Is racism on the rise?

You said it so well, Foxfyre. Thank you very much.

Someone recently dragged me kicking and screaming out of my colorblindness. It pissed me off. Still pisses me off. I prefered to be colorblind but the continual hammering of anything said against things I felt unreasonable or fair, the lies about my own character in calling this person names with no proof because it never happened, the falling back into me being supposedly racist because I wouldnt see things their yanked my blindfold off. But instead of seeing color...I saw someone completely racist themself self projecting on to me what they are.

It was not a pleasant experience.
When we have a segment of society that absolutely refuses to allow anybody to be color blind but looks to broadcast and condemn the slightest innuendo that could be aluded to somebody's race even if they have to make it up, racism will continue to be alive, well, and exploited for personal advantage.

As long as the political correctness people insist that we can't use certain words or phrases or graphics or context without being branded RACIST!!!!, racism will continue to be alive, well, and exploited for personal advantage.

When we are not allowed to ignore skin color or ethnicity and treat everybody the same, racism will continue to be alive, well, and exploited for personal advantage.

As long as we allow racism to be quite lucrative and profitable, racism will continue to be alive, well, and exploited for personal advantage.

President Obama could have made a difference being the first President of color elected to high office, but he and his supporters chose not to allow that to happen. So instead of having a President who happened to be black, we were forced to have a BLACK President with all the required politically correct deference to his race built into it. And his supporters use that to try to squash any normal criticism by shouting RACIST!!!!

And that sucks.

Why do the Christian Conservatives act like that?
It's probably just you. People are just more vocal about it than usual.

I'm curious, though, why did you qualify Obama as half black?

Because everyone keeps saying hes black this black that black black black. I wanted to remind everyone that he does have a white mother so he is half black.
Then I guess you answered your own question.

Maybe we should come up with new labels for blacks: based on how much white blood they have in them. I doubt there is a "pure" black American, but there are many gradients of whiteness.


Ravi, I am german and irish but Im caucasian. What am I to be called, then? Do I claim my german ancestry or my irish? Can I deny either one even though both run in my veins?

My point is Obama keeps being labeled as black. He is half white as well. Do we call him the BlackWhite Prez? The WhiteBlack Prez? Or just the Prez? Seems all I hear is "our first Black Prez". And he doesnt seem to mind being in that bracket either, does he?
You said it so well, Foxfyre. Thank you very much.

Someone recently dragged me kicking and screaming out of my colorblindness. It pissed me off. Still pisses me off. I prefered to be colorblind but the continual hammering of anything said against things I felt unreasonable or fair, the lies about my own character in calling this person names with no proof because it never happened, the falling back into me being supposedly racist because I wouldnt see things their yanked my blindfold off. But instead of seeing color...I saw someone completely racist themself self projecting on to me what they are.

It was not a pleasant experience.

I'm new to this board, can you explain your colorblindness for me, how did it work? If you were mugged how would you describe your mugger?
Your people... My people.... Their people.....Us.

Once we started working together, living in integrated neighborhoods, sharing the same establishments, we became more like acquaintances, then friends. You cannot tell me I was wrong. I saw it for myself. We saw more things in common than things that were different.

Actually, it was our place in life that classified us, not our race. Middle class whites and blacks had the same values and so did the upper and lower. If anyone did a study, the would find that was right. It had really nothing to do with skin color, but mores.

But racism continued in the lower class, for there we find entitlements and excuses. We also find some good people who try to get their families out of that class, not be working hard, but by encouraging family members to do so. Yet there is so much enabling, it working against the hard working people. They system is against them.

I wish we could revamp this system, knowing it is not black, but black and white... the poor and we are enabling and not pulling up but holding down. Let's offer free sitting, but not free food or clothes. Let's offer free training but not free shelter. Make them work and pay to live. Let them build self esteem/.
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What Rev Wright taught was the complete opposite of what MLK taught. Both were black men, Salt.
You said it so well, Foxfyre. Thank you very much.

Someone recently dragged me kicking and screaming out of my colorblindness. It pissed me off. Still pisses me off. I prefered to be colorblind but the continual hammering of anything said against things I felt unreasonable or fair, the lies about my own character in calling this person names with no proof because it never happened, the falling back into me being supposedly racist because I wouldnt see things their yanked my blindfold off. But instead of seeing color...I saw someone completely racist themself self projecting on to me what they are.

It was not a pleasant experience.

I'm new to this board, can you explain your colorblindness for me, how did it work? If you were mugged how would you describe your mugger?

I dont bother to explain myself or get in depth conversations with those who do not have an open mind. Or do you need me to explain open mind? No, it is not brain surgery.
You said it so well, Foxfyre. Thank you very much.

Someone recently dragged me kicking and screaming out of my colorblindness. It pissed me off. Still pisses me off. I prefered to be colorblind but the continual hammering of anything said against things I felt unreasonable or fair, the lies about my own character in calling this person names with no proof because it never happened, the falling back into me being supposedly racist because I wouldnt see things their yanked my blindfold off. But instead of seeing color...I saw someone completely racist themself self projecting on to me what they are.

It was not a pleasant experience.

And I don't have a clue whether you're black or white or something else, Grace, but I see it being done to all races. "Whitey" isn't allowed to treat everybody the same or use certain words or metaphors that the 'black folk' can use without being branded racist. And a black man or woman too often isn't allowed to agree with certain ideologies or philosophies without being accused of being an 'oreo' or "acting white' or being a 'discredit to his/her race' or whatever. Those identified (wrongly in many cases) as "Latino" aren't allowed to be anti-illegal immigration without being labeled traitors.

To me that is disgusting.
And I don't have a clue whether you're black or white or something else, Grace, but I see it being done to all races. "Whitey" isn't allowed to treat everybody the same or use certain words or metaphors that the 'black folk' can use without being branded racist. And a black man or woman too often isn't allowed to agree with certain ideologies or philosophies without being accused of being an 'oreo' or "acting white' or being a 'discredit to his/her race' or whatever. Those identified (wrongly in many cases) as "Latino" aren't allowed to be anti-illegal immigration without being labeled traitors.

To me that is disgusting.

I feel that people's personalities shouldn't be defined by his or her skin color, but I do think that people shouldn't be using those "words or metaphors" in an antagonizing way. So, I pretty much agree with you.
It's probably just you. People are just more vocal about it than usual.

I'm curious, though, why did you qualify Obama as half black?

Because everyone keeps saying hes black this black that black black black. I wanted to remind everyone that he does have a white mother so he is half black.

Half-black, Half-black, Half-black, Half-black, Half-black, Half-black, Half-black, Half-black, Half-back, half back, Half-back, half back, have back, have back, have back, have back, has been, has been, has been

Happy Now?
It's probably just you. People are just more vocal about it than usual.

I'm curious, though, why did you qualify Obama as half black?

Ya...I thought he was half Irish...

Sheesh .. talk about your persecution..
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There are several things that contribute to race remaining an issue in America:

-Affirmative Action and other government programs, almost always products of Leftist Democrats that focus on race

-The continued existence of Native American Reservations, which encourage racial/tribal isolationism and discourage integration into the greater American society

-Race baiters on the Left, including many Obama supporters who supported Obama specifically because he wasn't an old White man and who continue to play the race card when anyone questions him and the like of Al Sharpton

-The 'PC' double-standard regarding racist organizations like the National Council of the Race, which encourages ethnic cleansing and the (re-)creation of a racially nationalist political authority (see:Reconquista); the bizarre position by many self-proclaimed 'liberals' in America that every race is to demonstrate pride in their heritage except for Whites. Examples include Chicanos por la Causa and Black History Month.

-The lefty refusal to demand that today's immigrants integrate into America, including learning the language

Many White Americans today notice that the White male is the only socially acceptable target for daytime comedy by members of other races. They wonder why they are being told they must learn a foreign language in their own nation when our ancestors learned the language of the country they came to for a better life. They wonder why they're expected to feel bad because a member of the same race had slaves 200 years ago and why blacks are not responsible for their actions after all this time when the Chinese seem to have moved past all they were put through. They wonder why their lives are put at risk by forcing a fire department to hire less capable persons in order to meet racial quotas and ensure a black man isn't held to the same standards as everyone else.

Is it any surprise when some White people then react to all this by clinging to the last traces of American culture they have and seeking to camaraderie and familiarity with their own kind? It is the Left which has clearly been waging a culture war against all that is White, European, or Christian.

The only surprise is that so few Whites have reacted or fought back. Just as antisemitism gave birth to a new Zionism in early 20th century, the recent growth seen by certain groups within the White Pride and Nativist movement is a product of the discrimination and demonization the White race faces in America today. We are constantly told that we are White and therefore we are evil and should be ashamed. We see neighborhood after neighborhood overrun by Mexican and Black gangs as society seems to fall apart. It is to be expected that some will stand up and declare that enough is enough
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Seems that instead of it lessening, its getting stronger. I thought Obama being the first black (half black) president would be encouragement for the races to "settle in" and it not be as bad. And although I know its still rampant in this country, it seemed to be lightening up a smidge and folks were more tolerant...or trying to be, anyway. But to me, since Obama got in office, it is rising to higher pitch.
Or is it just me?

There is zero change in attitudes.

The only change is you get to see it daily online.
Let me try to explain it to you this way, Salt. I have no other way to do it except that it was an "almost" epiphany when I first heard it...then when I experienced it first mind immediately went back to that first inkling of a lightbulb going off over my head.

Wife Swap. I watch it now and then. Couple of years ago, a woman that was extremely religious (christian) was swapped with a pagan wife. Of course, the producers knew it would be pure gold entertainment. Marguerite didnt fail to give a good show about how her beliefs ran rampant over anyone elses NOT of her faith. Marguerite was white. So was the pagan family. Ratings soared and Marguerite was seen as the worst human being on the face of the earth "representing" christians. forward. The producers ask Marguerite to return, hoping for another meltdown show. So this time they paired her with a black couple. Marguerite redeemed herself this time though. No meltdown. No soared ratings. But she said something that planted a seed in my brain that just sat there, then grew when I had a recent "conversation" with someone else about black spelling bees.
Marguerite and her new "swapped black husband" was sad to watch. He needed to "teach" her of the differences in black and white. He treated her shabbily, was rude, obnoxious, and beat in to her head via words what its all about in how blacks have been downtrodden for hundreds of years. His friends and family were horrified at how HE acted. They were shamed. When Marguerite and he had their "discuss time" on the show, she said to him (shes southern, by the way) "I have never seen color in all my life. But it took just you to show me what not being colorblind means. I would have preferred to stay colorblind".

I knew how she felt and i knew what she meant. But never experiencing someone like that Swap Husband, the seed just stayed where it was in my mind. The person that watered the seed and made it sprout was yet another person who needed to "teach" the difference between black and white..but this time, it was from a white person battling for all black people and the way it was being taught was similar to what happens when someone starts thumping a bible over my head. It pisses me off and I run the other way. Which I did because I prefer to be colorblind. Which has nothing to do with describing a crime. Your mindset is part of the barb wire on that fence everyone keeps putting up. Caucasians AND blacks are both holding the wire cutters and post hole diggers.
And I don't have a clue whether you're black or white or something else, Grace, but I see it being done to all races. "Whitey" isn't allowed to treat everybody the same or use certain words or metaphors that the 'black folk' can use without being branded racist. And a black man or woman too often isn't allowed to agree with certain ideologies or philosophies without being accused of being an 'oreo' or "acting white' or being a 'discredit to his/her race' or whatever. Those identified (wrongly in many cases) as "Latino" aren't allowed to be anti-illegal immigration without being labeled traitors.

To me that is disgusting.

I feel that people's personalities shouldn't be defined by his or her skin color, but I do think that people shouldn't be using those "words or metaphors" in an antagonizing way. So, I pretty much agree with you.

I think it's time to put words and metaphors as slurs behind us. When we can tease a black person enjoying a watermelon or who is good at basketball or whatever with the same ease and good humor as we can tease an Irishman for being red headed or a Scotsman for enjoying his cups, we will have once and for all put racism behind us. But the PC police won't allow it. Not yet. They DEMAND that we be conscious of race and deferrent to race and therefore demand that we all remain racist.
Seems that instead of it lessening, its getting stronger. I thought Obama being the first black (half black) president would be encouragement for the races to "settle in" and it not be as bad. And although I know its still rampant in this country, it seemed to be lightening up a smidge and folks were more tolerant...or trying to be, anyway. But to me, since Obama got in office, it is rising to higher pitch.
Or is it just me?

Yes, it's gotten worse. That's because much of Obama's crew is racist and the Democrat Party supports institutionalized racism. Very sad.

This is fun. A new part of the Connie Lexicon.."Institutionalized Racism".:lol:
I voted for Obama. I believed in what he said
What was that? I don't remember him ever telling us what change he was going to bring. Only that he'd change things and give us hope in change. The entire pitch was little more than 'I am not an old White guy'

I hoped, JB. Even with my fallacies...I still have hope. Unfortunately, I can be naive as well, at times.

btw..I liked your response to the topic. When I spread some more around, I owe you a green thingie.

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