Is Russia a threat to Western Europa and the U.S.?

Yes, Russia is a threat because they use online propaganda to support parties which are favorable to Russia.

They are not a threat militarily at the present moment, but we do not know about the future.
Yes, sure. The Russians are leaving Ukraine. They just take their land with them. Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, Nikolayev, Odessa, Kharkov, Kiev and even Lvov are Russian cities.

Like New York.

Q: How long does it take a Russian to get to 2 per mille?
A: 2 weeks rehab!!!
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Putin said, that the territory isn't the goal per se. Safety, wealth and dignity of the Russian people are.

Putin goes to hell after his death. Once a year, he gets a day off. He goes to a bar in Moscow and orders a vodka. He asks the bartender who won the war. He says: "We did!". Putin is satisfied and wants to pay. The bartender says: "That's 5 euros!"
Wrong thread again BangaBangaBoom .
But your Xmas hints for flower arranging are always eagerly anticipated

Q: How do you tell the difference between an optimistic Russian and a pessimistic one?
A: The optimist learns English, the pessimist Chinese.
Ukraine should copy Nazi Germany in 1944 in order to have a chance to confront Russia. Taking an example from the Third Reich, Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, former commander of the U.S. Army in Europe, suggested to Kiev in an interview with the YouTube channel Perun.

"Think about what Germany did in 1944. Aircraft production for the Luftwaffe peaked in 1944. And that was after more than two years of continuous bombing of German cities. However, the production of airplanes in Germany was on the rise. That's why I think Ukraine can increase production. Some Western companies are already helping," he said.

The general is too late with his suggestions - Ukraine has long been copying the Third Reich.
And by the way, after 1944 it was 1945 for Germany.
Only to make something clear: never anyone wan in any war anything. In war loses always everyone. War is per se destructive. And specally world war 3 will be a very special war for psychologically sick suiciders. Whatevr wil haen in tis war - no Russina will survive. Not onyl a singe one. But if not so adn a Rzssina sghoudl survien than the after-world war 3 people will kill him.

Should it not be "Germany will be lost"?

Economy? ... Russians and economy is a very special theme. Which future skull trades with which future skull in your "economy of word war 3", superidiot?
Nucleophobia detected. Nuclear weapon is a powerful thing, but it's just another weapon. Nuclear war, especially if fought in the right way, is survivable and winnable.
The OP question is too narrow. Russia is a major threat to Eastern Europe, much of which is now in NATO or the EU or is aiming to join in order to maintain their sovereignty and develop their economies. It is in our and everybody’s interests that they succeed in truly joining Europe, establishing Western European democratic norms, ending gross corruption, etc.

Putin is also a threat to Russians themselves. His military invasion of sovereign Ukraine is not only a bloody threat to it and eventually to other Black Sea states like Georgia, it is bleeding Russia and the ethnic minorities in the Russian Federation. It has created a challenge to the world order and liberal capitalist democratic states everywhere.

Many developing countries are understandably suspicious of U.S. motives and wish to trade freely with all, including China and Russia, and so do not want to be forced actively to take sides. But it is ultimately in their interests too to develop government institutions and economic systems that guarantee individual rights.

Putin is crystal clear he is in a cultural and political war with the democracies of the West and U.S. in particular — though many Americans — following Trump — think this is all a misunderstanding and really Putin is a “good guy” who has been provoked by NATO.

Americans are now so crazed by domestic ultra-partisan madness, they may actually elect a man who truly admires Putin. So the real threat of economically poor and culturally dead Russia to the U.S. … is that we may destroy ourselves and the best aspects of our own Republican tradition. We may end up mimicking other populist “democratic strongman” regimes … on the road to something worse.

We are in fact failing our own best traditions, and if we abandon Ukraine it will be not just dictator Putin’s victory over Ukraine, it will be a victory for all enemies of America and the very idea of liberal democracy. All the world’s one-party dictatorships, from the one in the Kremlin, to the one in Beijing, to the Mullahs autocracy in Iran to North Korea will celebrate. Our developed mainly democratic capitalist allies will waver and fear for their own futures.

The world will become incomparably more dangerous, and our position in the world much weaker. For the most part, however, it will not have been Russia or Putin who did this, but we Americans ourselves.
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Nucleophobia detected. Nuclear weapon is a powerful thing, but it's just another weapon. Nuclear war, especially if fought in the right way, is survivable and winnable.

Nice way to formulate the own death sentence. I know for example a concrete scenario what had happenend in the Cold War. In the first day of this scenario had died more than 700 million people - without the people the Warshaw pact had killed. 700 millions had been in this days about 25% of all mankind I assume.
Don't know whether Russia is a threat to this nation.

DO know Russia is a threat to its own people.

Tens of thousands of Russian boys have died in this senseless war.

When, oh when, will Russia get decent leaders?
Ukraine should copy Nazi Germany in 1944 in order to have a chance to confront Russia. Taking an example from the Third Reich, Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, former commander of the U.S. Army in Europe, suggested to Kiev in an interview with the YouTube channel Perun.

"Think about what Germany did in 1944. Aircraft production for the Luftwaffe peaked in 1944. And that was after more than two years of continuous bombing of German cities. However, the production of airplanes in Germany was on the rise. That's why I think Ukraine can increase production. Some Western companies are already helping," he said.

The general is too late with his suggestions - Ukraine has long been copying the Third Reich.
And by the way, after 1944 it was 1945 for Germany.

Fantasy and history have the same number of letters - but this makes real history not to a weird fantasy. Russia payed Nazi mercennaries who are now part of the regular red army.
And a realist study's Kalashnikov assault rifle, as they say.

As far as I can see is a Kalashnikov a dangerous machine which spits little pieces of metal through the air. Who are the idiots who use such machines? Nerver thought about that someone could die who comes in contact with such a piece of metal? Reckless as hell to use such toys.
The OP question is too narrow. Russia is a major threat to Eastern Europe, much of which is now in NATO or the EU or is aiming to join in order to maintain their sovereignty and develop their economies. It is in our and everybody’s interests that they succeed in truly joining Europe, establishing Western European democratic norms, ending gross corruption, etc
Is it true, actually. I mean do they really view Russia as a threat and are ready for some inconvenience to counter that?

Hungary and Slovakia now have nationalistic governments who openly speak against economic measures against Russia. And these are the countries that were virtually invaded by the Soviets, one in 1956 and the other in 1968.

The Polish farmers and truck drivers block Polish Ukrainian border for months demanding Ukrainian grain and logistics companies be forbidden from the Polish market. And that is at the time when exports through the Black Sea are quite limited.

Maybe that is enough already about European values and norms, solidarity and other things that get more and more ridiculous day by day?
Nice way to formulate the own death sentence. I know for example a concrete scenario what had happenend in the Cold War. In the first day of this scenario had died more than 700 million people - without the people the Warshaw pact had killed. 700 millions had been in this days about 25% of all mankind I assume.
Oh, it's just another nucleophobic BS.
If the war is started by a well prepared counter-force strike and followed by an acceptable blackmail, and defender had accepted attacker's ultimatum, then defender lost less then 5 million of killed (may be less than 0,5 million) and attacker lost nobody. If defender doesn't accept attacker's ultimatum and strike back (in uncoordinated attack with little amount of survived weapons) - then the attacker had lost less then twenty million (may be much less), and defender is almost totally eliminated by attacker's third (counter-value) strike.
Oh, it's just another nucleophobic BS.
If the war is started by a well prepared counter-force strike and followed by an acceptable blackmail, and defender had accepted attacker's ultimatum, then defender lost less then 5 million of killed (may be less than 0,5 million) and attacker lost nobody. If defender doesn't accept attacker's ultimatum and strike back (in uncoordinated attack with little amount of survived weapons) - then the attacker had lost less then twenty million (may be much less), and defender is almost totally eliminated by attacker's third (counter-value) strike.

I did not read this. Sounds totally stupid. No Russian - not anyone of them - will survive a third world war. If one of them should have the bad luck to survive then we will kill him.

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I did not read this. Sounds totally stupid. No Russian - not anyone of them - will survive a third world war. If one of them should have the bad luck to survive then we will kill him.

That's exactly why I'm against "nuclear sharing" with Europeans, and, specifically, with Germans. They are simply too stupid to possess such dangerous things.

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