Is “put Whitey in their place” the only pathway to relevance for the Democrat Party?

Affirmative action was designed only as an antidote to discrimination

The cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief was showered with preferential treatment his entire life, altering his "life story" to get "perks" of the Affirmative Action kind.


He was never subjected to any discrimination. His white ancestors were Confederate slave owners. His black ancestors stayed in Kenya, grabbing other tribes and selling them to Jewish owned slave ships....
I'm white. I'm heterosexual. I've got no historical racial guilt (earliest ancestors arrived in NYC in the 1840s from Ireland, nothing to do with slavery or the KKK). I have yet to figure out what the right-wing republican types are so angry about. They are marching and babbling all over the place, but who ever did anything to them? Moreover, what have they accomplished? Added to U.S. culture?

People talk about "white culture." I've got a lot of that. No darker-skinned person is taking my Springsteen records away. Broadway still shines brightly. RIP, Dr. John. People talk about "European culture," but I've got my Tchaikovsky, Andre Rieu, the Lark Ascending, Boris Pasternak, The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Jane Austen, D.H. Lawrence. Nobody is stripping us of these treasures.

If you reside in middle America the odds are that you are not exposed to the anti-whitey push that we see in every single Liberal shithole in the nation....if you do reside in one of the many Liberal shitholes you are simply playing stupid...or you are very stupid.

Please explain what this "anti-whitey push" is, with examples. The examples are critical here. Where do you live in the U.S.? Who has done something to you? Was it done in this "Mexifornia"? By whom?
I've lived in two places in the U.S., the NYC suburbs, and the DC suburbs. I've traveled some around the U.S. and abroad. It sounds like you have some chip on your shoulder about people who don't live around where you do. Why are you so angry?

You really need to give some facts about this "anti-whitey push" thing."

All one has to do is pay attention bud.
The forced implementation of affirmative action.
The declaration of sanctuary cities and states, the demand that borders stay open and flowing.
Listen to Congress celebrate a headcount of fewer Whites.
A U.S. president telling illegals and foreigners that voting makes them Americans.
Have you really not noticed that The Party Of Foreign Filth is trying to put our elections in the hands of barely legal foreigners with illegal roots. Why do you think that is?
Would the Party Of Foreign Filth be relevant if it weren’t for illegal aliens?
Would The Party Of Foreign Filth own Mexifornia if it were not for illegal aliens?
Would states be turning purple and blue if The Party Of Foreign Filth had not been encouraging illegal aliens to invade us for decades?

Wake up bud...the shit is all around won’t be long before Mexico decides our national elections and you’ll still be screaming.... “BUT BUT, BUT....RUSSIA!”
Affirmative action was designed only as an antidote to discrimination. What do sanctuary cities have to do with race as opposed to following the sacred duty of many religions to care for the downtrodden and the suffering? Nobody ever told "illegals and foreigners" that voting makes them American. What is the "Party of Foreign Filth"?

You seem so angry. What are you so angry about? You have your home, your family, your food, your freedom. What else do you want?

You're playing stupid what twisted LefTards do. Everything I cited can and has been know this, you just hate that you know this.
"You seem so angry. What are you so angry about? You have your home, your family, your food, your freedom. What else do you want?"
Us real Americans know that our duties as good Americans reaches far beyond the things you mentioned. We have an obligation to preserve American values, history, tradition and culture, to keep opportunity and the American Dream alive and attainable FOR keep America american. You wouldn't understand.

I don't "understand" because absolutely nothing has been proven. What do you "understand," wise one? I do preserve "American values, history, tradition, and culture." What are you talking about? I'm here with my American sisters and brothers. Just what is "American" to you? I stood up in my living room, alone, when the flag of the United States was planted on the moon and saluted the television. A beautiful proud day.

What is your concept of being an American? You seem to be saying that I am not "American" enough for you. I'm stopping my hand from quoting you some Springsteen.

What part of Jersey are you from?
Let’s cut to the chase already and stop playing games....The Democrats need the dynamic between the parties to blossom into a Whites vs. Minorities thing...If you believe otherwise you’re either super ignorant or you simply haven’t been paying attention. When this all finally surfaces and people stop pretending it’s not happening will they have enough White Guilt Whacko’s programmed? They’ll need them since the nation is still 70% white.
The moves are becoming the leftys change for America but in losing voters they are importing some to get rid of the Bros with the Mex. Bad move Democrats.
Let’s cut to the chase already and stop playing games....The Democrats need the dynamic between the parties to blossom into a Whites vs. Minorities thing...If you believe otherwise you’re either super ignorant or you simply haven’t been paying attention. When this all finally surfaces and people stop pretending it’s not happening will they have enough White Guilt Whacko’s programmed? They’ll need them since the nation is still 70% white.
The moves are becoming the leftys change for America but in losing voters they are importing some to get rid of the Bros with the Mex. Bad move Democrats.
Why are you trying to break down Americans by race and ancestry and sex and religion? We are all here and we are all American. We all gather under Old Glory.
Let’s cut to the chase already and stop playing games....The Democrats need the dynamic between the parties to blossom into a Whites vs. Minorities thing...If you believe otherwise you’re either super ignorant or you simply haven’t been paying attention. When this all finally surfaces and people stop pretending it’s not happening will they have enough White Guilt Whacko’s programmed? They’ll need them since the nation is still 70% white.
Its already whites vs everyone else. The democrats are just hoping to win on that...the sooner whites wake up and fight back the better.
Let’s cut to the chase already and stop playing games....The Democrats need the dynamic between the parties to blossom into a Whites vs. Minorities thing...If you believe otherwise you’re either super ignorant or you simply haven’t been paying attention. When this all finally surfaces and people stop pretending it’s not happening will they have enough White Guilt Whacko’s programmed? They’ll need them since the nation is still 70% white.
The moves are becoming the leftys change for America but in losing voters they are importing some to get rid of the Bros with the Mex. Bad move Democrats.
Why are you trying to break down Americans by race and ancestry and sex and religion? We are all here and we are all American. We all gather under Old Glory.

You gotta stop that skipping through fields of daisy's bunch of bullshit.
Most us us our here with LEGAL roots....1/3 of this nation is here by way of criminality.
Let’s cut to the chase already and stop playing games....The Democrats need the dynamic between the parties to blossom into a Whites vs. Minorities thing...If you believe otherwise you’re either super ignorant or you simply haven’t been paying attention. When this all finally surfaces and people stop pretending it’s not happening will they have enough White Guilt Whacko’s programmed? They’ll need them since the nation is still 70% white.
Its already whites vs everyone else. The democrats are just hoping to win on that...the sooner whites wake up and fight back the better.

What are "whites"? We are Americans.
Let’s cut to the chase already and stop playing games....The Democrats need the dynamic between the parties to blossom into a Whites vs. Minorities thing...If you believe otherwise you’re either super ignorant or you simply haven’t been paying attention. When this all finally surfaces and people stop pretending it’s not happening will they have enough White Guilt Whacko’s programmed? They’ll need them since the nation is still 70% white.
Its already whites vs everyone else. The democrats are just hoping to win on that...the sooner whites wake up and fight back the better.

What are "whites"? We are Americans.

Nope...we are not all equal.
All your piece of shit buddies want to ride the coattails of good, real Americans...that's how that retarded shit was born...FUCK THAT!
Let’s cut to the chase already and stop playing games....The Democrats need the dynamic between the parties to blossom into a Whites vs. Minorities thing...If you believe otherwise you’re either super ignorant or you simply haven’t been paying attention. When this all finally surfaces and people stop pretending it’s not happening will they have enough White Guilt Whacko’s programmed? They’ll need them since the nation is still 70% white.
Its already whites vs everyone else. The democrats are just hoping to win on that...the sooner whites wake up and fight back the better.

What are "whites"? We are Americans.
I have NEVER and will NEVER consider myself an American because it doesn't mean a damn thing. I am a white man first and foremost. A southerner secondly.
Let’s cut to the chase already and stop playing games....The Democrats need the dynamic between the parties to blossom into a Whites vs. Minorities thing...If you believe otherwise you’re either super ignorant or you simply haven’t been paying attention. When this all finally surfaces and people stop pretending it’s not happening will they have enough White Guilt Whacko’s programmed? They’ll need them since the nation is still 70% white.
Its already whites vs everyone else. The democrats are just hoping to win on that...the sooner whites wake up and fight back the better.

What are "whites"? We are Americans.

Nope...we are not all equal.
All your piece of shit buddies want to ride the coattails of good, real Americans...that's how that retarded shit was born...FUCK THAT!

What is a "good real American"? Some white piss-boy in a cowboy hat who wants to screw some white teenage girl and make her preggers? Oh, pulleezz. Some Bundy fanatic? Bet you've got your cowboy hat and your boots on and you are out there to find some young girl (white, of course). You are not an American.
Let’s cut to the chase already and stop playing games....The Democrats need the dynamic between the parties to blossom into a Whites vs. Minorities thing...If you believe otherwise you’re either super ignorant or you simply haven’t been paying attention. When this all finally surfaces and people stop pretending it’s not happening will they have enough White Guilt Whacko’s programmed? They’ll need them since the nation is still 70% white.
Its already whites vs everyone else. The democrats are just hoping to win on that...the sooner whites wake up and fight back the better.

What are "whites"? We are Americans.

Nope...we are not all equal.
All your piece of shit buddies want to ride the coattails of good, real Americans...that's how that retarded shit was born...FUCK THAT!

What is a "good real American"? Some white piss-boy in a cowboy hat who wants to screw some white teenage girl and make her preggers? Oh, pulleezz. Some Bundy fanatic? Bet you've got your cowboy hat and your boots on and you are out there to find some young girl (white, of course). You are not an American.

Whoopsie...and you thought you were being clever...hahaha
"Race and ethnicity are an important factor in identified sexual abuse. African American children have almost twice the risk of sexual abuse than white children. Children of Hispanic ethnicity have a slightly greater risk than non-Hispanic white children."

Look kid, I know your type, I have you pegged..I can see you're all fucked in the head...You've bought in to all the LefTarded'll need to pull your twisted, pathetic head from your LefTarded ass before you'll allow yourself to start to acknowledging facts and statistics...Only then, after you allow yourself to become enlightened can any sane person reason with you. Good luck kiddo.
Poor conservatives, their world is changing and all they can do is helplessly grasp at the past that will never come back.

Pretending they are a part of some superior race even though their own lives don't live up to the mythology.

It is amazing to watch the left wing wordsmithing...

White supremacism = wanting equality

White racism = opposing preferential treatment for non-whites

Male supremacism = wanting equality

Male sexism = opposing preferential treatment for women

The Democrat Party has never been for equality. It has always stood for discrimination


and it goes batshit whenever that TRUTH is pointed out

Right, and when I call BrokeLoser a racist it's becuase he wants equality of all people. Good one, clown.
I am an old school liberal, ie, I don't suffer from this perennial self hatred modern rich elitist whites do. I am not proud of being white, neither am I ashamed of it. I gain nothing either way. But it seems people profit from exploiting being anti white now, and this is totally against what liberalism and progressivism should really be. These people that capitalize on race or sex remind me of Robespierre. Superficial panderers. Empty posturing manipulators...
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Poor conservatives, their world is changing and all they can do is helplessly grasp at the past that will never come back.

Pretending they are a part of some superior race even though their own lives don't live up to the mythology.

It is amazing to watch the left wing wordsmithing...

White supremacism = wanting equality

White racism = opposing preferential treatment for non-whites

Male supremacism = wanting equality

Male sexism = opposing preferential treatment for women

The Democrat Party has never been for equality. It has always stood for discrimination


and it goes batshit whenever that TRUTH is pointed out

Right, and when I call BrokeLoser a racist it's becuase he wants equality of all people. Good one, clown.

Get back on your meds, you Bangkok boy-girl!
Poor conservatives, their world is changing and all they can do is helplessly grasp at the past that will never come back.

Pretending they are a part of some superior race even though their own lives don't live up to the mythology.

It is amazing to watch the left wing wordsmithing...

White supremacism = wanting equality

White racism = opposing preferential treatment for non-whites

Male supremacism = wanting equality

Male sexism = opposing preferential treatment for women

The Democrat Party has never been for equality. It has always stood for discrimination


and it goes batshit whenever that TRUTH is pointed out

Right, and when I call BrokeLoser a racist it's becuase he wants equality of all people. Good one, clown.

Get back on your meds, you Bangkok boy-girl!

Is that the sort of thing on your mind? USMB isn't just a home for racist assholes, it's also where they tell you exactly what they are into and how they are personally dealing with their homoerotic fantasies.
Right, and when I call BrokeLoser a racist it's becuase he wants equality of all people. Good one, clown.

Do you want "Affirmative Action" repealed/banned/outlawed?

If you don't, and you don't, then you are AGAINST EQUALITY likely because


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