Is Sanders Retarded or Insane?

I surely love my pension, SS, and medicare which I use whenever possible as I paid into them so I am entitled to them. That kind of thinking bothers you I know but since I sold my business and am collecting SS I dont have to belong anymore to the filthy ratrace this nation now espouses.

Your words sound like English, but your meaning bears no resemblance to anything being said, so they might as well not be.

FYI, if you really did own a business and are now collecting Social Security, that means you were an incredible failure as a businessman. Congratulations, dumbass.
Many do. Why wouldn't you after paying into it for 40 years or so?

Spoken like a true liberal with nothing better to do than bask in the glories of government red tape.
Bernie is someone who actually cares for working people, who isn't bought off, who has stood firm for decades without flip flopping, he may not be an actual socialist, but he is a social democrat like those in europe, and I applaud him. He's not retarded or insane, he's someone who appeals to working people, veterans..
And is unelectable by the general population . Good luck.
Only because some are too ignorant to understand him. He draws larger crowds than anyone else so some do understand him.

Quite a few people understand him. That's why they aren't going to vote for him.
Certainly no one you know would vote for him.

No, see, I'm not a leftist, so I feel no need to live in an echo chamber and avoid differing opinions like a vampire avoiding sunlight. My circle of friends and acquaintances includes people all across the spectrum of human experience. Admittedly, being friends with me is well-known to be an extreme sport, not recommended for the fainthearted, but those who survive the challenge can justifiably feel proud of themselves.

I have at least one friend supporting each of the candidates currently in the field.
We must help Americans get into the middle class!!!!


What would "bailing out families" consist of? Your hero Obama is the one who bailed out his Wall Street buddies.

Ben Carson and Obama both believe in microlending to replace welfare handouts.
The microlending programs I know that are successful involve business training and
education so that the money is paid back and the new home/business owners
work their way up to higher loans as they develop larger business plans, using the capitalist system
of investing in business growth to serve a need in the market.

I've heard about this
I think it was either India or Southeast Asia where a program was to test out this system and it turned out that people, mostly women, were not only able to improve their circumstances but were able to pay off the loans quicker.

I think some economist won a noble prize for this concept.

You mean a Nobel prize?
Bernie actually thinks the average working person is worth something. Tell me one other candidate from either party that is and I call you a liar and you frankly are and you know it. American politics is all about big money and it is beyond tainted and therefore I have zero good to say about my country's system. Zippo. Its all about the rich who do zero for the nation.

*snore* "If you don't agree with my worldview and desires, you HATE WORKING PEOPLE!"

When I want to hear you bark on command, Fido, I'll wave a Snausage over your nose.
That's not what he said. I have yet to see any candidates apart from bernie address actual issues affecting working people, not just abortion or immigrants. Immigrants hardly affect working people, if anything, it's a positive relationship.

Mass immigration is driving down the wages of all working people. Only scumbags claim it doesn't affect them.
Capitalists love the immigrants, but it hardly affects people apart from a couple of states.

You confuse businessmen with "capitalists." The former don't necessarily support capitalism. Take Michael Moore, for instance. He's a businessmen who has gotten rich off the capitalist system, but he doesn't support capitalism.

Can we say "George Soros"?
I surely love my pension, SS, and medicare which I use whenever possible as I paid into them so I am entitled to them. That kind of thinking bothers you I know but since I sold my business and am collecting SS I dont have to belong anymore to the filthy ratrace this nation now espouses.

Your words sound like English, but your meaning bears no resemblance to anything being said, so they might as well not be.

FYI, if you really did own a business and are now collecting Social Security, that means you were an incredible failure as a businessman. Congratulations, dumbass.
Many do. Why wouldn't you after paying into it for 40 years or so?

Spoken like a true liberal with nothing better to do than bask in the glories of government red tape.

I take it you will be refusing your SS checks when you retire?
I surely love my pension, SS, and medicare which I use whenever possible as I paid into them so I am entitled to them. That kind of thinking bothers you I know but since I sold my business and am collecting SS I dont have to belong anymore to the filthy ratrace this nation now espouses.

Your words sound like English, but your meaning bears no resemblance to anything being said, so they might as well not be.

FYI, if you really did own a business and are now collecting Social Security, that means you were an incredible failure as a businessman. Congratulations, dumbass.
Many do. Why wouldn't you after paying into it for 40 years or so?

Spoken like a true liberal with nothing better to do than bask in the glories of government red tape.

I take it you will be refusing your SS checks when you retire?

You may certainly assume that my retirement goals are to spend the last years of my life enjoying myself, rather than sitting my wrinkled ass on those torture devices they call chairs at the Social Security office, surrounded by the unwashed masses, yes.
I surely love my pension, SS, and medicare which I use whenever possible as I paid into them so I am entitled to them. That kind of thinking bothers you I know but since I sold my business and am collecting SS I dont have to belong anymore to the filthy ratrace this nation now espouses.

Your words sound like English, but your meaning bears no resemblance to anything being said, so they might as well not be.

FYI, if you really did own a business and are now collecting Social Security, that means you were an incredible failure as a businessman. Congratulations, dumbass.
Many do. Why wouldn't you after paying into it for 40 years or so?

Spoken like a true liberal with nothing better to do than bask in the glories of government red tape.

I take it you will be refusing your SS checks when you retire?

You may certainly assume that my retirement goals are to spend the last years of my life enjoying myself, rather than sitting my wrinkled ass on those torture devices they call chairs at the Social Security office, surrounded by the unwashed masses, yes.

Why on earth would you need to sit your wrinkled ass at the SS office? The check comes to you.

I do appreciate your dishonesty here today. :p
Your words sound like English, but your meaning bears no resemblance to anything being said, so they might as well not be.

FYI, if you really did own a business and are now collecting Social Security, that means you were an incredible failure as a businessman. Congratulations, dumbass.
Many do. Why wouldn't you after paying into it for 40 years or so?

Spoken like a true liberal with nothing better to do than bask in the glories of government red tape.

I take it you will be refusing your SS checks when you retire?

You may certainly assume that my retirement goals are to spend the last years of my life enjoying myself, rather than sitting my wrinkled ass on those torture devices they call chairs at the Social Security office, surrounded by the unwashed masses, yes.

Why on earth would you need to sit your wrinkled ass at the SS office? The check comes to you.

I do appreciate your dishonesty here today. :p

At this point, my mind is simply boggling that anyone can be so naive and clueless as to believe that the government EVER gives people money for not working without it turning into a job in and of itself. I presume you expect to turn 65 and just magically have checks start appearing in your mailbox every month, no doubt covered in pixie dust from the bureaucracy fairies who delivered it.

Nevertheless, I have a low tolerance for frustration, so I do not consider the amount paid out by Social Security - assuming that Social Security doesn't go tits up before then - to be worth the irritation of dealing with bureaucrats. If you do, then go on with your bad self. Whatever.
I "long term resident" is an immigrant. Those are the people you want to bring in more of. You're whining about a problem you and your ilk created.

Ahhhh, so now even LEGAL residents should be kicked out.....
I wonder how American Indians would support your latest ambitions?

(it is customary to simply bow out when you lost an argument, rather than digging deeper....but do go on.)
You idiots are constantly whining about "stagnant wages" yet you act as if you don't understand the primary cause: mass immigration from third world countries. Virtually all the net new jobs in this country are going to immigrants. Hypocrites like you claim to care about the American worker, but you and Obama take a big shit on him every day. A sanctuary city is just a big Democrat "fuck you" to American workers.

What could be a bigger problem than that?

You're full of bile and....of course.....stupidity.....Never mind that jobs are going overseas......Never mind that CEOs are stashing profits at the Caymans....Never mind that American workers are not prepared to take on the new technological demands of many professions........INSTEAD, it is easier to blame those illegals who mow your lawns and wash restaurant dishes for ALL the woes facing this country's economy..................right, nitwit???
Socialism isn't determined by polls, moron.

Indeed, socialism is determined by policies...... since you haven't a clue about how Canada implements her policies, I'd suggest you stop posting and indulge in a self-applied enema...............LOL
Socialism is government control of the economy. Any other claims are propaganda.

No, idiot........the above would be labeled "fascism" by political scientists.......Like I stated, get an education FIRST, before you start bitching.
You may certainly assume that my retirement goals are to spend the last years of my life enjoying myself, rather than sitting my wrinkled ass on those torture devices they call chairs at the Social Security office, surrounded by the unwashed masses, yes.

Feel free to bring a pillow.......or grow your ass fatter......or avoid washing for a few days.
You idiots are constantly whining about "stagnant wages" yet you act as if you don't understand the primary cause: mass immigration from third world countries. Virtually all the net new jobs in this country are going to immigrants. Hypocrites like you claim to care about the American worker, but you and Obama take a big shit on him every day. A sanctuary city is just a big Democrat "fuck you" to American workers.

What could be a bigger problem than that?

You're full of bile and....of course.....stupidity.....Never mind that jobs are going overseas......Never mind that CEOs are stashing profits at the Caymans....Never mind that American workers are not prepared to take on the new technological demands of many professions........INSTEAD, it is easier to blame those illegals who mow your lawns and wash restaurant dishes for ALL the woes facing this country's economy..................right, nitwit???

Yes, it's easy to blame immigrants from third world countries because I work right alongside them all the time. Everywhere I go I encounter a sea of brown faces taking jobs that Americans could be doing. Mass immigration from third world countries is the main reason for wage stagnation. Of course, Democrats are never going to admit that because they are responsible for the problem.

Like a typical Dim hosebag, instead of trying to do something about the problem, you can do is blame American works.
Yes, it's easy to blame immigrants from third world countries because I work right alongside them all the time. Everywhere I go I encounter a sea of brown faces taking jobs that Americans could be doing. Mass immigration from third world countries is the main for wage stagnation. Of course, Democrats are never going to admit that because they are responsible for the problem.

Ahhhh, its those "brown faces" that just don't fit into your "Americanism" bias.......(slowly, the a red neck.....pokes through)

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