Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments

Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 31.0%
  • No

    Votes: 20 69.0%

  • Total voters
Trump the Groper in Chief


his wife

the Raunchy Nude Poser

Two titles they cannot outrun. People do not have to make things up or get down and dirty. All people have to do is look at their words, their photos, and their lifestyle habits of milking charities
Trump the Groper in Chief


his wife

the Raunchy Nude Poser

Two titles they cannot outrun. People do not have to make things up or get down and dirty. All people have to do is look at their words, their photos, and their lifestyle habits of milking charities're seriously mentally ill you know.

You have to join the military now? Not to be a coward? And before you compare him to Cheney, just remember, Cheney didn't mind sending your sons and daughters off to Iraq and Afghanistan, but had no less than five deferments with regard to Vietnam. Obama didn't start shit as far as war goes. In fact, he brought your boys and girls home.
Simple question: Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments
How many years did obama and either Clinton serve?
None too bright your type. Obama was never eligible for the draft as it was done away with far before his time.

How many deferments did Clinton get? Not as many as Dick Cheney and Trump = 5 each

Now why did you dodge the question of
Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments?

The selective service reclassified men each year so 4 of Trump's deferments were for college...the 5th was for bad feet. If you knew anything about soldiering, not a Troop out there wants anybody out there who can't hump a 90lb ruck for ten miles when required.
He lied

He's a proven coward as are all the males in his Trump family line
So that would make Clinton a coward and Obama and Biden thanks for clearing that up remind us if it matters why you support them?

You have to join the military now? Not to be a coward? And before you compare him to Cheney, just remember, Cheney didn't mind sending your sons and daughters off to Iraq and Afghanistan, but had no less than five deferments with regard to Vietnam. Obama didn't start shit as far as war goes. In fact, he brought your boys and girls home.
No he didn't. Dumb ass. More have died in Afghanistan under Obama then under Bush. And we have combat troops in Iraq a Country he abandoned and was forced to return to for it.
Simple question: Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments

No, neither was Obama for not serving nor Clinton for evading.

It's kind of funny. The idiot OP actually thinks he is scoring damage points by trying to associate Trump with draft dodgers. Lefties aren't smart in the first place but you add severe butthurt to their long list of mental disorders and you never know the level of stupidity that will come out of their mouths.
maybe if DJT wouldve went then came back a traitor and went to congress then ran for the highest office then became SOS, the libs would like him?
No he didn't. Dumb ass. More have died in Afghanistan under Obama then under Bush. And we have combat troops in Iraq a Country he abandoned and was forced to return to for it.

So? Bush started it. It's his war. Obama did his best to extract them and he did. And nowhere near the number of troops returned under Obama than Bush. So, no, you're the dumb arse if you see both situations as equal value.
If LBJ the democratic president did not lie about the Gulf of Tonkin incident then there would not have been 500,000 Americans under attack. You were lied too and bought what our government was selling. Some people were smart enough to get out of fighting a corrupt war, we had no business being involved with in the first place.

You're the one who was lied to by whoever put that shit in your pea-sized brain. An American answers his country's call to arms and does his job in that effort. Your kind isn't man enough to understand that so we treat you like women.
Two good things came out of Veitnam conflict.
1, It ended the Draft
2. It killed the belief of "My Country Right or Wrong"
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No he didn't. Dumb ass. More have died in Afghanistan under Obama then under Bush. And we have combat troops in Iraq a Country he abandoned and was forced to return to for it.

So? Bush started it. It's his war. Obama did his best to extract them and he did. And nowhere near the number of troops returned under Obama than Bush. So, no, you're the dumb arse if you see both situations as equal value.

911 started the Afghanistan war, both chambers of congress overwhelmingly approved. Several allied nations and NATO approved this action. The death of American troops under Bush was 618, under Obama 1762. Obama added more troops in 2009 and 2010 to fight the insurgents. That was the largest number of troops to be in Afghanistan. Obama announced this summer that he would leave 8400 troops in Afghanistan, despite the fact that he said he would end the war and bring the troops home by the end of his Presidency. I don't blame Obama for not being able to end the war.
So, when, where, and with whom did you serve?

No he didn't. Dumb ass. More have died in Afghanistan under Obama then under Bush. And we have combat troops in Iraq a Country he abandoned and was forced to return to for it.

So? Bush started it. It's his war. Obama did his best to extract them and he did. And nowhere near the number of troops returned under Obama than Bush. So, no, you're the dumb arse if you see both situations as equal value.

Here we see a clear case of partisanship obscuring reason. ^^^^
No he didn't. Dumb ass. More have died in Afghanistan under Obama then under Bush. And we have combat troops in Iraq a Country he abandoned and was forced to return to for it.

So? Bush started it. It's his war. Obama did his best to extract them and he did. And nowhere near the number of troops returned under Obama than Bush. So, no, you're the dumb arse if you see both situations as equal value.

Here we see a clear case of partisanship obscuring reason. ^^^^

And your post isn't? The Afghan war didn't start in 2003, a full six years before Obama was on the scene? The GoP run house and senate weren't demanding that Obama get them out of iraq? What 'reason' am I obscuring? Take your time...
Of course not, his deferments were winning, he's a winner you know. These people don't actually go to war, they send the unsubstantial people.
And remember, POWs aren't winners....they got captured.
"I like people who weren’t captured.” President of the United States of America speaking about POWs
Hanoi John

Why should Trump have been careful about the way he talked back to anyone who insulted him? Remember, the fictional Manchurian Candidate was both a POW and a Medal of Honor winner. McCain't was a lousy pilot who only got through flight school because his father was an admiral.

Nothing is real but reality Don.
Simple question: Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments
No, he was smart for not going to that unjust war in Vietnam.

stop dishonoring the service of men who joined and died

Now that's PC bullshit right there, it was another bogus bullshit interventionist war we had no business being in. Ask Ted Nugent. He shit himself and wore it for weeks to show up for the draft board and be rejected. I mean if you can find him to ask, he promised he'd be dead 4 years ago.
Serving in the military did not get George H.W. Bush a second term avoiding military service did not prevent Bill Clinton from getting elected twice overall I would say very few people care and it really doesn't matter to voters anymore.
"Son, Be Proud to Die Taking a Rich Kid's Place"

There are many things about the special privileges the rich give themselves that Americans slavishly and silently accept.

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