Is obama a socilist, or a fascist?

Nonsense, my little narrative twister. You equate The Far Left with the Left, and by implication, the mainstream democrats. The rational left also admires Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Paine, Locke, Lincoln, and so forth. Just like the right does.

See, you don't get to revise history as if it is your own particular little garden to hoe.

Ok, explain the rational left and the far left to me? I'm talking about as it is NOW. Not things like classical liberalism. I'm a conservative, that IS a classical liberal (hence I dont support monarchy and am for as much freedom as possible) Who is rational liberal and who is far left?

No, you made the claim about the left, so it is your row to hoe, failed farmer.

And if you are talking about NOW, then your examples FROM BACK THEN don't count.

You are not a Classical Liberal if you are suggesting that such do not exist to the left of center as they do to the right of center. Classical Liberals tell the truth.

Sorry bro, what examples? Are you saying the NEW left doesnt like Marx or Rousseau or have a fondness for the French Revolution? Is that what you are saying?
WHo is the left of center, rational left? Got any EXAMPLES?
Actually, I am becoming convinced that Obama is neither a Socialist nor a Fascist. He is just rdeans twin brother. That would explain alot of weird stuff.
great post, but what's funny is when those labels are given that diversity is ALREADY taken into account. It's kind of the degree.

I like how liberals always try to get out of the labels, by saying that it's all or nothing. If I bet money that a serial killer was white or a black person would eat fried chicken, of course it's not ALWAYS that way, it's the percentages just work out that way

And if you dont like labels and categories, blame Aritstotle, he started and humans love em. It simplifies things and works better than you're willing to admit.

All true until libertarians and the far right (Oddball, Pale Rider, NeoTrotsky) want to make up their own definitions and insist we accept them despite historical and political tradition and narrative.

Sorry, didnt make em up. You have two main idelological concepts. American and European, which are somewhat related but have different historical reasons. The left Wing admires Marx, Rousseau, Debois, Keynes and the French Revolution. The right admires, Burke, Smith, Raynd, Hayek and the American Revolution. An over simplification, but that's the point. Due tell us your thoughts?

This is true. The reality of American concepts of left and right bear little resemblance to those definitions in Europe or in the dictionary definitions.

In America these days, the left is identified with larger, stronger, more authoritarian government that assigns the rights that the people will have and uses its power to order society in the way that it wants it to be. That is modern day American leftism/liberalism/progressiveism in a nutshell. And that is why in America, socialism, facism, and Marxism and all other forms of powerful government are leftist concepts.

Currently, both the Democratic and Republican Parties, at varying degrees, support mostly a leftist government.

In America these days the right is identified with recognition of and protection of unalienable rights along with the ability and freedom of a people to govern themselves and to utilize social contract rather than authoritarian governent to form whatever sorts of societies they wish to have. The concept is rooted in the philosophy of the Founders and the classical liberalism aka modern American conservatism that they promoted.

An older Wiki defnition of Classical Liberalism doesn't include all the concepts the Founders gave us, but it is pretty good for what it is (paragraphing and emphasis are mine):

Classical liberalism (also known as traditional liberalism[1], laissez-faire liberalism[2], market liberalism[3] or, outside the United States and Britain, sometimes simply liberalism) is a doctrine stressing individual freedom and limited government.

This includes the importance of human rationality, individual property rights, natural rights, the protection of civil liberties, individual freedom from restraint, constitutional limitation of government, free markets, and a gold standard to place fiscal constraints on government[4] as exemplified in the writings of John Locke, Adam Smith, David Hume, David Ricardo, Voltaire, Montesquieu and others.

As such, it is the fusion of economic liberalism with political liberalism of the late 18th and 19th centuries.[2] The "normative core" of classical liberalism is the idea that laissez-faire economics will bring about a spontaneous order or invisible hand that benefits the society,[5] though it does not necessarily oppose the state's provision of some basic public goods with what constitutes public goods being seen as very limited.[6]

The qualification classical was applied retroactively to distinguish it from more recent, 20th-century conceptions of liberalism and its related movements, such as social liberalism[7] and other forms of Collectivism, which promote a more interventionist role for the state in personal matters of the individual. Classical liberals are suspicious of all but the most minimal government[8] and object to the welfare state[9].

That definition has since been heavily edited but still embraces most of the meat within the definition:
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Ok, explain the rational left and the far left to me? I'm talking about as it is NOW. Not things like classical liberalism. I'm a conservative, that IS a classical liberal (hence I dont support monarchy and am for as much freedom as possible) Who is rational liberal and who is far left?

No, you made the claim about the left, so it is your row to hoe, failed farmer.

And if you are talking about NOW, then your examples FROM BACK THEN don't count.

You are not a Classical Liberal if you are suggesting that such do not exist to the left of center as they do to the right of center. Classical Liberals tell the truth.

Sorry bro, what examples? Are you saying the NEW left doesnt like Marx or Rousseau or have a fondness for the French Revolution? Is that what you are saying?
WHo is the left of center, rational left? Got any EXAMPLES?

You made an affirmative statement, using examples of individuals from the past, then you don't support that? I said nothing about the "NEW left": you did and conflated it with left of center and dems. The French Revolution's principles were supported by the arch conservative, Jefferson.

Do you really not know American history?
Is obama a socilist, or a fascist?

He's an American.

But I believe Republicans are on the side of al Qaeda.
1. They let Bin Laden go
Who did?I mean with all the information from waterboarding terrorists to get Bin Laden I guess you like it now, funny how results matter to democrats, except when it comes to their own programs

2. They invited al Qaeda into Iraq

Sorry al Qaeda was already in Iraq before we invaded, another lie

3. They bankupted this nation
So you're against Obama spending more in 4 years than Bush did in 8, I'm glad you see our side of it finally.

4. They sent our troops to Iraq with old and rusty equipmnet
And I guess you're agaisnt cutting defense then, need that NEW equipment

5. Bush said he stopped thinking about Bin Laden

yep, he did, didnt say he stopped going after him, but you'll probably belive they did, but somehow Obama just started it right back up and got no information from "interrogation". tell me when you see a unicorn

6. They gave no bid contracts in Iraq. Substandard housing was built and troops were electrocuted.
please give a link on this. You're for getting rid of no bid contracts? Run that by Pelosi and Reid and watch them laugh at you

7. They have done nothing for returning veterans
At least they dont spit on them

8. They want to cuts benefits for veterans SAys McCain joined OBAMA on cuts

9. They call the president a "socialist and fascist".
Truth hurts

10. When the economy was downgraded they said they got 98% of everything they wanted.
WTF give a link

I think the evidence is indisputable.What evidence?

That's just the top ten. I have lots more. The apology to BP. Sending jobs to China. Let him die. The list is endless.

Dean do you just get the feed from the Huff Post? I mean you're posts are boring.

And I love smacking you down like a midget wrestler.

Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about. Once again, it proves how ignorant Republicans are about their leadership.

Republicans closed the unit assigned to finding Bin Laden. Bush said didn't think about him. That, I believe.

Bin Laden and Saddam were enemies. Try to figure out why. It has something to do with Kuwait and Bush Sr. There was no al Qaeda in Iraq before the invasion.
Clearly, this is recent history. Go find out the truth on your own. If you can't, come back and I will "school" you.

Obama did not spend more than Bush. Bush left the cost of both wars out of his budget. Bush left the cost of the "Votes for Drugs" bill out of his budget. The money Obama spent saving the auto industry, saving the banks and the stimulus package has been almost completely repaid. The real cause of the growing deficit is a huge tax cut during a time of war. No president in history did that before Bush. Try to figure out why. If you can't, come back and I will school you on that also. Bush also didn't include the cost of taking care of tens of thousands of US troops maimed in Iraq. And the cost of rebuilding Iraq.

At least you admit they sent young American troops to Iraq with old and rusty equipment. The way you said it seems to indicate you "approve". Not sure I get that.

Boehner talking about the downgrade:

[ame=]Boehner Christmas II - YouTube[/ame]

See what I mean? Republicans don't don't what they are talking about. They can't prove anything. They spew the most ridiculous shit and then they walk away saying "Nailed it".
No, you made the claim about the left, so it is your row to hoe, failed farmer.

And if you are talking about NOW, then your examples FROM BACK THEN don't count.

You are not a Classical Liberal if you are suggesting that such do not exist to the left of center as they do to the right of center. Classical Liberals tell the truth.

Sorry bro, what examples? Are you saying the NEW left doesnt like Marx or Rousseau or have a fondness for the French Revolution? Is that what you are saying?
WHo is the left of center, rational left? Got any EXAMPLES?

You made an affirmative statement, using examples of individuals from the past, then you don't support that? I said nothing about the "NEW left": you did and conflated it with left of center and dems. The French Revolution's principles were supported by the arch conservative, Jefferson.

Do you really not know American history?

Well lets go, Jefferson did support the French Revolution AT FIRST. When it was about freedom and knocking off monarchy. The problem was they got power and killed anyone that they deemed a threat under the Committie of Public Safety (sounds like something a modern liberal would label, say Pro Choice). The French Revolution was the foundation for Marxism, before Marx.

About the New Left. what do you want to know. People in it, feminists (Gloria Steinem, Naomi Wolfe, ) , Civil Rights (Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, NAACP), Environmentalists (Earth First, ELF, ) Gay Rights (Act UP, Queer Nation, NAMBLA), Animal Rights (PETA, ALF ), Science (Center for Science in the Public Interest), Media (Media Matters).
Those are just a few groups of the New left.

These groups are pretty much all the same on issues and are basically like fronts (similar to money laundering, but you can call it political thought laundering). I have met people in many of these and they are crazy as hell.

These people believe in socialism as taught by Marx. They dont like private property, they HATE gun rights, they want everyone unionized, they want large taxes, they all believe in abortion (NO restrictions), they are all backers of gay rights, and they all fight for criminals (ie parole, lenient sentances, ect) The one thing is the public display of violence, some of these groups are more radical than others.

So now that I have done most of the talking, what is the "rational" left ans who is in it?
You are twisting now, bud, and it is obvious.

I said Jefferson supported the principles, which you ignored. He did not support the extreme violence.

Who says, "The French Revolution was the foundation for Marxism, before Marx"? Need a critical, reputable source. And if you argue that, then you are suggesting the arch conservative Jefferson supported proto-marxism.

You conflate mainstream and left of center figures such as and groups such as Gloria Steinem, Jesse Jackson, NAACP, Gay Rights with Extreme Leftist organizations such as ELF, NAMBLA etc. See? You prove my point that you conflate extremist lefties with the Dems and left of center and mainstream.

No, "These groups are" NOT "pretty much all the same on issues and are basically like fronts (similar to money laundering, but you can call it political thought laundering)."

I agree that you, though, are political laundering with a terminology and narrative not supported by our historical and political definitions and history.

The great majority all "in socialism as taught by Marx." "They" ALL "dont like private property, they HATE gun rights, they want everyone unionized, they want large taxes, they all believe in abortion (NO restrictions), they are all backers of gay rights, and they all fight for criminals (ie parole, lenient sentances, ect) . . ."? No, not at all.

No, you have done most of the talking but no critical thinking. Try again or fail.

I suspect, in fact, you are an extremist on the far right, far out of the American mainstream trying to pretend you are a GOP member.

You are not any such thing.
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You are twisting now, bud, and it is obvious.

I said Jefferson supported the principles, which you ignored. He did not support the extreme violence.

Who says, "The French Revolution was the foundation for Marxism, before Marx"? Need a critical, reputable source. And if you argue that, then you are suggesting the arch conservative Jefferson supported proto-marxism.

You conflate mainstream and left of center figures such as and groups such as Gloria Steinem, Jesse Jackson, NAACP, Gay Rights with Extreme Leftist organizations such as ELF, NAMBLA etc. See? You prove my point that you conflate extremist lefties with the Dems and left of center and mainstream.

No, "These groups are" NOT "pretty much all the same on issues and are basically like fronts (similar to money laundering, but you can call it political thought laundering)."

I agree that you, though, are political laundering with a terminology and narrative not supported by our historical and political definitions and history.

The great majority all "in socialism as taught by Marx." "They" ALL "dont like private property, they HATE gun rights, they want everyone unionized, they want large taxes, they all believe in abortion (NO restrictions), they are all backers of gay rights, and they all fight for criminals (ie parole, lenient sentances, ect) . . ."? No, not at all.

No, you have done most of the talking but no critical thinking. Try again or fail.

I suspect, in fact, you are an extremist on the far right, far out of the American mainstream trying to pretend you are a GOP member.

You are not any such thing.

Like I said Jefferson agreed with it at first, Heck even Burke did, but the violence is horrible, yet you still have new left people that LOVE the French Revolution and not just the begining.

Jake you criticise, so who are the "rational" left? Please educate me on the difference and who is in the side of liberalism?
You really think the NAACP is less radical than PETA? I mean what do they disagree on? OR is PETA part of the "rational" left?
So post something for us to look at.
You are twisting now, bud, and it is obvious.

I said Jefferson supported the principles, which you ignored. He did not support the extreme violence.

Who says, "The French Revolution was the foundation for Marxism, before Marx"? Need a critical, reputable source. And if you argue that, then you are suggesting the arch conservative Jefferson supported proto-marxism.

You conflate mainstream and left of center figures such as and groups such as Gloria Steinem, Jesse Jackson, NAACP, Gay Rights with Extreme Leftist organizations such as ELF, NAMBLA etc. See? You prove my point that you conflate extremist lefties with the Dems and left of center and mainstream.

No, "These groups are" NOT "pretty much all the same on issues and are basically like fronts (similar to money laundering, but you can call it political thought laundering)."

I agree that you, though, are political laundering with a terminology and narrative not supported by our historical and political definitions and history.

The great majority all "in socialism as taught by Marx." "They" ALL "dont like private property, they HATE gun rights, they want everyone unionized, they want large taxes, they all believe in abortion (NO restrictions), they are all backers of gay rights, and they all fight for criminals (ie parole, lenient sentances, ect) . . ."? No, not at all.

No, you have done most of the talking but no critical thinking. Try again or fail.

I suspect, in fact, you are an extremist on the far right, far out of the American mainstream trying to pretend you are a GOP member.

You are not any such thing.

Like I said Jefferson agreed with it at first, Heck even Burke did, but the violence is horrible, yet you still have new left people that LOVE the French Revolution and not just the begining.

Jake you criticise, so who are the "rational" left? Please educate me on the difference and who is in the side of liberalism?
You really think the NAACP is less radical than PETA? I mean what do they disagree on? OR is PETA part of the "rational" left?
So post something for us to look at.

You still conflate the New Left with the center, left of center, and democrats. They are not the same thing. Yes, the right and the left agree with the principles of the French Revolution, just not the violence.

You have yet to prove the French Revolution was protoMarxist. What a stupid comment by you, you know that?

The NAACP, women's lib, etc. are not PETA, ELF, or NAMBLA, and you know it.

You are getting your ass kicked because you are getting splattered with your tar brush.

Trying be historical and accurate: OK?
You are twisting now, bud, and it is obvious.

I said Jefferson supported the principles, which you ignored. He did not support the extreme violence.

Who says, "The French Revolution was the foundation for Marxism, before Marx"? Need a critical, reputable source. And if you argue that, then you are suggesting the arch conservative Jefferson supported proto-marxism.

You conflate mainstream and left of center figures such as and groups such as Gloria Steinem, Jesse Jackson, NAACP, Gay Rights with Extreme Leftist organizations such as ELF, NAMBLA etc. See? You prove my point that you conflate extremist lefties with the Dems and left of center and mainstream.

No, "These groups are" NOT "pretty much all the same on issues and are basically like fronts (similar to money laundering, but you can call it political thought laundering)."

I agree that you, though, are political laundering with a terminology and narrative not supported by our historical and political definitions and history.

The great majority all "in socialism as taught by Marx." "They" ALL "dont like private property, they HATE gun rights, they want everyone unionized, they want large taxes, they all believe in abortion (NO restrictions), they are all backers of gay rights, and they all fight for criminals (ie parole, lenient sentances, ect) . . ."? No, not at all.

No, you have done most of the talking but no critical thinking. Try again or fail.

I suspect, in fact, you are an extremist on the far right, far out of the American mainstream trying to pretend you are a GOP member.

You are not any such thing.

Like I said Jefferson agreed with it at first, Heck even Burke did, but the violence is horrible, yet you still have new left people that LOVE the French Revolution and not just the begining.

Jake you criticise, so who are the "rational" left? Please educate me on the difference and who is in the side of liberalism?
You really think the NAACP is less radical than PETA? I mean what do they disagree on? OR is PETA part of the "rational" left?
So post something for us to look at.

You still conflate the New Left with the center, left of center, and democrats. They are not the same thing. Yes, the right and the left agree with the principles of the French Revolution, just not the violence.

You have yet to prove the French Revolution was protoMarxist. What a stupid comment by you, you know that?

The NAACP, women's lib, etc. are not PETA, ELF, or NAMBLA, and you know it.

You are getting your ass kicked because you are getting splattered with your tar brush.

Trying be historical and accurate: OK?

Sorry bro, but you have not answered one question. I keep asking you WHO Are the "rational" left? And how do their policies differ from the NEW left? All I get is attacks on mine.
Karl Marx: The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
The German philosopher and founder of international communism, Karl Marx (1818–83), wrote on many occasions about the French Revolution, which he considered the first stage in an eventual worldwide proletarian revolution. In this relatively early work from 1852, Marx compares the French Revolution of 1789 with that of 1848. Marx considered the French Revolution the classic example of the "bourgeois revolution," in which capitalism overthrew feudalism, creating the legal conditions under which capitalism could flourish

He knew the results of the revolution and APPROVED of it as the first stage. you know the stages in his own Manifesto. So he supported the violence AND was influenced by the french revolution. Most people with a brain, know that the french revolution was the first real begining of modern communism. You had people who OVERTHREW VIOLENTLY (espoused by Marx and repeated by Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky). People who were ATheist (French Revolutionaries wanted a new calander and all kinds of crazy shit, and who else promotes atheisism and violence, the NEW left and that's just a start)

And when the NEW left likes to insult the middle class, guess what FRENCH word they use in a NEGATIVE way. Bougeosie...and that is a holdover from the.....FRENCH....REVOLUTION.

Sorry bro, but you have not answered one question. I keep asking you WHO Are the "rational" left? And how do their policies differ from the NEW left? All I get is attacks on mine.
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To me, Obama is mostly Marxist. I think that was included in his upbringing and reinforced in those 20 or so years that he was tutored in liberation theology at the knee of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. I do not think he loves his country or has any concept of American exceptionalism, but rather sees his Presidency as the vehicle to push us closer to the Marxist utopia that he sees through a glass darkly.

The process to get to a Marxist utopia of necessity requires embracing a period of socialism and also some facist tactics to wrest control from the people and place it with the dictator or other strong central totalitarian government who will finally be able to implement the utopian concepts. Obama's latest countermanding of the immigration laws via executive order is just one more nut and bolt in the process.

Almost all dictators/totalitarian governments come to power by promising great concepts, thus the people initially support the dictator. Unfortunately, once the dictator achieves the power, he or they find they like having it and never get to the part where the power is given back to the people to live in utopian peace and plenty.
The point Sowell was trying to make was that though obama's world view is of Socialism, he is, at this point, more Fascist. He is obviously not so beloved that he could suspend elections, so in order to retain power for him and his party, he must favor Fascism where though the means of production are controlled by government, they remain in the hands of corporations.
This way, he can take credit for successes, but still has the CEO's to blame for the failures.
General Motors for example. Government essentially forced them to build cars no one wanted to buy, but when they nearly went under from it, government didn't relax control, they took more, and still blamed corporate greed. THAT people is classic Fascism.
The sad part is that Progressives buy the excuses.
Is obama a socilist, or a fascist?

He's an American.

But I believe Republicans are on the side of al Qaeda.

1. They let Bin Laden go

2. They invited al Qaeda into Iraq

3. They bankupted this nation

4. They sent our troops to Iraq with old and rusty equipmnet

5. Bush said he stopped thinking about Bin Laden

6. They gave no bid contracts in Iraq. Substandard housing was built and troops were electrocuted.

7. They have done nothing for returning veterans

8. They want to cuts benefits for veterans

9. They call the president a "socialist and fascist".

10. When the economy was downgraded they said they got 98% of everything they wanted.

I think the evidence is indisputable.

That's just the top ten. I have lots more. The apology to BP. Sending jobs to China. Let him die. The list is endless.

11. They all know that you are an idiot.
Deano is brilliant. He wants to cut defense, but says solider are using old gear, then he says that Osama and Hussein hated each other because the US invaded Kuwait
Then he says all these bailouts are paid in FULL. *GULP* *GULP*
Then he says Bush didnt include wars and entitlements on his budget, that's why Obama's is so high.
Then he believes that Bush stopped looking for Osama, but Obama became an action hero started the unit up again and found him with no torture and it was all Obama in just a year or two. My God this guy sounds like a he believes whatever the liberals spew out.
He is a real "special" person.
To me, Obama is mostly Marxist. I think that was included in his upbringing and reinforced in those 20 or so years that he was tutored in liberation theology at the knee of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. I do not think he loves his country or has any concept of American exceptionalism, but rather sees his Presidency as the vehicle to push us closer to the Marxist utopia that he sees through a glass darkly.

The process to get to a Marxist utopia of necessity requires embracing a period of socialism and also some facist tactics to wrest control from the people and place it with the dictator or other strong central totalitarian government who will finally be able to implement the utopian concepts. Obama's latest countermanding of the immigration laws via executive order is just one more nut and bolt in the process.

Almost all dictators/totalitarian governments come to power by promising great concepts, thus the people initially support the dictator. Unfortunately, once the dictator achieves the power, he or they find they like having it and never get to the part where the power is given back to the people to live in utopian peace and plenty.
The point Sowell was trying to make was that though obama's world view is of Socialism, he is, at this point, more Fascist. He is obviously not so beloved that he could suspend elections, so in order to retain power for him and his party, he must favor Fascism where though the means of production are controlled by government, they remain in the hands of corporations.
This way, he can take credit for successes, but still has the CEO's to blame for the failures.
General Motors for example. Government essentially forced them to build cars no one wanted to buy, but when they nearly went under from it, government didn't relax control, they took more, and still blamed corporate greed. THAT people is classic Fascism.
The sad part is that Progressives buy the excuses.

Yes, I usually get Sowell's point, but I still think the motives for the tactics are Marxist liberation theology short of actually handing any power to the people. I think Thomas Sowell also agrees with that . He wrote a series of excellent essays during the 2008 campaign warning us of the sort of pig we were buying in the poke, but not many of us were paying that much attention then. He was. Still is.
Nonsense, my little narrative twister. You equate The Far Left with the Left, and by implication, the mainstream democrats. The rational left also admires Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Paine, Locke, Lincoln, and so forth. Just like the right does.

See, you don't get to revise history as if it is your own particular little garden to hoe.

Ok, explain the rational left and the far left to me? I'm talking about as it is NOW. Not things like classical liberalism. I'm a conservative, that IS a classical liberal (hence I dont support monarchy and am for as much freedom as possible) Who is rational liberal and who is far left?
What's the point in labeling anyone according to ideologies such liberal or conservative. If you exclude the political junkies and pundits, most people have conservative views on some issue, liberal views on others and conflicting views on still other issues. We should evaluate solutions to our problems based on their own merit, without concern as to weather it passes some ideological litmus test.
I'm going to go with "Obama is a Narcissist".
Not necessarily. It's feasible for somebody who to be a committed marxist without saying "I, me, my, mine" incessantly.
Not necessarily. It's feasible for somebody who to be a committed marxist without saying "I, me, my, mine" incessantly.

But if the Marxist sees himself as the annointed one, the one to lead the people to the promised land, a Marxist utopia, he has to set himself up as that 'father figure' or the "messiah' that the people will trust and adore/worship and follow. Marxism requires gradually taking more and more power into the government until the governent holds it all. And Obama has already demonstrated in aces that he sees himself as the government and not Congress or the Supreme Court or anybody else.

On the illegal alien thread, we are hashing his recent executive order countermanding a law of the land and making a new law. There is something really ominous about a President who presumes to assume that kind of power. One who knows that he controls the government and the media so that he can get away with it.

I think only a narcissist would believe he could pull it off.
Nonsense, my little narrative twister. You equate The Far Left with the Left, and by implication, the mainstream democrats. The rational left also admires Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Paine, Locke, Lincoln, and so forth. Just like the right does.

See, you don't get to revise history as if it is your own particular little garden to hoe.

Ok, explain the rational left and the far left to me? I'm talking about as it is NOW. Not things like classical liberalism. I'm a conservative, that IS a classical liberal (hence I dont support monarchy and am for as much freedom as possible) Who is rational liberal and who is far left?
What's the point in labeling anyone according to ideologies such liberal or conservative. If you exclude the political junkies and pundits, most people have conservative views on some issue, liberal views on others and conflicting views on still other issues. We should evaluate solutions to our problems based on their own merit, without concern as to weather it passes some ideological litmus test.

Ideology is your point of view. Ok, people that have liberal and conservative views? MAybe on minor stuff, I suppose you could be against abortion and pro gay, but you really dont see it line up that way. Or you could be for massive taxes on the rich, but be against excessive regulation, but again, it doesnt usually line up that way.

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