Is Russia Now the World's Leading Military Power?

The US isn't trying to conquer Russia. The entire western world just wants to ensure Russia stays inside it's internationally recognized borders. Something it has proven unwilling to do for almost two decades.
Why doesn't your Country and mine stay in their borders, they have been invading half the World for years.
I said way back in the Balkan wars of the 90s that's when all this US aggression went into overdrive, Russia was on it's knees, a drunken Court Jester Yeltsin was in charge in Russia, he allowed local gangsters and Oligarchs along with their Western Corporate jackals to rape Russia, scumbags like Bill Browder, then Putin came along, at first they thought he was the same and it would be business as usual, then they found out he was hell bent on restoring his Country and dealing with those Oligarchs, many who lived in Paris and expensive parts of London like Mayfair with their stolen loot, when Nato/US attacked Yugoslavia they chose that time because Russia was in no position to do much.
It was a direct result of Russia losing control of its Soviet satellite states. The West moved in to claim the territory for corporate capitalist ventures in two seconds. Yes. Overdrive totally! They GRABBED that stuff the second Russia lost its grip. All we are seeing today is the West going for the Grail and taking huge risks on geopolitical stability. Fucking STUPID. And greedy. Imagine if the Democratic Party ACTUALLY started taking care of domestic problems again instead of sucking globalist ding-dong.
The US isn't trying to conquer Russia. The entire western world just wants to ensure Russia stays inside it's internationally recognized borders. Something it has proven unwilling to do for almost two decades.
The duck has got America in his empty head. The absolute absence of any cognitive thought expressed in his posts should be a tip off.
All the superpowers will continue to compete, but military means to win the remaining resources of the world is not the solutiion.

That can only be pursued up to a point at which the nuclear threat becomes too risky.

The current US proxy war against Russia is a demonstration on how America's military might cannot be applied to conquer Russia. And when it doesn't happen that way, the Brics alliance will rise.
Competing is normal and natural, such as with the space race and scientific and social advancement, and who has the happiest citizens. But this is basically land grabbing and national hijacking to the n'th. Flat out greedy, grabby, slickery, conniving corporate capitalism with no ethics whatsoever. Almost exactly like the Mafia would do in a racketeering maneuver if they wanted to own ALL the pizza Chicago. "Accidents" would happen. Rival businesses would mysteriously burn down in the middle of the night. And the authorities would be bought off, same as the Ukrainian government. And eventually there'd be a Russia going into Ukraine to shut it down.
We do, show me one country that we conquered and absorbed in the last hundred years. We have fought wars to enforce international law, enforce UN resolutions, and to defend countries invaded by their neighbors.
It's about control, International law my arse, we have been breaking International law for years, at this very moment you have soldiers in Syria without the consent of the Government, stealing Syrian oil, you have supported head hacking terrorists all over the middle East, used them to attack Countries you don't like, you break UN resolutions when you want, there was no UN resolution to attack the former Yugoslavia, Nato even broke it's own charter when it attacked Serbia, you need to get real.
It's about control, International law my arse, we have been breaking International law for years, at this very moment you have soldiers in Syria without the consent of the Government, stealing Syrian oil, you have supported head hacking terrorists all over the middle East, used them to attack Countries you don't like, you break UN resolutions when you want, there was no UN resolution to attack the former Yugoslavia, Nato even broke it's own charter when it attacked Serbia, you need to get real.
We aren't stealing Syrian oil. Just like we didn't steal Iraqi oil or Kuwaiti oil. For one reason, the Syrian oil Industry barely exists, Syrian oil exports are between a third of a percent and a half of a percent of all oil exports. As for Serbia, official Serbian forces were slaughtering Armenians and Muslims in a classic ethnic cleansing operation. After months of negotiations failed, western countries intervened to stop the violence. NATO didn't attack Serbia, some western nations did. Milosevich was a butcher.
It's about control, International law my arse, we have been breaking International law for years, at this very moment you have soldiers in Syria without the consent of the Government, stealing Syrian oil, you have supported head hacking terrorists all over the middle East, used them to attack Countries you don't like, you break UN resolutions when you want, there was no UN resolution to attack the former Yugoslavia, Nato even broke it's own charter when it attacked Serbia, you need to get real.
You didn't answer my question. Don't try to side-step the issue. You made a claim, now support it.
We aren't stealing Syrian oil. Just like we didn't steal Iraqi oil or Kuwaiti oil. For one reason, the Syrian oil Industry barely exists, Syrian oil exports are between a third of a percent and a half of a percent of all oil exports. As for Serbia, official Serbian forces were slaughtering Armenians and Muslims in a classic ethnic cleansing operation. After months of negotiations failed, western countries intervened to stop the violence. NATO didn't attack Serbia, some western nations did. Milosevich was a butcher.
You are stealing Syrian oil, Trump said the US had taken the oil, serbs killing Armenians? what are you on about? its clear you are ignorant of the Balkan wars, it was a civil war, the Muslim were responsible for ethnic cleansing and massacres of Serbs, check out a Bosnian Muslm called Naser Oric,amd Nato did attack Serbia against international law, and what the hell are you doing in Syria other than helping terrorists? the legal Syrian Government didn't ask you to go there.
Most optimistic estimates are that Nato mercenaries and the few remaining Ukrainians are dying 5 to 1 against Russians and their allies.

This could be due to restraints being observed by America so far to date?

It could also be that it's true that America had nothing more to send to the Ukraine, other than banned and outlawed cluster munitions?

Who among us can say for sure?
Why do you (and others) keep describing cluster munitions as "banned and outlawed"? Neither of those are true.
you lie and misrepresent stuff and that is your response?
The definition of 'banned' weapons is subject to change according to America's needs. I think at present America might be claiming to not be a signatory to any bans.

We do know that Russia is not observing any ban on cluster munitions, as they have likely escalated their use beyond that of the Ukraine.

As is the practice of late on all weapons and escalations.
Rules that are applied my friend, are subject to the political climate. Now is the time for Trump to preserve his political popularity if he wants to save his carcass.

If he can somehow promote the threat of a revolution then the corrupt courts in America will do their part.

His biggest threat is going to be the Generals taking action to stop a traitor!

Remember the reason why Americans need to bear arms!
You can't answer my question? Speaks volumes.
I think I have. I don't know for sure whether America considers cluster munitions as banned and outlawed. My best guess is that the decision is made by government according to America's needs.

I think most Americans accepted Biden's explanation on why there had to be an exception to the rules?
you lie and misrepresent stuff and that is your response?
I am simply agreeing with you and your interpretation on the question.

After all is said and done, Biden's decision to allow cluster munitions has only freed up Russia to act in kind.
Or more to the point, in kind X 10 if they please.
Biden's decision to allow cluster munitions
More ignorance duck. The US is not a party to the cluster munitions ban. Biden doesn't have anything to do with it. The Obama admin kept the US out of the agreement. Don't you ever get tired of being wrong. Maybe you should research your subjects before engaging your fingers with the keyboard.
More ignorance duck. The US is not a party to the cluster munitions ban. Biden doesn't have anything to do with it. The Obama admin kept the US out of the agreement.
As I suspected was the truth. America always reserves the right to resort to any and all weapons of mass destruction. The president is always going to be prepared to make exceptions to any and all the rules.
Don't you ever get tired of being wrong. Maybe you should research your subjects before engaging your fingers with the keyboard.
You'll find that I agreed with what has turned out to be right.

Subject to America's future needs on chem/bio warfare and other WMD's.

Biden's justicactions can be modelled according to America's needs.

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