

I continue to emphasize here, because our leftist friends will not, there are only two choices of reasonable conclusions re Obamacare and Barack Obama:

1. He is a shameless, blatant, calculated, and deliberate liar with no conscience or sense of remorse and no concern about how many people get hurt


2. He is the most ignorant, incompetent, clueless, and willfully stupid person to have ever occupied the White House.

Take your pick.

Well, if you want to get technical, it's a mixture of both.
Going back through and rereading some of the bizarro-world Messianic crap people have said about Obama and came across this one which seems particularly ironic.

“Bill Clinton, with all his effortless, winking charm, didn’t have what Obama has, which is a sort of powerful luminosity, a unique high-vibration integrity.” -- Mark Morford

roflmao -- unique high-vibration integrity -- bahahahahaha
You're right. He meant to imply there were 58 states. He said he had been to 57 and had one more to go.
Dayam, even with counting on your fingers, you still can't get it right?? LMAO!

Yup. That's what he said followed by "I haven't been to Alaska or Hawaii yet.

[ame=]Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States - YouTube[/ame]

So, according to him, are there 57, 58 or 59 states?
What the hell?? You need help adding 57 + 1 + 2????

Geez Louise!

You really are old and stupid. Don't ever deny that again.

By the way, before you embarrass yourself any further, the answer you can't seem to calculate is ..... 60. Obama's gaffe insinuated there are 60 U.S. states.
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Pre ACA passage: If you like your health plan you can keep it.

Post ACA: You will be getting a better plan.

The answer is obvious.

This is his bill so don't give me that he didn't know bs.

Wake the fuck up America. Vote Republican or independent and insist that this disaster gets overturned.

And yes fake Jake I know it's the law of the land FOR NOW

Of course he knew he lied. The only believable reason given is that he felt the ends justified the means. He lied on purpose to prevent the country from getting angry and opposing the stupid law.

Yes, because he lied and because the idiots passed it without it being read, it's the law of the land. Does that really mean anything these days? Immigration laws have been around even longer and the administration chooses to ignore those.

Any time one of the Democrats are asked if they read the bill, they quickly point out how many pages is in it. So what. They could have read it by now or at least consulted with experts who actually know how to read and then they'd be familiar with it. They've had a couple years to read it now. Are they that fucking slow? How long do they need? Or do they figure since it's law, there is no need to worry about it now? Passing laws that they understand nothing about should be a serious crime.

How can any liberal politician or Obama supporter defend anything in it? When people read it after it was illegally passed and started making some disturbing language found in the bill public, the libs called them liars. Some here called others liars for claiming that people would lose their insurance and their jobs, that rates would go up, that illegals would be covered, that we'd have fewer doctors and that there would be death panels.

Okay, now we know people are losing their insurance, their jobs, the rates are way up, illegals are covered and doctors are quitting. Obamacare will not allow elderly to get the same treatment they get now. Obama himself said sometimes pain pills are better than a pacemaker. Considering the radicals in Obama's administration, I wouldn't be surprised to see population control measures throughout the law.

Muslims are said to be exempt because they consider it gambling to buy insurance. The libs will dutifully deny anything that sounds negative. If it turns out to be true, then they'll somehow claim it's fair or better. I wish I could train my dog as well as Obama has trained his Obamabots.

Come on, libs, you said everything Obama said was true and now we know they were lies. Are you still going to defend the shit he's saying now.

Now he's seeking to convince Americans that he didn't say what we heard over and over for months. How insulting. Doesn't he realize that only his useful idiots will buy that crap? Nothing like rewriting his words after the fact in a pathetic attempt to cover lies. He never once said that people could only keep their plans only if they didn't change after the law was passed. Fucking liar. We all know what he said. He repeated it so many times that there is no question.

Great post, thanks! There is a good article in today's Wash. Times that correlates Orwell's 1984 with this administration.
How truly bizarre? So a magna cum laud from Harvard Law school is supposed to be so perfect, that even when tired, they cannot make a mistake? .

Oh, he was tired...of course...


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