Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments

Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 31.0%
  • No

    Votes: 20 69.0%

  • Total voters
Is Clinton a coward for running off to England illegally to avoid the draft?
Is that what you believe he did? A Rhodes Scholarship?
He lied to get in ROTC to avoid his draft, then illegally left without fulfilling his ROTC requirements. Pretty simple concept.
I notice you mention no W Bush controversies about his service or Cheney's 5 deferments. Your answer to a question about the Trumpster is to deflect and go on the attack.
Bush served proudly in the National Guard and flew the most dangerous plane then in service and he flew it more then he had to, further he volunteered to go to Vietnam. Cheney had medical problems, unlike Clinton.
Volunteering for something he was not eligible for is not being brave. Bush Jr hid out in the National Guard because his father had political pull.

He quit flying when they installed drug testing.

Cheney said that he "had better things to do".
Romney said none of his five sons joined because they were doing something more important. Helping Mitt get elected president.

But Mitt did believe in torture.

Simple question: Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments
I'm not sure that finding a way out of going to Vietnam and getting my ass shot off is necessarily cowardly. Shooting other people too. Not so enticing to me.
Simple question: Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments
How many years did obama and either Clinton serve?
There was not a draft when Obama was of age, dumbass.
How many times do I have to explain you don't need one to join, dumbfuck?
Here I thought we were talking about the DRAFT.

At least Obama has respect for our veterans & not declare POWS garbage like Trump did. Trump avoided the draft & trashed vets & you slobber all over Trump like he's the orange Jesus.
The subject is military service, serving or not. Clinton dodged the draft and the left doesn't care. Now they care about Trump? You sucking on your chocolate Jesus stick doesn't make it a valid point. That ship sailed long ago when you were still in diapers.
Simple question: Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments
How many years did obama and either Clinton serve?
There was not a draft when Obama was of age, dumbass.
How many times do I have to explain you don't need one to join, dumbfuck?
Here I thought we were talking about the DRAFT.

At least Obama has respect for our veterans & not declare POWS garbage like Trump did. Trump avoided the draft & trashed vets & you slobber all over Trump like he's the orange Jesus.
Trump didn't call them garbage. He just said he liked soldiers who hadn't been captured. And then he had to be shamed into giving them the money he promised he would, that's all.

Simple question: Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments
How many years did obama and either Clinton serve?
There was not a draft when Obama was of age, dumbass.
How many times do I have to explain you don't need one to join, dumbfuck?
Here I thought we were talking about the DRAFT.

At least Obama has respect for our veterans & not declare POWS garbage like Trump did. Trump avoided the draft & trashed vets & you slobber all over Trump like he's the orange Jesus.
The subject is military service, serving or not. Clinton dodged the draft and the left doesn't care. Now they care about Trump? You sucking on your chocolate Jesus stick doesn't make it a valid point. That ship sailed long ago when you were still in diapers.
Clinton didn't say he likes soldiers who weren't captured. In fact, I don't remember him ever dissing our soldiers. Do you?
Simple question: Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments
How many years did obama and either Clinton serve?
There was not a draft when Obama was of age, dumbass.
How many times do I have to explain you don't need one to join, dumbfuck?
Here I thought we were talking about the DRAFT.

At least Obama has respect for our veterans & not declare POWS garbage like Trump did. Trump avoided the draft & trashed vets & you slobber all over Trump like he's the orange Jesus.
The subject is military service, serving or not. Clinton dodged the draft and the left doesn't care. Now they care about Trump? You sucking on your chocolate Jesus stick doesn't make it a valid point. That ship sailed long ago when you were still in diapers.
Deferments from serving? You lying fuck. Your orange buddy not only avoided the draft but then trashed POWs. There is no excuse.
I never voted for Clinton & yes, he dodged the draft.
How many years did obama and either Clinton serve?
There was not a draft when Obama was of age, dumbass.
How many times do I have to explain you don't need one to join, dumbfuck?
Here I thought we were talking about the DRAFT.

At least Obama has respect for our veterans & not declare POWS garbage like Trump did. Trump avoided the draft & trashed vets & you slobber all over Trump like he's the orange Jesus.
The subject is military service, serving or not. Clinton dodged the draft and the left doesn't care. Now they care about Trump? You sucking on your chocolate Jesus stick doesn't make it a valid point. That ship sailed long ago when you were still in diapers.
Deferments from serving? You lying fuck. Your orange buddy not only avoided the draft but then trashed POWs. There is no excuse.
I never voted for Clinton & yes, he dodged the draft.
He trashed McCain because McCain trashed him. McCain isn't "the POWs". Clinton dodged the draft, libtards didn't care. It's too late now.

Besides it makes no difference. The election is over, you pathetic piece of shit. You lost.
lol @ the poll results.

Just shows that none of the Trump-humpers truly value military service. They just value republican military service.
Hey screw you, obama cocklick. I served, how about you?

Explain how the poll results supports your nasty accusation?
I served from 1975 to 1979 in the 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division. I was stationed at Baumholder Germany. First, I was 82C (Forward Observer) and then I worked in S2.

I'm glad I did. I met some great people and the GI Bill helped me through college and that helped me to retire early.

For some really strange reason, Republicans think they have the market cornered on being veterans. And it's unfortunate. Republicans in congress have screwed over American veterans for decades. Cutting their benefits, refusing to fund veteran's healthcare, slashing their food stamps. For people that claim to love veterans, Republicans spend a lot of time fucking them over. Even you have to admit that. And don't you dare come back with "I don't believe it. Prove it". You know better.

Republicans attack veterans benefits
lol @ the poll results.

Just shows that none of the Trump-humpers truly value military service. They just value republican military service.
Hey screw you, obama cocklick. I served, how about you?

Explain how the poll results supports your nasty accusation?
I served from 1975 to 1979 in the 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division. I was stationed at Baumholder Germany. First, I was 82C (Forward Observer) and then I worked in S2.

I'm glad I did. I met some great people and the GI Bill helped me through college and that helped me to retire early.

For some really strange reason, Republicans think they have the market cornered on being veterans. And it's unfortunate. Republicans in congress have screwed over American veterans for decades. Cutting their benefits, refusing to fund veteran's healthcare, slashing their food stamps. For people that claim to love veterans, Republicans spend a lot of time fucking them over. Even you have to admit that. And don't you dare come back with "I don't believe it. Prove it". You know better.

Republicans attack veterans benefits
How have the Republicans screwed over veterans and when did they claim to be the only ones for them? All that comes off your keyboard is lies so I doubt your service. Throwing out a link to try to back up your filth? Dumb asshole. IF you were in you were nothing but a low level grunt.
And where was Clinton?
Bill, you remember him he ran and won in the 90's and turds like you thought his avoiding the draft was peachy keen. He lied and illegally went to England and you had no problem with THAT why suddenly does avoiding the draft matter again?
Why are you mentioning Bill Clinton? He did not run for President in 2016.

If Bill illegally went to England he would have been impeached for it by the GOP Congress.

Avoiding the draft always maters. Especially when a candidate is talking tough militarily. Especially when the person who avoided the draft had America do better for him and his family than for most. How many members of the Trump generations have served in the military during American wars?
and remember, the incoming Commander in Chief, views people who serve in combat and get captured, as losers
And where was Clinton?
Bill, you remember him he ran and won in the 90's and turds like you thought his avoiding the draft was peachy keen. He lied and illegally went to England and you had no problem with THAT why suddenly does avoiding the draft matter again?
Why are you mentioning Bill Clinton? He did not run for President in 2016.

If Bill illegally went to England he would have been impeached for it by the GOP Congress.

Avoiding the draft always maters. Especially when a candidate is talking tough militarily. Especially when the person who avoided the draft had America do better for him and his family than for most. How many members of the Trump generations have served in the military during American wars?
It's been explained repeatedly why it's hypocritical to hyperventilate over Trump's deferment while ignoring Clinton's games to get out. You can't get it but that's your problem, not ours. Why are we supposed to care about your feelings?

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