Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments

Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 31.0%
  • No

    Votes: 20 69.0%

  • Total voters
It'll probably prevent him from being elected POTUS...oh wait
Sheep Goosestepping Behind Chickenhawks

We've had draftdodgers in the White House for the past 28 years: Quayle, Clinton, Bush, Cheney, and Biden. The self-named "Greatest Generation" allowed this to happen to their Unfortunate Sons.

Also, the only reason Jimmy Carter went to the Naval Academy was to sit out the war there. He was eligible for the draft in June, 1942.
Bush served in the National Guard he did NOT avoid the draft.

DubDud was no more a military pilot than Dukakis was a tank commander. How dare you cover for the privileges of richkids extending to matters of life and death over us? Those soft spoiled brats better start joining the military and learning how to fight, because the next civil war is going to be against them. I don't care if you got the Medal of Honor in Vietnam; if you support Preppies' right to have Daddy get them out of it, you have no honor.
Simple question: Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments
Some people aren't fit for military service I have no problem with someone who used the system to get out of a draft I never agreed with in the first place. At least one person in my family has fought in every war this country has had going back to the Civil War all were volunteer's. I had 4 family members go to Vietnam.
It'll probably prevent him from being elected POTUS...oh wait
Sheep Goosestepping Behind Chickenhawks

We've had draftdodgers in the White House for the past 28 years: Quayle, Clinton, Bush, Cheney, and Biden. The self-named "Greatest Generation" allowed this to happen to their Unfortunate Sons.

Also, the only reason Jimmy Carter went to the Naval Academy was to sit out the war there. He was eligible for the draft in June, 1942.
Bush served in the National Guard he did NOT avoid the draft.

DubDud was no more a military pilot than Dukakis was a tank commander. How dare you cover for the privileges of richkids extending to matters of life and death over us? Those soft spoiled brats better start joining the military and learning how to fight, because the next civil war is going to be against them. I don't care if you got the Medal of Honor in Vietnam; if you support Preppies' right to have Daddy get them out of it, you have no honor.
Really ? Maybe the majority of us like being beside someone who volunteered to serve and not forced by the government. How dare you question the honor of others
Simple question: Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments
Is Clinton a coward for running off to England illegally to avoid the draft?
Is that what you believe he did? A Rhodes Scholarship?
He lied to get in ROTC to avoid his draft, then illegally left without fulfilling his ROTC requirements. Pretty simple concept.
I notice you mention no W Bush controversies about his service or Cheney's 5 deferments. Your answer to a question about the Trumpster is to deflect and go on the attack.
Bush served proudly in the National Guard and flew the most dangerous plane then in service and he flew it more then he had to, further he volunteered to go to Vietnam. Cheney had medical problems, unlike Clinton.
Now that The Greatest Generation is largely gone, military service in national leaders isn't that important. Isn't the masculinity of men in uniform considered toxic now? The icon is pajama boy.

I cannot envision Trump cuddled up in a onesie waiting for mommy to bring the hot cocoa.

There you have it. No matter what his past was, Trump has put on his big boy pants and is ready to kick ass. Today.
Is that supposed to be a veiled cheap shot at Barry's mom jeans?
lol @ the poll results.

Just shows that none of the Trump-humpers truly value military service. They just value republican military service.
Simple question: Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments
Is Clinton a coward for running off to England illegally to avoid the draft?
Is that what you believe he did? A Rhodes Scholarship?
He lied to get in ROTC to avoid his draft, then illegally left without fulfilling his ROTC requirements. Pretty simple concept.
I notice you mention no W Bush controversies about his service or Cheney's 5 deferments. Your answer to a question about the Trumpster is to deflect and go on the attack.
Bush served proudly in the National Guard and flew the most dangerous plane then in service and he flew it more then he had to, further he volunteered to go to Vietnam. Cheney had medical problems, unlike Clinton.


You're a fucking clown.
Of course not, his deferments were winning, he's a winner you know. These people don't actually go to war, they send the unsubstantial people.
Watch how fast I expose you as a hypocrite.... do you think Ali is a coward for being a draft dodger? I think we know the answer.
Simple question: Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments

No...the military is not for everyone.....and I oppose the draft. I want people who want to be soldiers to fight our battles, not every person dragged in to fill a quota.
Of course not, his deferments were winning, he's a winner you know. These people don't actually go to war, they send the unsubstantial people.
Watch how fast I expose you as a hypocrite.... do you think Ali is a coward for being a draft dodger? I think we know the answer.

No...ali was a racist for belonging to the nation of islam...but that is for another thread.
lol @ the poll results.

Just shows that none of the Trump-humpers truly value military service. They just value republican military service.
Hey screw you, obama cocklick. I served, how about you?

Explain how the poll results supports your nasty accusation?
Simple question: Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments
Some people aren't fit for military service I have no problem with someone who used the system to get out of a draft I never agreed with in the first place. At least one person in my family has fought in every war this country has had going back to the Civil War all were volunteer's. I had 4 family members go to Vietnam.
Simple question: Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments
Is Clinton a coward for running off to England illegally to avoid the draft?
Is that what you believe he did? A Rhodes Scholarship?
He lied to get in ROTC to avoid his draft, then illegally left without fulfilling his ROTC requirements. Pretty simple concept.
I notice you mention no W Bush controversies about his service or Cheney's 5 deferments. Your answer to a question about the Trumpster is to deflect and go on the attack.
Bush served proudly in the National Guard and flew the most dangerous plane then in service and he flew it more then he had to, further he volunteered to go to Vietnam. Cheney had medical problems, unlike Clinton.
Volunteering for something he was not eligible for is not being brave. Bush Jr hid out in the National Guard because his father had political pull.

He quit flying when they installed drug testing.

Cheney said that he "had better things to do".
Simple question: Is President-elect Trump A Coward for Taking 5 Draft Deferments
How many years did obama and either Clinton serve?
There was not a draft when Obama was of age, dumbass.
How many times do I have to explain you don't need one to join, dumbfuck?
Here I thought we were talking about the DRAFT.

At least Obama has respect for our veterans & not declare POWS garbage like Trump did. Trump avoided the draft & trashed vets & you slobber all over Trump like he's the orange Jesus.

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