Is Russia losing the war ?? Lol

sadly no they arent ... this is just the beginning of their invasion .. basically they are securing landing zones and supply routs before and targeting military sites with precision strikes ... so no they are not loosing because they are prepping the battlefield before they go all out

That was the correct answer.
Putin sent some Chechens in there and they got smoked, including a high-ranking General. Now the Chechen leader says "he wants out of Putin's war."

More than 2700 protesters were arrested across Russia today too.
Death Angel

why can’t Russia fight us like men and keep nukes out

Hell the IDF is better than Russia lol
They could, and they'd likely do well even if they lost. In matters of serious combat you don't sit around wondering how you can be valiant and honorable with your enemy unless youre an idiot. You do whatever you have to, to render him helpless with a minimal gamble in the shortest time possible.

If someone pulls a knife on me and and I have a knife AND a gun, guess which one I go for with no apologies.

Remember, we used the first nukes to END something. And end it we did. We might have dragged on fighting mano-a-mano with the Japanese for a year or two or more before we beat them. Eventually I'm sure we would have. I don't think we were necessarily wrong to use The Bomb on them...but it should have targeted military targets rather than civilian centers. I think the Japanese would have got the idea just as fast.
death angel
Russia would go nuclear if threatened by the US. Nobody would win

Whoa death angel!!! No need to go that far!!!!

Invoking Russia's nuclear capability to explain why the country won't be attacked is overkill.

Thousands of missiles carrying explosive not nuclear material would rain down on Berlin, London and Paris if Russia were attacked by Nato's superior army.

Leave the doomsday scenario alone...

Conventional weapons are more than enough to explain why Moscow will never be Belgrade.

"The situation in #Kyiv is calm, the capital is fully controlled by the #Ukrainian army and the terror defense. At night there were several clashes with sabotage groups," said First Deputy Chairman of the Kyiv City State Administration Mykola #Povoroznyk.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) February 27, 2022

??Column of Russian special forces defeated near Hostomel "Kadyrovites," named so for the Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov.

According to Channel 24 sources, the Ukrainian military blew up an echelon of 56 tanks that included General Magomed Tushayev, who was killed.
The Kyiv Independent
The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) February 26, 2022

A source tells me that many Russian tanks/heavy machines don’t simply run out of fuel — crews dump the fuel intentionally, as soon as they learn that their destination is Kyiv. After all they’ve been told that they were going as “peacekeepers” to “protect Russians” in Donbas.
Fatima Tlis
Fatima Tlis (@fatimatlis) February 27, 2022

This is Putin's "war on the West". He thinks he can weaken NATO and he's making it stronger and more resolute
Translated from German:

"Incredible shots. After the Battle of Irpin and Butsha, 10 km northwest of Kiev, hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Russians are dead. The entire advance was destroyed and up to 100 Russian armored vehicles were destroyed"

Unfassbare Aufnahmen. Nach der Schlacht von Irpin und Butscha, 10 km nordwestlich von Kiew, sind Hunderte, vielleicht Tausende, Russen tot. Der gesamte Vorstoß wurde vernichtet und bis zu 100 russische gepanzerte Fahrzeuge zerstö
— Julian Röpcke\uD83C\uDDFA\uD83C\uDDE6 (@JulianRoepcke) February 27, 2022

Looks like the Russian army belongs back in WW2

Ukraine is holding them off and Russia is running out of $$$

US army would destroy Russia in 3 days
As usual it is difficult to get accurate information.
From all accounts it looks like a repeat of the problems of WW II Russia... underfunded, under equipped and soldiers only half into it.
One thing is for sure - if anyone wanted to see how effective the Russian army is... we see it now. Not very effective.
We see video and stories of Russian convoys sitting by the edge of roads awaiting fuel. Inexcusable. And shows that this invasion was poorly planned, and very poorly commanded.
And BTW - Lindsey Graham provides a warning that is probably right - Putin may go "scorched earth" in this, and we have to be prepared for that.
If Putin feels he is not going to be successful, he may unleash real firepower and take out whole city blocks down to powder.
And how will the world react to that.
At that point, this would get a lot bigger. And I have ABSOLUTELY NO CONFIDENCE a single person in the Biden administration is even remotely prepared to effectively deal with it. NONE. Certainly not a teetering old man that needs his wifes help to walk off stage.
As usual it is difficult to get accurate information.
From all accounts it looks like a repeat of the problems of WW II Russia... underfunded, under equipped and soldiers only half into it.
One thing is for sure - if anyone wanted to see how effective the Russian army is... we see it now. Not very effective.
We see video and stories of Russian convoys sitting by the edge of roads awaiting fuel. Inexcusable. And shows that this invasion was poorly planned, and very poorly commanded.



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