Is our democracy pirate ship?


Sep 12, 2012
A strange question do doubt. But pirates were democratic

Pirates had "democratic" ways

They elected their leaders based on how much loot they made. Looking at our current political landscape it looks to me like a gigantic pirate ship with people chanting "its the economy stupid (Were is the loot that I'm entitled to)"?. Like pirates we are raiding our children's coffers looking for money to loot via deficit spending, we are supporting middle east fascists in order to prevent them from pricing oil at whatever the market will bear. Our politicians fund short sided projects to juice their districts prior to election day.

The fact that we don't take to the streets means that deep down despite our hollering, collectively we support it. On Friday Ben Bernanke handed the middle class a long term crushing blow of inflation and a massive pay cut by crushing the US dollar to pump the stock market to get his beer buddy in the White House re-elected.

So how many people are on the streets?


That is why Ron Paul never gains traction, nobody wants short term pain long term gain long term gain. They want bread and circuses. After all, as true buccaneers, deep down we could care less about the future, just show me (somebody else's) money.

This should be our national anthem:

[ame=]Denis Leary - I'm An Asshole - YouTube[/ame]
You have no idea what democracy is. There is no end result to democracy. It is possible to have a democracy composed entirely of cannibals.

Ron Paul never gained traction because although he attracted a lot of people, too many of those attracted to him realized after listening to him that he was a lunatic.
but wait you hate democracy remember

You claim we are not one
I don't know how many times you've been reminded that we are a Representative Republic. Maybe you just can't bring yourself to admit that we have "Republican Government".

Voting, debating and getting involved politically are instruments of Democracy.
A strange question do doubt. But pirates were democratic

Pirates had "democratic" ways

They elected their leaders based on how much loot they made. Looking at our current political landscape it looks to me like a gigantic pirate ship with people chanting "its the economy stupid (Were is the loot that I'm entitled to)"?. Like pirates we are raiding our children's coffers looking for money to loot via deficit spending, we are supporting middle east fascists in order to prevent them from pricing oil at whatever the market will bear. Our politicians fund short sided projects to juice their districts prior to election day.

The fact that we don't take to the streets means that deep down despite our hollering, collectively we support it. On Friday Ben Bernanke handed the middle class a long term crushing blow of inflation and a massive pay cut by crushing the US dollar to pump the stock market to get his beer buddy in the White House re-elected.

So how many people are on the streets?


That is why Ron Paul never gains traction, nobody wants short term pain long term gain long term gain. They want bread and circuses. After all, as true buccaneers, deep down we could care less about the future, just show me (somebody else's) money.

This should be our national anthem:

Denis Leary - I'm An Asshole - YouTube
I love that song.
The introduction of this new principle of representative democracy has rendered useless almost everything written before on the structure of government; Thomas Jefferson

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