Is Sanders Retarded or Insane?

Sanctuary cities are definitely one of the most pressing issues on my agenda.

.....and the above says quite a lot about who you are, how hate-filled you are, and how racism and jingoism plays a large part in your miserable existence.

I just love the fact that you left-wing idiots are going to stick with your idiotic "jingoism" meme while tragically Americans are being murdered in you liberal sanctuary cities

Americans need to see just how low the pandering Progresive douchebags will go race-baiting and making false charges of racism against fellow Americans; just so the Democrat Party can continue to PANDER FOR VOTES
Sanctuary cities are definitely one of the most pressing issues on my agenda.

.....and the above says quite a lot about who you are, how hate-filled you are, and how racism and jingoism plays a large part in your miserable existence.

YOU'RE clearly an angry unhinged Prog loser. so you don't look so good accusing anybody of having a miserable existence

just sayin.....................
I just love the fact that you left-wing idiots are going to stick with your idiotic "jingoism" meme while tragically Americans are being murdered in you liberal sanctuary cities

Sure, never mind that "lone-wolf" jihadist are shooting Americans at random' that unprepared and un-vetted cops are killing people over license plates stops; or that folks who should be in insane asylums can buy assault weapons and have "fun" at the movies......INSTEAD, concentrate on arresting mayors of sanctuary cities......
WHY??? .......Well, mostly because FOX told you to do so. right?
Is Sanders Retarded or Insane?
He is a self proclaimed Socialist so is both Retarded and Insane
He is a self proclaimed Socialist so is both Retarded or Insane

Another clueless, right winger chimes in......Never mind that Canada IS a socialist country......ergo, (according to this moron) all Canadians are "retarted" [sic] or insane.

(Do they make them any dumber?)
Sanctuary cities are definitely one of the most pressing issues on my agenda.

.....and the above says quite a lot about who you are, how hate-filled you are, and how racism and jingoism plays a large part in your miserable existence.

Yeah, because enforcing the immigration laws of this country is HAAAAAATE! If your don't support opening the floodgates to third world immigrants who are going to suppress the wages of all working Americans, you're a "hater!"

Do you actually believe Americans are swallowing your bullshit?

Here's a clue for ya: Donald Trump is popular precisely because Americans have had their fill of things like sanctuary cities and Obama disobeying the immigration laws of this country. Your time is done.
He is a self proclaimed Socialist so is both Retarded or Insane

Another clueless, right winger chimes in......Never mind that Canada IS a socialist country......ergo, (according to this moron) all Canadians are "retarted" [sic] or insane.

(Do they make them any dumber?)

Canada is about 5% more socialist that the United States, numskull.
I just love the fact that you left-wing idiots are going to stick with your idiotic "jingoism" meme while tragically Americans are being murdered in you liberal sanctuary cities

Sure, never mind that "lone-wolf" jihadist are shooting Americans at random' that unprepared and un-vetted cops are killing people over license plates stops; or that folks who should be in insane asylums can buy assault weapons and have "fun" at the movies......INSTEAD, concentrate on arresting mayors of sanctuary cities......
WHY??? .......Well, mostly because FOX told you to do so. right?

These "lone wolf Jihadists" are all immigrants, aren't they? They're precisely the people you want to give sanctuary to.

What a dolt.
These "lone wolf Jihadists" are all immigrants, aren't they? They're precisely the people you want to give sanctuary to.

The number of American citizens or long-term residents involved in extremist activity is [a] ".... sustained and growing number of individuals heeding" the call of Islamic extremism "is alarming."

Bergen, Peter; Bruce Hoffman (2010-09-10). "Assessing the Terrorist Threat: A Report of the Bipartisan Policy Center's National Security Preparedness Group" (PDF). Bipartisan Policy Center: 30. Retrieved 2011-11-12.
Canada is about 5% more socialist that the United States, numskull.

Glad you conducted a poll of all the Canadian provinces and determined that NOT 4% or 6%....but 5% ...that Canada is "more socialist than the U.S."........LOL
Here's a clue for ya: Donald Trump is popular precisely because Americans have had their fill of things like sanctuary cities and Obama disobeying the immigration laws of this country. Your time is done.

Actually.......Trump is a favorite to morons like you because he is a demagogue who APPEALS to the racial hatred of right wingers...To label illegal immigration as the PRIMARY problem in the midst of all the more pressing problems facing our country is an admission that those other problems have very difficult possible solutions....and it is MUCH EASIER to simply stir up hatred.....

...and it works for half brained right wingers as confirmed by YOU.
These "lone wolf Jihadists" are all immigrants, aren't they? They're precisely the people you want to give sanctuary to.

The number of American citizens or long-term residents involved in extremist activity is [a] ".... sustained and growing number of individuals heeding" the call of Islamic extremism "is alarming."

Bergen, Peter; Bruce Hoffman (2010-09-10). "Assessing the Terrorist Threat: A Report of the Bipartisan Policy Center's National Security Preparedness Group" (PDF). Bipartisan Policy Center: 30. Retrieved 2011-11-12.

I "long term resident" is an immigrant. Those are the people you want to bring in more of. You're whining about a problem you and your ilk created.
I am actually asking this question specifically in reference to a quote that's been ALL THE RAGE amongst my more liberal acquaintances and just makes me shake my head.

"The Republican debates are over. Not one word about income and wealth inequality, climate change, Citizens United, or student debt. That's why the Republicans are so out of touch with the American people. What I heard was more tax breaks for the rich, more people losing health insurance, and more talk about war. That's not what we need."

Speaking of being out of touch. Exactly how clueless and narcissistic is ol' Liver Spots not to realize that a Republican debate is going to be about issues that matter to REPUBLICANS, which are not chosen and defined by liberals and their buzzwords and memes? Why in the Hell does he think there are two major and multiple minor political parties in the country in the first place? Did he actually think reality consisted of the liberal socialist echo chamber? He certainly appears to believe that "the American people" consists only of people who agree with him. Seems to be quite a rude shock for him to find out that there are large numbers of people in this country who don't give the fat, furry crack of a rat's ass about his talking points, and that there are politicians out there who agree with those people and relate to THEM.

So what's the source of Bernie Boy's tunnel vision and oblivion? Is he a nut, or just not real swift on the uptake?
It's what libs do. It's the equivalent of baby Johnny screaming for his cookie before dinner and when he doesn't get it he thinks mom doesn't love him anymore and the discussion should be all about what he wants.

They're too stupid to understand not everyone agrees people should have equal outcomes, hurting business is BAD for the economy and no amount of more of the same will fix it. The Democrat media outlets go along with the game for more power and unfortunately too many Americans are sleep walking through live and turn power over to them.
Here's a clue for ya: Donald Trump is popular precisely because Americans have had their fill of things like sanctuary cities and Obama disobeying the immigration laws of this country. Your time is done.

Actually.......Trump is a favorite to morons like you because he is a demagogue who APPEALS to the racial hatred of right wingers...To label illegal immigration as the PRIMARY problem in the midst of all the more pressing problems facing our country is an admission that those other problems have very difficult possible solutions....and it is MUCH EASIER to simply stir up hatred.....

...and it works for half brained right wingers as confirmed by YOU.

You idiots are constantly whining about "stagnant wages" yet you act as if you don't understand the primary cause: mass immigration from third world countries. Virtually all the net new jobs in this country are going to immigrants. Hypocrites like you claim to care about the American worker, but you and Obama take a big shit on him every day. A sanctuary city is just a big Democrat "fuck you" to American workers.

What could be a bigger problem than that?
That's not what he said. I have yet to see any candidates apart from bernie address actual issues affecting working people, not just abortion or immigrants. Immigrants hardly affect working people, if anything, it's a positive relationship.
I've yet to see a Republican candidate that didn't address the actual issues. Pop your head out of your ass sometime, you'll be amazed at what's been going on around you.
the man is freaking Senile. how amazing they would run someone of that age that would probably DIE while serving as President

screwed up

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