Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments

Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 31.0%
  • No

    Votes: 20 69.0%

  • Total voters
The Cult should be doing better with the vote

Maybe they can do better than their Fuhrer with a majority versus a plurality
Simple question: Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments

Simple answer: no.
I beg to differ. He's a coward. All talk and no action.

So you asked a question but you didn't really want to know the answer. I beg to differ, you are the butthurt coward not Trump.
Why do you hate freedom of speech and opinion?
Obuthole and libtards are pussy cowards, pussy.
Simple question: Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments

Simple answer: no.
I beg to differ. He's a coward. All talk and no action.

So you asked a question but you didn't really want to know the answer. I beg to differ, you are the butthurt coward not Trump.
Why do you hate freedom of speech and opinion?

It's you who has an aversion to opinion. Your response merely indicated an intolerance. Nothing more.
Simple question: Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments


I have no idea whether he is or is not a coward- but certainly his taking draft deferments doesn't make him one.

It is time we stop trying to use the Vietnam war against people- unless of course the person is talking about avoiding STD's being his own personal Vietnam.
Seriously funny, but of course he's a coward

I despise Donald Trump but your question is stupid- you just want to hear yourself talk- and you have provided nothing to demonstrate that he is a coward.

There is so much to attack Trump on- this is a particulary stupid and petty attack.
Simple question: Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments
How many years did obama and either Clinton serve?
None too bright your type. Obama was never eligible for the draft as it was done away with far before his time.

How many deferments did Clinton get? Not as many as Dick Cheney and Trump = 5 each

Now why did you dodge the question of
Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments?
You don't need a draft to join. obie was a street hustler shaking down businesses instead of serving his country. At least Trump provided jobs. All obama has ever done is cost us money.
Simple question: Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments
He went to exclusive schools with the draftdodging sons of pro-war Congressmen. Few people from the dispossessed classes knew about such hypocrisy, so why should Trump have served after finding out that those who owed the most had their pro-war MI Complex fathers sneak them out of it?
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Donald John Trump is as much of a Coward as William Jefferson Blythe III when it come to dodging the Vietnam war, don't you agree!?!
It'll probably prevent him from being elected POTUS...oh wait
Sheep Goosestepping Behind Chickenhawks

We've had draftdodgers in the White House for the past 28 years: Quayle, Clinton, Bush, Cheney, and Biden. The self-named "Greatest Generation" allowed this to happen to their Unfortunate Sons.

Also, the only reason Jimmy Carter went to the Naval Academy was to sit out the war there. He was eligible for the draft in June, 1942.
Of course not, his deferments were winning, he's a winner you know. These people don't actually go to war, they send the unsubstantial people.
[In my best British accent] Fenton dear boy, could you stop that non-sense for a moment and bring the president his cigarette and slippers...chop-chop
Simple question: Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments

Simple answer: no.
I beg to differ. He's a coward. All talk and no action.

So you asked a question but you didn't really want to know the answer. I beg to differ, you are the butthurt coward not Trump.
Why do you hate freedom of speech and opinion?

Why do you!?!

It seem when someone write the answer is no you feel the need to tell them they are wrong and want them to change it to yes to fit your slanted view on the subject matter.

Bill Clinton dodge the draft and yet you consider him the greatest American Hero because he is a Democrat but when those like Cheney and Trump did it, well they're cowards.

So if you disagree that Clinton is a coward like Trump and Cheney then you are the true idiot in this conversation but please tell others how they hate freedom of speech when it is clear you believe your opinion Trumps everyone else!
It'll probably prevent him from being elected POTUS...oh wait

Bush and Cheney showed otherwise hon.

Ummm, Clinton was the first one before them, oh wait you forgot Bill was a draft dodger too!

Exactly, all of them, see?

Yes all of them but the OP'er seem to be stuck on stupid to believe Trump is the first Vietnam War era draft dodger to win the National Election for President.

Bill Clinton dodge the draft... George W. Bush hid in the National Guard... Trump also found his way to dodge the draft...

Is Trump a coward?

As much as Clinton was during that era!

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