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Is Obama Trying To Kill Us???

Be afraid! Be very afraid! The Boogie Man is out to get us!

That's really funny.

However, it's not funny that we have a president that caused the crisis at the border and opened his mouth and outright lied to us about what he has been doing, or not doing, about immigration. A president that can't be trusted to enforce our laws is an extremely dangerous situation.

He blamed congress yesterday for not acting, when in fact he himself refused to act back in 2009-2010. He was asked to do something and literally told everyone that he wanted to wait. That he had other issues he wanted to deal with before illegal immigration. No, I remember the shit that he said back then.

The GOP has had several members that have foolishly attempted to pass some sort of legislation, and since then we have discovered that all Democrats want to do is pass laws that give illegals the same rights as American citizens. That the Democrats have been fighting tooth and nail against securing the borders just so they can flood states with millions of brown folks in hopes that they can trick them into voting for their sorry asses. Ready made, government dependent, low-information voters. That's how they see them. Ignorant pawns to be played by the left. Susceptible to race baiting.

It's utterly despicable in my opinion.
This xenophobic garbage belongs in the flame zone...

"Nationalism is militant hatred. It is not love of our countrymen: that, which denotes good citizenship, philanthropy, practical religion, should go by the name of patriotism. Nationalism is passionate xenophobia. It is fanatical, as all forms of idol-worship are bound to be. And fanaticism—l'infame denounced by Voltaire—obliterates or reverses the distinction between good and evil. Patriotism, the desire to work for the common weal, can be, must be, reasonable: "My country, may she be right!" Nationalism spurns reason: "Right or wrong, my country.""
Albert L. Guerard

If you can't learn to get along you are no longer a nation. You're simply a bunch of opposing tribes trying to murder each other over dirt. Democrats want these newcomers to come into this country and not have to learn our language. That to me is the essence of what divides us. We all need a common language to communicate. Don't you see that? We've known that since the days of Babylon. Are you liberals so blind that you can't see that language and the ability to communicate is important to peace and prosperity.

Xenophobia is just another leftwinger talking point.

The problem with you is you don't have any sense of self-preservation. You want to sacrifice your security to win elections and don't care we are watching our country crumble around us at the same time.

The whole point of our immigration policies has always been to turn these newcomers into Americans, not allow them to set up enclaves of their own so they can segregate themselves. Look at Iraq today. You have the Kurds in the North, the Sunnis and the Shiites fighting over land.
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How would Obama benefit from destroying America? Just for grins? Wee!

Obama doesn't care what happens to America.

He has too many ties outside of this country. He figures he's so rich that the can just leave and live somewhere else. Moving to Costa Rica or some country that has a decent standard of living but no extradition policy with the United States. That's an extreme case of course, but it is one possibility I'm sure he has imagined. However, I think he figures that he can contain the media and convince enough of us not to tar and feather his lying ass.
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This xenophobic garbage belongs in the flame zone...

"Nationalism is militant hatred. It is not love of our countrymen: that, which denotes good citizenship, philanthropy, practical religion, should go by the name of patriotism. Nationalism is passionate xenophobia. It is fanatical, as all forms of idol-worship are bound to be. And fanaticism—l'infame denounced by Voltaire—obliterates or reverses the distinction between good and evil. Patriotism, the desire to work for the common weal, can be, must be, reasonable: "My country, may she be right!" Nationalism spurns reason: "Right or wrong, my country.""
Albert L. Guerard

I reported it. Wonder why it hasn't been moved. Definitely belongs in Conspiracies.
Every administration in my 42 years has put us in jeopardy. Used to be Americans could travel on American passports anywhere in the world. Not now though. Isn't just Preisdent Obama, but every President. As long as the US wishes to be the world leader, everyone else is going to hate us. And rightly so.
Every administration in my 42 years has put us in jeopardy. Used to be Americans could travel on American passports anywhere in the world. Not now though. Isn't just Preisdent Obama, but every President. As long as the US wishes to be the world leader, everyone else is going to hate us. And rightly so.

This is the first time I'be seen a president intentionally weakening us.
So, once a president IS potus...nobody can do anything even if he is a nutcase and lost his marbles while in office, eh? Once in, that person is in until his time is up? Kind of a funky rule, isn't it?

Only if he is a good enough socialist who hates the constitution and everything for which it stands.

He will and does get away with anything and everything.

The morons on the left to this day thinks Clinton was impeached for getting a blow job. Not only do they think there is nothing wrong with a president disgracing the oval office, they are stupid enough to not know what Clinton was charged with.

To them....if you show immorality and offend any right winger with higher morals, it is good if not great leader.

Is this an inaccurate statement?

Anyway, this president is a totally contrived president. We know nothing about his past. We have half baked stories, an auto-biography that states what he is and the left claims they are all fictional stories.

We know more about John Adams education than we do about Obama.

He was given the nobel peace prize by the world community. A world community that hates America and everything for which it stands. Right along with the left wingers in this country who admit they are ashamed to be an American.

Ever see how they always point out how Europe does things and how liberal they are, as they ridicule everything America has been?

It is all but over and we are just here witnessing it. The enemies within have won. Good for them. Our liberty has been ripped from us, all to the thunderous applause to the traitorous scumbags on the left.

How far will it go? As I said on another post. They will not stop until they eradicate Judeo-Christianity and all of those values they despise.

The accuser will not stop accusing through the scum on the left as the left perpetually acts like the double talking hypocrites they are. Their bandwagon is full and they certainly believe they are right since they get such approval from the ones that think like them.
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As thousands of disease-riddled criminals storm across our borders, is it really time to mince words? President Obama appears to have an Agenda for America that stinks worse than a Border Patrol bus depot crammed with urine-drenched illegals. < SNIP>

Can't even get a quote right, and while I don't like BHO's world in many ways, what you want to go back to terrifies 90% of America.

The actual quote reads "Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest, with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide." Did Abraham Lincoln say, "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."? - Quora

Those of the far right and the far left in America are the ones trying to destroy America.
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Be afraid! Be very afraid! The Boogie Man is out to get us!

That's really funny.

However, it's not funny that we have a president that caused the crisis at the border and opened his mouth and outright lied to us about what he has been doing, or not doing, about immigration. A president that can't be trusted to enforce our laws is an extremely dangerous situation.

He blamed congress yesterday for not acting, when in fact he himself refused to act back in 2009-2010. He was asked to do something and literally told everyone that he wanted to wait. That he had other issues he wanted to deal with before illegal immigration. No, I remember the shit that he said back then.

The GOP has had several members that have foolishly attempted to pass some sort of legislation, and since then we have discovered that all Democrats want to do is pass laws that give illegals the same rights as American citizens. That the Democrats have been fighting tooth and nail against securing the borders just so they can flood states with millions of brown folks in hopes that they can trick them into voting for their sorry asses. Ready made, government dependent, low-information voters. That's how they
ee them. Ignorant pawns to be played by the left. Susceptible to race baiting.

It's utterly despicable in my opinion.

Please tell the class. What legislation did the republicans try to pass?
Be afraid! Be very afraid! The Boogie Man is out to get us!

That's really funny.

However, it's not funny that we have a president that caused the crisis at the border and opened his mouth and outright lied to us about what he has been doing, or not doing, about immigration. A president that can't be trusted to enforce our laws is an extremely dangerous situation.

He blamed congress yesterday for not acting, when in fact he himself refused to act back in 2009-2010. He was asked to do something and literally told everyone that he wanted to wait. That he had other issues he wanted to deal with before illegal immigration. No, I remember the shit that he said back then.

The GOP has had several members that have foolishly attempted to pass some sort of legislation, and since then we have discovered that all Democrats want to do is pass laws that give illegals the same rights as American citizens. That the Democrats have been fighting tooth and nail against securing the borders just so they can flood states with millions of brown folks in hopes that they can trick them into voting for their sorry asses. Ready made, government dependent, low-information voters. That's how they
ee them. Ignorant pawns to be played by the left. Susceptible to race baiting.

It's utterly despicable in my opinion.

Please tell the class. What legislation did the republicans try to pass?

How about a budget Howlry? Reps send one each year, the obomanation and the Senate rejects it, then Obuma sends a budget, and the 2013 Obuma budget was denied by the DEMOCRATIC Senate 99-0!

If you need more, pull out, get on a search engine and LOOK!:cuckoo:
That's really funny.

However, it's not funny that we have a president that caused the crisis at the border and opened his mouth and outright lied to us about what he has been doing, or not doing, about immigration. A president that can't be trusted to enforce our laws is an extremely dangerous situation.

He blamed congress yesterday for not acting, when in fact he himself refused to act back in 2009-2010. He was asked to do something and literally told everyone that he wanted to wait. That he had other issues he wanted to deal with before illegal immigration. No, I remember the shit that he said back then.

The GOP has had several members that have foolishly attempted to pass some sort of legislation, and since then we have discovered that all Democrats want to do is pass laws that give illegals the same rights as American citizens. That the Democrats have been fighting tooth and nail against securing the borders just so they can flood states with millions of brown folks in hopes that they can trick them into voting for their sorry asses. Ready made, government dependent, low-information voters. That's how they
ee them. Ignorant pawns to be played by the left. Susceptible to race baiting.

It's utterly despicable in my opinion.

Please tell the class. What legislation did the republicans try to pass?

How about a budget Howlry? Reps send one each year, the obomanation and the Senate rejects it, then Obuma sends a budget, and the 2013 Obuma budget was denied by the DEMOCRATIC Senate 99-0!

If you need more, pull out, get on a search engine and LOOK!:cuckoo:

Had to put the asshole on ignore. I mean that homosexual picture he took of himself....is too much for me to take.
Please tell the class. What legislation did the republicans try to pass?

How about a budget Howlry? Reps send one each year, the obomanation and the Senate rejects it, then Obuma sends a budget, and the 2013 Obuma budget was denied by the DEMOCRATIC Senate 99-0!

If you need more, pull out, get on a search engine and LOOK!:cuckoo:

Had to put the asshole on ignore. I mean that homosexual picture he took of himself....is too much for me to take.

We used to call that "Trolling for Trout"!
That's really funny.

However, it's not funny that we have a president that caused the crisis at the border and opened his mouth and outright lied to us about what he has been doing, or not doing, about immigration. A president that can't be trusted to enforce our laws is an extremely dangerous situation.

He blamed congress yesterday for not acting, when in fact he himself refused to act back in 2009-2010. He was asked to do something and literally told everyone that he wanted to wait. That he had other issues he wanted to deal with before illegal immigration. No, I remember the shit that he said back then.

The GOP has had several members that have foolishly attempted to pass some sort of legislation, and since then we have discovered that all Democrats want to do is pass laws that give illegals the same rights as American citizens. That the Democrats have been fighting tooth and nail against securing the borders just so they can flood states with millions of brown folks in hopes that they can trick them into voting for their sorry asses. Ready made, government dependent, low-information voters. That's how they
ee them. Ignorant pawns to be played by the left. Susceptible to race baiting.

It's utterly despicable in my opinion.

Please tell the class. What legislation did the republicans try to pass?

How about a budget Howlry? Reps send one each year, the obomanation and the Senate rejects it, then Obuma sends a budget, and the 2013 Obuma budget was denied by the DEMOCRATIC Senate 99-0!

If you need more, pull out, get on a search engine and LOOK!:cuckoo:

You're too easy.

Romney says Obama failed to pass a budget | PolitiFact
Please tell the class. What legislation did the republicans try to pass?

How about a budget Howlry? Reps send one each year, the obomanation and the Senate rejects it, then Obuma sends a budget, and the 2013 Obuma budget was denied by the DEMOCRATIC Senate 99-0!

If you need more, pull out, get on a search engine and LOOK!:cuckoo:

Had to put the asshole on ignore. I mean that homosexual picture he took of himself....is too much for me to take.

Ain't I purty? * * smooch * *
Be afraid! Be very afraid! The Boogie Man is out to get us!

That's really funny.

However, it's not funny that we have a president that caused the crisis at the border and opened his mouth and outright lied to us about what he has been doing, or not doing, about immigration. A president that can't be trusted to enforce our laws is an extremely dangerous situation.

He blamed congress yesterday for not acting, when in fact he himself refused to act back in 2009-2010. He was asked to do something and literally told everyone that he wanted to wait. That he had other issues he wanted to deal with before illegal immigration. No, I remember the shit that he said back then.

The GOP has had several members that have foolishly attempted to pass some sort of legislation, and since then we have discovered that all Democrats want to do is pass laws that give illegals the same rights as American citizens. That the Democrats have been fighting tooth and nail against securing the borders just so they can flood states with millions of brown folks in hopes that they can trick them into voting for their sorry asses. Ready made, government dependent, low-information voters. That's how they
ee them. Ignorant pawns to be played by the left. Susceptible to race baiting.

It's utterly despicable in my opinion.

Please tell the class. What legislation did the republicans try to pass?

You don't remember Kennedy/McCain working jointly on it?

Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act ("McCain-Kennedy Bill," S. 1033) was an immigration reform bill introduced in the United States Senate on May 12, 2005 by Senators John McCain and Ted Kennedy. It was the first of its kind since the early 2000s in incorporating legalization, guest worker programs, and border enforcement components.
Be afraid! Be very afraid! The Boogie Man is out to get us!

That's really funny.

However, it's not funny that we have a president that caused the crisis at the border and opened his mouth and outright lied to us about what he has been doing, or not doing, about immigration. A president that can't be trusted to enforce our laws is an extremely dangerous situation.

He blamed congress yesterday for not acting, when in fact he himself refused to act back in 2009-2010. He was asked to do something and literally told everyone that he wanted to wait. That he had other issues he wanted to deal with before illegal immigration. No, I remember the shit that he said back then.

The GOP has had several members that have foolishly attempted to pass some sort of legislation, and since then we have discovered that all Democrats want to do is pass laws that give illegals the same rights as American citizens. That the Democrats have been fighting tooth and nail against securing the borders just so they can flood states with millions of brown folks in hopes that they can trick them into voting for their sorry asses. Ready made, government dependent, low-information voters. That's how they
ee them. Ignorant pawns to be played by the left. Susceptible to race baiting.

It's utterly despicable in my opinion.

Please tell the class. What legislation did the republicans try to pass?

You misspelled ass
That's really funny.

However, it's not funny that we have a president that caused the crisis at the border and opened his mouth and outright lied to us about what he has been doing, or not doing, about immigration. A president that can't be trusted to enforce our laws is an extremely dangerous situation.

He blamed congress yesterday for not acting, when in fact he himself refused to act back in 2009-2010. He was asked to do something and literally told everyone that he wanted to wait. That he had other issues he wanted to deal with before illegal immigration. No, I remember the shit that he said back then.

The GOP has had several members that have foolishly attempted to pass some sort of legislation, and since then we have discovered that all Democrats want to do is pass laws that give illegals the same rights as American citizens. That the Democrats have been fighting tooth and nail against securing the borders just so they can flood states with millions of brown folks in hopes that they can trick them into voting for their sorry asses. Ready made, government dependent, low-information voters. That's how they
ee them. Ignorant pawns to be played by the left. Susceptible to race baiting.

It's utterly despicable in my opinion.

Please tell the class. What legislation did the republicans try to pass?

How about a budget Howlry? Reps send one each year, the obomanation and the Senate rejects it, then Obuma sends a budget, and the 2013 Obuma budget was denied by the DEMOCRATIC Senate 99-0!

If you need more, pull out, get on a search engine and LOOK!:cuckoo:

The minority compromises, bub, not obstructs, which the TeaPs did for three years until Boehner crushed them last fall. All the Speaker is waiting for is the new year where he can pass a true immigration reform bill of security, business regulation, and immigrant reform.
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