Is Racism Over Yet?

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How are you not a racist when you believe that the black race is in an economically inferior condition to whites due to something INNATE within blacks not shared to the same degree and kind within whites? That alone makes you a racist.

Those who think they are not racist because their belief is based upon TRUTHS....are the MOST racist of them all.

(X) So, just what have black people done to advance the American society and made America great? What did they ever invent that made life easy for the white people? I do believe that they did create and invented welfare. But hey.
How about education? Black people educated your ancestors on 2 different occasions. Without Blacks you would still be scratching your hairy asses outside your caves after snacking on your neighbors.

Aren't Africans the ones that enjoyed cannibalism and use to eat their enemies? Without white people you would still be shitting in the bushes and probably end up with bugs crawling all over their hairy asses. Just saying. :5_1_12024:Before the white man came along blacks did not know what guns were. Just a little bit of education for you.

Well now given the fact whites drank out of the Thames river while dead bodies and feces of humans and animals floated up and down the river, had a rat infestation and ate eat other in he winter of 1620 because they were too dumb to know how to grow crops in America, perhaps you might want to ease up on your ignorance boy. Just saying.

Hey boy, Africans gave the world cannibalism and the blacks in Africa knew very little about growing fruits and vegetables. Africans just ate whatever they could find off the land and that was it. Thanks to white people they now have an abundance of food to eat and have learned how to grow crops. I was in Egypt many years ago and saw Arab women cleaning their clothes and carpets in a rat dead cow infested canal. In those past days the whites had to do what they had to do to survive. You would too, ignorant boy.
Hey monkey. Why is it you monkeys claim youre smart but you never know what you are talking about? Do you know the main reason slaves from Africa were coveted by whites? It was because we knew how to grow the cash crops that made whites wealthy.

When Rice Was King--Reading 1

"The intricate steps involved in planting, cultivating, harvesting, and preparing rice required an immense labor force. Planters stated that African slaves were particularly suited to provide that labor force for two reasons: 1) rice was grown in some areas of Africa and there was evidence that some slaves were familiar with the methods of cultivation practiced there, and 2) it was thought that the slaves, by virtue of their racial characteristics, were better able than white laborers to withstand the extreme heat and humidity of the tidal swamps and therefore would be more productive workers."
Haven't you heard? Diversity is our strength! Nevermind the skyrocketing crime rates, it's just growing pains.

Yup, I heard and it's all about non-whites these days. It's more like diversity/multiculturalism will be our white downfall or as some call it white racial genocide. The white pain is only just beginning. :crybaby:
Your recessive genes are your downfall. Youre doomed to disappear. Nature will make sure youre bred back into the human gene pool.

View attachment 179794
Nothing between us but air and opportunity right?

View attachment 179795
Nothing stopping you now right?
Yup, I heard and it's all about non-whites these days. It's more like diversity/multiculturalism will be our white downfall or as some call it white racial genocide. The white pain is only just beginning. :crybaby:
Your recessive genes are your downfall. Youre doomed to disappear. Nature will make sure youre bred back into the human gene pool.

View attachment 179794
Nothing between us but air and opportunity right?

View attachment 179795
Nothing stopping you now right?

Your recessive genes are your downfall. Youre doomed to disappear. Nature will make sure youre bred back into the human gene pool.

View attachment 179794
Nothing between us but air and opportunity right?

View attachment 179795
Nothing stopping you now right?

View attachment 179797
Well, I'm not denying that. Slave owners didn't want their slaves practicing their african religions. Similar to how early Christians came to Europe and wiped out all the heathen religions at the point of a sword.

That picture reminds me of the good old days when America was pretty much all white and civilized. But now, well?

Haven't you heard? Diversity is our strength! Nevermind the skyrocketing crime rates, it's just growing pains.

Yup, I heard and it's all about non-whites these days. It's more like diversity/multiculturalism will be our white downfall or as some call it white racial genocide. The white pain is only just beginning. :crybaby:
Your recessive genes are your downfall. Youre doomed to disappear. Nature will make sure youre bred back into the human gene pool.

View attachment 179794
Your recessive genes are your downfall. Youre doomed to disappear. Nature will make sure youre bred back into the human gene pool.

View attachment 179794
Nothing between us but air and opportunity right?

View attachment 179795
Nothing stopping you now right?

View attachment 179797

Yup, that just about sums it all up. Those hook nose people are the real danger to white people.
That picture reminds me of the good old days when America was pretty much all white and civilized. But now, well?

Haven't you heard? Diversity is our strength! Nevermind the skyrocketing crime rates, it's just growing pains.

Yup, I heard and it's all about non-whites these days. It's more like diversity/multiculturalism will be our white downfall or as some call it white racial genocide. The white pain is only just beginning. :crybaby:
Your recessive genes are your downfall. Youre doomed to disappear. Nature will make sure youre bred back into the human gene pool.

View attachment 179794

Yup, that just about sums it all up. Those hook nose people are the real danger to white people.
The real danger to white people is your history of inbreeding resulting in dangerous health problems and your recessive DNA. The sun hates you.
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How are you not a racist when you believe that the black race is in an economically inferior condition to whites due to something INNATE within blacks not shared to the same degree and kind within whites? That alone makes you a racist.

Those who think they are not racist because their belief is based upon TRUTHS....are the MOST racist of them all.

(X) So, just what have black people done to advance the American society and made America great? What did they ever invent that made life easy for the white people? I do believe that they did create and invented welfare. But hey.
How about education? Black people educated your ancestors on 2 different occasions. Without Blacks you would still be scratching your hairy asses outside your caves after snacking on your neighbors.

Aren't Africans the ones that enjoyed cannibalism and use to eat their enemies? Without white people you would still be shitting in the bushes and probably end up with bugs crawling all over their hairy asses. Just saying. :5_1_12024:Before the white man came along blacks did not know what guns were. Just a little bit of education for you.

Well now given the fact whites drank out of the Thames river while dead bodies and feces of humans and animals floated up and down the river, had a rat infestation and ate eat other in he winter of 1620 because they were too dumb to know how to grow crops in America, perhaps you might want to ease up on your ignorance boy. Just saying.

Brown folks have practiced ritualistic cannibalism for centuries, and not because they were starving to death but because their serpent-god commanded it.

Why are all these non-Christian religions today are all about eating people, killing people, throwing people off roof tops, living among rats in the streets? Something is terribly wrong with their gods. Their gods do not appear to be civilized at all.
To the white racists and the black racists and the brown racists and the albino racists and the color blind racists etc. I’m going to tell you how the cow ate the cabbage. We are all American here and team work makes the dream work. So kick back, cut a piece of American apple pie and relax with you’re colorful brothers and sisters

Look dumb ass, you can't call a people racists after they get told how they are inferior by whites and treated hat way for 241yars including right now when they say fuck those whites telling me I am inferior. That's what you are calling back, brown etc., racism and that's damn stupid. So I'm telling you how the cow ate the cabbage. You are talking about chickens eating birdseed.

So let me know when we have a team, not one group deciding there is a team when there isn't one.
Is Racism over yet? As long as white people keep making little white girls and as long as little white girls keep craving dark meat, I think its kinda over for those two, what do you think? There are very very very few white families in America that don't have a Deshaun at their family reunions.

(X)White people can thank Jewish Hollywood for making little white girls want to marry a black person. Hollywood also has been pushing homo TV shows to try and convince white people that the white gay life is fantastic. As long as white people can be convinced that they should marry a black or become queer then this shit will only get worse and white people will destroy themselves. Even feminazism had a hand in producing women who were told that they did not need a man to survive. Yet some of these idiots think that they do not need a man to have a baby. The mixing of the races is a recipe for genocide.

Here in Canada just about all commercials will show a white gay couple(never a black or Asian gay couple)or some white guy or gal linked up with a say a black and Asian man or woman. Even in America they are doing this also. Just watch and you will see it. There is no doubt that there is a program and agenda to make North America less white and more non-white. Just look at all the non-whites that are being allowed to immigrate to white countries all over the world. White people are under attack and many cannot or refuse to see this happening. They do this at their own peril. If most white people wnat to play dumb and stupid well that will be that but White people need to think about their children and grandchildren. They are the ones who are going to pay the price for our white stupidity and will they will reap what we sow. It's time for old whitey to wake the hell up now.

This ^^^^^ kind of nonsense is such weak, cowardly, paranoid garbage that it is almost comical anyone is still so arrested in their development as to seriously harbor infantile fears of such a sort. Talk about time to grow up...


They hardly wore anything at all until the white man came along. What they wore then was not considered clothing. Feathers and animal skins were the flavor of the day way back then. Even today some Amazon tribes still run around naked.
(X) So, just what have black people done to advance the American society and made America great? What did they ever invent that made life easy for the white people? I do believe that they did create and invented welfare. But hey.
How about education? Black people educated your ancestors on 2 different occasions. Without Blacks you would still be scratching your hairy asses outside your caves after snacking on your neighbors.

Aren't Africans the ones that enjoyed cannibalism and use to eat their enemies? Without white people you would still be shitting in the bushes and probably end up with bugs crawling all over their hairy asses. Just saying. :5_1_12024:Before the white man came along blacks did not know what guns were. Just a little bit of education for you.

Well now given the fact whites drank out of the Thames river while dead bodies and feces of humans and animals floated up and down the river, had a rat infestation and ate eat other in he winter of 1620 because they were too dumb to know how to grow crops in America, perhaps you might want to ease up on your ignorance boy. Just saying.

Brown folks have practiced ritualistic cannibalism for centuries, and not because they were starving to death but because their serpent-god commanded it.

Why are all these non-Christian religions today are all about eating people, killing people, throwing people off roof tops, living among rats in the streets? Something is terribly wrong with their gods. Their gods do not appear to be civilized at all.

Whites have done the same things.
Is Racism over yet? As long as white people keep making little white girls and as long as little white girls keep craving dark meat, I think its kinda over for those two, what do you think? There are very very very few white families in America that don't have a Deshaun at their family reunions.

(X)White people can thank Jewish Hollywood for making little white girls want to marry a black person. Hollywood also has been pushing homo TV shows to try and convince white people that the white gay life is fantastic. As long as white people can be convinced that they should marry a black or become queer then this shit will only get worse and white people will destroy themselves. Even feminazism had a hand in producing women who were told that they did not need a man to survive. Yet some of these idiots think that they do not need a man to have a baby. The mixing of the races is a recipe for genocide.

Here in Canada just about all commercials will show a white gay couple(never a black or Asian gay couple)or some white guy or gal linked up with a say a black and Asian man or woman. Even in America they are doing this also. Just watch and you will see it. There is no doubt that there is a program and agenda to make North America less white and more non-white. Just look at all the non-whites that are being allowed to immigrate to white countries all over the world. White people are under attack and many cannot or refuse to see this happening. They do this at their own peril. If most white people wnat to play dumb and stupid well that will be that but White people need to think about their children and grandchildren. They are the ones who are going to pay the price for our white stupidity and will they will reap what we sow. It's time for old whitey to wake the hell up now.

This ^^^^^ kind of nonsense is such weak, cowardly, paranoid garbage that it is almost comical anyone is still so arrested in their development as to seriously harbor infantile fears of such a sort. Talk about time to grow up...

View attachment 179799
i dont want to integrate with whites. No thanks. I'm good.


Where it belongs. But why is she wearing white? Just curious.
Because we wore white in Africa all the time.

They hardly wore anything at all until the white man came along. What they wore then was not considered clothing. Feathers and animal skins were the flavor of the day way back then. Even today some Amazon tribes still run around naked.

Why would you wear 3 layers of clothing in the heat and humidity of the amazon region?
Black Americans have been away from their ancestral homelands just as long as white Americans have, if not longer. We've both lost touch with our cultural traditions.

That's not how it's been. We were denied our traditions.

Well, I'm not denying that. Slave owners didn't want their slaves practicing their african religions. Similar to how early Christians came to Europe and wiped out all the heathen religions at the point of a sword.

That picture reminds me of the good old days when America was pretty much all white and civilized. But now, well?

Haven't you heard? Diversity is our strength! Nevermind the skyrocketing crime rates, it's just growing pains.

Crime has gone down in America.

Where it belongs. But why is she wearing white? Just curious.
Because we wore white in Africa all the time.

They hardly wore anything at all until the white man came along. What they wore then was not considered clothing. Feathers and animal skins were the flavor of the day way back then. Even today some Amazon tribes still run around naked.
Who told you that? More white "scholars"? You do realize the Amazon is in S. America right?

Smart white people. :laugh:
Because we wore white in Africa all the time.

They hardly wore anything at all until the white man came along. What they wore then was not considered clothing. Feathers and animal skins were the flavor of the day way back then. Even today some Amazon tribes still run around naked.

Why would you wear 3 layers of clothing in the heat and humidity of the amazon region?
White people think its cold everywhere. This dumb one thinks the Amazon is in Africa.
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