Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments

Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 31.0%
  • No

    Votes: 20 69.0%

  • Total voters
It'll probably prevent him from being elected POTUS...oh wait
Sheep Goosestepping Behind Chickenhawks

We've had draftdodgers in the White House for the past 28 years: Quayle, Clinton, Bush, Cheney, and Biden. The self-named "Greatest Generation" allowed this to happen to their Unfortunate Sons.

Also, the only reason Jimmy Carter went to the Naval Academy was to sit out the war there. He was eligible for the draft in June, 1942.
Bush served in the National Guard he did NOT avoid the draft.

DubDud was no more a military pilot than Dukakis was a tank commander. How dare you cover for the privileges of richkids extending to matters of life and death over us? Those soft spoiled brats better start joining the military and learning how to fight, because the next civil war is going to be against them. I don't care if you got the Medal of Honor in Vietnam; if you support Preppies' right to have Daddy get them out of it, you have no honor.
Really ? Maybe the majority of us like being beside someone who volunteered to serve and not forced by the government.
No Man Is an Island

All this anti-government yapping is a selfish excuse not to do your duty to the American people. No one has the freedom not to defend his country's freedom.
Of course not, his deferments were winning, he's a winner you know. These people don't actually go to war, they send the unsubstantial people.
And remember, POWs aren't winners....they got captured.
"I like people who weren’t captured.” President of the United States of America speaking about POWs
Hanoi John

Why should Trump have been careful about the way he talked back to anyone who insulted him? Remember, the fictional Manchurian Candidate was both a POW and a Medal of Honor winner. McCain't was a lousy pilot who only got through flight school because his father was an admiral.
Simple question: Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments
No, he was smart for not going to that unjust war in Vietnam.

stop dishonoring the service of men who joined and died

Even if, like McCain, they dishonor their service by supporting illegal aliens? He's as much of a turncoat as John Kerry.
Serving in the military did not get George H.W. Bush a second term avoiding military service did not prevent Bill Clinton from getting elected twice overall I would say very few people care and it really doesn't matter to voters anymore.
Clinton ran to England and badmouthed his country....posed as a Rhodes Scholar (he wasn't) when he came back. The OP is a FAIL.
Of course Trumpie, and Cheney and Assfield are not cowards. They send others to do their dirty work. Isn't also a huge laugh that for years on this board those on the right always ask people - when it comes to military threads - "where did you serve?" " did you serve?" "Kerry was a swift boat liar" blah, blah, blah. However when you bring up deferments of their heroes? "Doesn't matter". Tools, the lot of ya..
Simple question: Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments
How many years did obama and either Clinton serve?
None too bright your type. Obama was never eligible for the draft as it was done away with far before his time.

How many deferments did Clinton get? Not as many as Dick Cheney and Trump = 5 each

Now why did you dodge the question of
Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments?

The selective service reclassified men each year so 4 of Trump's deferments were for college...the 5th was for bad feet. If you knew anything about soldiering, not a Troop out there wants anybody out there who can't hump a 90lb ruck for ten miles when required.

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