Is Obama the Worst President Ever- Settled


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009



Is Obama The Worst President Ever Zero Hedge
Aand the knee padders will be around shortly telling us how Obama cut the deficit (he didnt), increased the stock market (he didnt), ended two wars (he didnt) and made teh Giants World Series winners.
I would not be so sure Obama is really helping out all of these guys. Don't get me wrong, I am not a big fan of our president but let's still be honest.
Assad is barely happy with Obama's actions. Syria was a relatively developed Middle Eastern country with pro-Western secular government. We all know what happened to it now.
I bet Russia feels no American presence in Ukraine after the revolution itself happened there.
On the other hand, ISIS must be really happy with Obama's support and evasive strategy in the region.
All anyone has to do to figure if Obama is the worst president ever is watch Foxnews

Looks like it is unanimous. Everyone on fox says the same thing
Let's check his record.

Egypt. Obama gave Egypt back the Muslim Brotherhood. :lol: I am sooooo glad they came to their senses and threw the bloody bastards in jail including Bam Bam's handpicked choice Morsi.

Libya. Oh that worked out so well. Jihadis pool partys in the US embassy in Tripoli shows how well that baby worked out removing Gaddafi.

Syria. Running guns and monies to rebels errrrrrrrrrrr terrorists gave the world ISIS/ special. Oh this has just been so special.

The Ukraine. Backing and enabling this coup this overthrow of a duly elected government and illegal impeachment of a President has resulted in a civil war.

Over 6000 killed in this bloody fare by Obama installing the fucking Nazi lovers in Kiev.

Nice track record.
I finally figured out why the Rethugs think Obama is the worst Pres ever.

The Repubs that think this are the biggest failures EVER.

If you didn't recover financially under Obama after the Bush debacle. you must be a failed Republican.

If you can't find decent paying work right now, you must be a failed Republican and need to blame Obama.

If your entire life is a miserable failure, you must be a Republican and need to blame Obama.

I know you rethugs claim it is the Democrats who are dependent on big government. However, it is the Republicans who use Obama and the government as an excuse for their failures every single day of the week.

You all need to blame Obama for your failures much more than some people need the government for their survival.
I dunno about the worst, but he certainly rates highly.
If broken down in to categories, foreign policy, monetary/fiscal policy, domestic affairs, then it is possible to find others with records as bad or worse.
But for overall affect on the condition of the country, he does rate extremely high.
I dunno about the worst, but he certainly rates highly.

Hey check out my post as to why you are a failed Republican that needs to blame Obama for your failures.
Maybe it will help you reach understanding.
I dunno about the worst, but he certainly rates highly.

Hey check out my post as to why you are a failed Republican that needs to blame Obama for your failures.
Maybe it will help you reach understanding.
Not a Republican, doing quite nicely, and check out this visual demonstration as to why you are a failure at analysis.

Perhaps now you will know the difference.
In my opinion I still vote for William Jefferson Clinton as the worse president, at least in damage done to the country. I know most diagree because the Reagan economy which Clinton helped destroy. But Clinton lied to us straight up in our faces sullying the office and lowering the bar for future presidents. The effects of his free trade agreements were predicted and the chickens have come home to roost and we act surprised.

Obama comes in a close second for one reason, how divided he has made the country and how divided, after 6 years, he continues to divide the country. I, as a white man, really don't think he gives one crap what I think is important so why would I support him?

I would rate the last few presidents as follows, from bad to better. Clinton, Obama and Bush II, Carter, LBJ, Bush I (read this Bush), Ford, Nixon, JFK, Reagan.

Why JFK and Reagan at the top? Because if nothing else there was no doubt the country they loved. They were both leaders.

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