Is Obama a liar?

Hmmm, lies. Other lies: ACA kills jobs; guts medicare; creates death panels; leads to govt takeover; worse than slavery.

Hyperpartisanship is alive in both parties.
Hmmm, lies. Other lies: ACA kills jobs; guts medicare; creates death panels; leads to govt takeover; worse than slavery.

Hyperpartisanship is alive in both parties.

obama lied. Period.

And you're sticking up for a liar and denying he lied. Period.

And I didn't say he didn't. You are ignoring the TeaPoCrap lies, dear.
what we have been seeing for the last four years are simply stall tactics. lying and lying until they have centralized power. Trying to convince us that everything has always been fine? Fox news and Rush are lying about the economy, lying about the 7.9 unemployment, lying about what really happened in Benghazi? and the leftist commentators have been told to always refer to Bush every time Obama screws up!
Yup. That's what he said followed by "I haven't been to Alaska or Hawaii yet.

Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States - YouTube

So, according to him, are there 57, 58 or 59 states?
What the hell?? You need help adding 57 + 1 + 2????

Geez Louise!

You really are old and stupid. Don't ever deny that again.

By the way, before you embarrass yourself any further, the answer you can't seem to calculate is ..... 60. Obama's gaffe insinuated there are 60 U.S. states.

OK You could read it that way. So suppose you tell me. How many states ARE there? Are there 57? OOOPS 1 more. 58. He hasn't been to Alaska or Hawaii? 58? Crap! There's the one he hasn't gotten to yet.Is it Alaska, Hawaii, or another state we didn't have until the Messiah Miraculously created it? 59 for sure. Maybe 60.

Here's the funny thing ... while it's obvious that Obama gaffed and said 57 instead of 47, it's not a gaffe that you and your fellow rightards think he said there are 57 U.S. states, That's just plain mental deficiency and the inability to resolve even simple mathematical logic problems.

And you call me old and stupid, all the while applauding ACA as not a failure, excusing the 57, 58, 59 or 60 states blunder and denying that he LIED when he said we could keep our plans. Does anyone else here see where that makes ME stupid?

Here's yet another demonstration of just how old and stupid you are ... I never said he didn't lie about keeping our plans. :cuckoo:

It's not just that I'm calling you old and stupid -- you're demonstrating that repeatedly.
The POTUS said if you like your ins. you can keep it...without exception. Some dont want better policies and that is their right; ignorant or otherwise.

From rules for liberals:

1. SHOW UP WITH YOUR TALKING POINTS. Make sure you have something that you feel will show your opponents in a negative light, and make that the subject of the discussion.
15. CHANGE THE SUBJECT. Try to get it back to your original talking points (see #1 above)
16. APPEAR TO AGREE. You will need to do this in order to achieve #15.
Ame®icano;8112413 said:
The POTUS said if you like your ins. you can keep it...without exception. Some dont want better policies and that is their right; ignorant or otherwise.

From rules for liberals:

1. SHOW UP WITH YOUR TALKING POINTS. Make sure you have something that you feel will show your opponents in a negative light, and make that the subject of the discussion.
15. CHANGE THE SUBJECT. Try to get it back to your original talking points (see #1 above)
16. APPEAR TO AGREE. You will need to do this in order to achieve #15.

That's funny because you can easily exchange "Liberals" for "Conservatives" and it will be no different.
ame®icano;8112413 said:
the potus said if you like your ins. You can keep it...without exception. Some dont want better policies and that is their right; ignorant or otherwise.

from rules for liberals:

1. show up with your talking points. make sure you have something that you feel will show your opponents in a negative light, and make that the subject of the discussion.
15. change the subject. try to get it back to your original talking points (see #1 above)
16. appear to agree. you will need to do this in order to achieve #15.

that's funny because you can easily exchange "liberals" for "conservatives" and it will be no different.

From rules for liberals:

10. If your party is attacked, attempt to turn the tables by inferring that the other party is just as bad.
What the hell?? You need help adding 57 + 1 + 2????

Geez Louise!

You really are old and stupid. Don't ever deny that again.

By the way, before you embarrass yourself any further, the answer you can't seem to calculate is ..... 60. Obama's gaffe insinuated there are 60 U.S. states.

OK You could read it that way. So suppose you tell me. How many states ARE there? Are there 57? OOOPS 1 more. 58. He hasn't been to Alaska or Hawaii? 58? Crap! There's the one he hasn't gotten to yet.Is it Alaska, Hawaii, or another state we didn't have until the Messiah Miraculously created it? 59 for sure. Maybe 60.

Here's the funny thing ... while it's obvious that Obama gaffed and said 57 instead of 47, it's not a gaffe that you and your fellow rightards think he said there are 57 U.S. states, That's just plain mental deficiency and the inability to resolve even simple mathematical logic problems.


So we are stupid because we didn't get his error right? Sycophant!
Ame®icano;8112413 said:
The POTUS said if you like your ins. you can keep it...without exception. Some dont want better policies and that is their right; ignorant or otherwise.

From rules for liberals:

1. SHOW UP WITH YOUR TALKING POINTS. Make sure you have something that you feel will show your opponents in a negative light, and make that the subject of the discussion.
15. CHANGE THE SUBJECT. Try to get it back to your original talking points (see #1 above)
16. APPEAR TO AGREE. You will need to do this in order to achieve #15.

That's funny because you can easily exchange "Liberals" for "Conservatives" and it will be no different.

Let the simple minded fool have his fun....

The whole "Rules for ____________" was old back in 2006. Boy-blunder thinks he has discovered something. :lol:
Fake Jake is like a cat chasing his tail trying to excuse Obama.

Rule 16 says I have to appear to agree with you...

Those saying Obama didn't lie are being pretty silly. When you make absolute statements and they don't pan out, it's a's pretty simple. Obama made absolute statements. I don't think he had sinister intent (as you likely do) but that doesn't matter...he lied when he said you could keep your insurance.
Going back through and rereading some of the bizarro-world Messianic crap people have said about Obama and came across this one which seems particularly ironic.

“Bill Clinton, with all his effortless, winking charm, didn’t have what Obama has, which is a sort of powerful luminosity, a unique high-vibration integrity.” -- Mark Morford

roflmao -- unique high-vibration integrity -- bahahahahaha

It was absolutely the leftists who took that 'messiah' ball and ran with it. And the Obama worshippers were just fine with it at the time. It is only now they want to pretend that it was not the case--even Obama himself tried to blame it on John McCain . But Obama isn't real good at taking any responsibility for himself or those who support him is he. Or being truthful about the way things are.

That's the subject of this thread is it not?

The 'messianic' allusions were not limited to Farrakhan either:

This Newsweek cover and story:


The popular news publication Newsweek recently released an online cover story about Barack Obama that has generated controversy among readers because of its large-lettered headline “The Second Coming.”

“Conservatives have long joked that the national press corps see Barack Obama as the second coming of Jesus Christ,” writes Brent Baker of Newsbusters. “Today, Newsweek … made it official.”

While writer Evan Thomas insinuates later within the body of the article that the comparison was rather to Abraham Lincoln, others have found the cover to be a messianic statement that makes a play of Scripture.

“Obama may not be the second coming of Lincoln, and our times are hardly as desperate as the civil war,” Thomas wrote. “But it’s a good bet that Obama is more ambivalent than he lets on about the proper roads fostering prosperity while at the same time, cutting red ink, a challenge that divides the best of economists.”

Baker noted that Thomas has declared Obama as being a God-like figure before.

“In a way, Obama’s standing above the country — above the world,” Thomas said during a 2009 interview on MSNBC. “He’s sort of God. He’s going to bring all different sides together.”

Many have been describing Obama as a type of messiah even before his first four years in office. Writer Dave Jolly notes that during the last election, Maggie Mertens, associate editor for the Smith College newspaper, penned an article entitled “I Will Follow Him: Obama as My Personal Jesus.”

“Obama is my homeboy. And I’m not saying that because he’s black – I’m saying that in reference to those Urban Outfitters t-shirts from a couple years ago that said, ‘Jesus is my homeboy,’” she wrote. “Yes, I just said it. Obama is my Jesus.”

Jolly also pointed to an editorial in the Danish newspaper Politiken, which stated, “Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus.”

Additionally, to mark Obama’s 100th day of presidency, artist Michael D’Antuono unveiled a painting that he had crafted, which depicted Obama in the oval office wearing a crown of thorns and raising his arms as if on the cross.

During the Democratic National Convention last September, a number of vendors offered products that depicted Obama as a messiah. One poster that was sold at the DNC displayed the head of Obama, which faded into a graphic of an open Bible with the word “Barak” highlighted. Above Obama was the headline “Prophesy Fulfilled.” To the left of the image, the poster read, “Barak is of Hebrew origin and its meaning is ‘flash of lightning.’ Barak is a valiant fighting man who cooperated with the prophetess Deborah to win victory in a battle against overwhelming odds. Hussein [means] good and handsome. So, you see, Barak was destined to be a good and handsome man that would rise like a flash of lightning to win victory in a battle against overwhelming odds.”

And numerous other references catalogued here:
Newsweek Hails Obama as Messianic ?Second Coming?? | Christian News Network

The book: The Gospel According to Barack Obama by a Florida professor, Barbara Thompson featured this cover:

Vendors at the DNC Convention 2008:
Vendors at the Democratic National Convention are selling their wares this week in promotion of the re-election of Barack Obama, with a number of items hailing the Democratic contender as the messiah.

One poster that is for sale displays the head of Obama, which fades into a graphic of an open Bible with the word “Barak” highlighted. Above Obama is the headline “Prophesy Fulfilled.” To the left of the image, the poster reads, “Barak is of Hebrew origin and its meaning is ‘flash of lightning.’
Idolatry at the DNC: Vendors Portray Obama as Messianic ?Fulfillment of Prophesy? | Christian News Network

Artist rendition by Michael D’Antuono that hung in a prominent Boston venue despite protests from groups who considered it blasphemy:

These are just a very few examples of the messianic references during 2008 and early 2009. Obama worship became a national cult.

And the leftist media ate it up just as the Obama worshippers continue to defend or justify everything he says no matter what:
[ame=]Chris Matthews' thrill up leg - YouTube[/ame]

And it certainly was exacerbated with Obama's own claim that with his election, this was the moment that the rise of the oceans began to slow and the planet began to heal:

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