Is Sanders Retarded or Insane?

Yes, it's easy to blame immigrants from third world countries because I work right alongside them all the time. Everywhere I go I encounter a sea of brown faces taking jobs that Americans could be doing. Mass immigration from third world countries is the main for wage stagnation. Of course, Democrats are never going to admit that because they are responsible for the problem.

Ahhhh, its those "brown faces" that just don't fit into your "Americanism" bias.......(slowly, the a red neck.....pokes through)

You mean you aren't "biased" towards American workers? You just admitted you're a scumbag.

I happen to be an American worker, so naturally I'm "biased" towards myself.
Fascism is one form of socialism.

Get an education, numskull.

So, NASA, the US Armed Forces, etc. are all fascist/socialistic enterprises?

Well, while this has been entertaining, I am now going to have to ask you to stop digressing and derailing the thread. This is about why Bernie "Liver Spots" Sanders seems to have just now realized that there are other people in the country besides liberals. If you want to discuss immigration, please go start your own thread for it and stop hijacking this one.
Bernie "Liver Spots" Sanders seems to have just now realized that there are other people in the country besides liberals. If you want to discuss immigration, please go start your own thread for it and stop hijacking this one.

Well, my apologies......and, BTW, those "brown spots" are not caused by the liver..........Just my contribution to the lacking knowledge base among right wingers......But, DO carry on
I surely love my pension, SS, and medicare which I use whenever possible as I paid into them so I am entitled to them. That kind of thinking bothers you I know but since I sold my business and am collecting SS I dont have to belong anymore to the filthy ratrace this nation now espouses.

Your words sound like English, but your meaning bears no resemblance to anything being said, so they might as well not be.

FYI, if you really did own a business and are now collecting Social Security, that means you were an incredible failure as a businessman. Congratulations, dumbass.
Many do. Why wouldn't you after paying into it for 40 years or so?

Spoken like a true liberal with nothing better to do than bask in the glories of government red tape.

I take it you will be refusing your SS checks when you retire?
No, she just likes sounding like she's above it.
we have to feel sorry for the Democrat base of voters. they are giving NO CHOICES to speak of and they have to DEFEND these four the Democrat party felt that is ALL they should be offered . HOW SAD IS THAT
Bernie actually thinks the average working person is worth something. Tell me one other candidate from either party that is and I call you a liar and you frankly are and you know it. American politics is all about big money and it is beyond tainted and therefore I have zero good to say about my country's system. Zippo. Its all about the rich who do zero for the nation.

*snore* "If you don't agree with my worldview and desires, you HATE WORKING PEOPLE!"

When I want to hear you bark on command, Fido, I'll wave a Snausage over your nose.
That's not what he said. I have yet to see any candidates apart from bernie address actual issues affecting working people, not just abortion or immigrants. Immigrants hardly affect working people, if anything, it's a positive relationship.

Mass immigration is driving down the wages of all working people. Only scumbags claim it doesn't affect them.
Capitalists love the immigrants, but it hardly affects people apart from a couple of states.

You confuse businessmen with "capitalists." The former don't necessarily support capitalism. Take Michael Moore, for instance. He's a businessmen who has gotten rich off the capitalist system, but he doesn't support capitalism.
Hey, genius, capitalists do love immigrants, that's a fact. Oh, I forgot, you cannot even understand how aids trasmits.
I am actually asking this question specifically in reference to a quote that's been ALL THE RAGE amongst my more liberal acquaintances and just makes me shake my head.

"The Republican debates are over. Not one word about income and wealth inequality, climate change, Citizens United, or student debt. That's why the Republicans are so out of touch with the American people. What I heard was more tax breaks for the rich, more people losing health insurance, and more talk about war. That's not what we need."

Speaking of being out of touch. Exactly how clueless and narcissistic is ol' Liver Spots not to realize that a Republican debate is going to be about issues that matter to REPUBLICANS, which are not chosen and defined by liberals and their buzzwords and memes? Why in the Hell does he think there are two major and multiple minor political parties in the country in the first place? Did he actually think reality consisted of the liberal socialist echo chamber? He certainly appears to believe that "the American people" consists only of people who agree with him. Seems to be quite a rude shock for him to find out that there are large numbers of people in this country who don't give the fat, furry crack of a rat's ass about his talking points, and that there are politicians out there who agree with those people and relate to THEM.

So what's the source of Bernie Boy's tunnel vision and oblivion? Is he a nut, or just not real swift on the uptake?

So, nitwit......"income and wealth inequality, climate change, Citizens United, student debt, etc." are ONLY democrats' issues?
While jailing sanctuary cities' mayors and abolishing abortion clinics are the most pressing issues and values of conservatives.


Congratulations. You're the smartest liberal on the boards. Granted, that wasn't a high bar to clear. You can pretty much just shuffle right over that bastard. Still, that's probably an accomplishment for you. :clap:
Conservative priorities: Fuck the immigrants, destroy womens rights.

The immigrants can go back where they came from. We owe them precisely nothing.

Women already have all the same rights that men have.
"The immigrants can go back where they came from. We owe them precisely nothing."
I wish the native americans said this.. This country was built on immigration.
We have a political party wanting to take away a women's right to abortion, idiot.
*snore* "If you don't agree with my worldview and desires, you HATE WORKING PEOPLE!"

When I want to hear you bark on command, Fido, I'll wave a Snausage over your nose.
That's not what he said. I have yet to see any candidates apart from bernie address actual issues affecting working people, not just abortion or immigrants. Immigrants hardly affect working people, if anything, it's a positive relationship.

Mass immigration is driving down the wages of all working people. Only scumbags claim it doesn't affect them.
Capitalists love the immigrants, but it hardly affects people apart from a couple of states.

You confuse businessmen with "capitalists." The former don't necessarily support capitalism. Take Michael Moore, for instance. He's a businessmen who has gotten rich off the capitalist system, but he doesn't support capitalism.
Hey, genius, capitalists do love immigrants, that's a fact. Oh, I forgot, you cannot even understand how aids trasmits.

What does immigration have to do with capitalism? You keep saying "capitalist" when you mean businessmen. Deliberately confusing the two is a typical commie propaganda tactic.
That's not what he said. I have yet to see any candidates apart from bernie address actual issues affecting working people, not just abortion or immigrants. Immigrants hardly affect working people, if anything, it's a positive relationship.

Mass immigration is driving down the wages of all working people. Only scumbags claim it doesn't affect them.
Capitalists love the immigrants, but it hardly affects people apart from a couple of states.

You confuse businessmen with "capitalists." The former don't necessarily support capitalism. Take Michael Moore, for instance. He's a businessmen who has gotten rich off the capitalist system, but he doesn't support capitalism.
Hey, genius, capitalists do love immigrants, that's a fact. Oh, I forgot, you cannot even understand how aids trasmits.

What does immigration have to do with capitalism? You keep saying "capitalist" when you mean businessmen. Deliberately confusing the two is a typical commie propaganda tactic.
No, capitalists own production, and rely on extracting surplus value from the laborer, you're telling me that capitalists would be against immigration when it offers them cheap, replaceable labor that can be underpaid? LOL.
I am actually asking this question specifically in reference to a quote that's been ALL THE RAGE amongst my more liberal acquaintances and just makes me shake my head.

"The Republican debates are over. Not one word about income and wealth inequality, climate change, Citizens United, or student debt. That's why the Republicans are so out of touch with the American people. What I heard was more tax breaks for the rich, more people losing health insurance, and more talk about war. That's not what we need."

Speaking of being out of touch. Exactly how clueless and narcissistic is ol' Liver Spots not to realize that a Republican debate is going to be about issues that matter to REPUBLICANS, which are not chosen and defined by liberals and their buzzwords and memes? Why in the Hell does he think there are two major and multiple minor political parties in the country in the first place? Did he actually think reality consisted of the liberal socialist echo chamber? He certainly appears to believe that "the American people" consists only of people who agree with him. Seems to be quite a rude shock for him to find out that there are large numbers of people in this country who don't give the fat, furry crack of a rat's ass about his talking points, and that there are politicians out there who agree with those people and relate to THEM.

So what's the source of Bernie Boy's tunnel vision and oblivion? Is he a nut, or just not real swift on the uptake?

So, nitwit......"income and wealth inequality, climate change, Citizens United, student debt, etc." are ONLY democrats' issues?
While jailing sanctuary cities' mayors and abolishing abortion clinics are the most pressing issues and values of conservatives.


Congratulations. You're the smartest liberal on the boards. Granted, that wasn't a high bar to clear. You can pretty much just shuffle right over that bastard. Still, that's probably an accomplishment for you. :clap:
Conservative priorities: Fuck the immigrants, destroy womens rights.

The immigrants can go back where they came from. We owe them precisely nothing.

Women already have all the same rights that men have.
"The immigrants can go back where they came from. We owe them precisely nothing."
I wish the native americans said this.. This country was built on immigration.
We have a political party wanting to take away a women's right to abortion, idiot.

The native Americans can say it, but how do they enforce their decision? We have the means to enforce ours. Now explain why we should decide otherwise. That's something you just can't do because the alternative position is just too stupid to even consider.

The knee-jerk response "this country was built on immigration" isn't a justification for open borders, numskull. It was also built on invading our neighbours.. Do you want to continue that tradition?

And defunding Planned Parenthood does not equate to making abortion illegal, moron.
Mass immigration is driving down the wages of all working people. Only scumbags claim it doesn't affect them.
Capitalists love the immigrants, but it hardly affects people apart from a couple of states.

You confuse businessmen with "capitalists." The former don't necessarily support capitalism. Take Michael Moore, for instance. He's a businessmen who has gotten rich off the capitalist system, but he doesn't support capitalism.
Hey, genius, capitalists do love immigrants, that's a fact. Oh, I forgot, you cannot even understand how aids trasmits.

What does immigration have to do with capitalism? You keep saying "capitalist" when you mean businessmen. Deliberately confusing the two is a typical commie propaganda tactic.
No, capitalists own production, and rely on extracting surplus value from the laborer, you're telling me that capitalists would be against immigration when it offers them cheap, replaceable labor that can be underpaid? LOL.

Those are businessmen. Whether they believe in capitalism is purely accidental. Access to cheap labor isn't an advantage if all your competitors have access to the same cheap labor.
Fascism is one form of socialism.

Get an education, numskull.

So, NASA, the US Armed Forces, etc. are all fascist/socialistic enterprises?

They are obviously socialist.
The fact that you believe NASA is socialist makes me laugh.

Nothing could be more obvious. Does the government run it? If the government owned and ran General Motors, would it be socialist? Of course it would.

The fact that you can't believe it only shows that you're a dumbass socialist.
So, nitwit......"income and wealth inequality, climate change, Citizens United, student debt, etc." are ONLY democrats' issues?
While jailing sanctuary cities' mayors and abolishing abortion clinics are the most pressing issues and values of conservatives.


Congratulations. You're the smartest liberal on the boards. Granted, that wasn't a high bar to clear. You can pretty much just shuffle right over that bastard. Still, that's probably an accomplishment for you. :clap:
Conservative priorities: Fuck the immigrants, destroy womens rights.

The immigrants can go back where they came from. We owe them precisely nothing.

Women already have all the same rights that men have.
"The immigrants can go back where they came from. We owe them precisely nothing."
I wish the native americans said this.. This country was built on immigration.
We have a political party wanting to take away a women's right to abortion, idiot.

The native Americans can say it, but how do they enforce their decision? We have the means to enforce ours. Now explain why we should decide otherwise. That's something you just can't do because the alternative position is just too stupid to even consider.

The knee-jerk response "this country was built on immigration" isn't a justification for open borders, numskull. It was also built on invading our neighbours.. Do you want to continue that tradition?

And defunding Planned Parenthood does not equate to making abortion illegal, moron.
Oh dear god, the natives fought back, a genocide was carried out, in fact, many were accepting, we were the agitators in alot of cases, unfortunately. It's a sad, revised period of american history no one wants to talk about. We have the means to enforce ours? Well, stop advertising america as a "land of the free" and diversity. Oh, I also know that immigrants aren't only from mexico. Where do you stand on haitians? Are they ok since they're not mexican? No one wants open borders, you fucking idiot. Err, the GOP wants to do more then defund planned parenthood, which would just lead to more abortions by the way, but republicans lack any common sense.
Capitalists love the immigrants, but it hardly affects people apart from a couple of states.

You confuse businessmen with "capitalists." The former don't necessarily support capitalism. Take Michael Moore, for instance. He's a businessmen who has gotten rich off the capitalist system, but he doesn't support capitalism.
Hey, genius, capitalists do love immigrants, that's a fact. Oh, I forgot, you cannot even understand how aids trasmits.

What does immigration have to do with capitalism? You keep saying "capitalist" when you mean businessmen. Deliberately confusing the two is a typical commie propaganda tactic.
No, capitalists own production, and rely on extracting surplus value from the laborer, you're telling me that capitalists would be against immigration when it offers them cheap, replaceable labor that can be underpaid? LOL.

Those are businessmen. Whether they believe in capitalism is purely accidental. Access to cheap labor isn't an advantage if all your competitors have access to the same cheap labor.
What the hell are you talking about? Do you have any idea what "capitalist" means? "Capitalism is an economic system and a mode of production in which trade, industries, and the means of production are largely or entirely privately owned. Private firms and proprietorships usually operate in order to generate profit, but may operate as private nonprofit organizations."
It is clearly an advantage where more immigrants are located.
Immigrant Farm Workers the Hidden Part of New York s Local Food Movement - WNYC
Fascism is one form of socialism.

Get an education, numskull.

So, NASA, the US Armed Forces, etc. are all fascist/socialistic enterprises?

They are obviously socialist.
The fact that you believe NASA is socialist makes me laugh.

Nothing could be more obvious. Does the government run it? If the government owned and ran General Motors, would it be socialist? Of course it would.

The fact that you can't believe it only shows that you're a dumbass socialist.
Dear god, learn what socialism is, you keep repeating worn out talking points that make you look like a fucking idiot:

Congratulations. You're the smartest liberal on the boards. Granted, that wasn't a high bar to clear. You can pretty much just shuffle right over that bastard. Still, that's probably an accomplishment for you. :clap:
Conservative priorities: Fuck the immigrants, destroy womens rights.

The immigrants can go back where they came from. We owe them precisely nothing.

Women already have all the same rights that men have.
"The immigrants can go back where they came from. We owe them precisely nothing."
I wish the native americans said this.. This country was built on immigration.
We have a political party wanting to take away a women's right to abortion, idiot.

The native Americans can say it, but how do they enforce their decision? We have the means to enforce ours. Now explain why we should decide otherwise. That's something you just can't do because the alternative position is just too stupid to even consider.

The knee-jerk response "this country was built on immigration" isn't a justification for open borders, numskull. It was also built on invading our neighbours.. Do you want to continue that tradition?

And defunding Planned Parenthood does not equate to making abortion illegal, moron.
Oh dear god, the natives fought back, a genocide was carried out, in fact, many were accepting, we were the agitators in alot of cases, unfortunately. It's a sad, revised period of american history no one wants to talk about. We have the means to enforce ours? Well, stop advertising america as a "land of the free" and diversity.

America is supposed to be free for Americans, not foreigners, dumbass. Taking care of the population of the entire world isn't our responsibility. As for "diversity," only commies like you think that's a good thing. Diversity has destroyed many countries. It often leads to civil war.

Oh, I also know that immigrants aren't only from mexico. Where do you stand on haitians? Are they ok since they're not mexican? No one wants open borders, you fucking idiot. Err, the GOP wants to do more then defund planned parenthood, which would just lead to more abortions by the way, but republicans lack any common sense.

My position on Haitians is exactly the same as my position on Mexicans, they can stay where they are. That's my position of the citizen of every country: we don't need you here.

And the claim that no one wants open borders is obvious bunk. Numskulls like you oppose every measure proposed to seal them, so you must want them to be open. You're simply a dishonest piece of crap who doesn't dare to be honest about your true agenda.

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