Is Sanders Retarded or Insane?

Bernie is someone who actually cares for working people, who isn't bought off, who has stood firm for decades without flip flopping, he may not be an actual socialist, but he is a social democrat like those in europe, and I applaud him. He's not retarded or insane, he's someone who appeals to working people, veterans..
And is unelectable by the general population . Good luck.
Only because some are too ignorant to understand him. He draws larger crowds than anyone else so some do understand him.

Quite a few people understand him. That's why they aren't going to vote for him.
I am actually asking this question specifically in reference to a quote that's been ALL THE RAGE amongst my more liberal acquaintances and just makes me shake my head.

"The Republican debates are over. Not one word about income and wealth inequality, climate change, Citizens United, or student debt. That's why the Republicans are so out of touch with the American people. What I heard was more tax breaks for the rich, more people losing health insurance, and more talk about war. That's not what we need."

Speaking of being out of touch. Exactly how clueless and narcissistic is ol' Liver Spots not to realize that a Republican debate is going to be about issues that matter to REPUBLICANS, which are not chosen and defined by liberals and their buzzwords and memes? Why in the Hell does he think there are two major and multiple minor political parties in the country in the first place? Did he actually think reality consisted of the liberal socialist echo chamber? He certainly appears to believe that "the American people" consists only of people who agree with him. Seems to be quite a rude shock for him to find out that there are large numbers of people in this country who don't give the fat, furry crack of a rat's ass about his talking points, and that there are politicians out there who agree with those people and relate to THEM.

So what's the source of Bernie Boy's tunnel vision and oblivion? Is he a nut, or just not real swift on the uptake?

Dear Cecilie1200

If you can imagine all the parties and leaders are like different professors in different depts,
then each one can fill chalkboards full of what they have studied to the letter,
but can't give an informed opinion of something that is "someone else's dept."

Why not focus on the subjects and political history that people DO excel in and know what they're talking about?

Why can't we assimilate all this wealth of knowledge and expertise together
like Volumes of an Encyclopedia set from A to Z.

Why do the volumes on environmental issues and ecosystems need to compete with those on war strategies
and cultural history of which nation hasn't resolved X Y Z with which neighbor and why.

As for Bernie Sanders, I am guess that given his respective field of expertise, he can teach
and manage very well for those who belong in that field. Why not let each field cover the
ground it serves best, and let all those who flock there invest their expertise in making that work?

If I were going to look into the worst case scenario of radioactive DU and effects of war
and sanction on the civilian population of Iraq and Afghanistan, I may not trust the contractors
who just want to be paid for what they've said they've already restored. If they did such a good
job that even the peace activists against the war propaganda are saying yes, listen to George McGovern
and the military consultants who are presenting the whole comprehensive picture of the real status
of restoration and what it will cost taxpayers, then I would listen to the source from the most CRITICAL
viewpoint and find where these AGREE before I try to gauge what is fact from media hype.

If I want to know what is the status of forced abortions in China,
I would look into the groups dealing with that as their fulltime focus.
Not even the feminists I know are working on that, I might have to go into the prolife camps to find out.

For the work in microlending and creating fair trade coops, I might look into the Greens who
are working on independent currency and labor coops.

Cecilie1200 if you expect ONE party to have all the answers to EVERYTHING
I think that seems "out of touch with reality"
Nobody I know is ominiscient, not even close, NOR an expert in all the areas govt covers!
If you look at our Universities, you won't find ONE professor who can teach all the different subjects and depts there are to cover! That's not realistic to expect that.

People naturally have different areas of expertise and focus, and aren't going to be fit to lead in other areas.

The last time I talked with a Green candidate for Mayor of Houston, he didn't think crime was that big of an issue. In HOUSTON are you KIDDING???? His priorities are focused on other issues. So THAT part of govt takes someone else who is focused on how to deal with law enforcement and security, criminal justice and deterrence, AND the social issues of preventing crime on the level of the socially oriented candidates who specialize in that part of the picture.

To someone else, the socialistic candidates seem "out of touch with reality"
when you are looking at Houston as one of the hubs for drugs and human trafficking,
gangs and illegal immigrants taking advantage of the political climate here.

If you can see that the perception is MUTUAL, that both approaches seem out of touch
to the other, maybe it's more clear how we actually COMPLEMENT each other, and we need both.

We need both Rule of Law AND we need cultural inclusion and representation of diverse minorities.
We need to send a strong message to enforce law and order
AND we need social programs that help educate and serve the populations to make sure
they MEET the standards of law we expect to enforce. We need BOTH.

So both major parties have been compared to having a Mommy Party (to handle personal issues
of running to Mommy for help that requires a caring and nurturing response) and a Daddy Party
(to call on when the tough authoritarian disciplinarian figure is needed to lay down the law).

Why not organize the different leadership styles under these two branches and
use them both in the areas they serve the most good? Why slam one person or another
for having a different purpose in society, and a style of management and focus that matches that?

I have compared this to an orchestra, where all the different instruments have different parts to play.
We aren't designed to play each other's music, that would be disastrous!

Instead of fighting to kick each other out of the band, why not help each person to play their part
correctly where it works with that section and harmonizes with all the rest.

We can't always see from our limited place, how all the different pieces fit together.
I think it will become more clear as we go along. This infighting is just a stage of discover and development we are going through as a culture and as a society.

We will eventually learn that all people, cultures and groups have strengths and weaknesses,
that both serve a purpose as we learn where these limits are,
and the point is to find out what good can be served and how can we help each other.

Blah blah blah. We're not talking about professors, nor are we talking about espousing any kind of intricate knowledge of a different field of specialization. I'm talking about Sanders simply being aware that those other fields and the people who work in them EXISTING.
One has to admit that SS and medicare and medicaid have done more to help people than anything else this country has EVER done. Go ahead and run on stopping them and see how many elections you win. They are the only chance older people have. This is an indisputable fact.

Actually, they have harmed almost everyone, and helped only a few ticks on the ass of society.

You're a fucking moron. How the fuck do you function in life and think SSi, medicare and helping the poor is somehow bad. People like you suck on the dick of the rich man that wants to use you as a fucking foot stool. Idiot.

"If I SAY it's to help the poor, then it DOES! Results don't matter, only intentions!" Whatever, loser. :blahblah:
Bernie is so fucking right!! They get this wealth by under paying their workers and taking it all. These hogs need to be taxed and regulated!!!


Spoken like a broke, bitter bottom-feeder (sorry, I was in an alliteration mood tonight).
I am actually asking this question specifically in reference to a quote that's been ALL THE RAGE amongst my more liberal acquaintances and just makes me shake my head.

"The Republican debates are over. Not one word about income and wealth inequality, climate change, Citizens United, or student debt. That's why the Republicans are so out of touch with the American people. What I heard was more tax breaks for the rich, more people losing health insurance, and more talk about war. That's not what we need."

Speaking of being out of touch. Exactly how clueless and narcissistic is ol' Liver Spots not to realize that a Republican debate is going to be about issues that matter to REPUBLICANS, which are not chosen and defined by liberals and their buzzwords and memes? Why in the Hell does he think there are two major and multiple minor political parties in the country in the first place? Did he actually think reality consisted of the liberal socialist echo chamber? He certainly appears to believe that "the American people" consists only of people who agree with him. Seems to be quite a rude shock for him to find out that there are large numbers of people in this country who don't give the fat, furry crack of a rat's ass about his talking points, and that there are politicians out there who agree with those people and relate to THEM.

So what's the source of Bernie Boy's tunnel vision and oblivion? Is he a nut, or just not real swift on the uptake?
U R very disrespectful, by anyone's standards

And then what happened?
I am actually asking this question specifically in reference to a quote that's been ALL THE RAGE amongst my more liberal acquaintances and just makes me shake my head.

"The Republican debates are over. Not one word about income and wealth inequality, climate change, Citizens United, or student debt. That's why the Republicans are so out of touch with the American people. What I heard was more tax breaks for the rich, more people losing health insurance, and more talk about war. That's not what we need."

Speaking of being out of touch. Exactly how clueless and narcissistic is ol' Liver Spots not to realize that a Republican debate is going to be about issues that matter to REPUBLICANS, which are not chosen and defined by liberals and their buzzwords and memes? Why in the Hell does he think there are two major and multiple minor political parties in the country in the first place? Did he actually think reality consisted of the liberal socialist echo chamber? He certainly appears to believe that "the American people" consists only of people who agree with him. Seems to be quite a rude shock for him to find out that there are large numbers of people in this country who don't give the fat, furry crack of a rat's ass about his talking points, and that there are politicians out there who agree with those people and relate to THEM.

So what's the source of Bernie Boy's tunnel vision and oblivion? Is he a nut, or just not real swift on the uptake?

So, nitwit......"income and wealth inequality, climate change, Citizens United, student debt, etc." are ONLY democrats' issues?
While jailing sanctuary cities' mayors and abolishing abortion clinics are the most pressing issues and values of conservatives.


Congratulations. You're the smartest liberal on the boards. Granted, that wasn't a high bar to clear. You can pretty much just shuffle right over that bastard. Still, that's probably an accomplishment for you. :clap:
I surely love my pension, SS, and medicare which I use whenever possible as I paid into them so I am entitled to them. That kind of thinking bothers you I know but since I sold my business and am collecting SS I dont have to belong anymore to the filthy ratrace this nation now espouses.

Your words sound like English, but your meaning bears no resemblance to anything being said, so they might as well not be.

FYI, if you really did own a business and are now collecting Social Security, that means you were an incredible failure as a businessman. Congratulations, dumbass.
Many do. Why wouldn't you after paying into it for 40 years or so?
I am actually asking this question specifically in reference to a quote that's been ALL THE RAGE amongst my more liberal acquaintances and just makes me shake my head.

"The Republican debates are over. Not one word about income and wealth inequality, climate change, Citizens United, or student debt. That's why the Republicans are so out of touch with the American people. What I heard was more tax breaks for the rich, more people losing health insurance, and more talk about war. That's not what we need."

Speaking of being out of touch. Exactly how clueless and narcissistic is ol' Liver Spots not to realize that a Republican debate is going to be about issues that matter to REPUBLICANS, which are not chosen and defined by liberals and their buzzwords and memes? Why in the Hell does he think there are two major and multiple minor political parties in the country in the first place? Did he actually think reality consisted of the liberal socialist echo chamber? He certainly appears to believe that "the American people" consists only of people who agree with him. Seems to be quite a rude shock for him to find out that there are large numbers of people in this country who don't give the fat, furry crack of a rat's ass about his talking points, and that there are politicians out there who agree with those people and relate to THEM.

So what's the source of Bernie Boy's tunnel vision and oblivion? Is he a nut, or just not real swift on the uptake?

So, nitwit......"income and wealth inequality, climate change, Citizens United, student debt, etc." are ONLY democrats' issues?
While jailing sanctuary cities' mayors and abolishing abortion clinics are the most pressing issues and values of conservatives.


Congratulations. You're the smartest liberal on the boards. Granted, that wasn't a high bar to clear. You can pretty much just shuffle right over that bastard. Still, that's probably an accomplishment for you. :clap:
Conservative priorities: Fuck the immigrants, destroy womens rights.
Bernie actually thinks the average working person is worth something. Tell me one other candidate from either party that is and I call you a liar and you frankly are and you know it. American politics is all about big money and it is beyond tainted and therefore I have zero good to say about my country's system. Zippo. Its all about the rich who do zero for the nation.

*snore* "If you don't agree with my worldview and desires, you HATE WORKING PEOPLE!"

When I want to hear you bark on command, Fido, I'll wave a Snausage over your nose.
That's not what he said. I have yet to see any candidates apart from bernie address actual issues affecting working people, not just abortion or immigrants. Immigrants hardly affect working people, if anything, it's a positive relationship.

Mass immigration is driving down the wages of all working people. Only scumbags claim it doesn't affect them.
Capitalists love the immigrants, but it hardly affects people apart from a couple of states.
Bernie is someone who actually cares for working people, who isn't bought off, who has stood firm for decades without flip flopping, he may not be an actual socialist, but he is a social democrat like those in europe, and I applaud him. He's not retarded or insane, he's someone who appeals to working people, veterans..
And is unelectable by the general population . Good luck.
Only because some are too ignorant to understand him. He draws larger crowds than anyone else so some do understand him.

Quite a few people understand him. That's why they aren't going to vote for him.
Certainly no one you know would vote for him.
Bernie is someone who actually cares for working people, who isn't bought off, who has stood firm for decades without flip flopping, he may not be an actual socialist, but he is a social democrat like those in europe, and I applaud him. He's not retarded or insane, he's someone who appeals to working people, veterans..

Translation: He's a fucking communist.
Well, now I know 3 idiots who have no idea what basic political terms mean.
We must help Americans get into the middle class!!!!


What would "bailing out families" consist of? Your hero Obama is the one who bailed out his Wall Street buddies.

Ben Carson and Obama both believe in microlending to replace welfare handouts.
The microlending programs I know that are successful involve business training and
education so that the money is paid back and the new home/business owners
work their way up to higher loans as they develop larger business plans, using the capitalist system
of investing in business growth to serve a need in the market.

I've heard about this
I think it was either India or Southeast Asia where a program was to test out this system and it turned out that people, mostly women, were not only able to improve their circumstances but were able to pay off the loans quicker.

I think some economist won a noble prize for this concept.
We must help Americans get into the middle class!!!!


What would "bailing out families" consist of? Your hero Obama is the one who bailed out his Wall Street buddies.

Ben Carson and Obama both believe in microlending to replace welfare handouts.
The microlending programs I know that are successful involve business training and
education so that the money is paid back and the new home/business owners
work their way up to higher loans as they develop larger business plans, using the capitalist system
of investing in business growth to serve a need in the market.

I've heard about this
I think it was either India or Southeast Asia where a program was to test out this system and it turned out that people, mostly women, were not only able to improve their circumstances but were able to pay off the loans quicker.

I think some economist won a noble prize for this concept.

Finally looked it up
First, the nation was Bangladesh
Second it was the Peace Prize
Third the winners were Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank
Bernie is someone who actually cares for working people, who isn't bought off, who has stood firm for decades without flip flopping, he may not be an actual socialist, but he is a social democrat like those in europe, and I applaud him. He's not retarded or insane, he's someone who appeals to working people, veterans..

Translation: He's a fucking communist.
Well, now I know 3 idiots who have no idea what basic political terms mean.

I know what left-wing code words mean.
Bernie actually thinks the average working person is worth something. Tell me one other candidate from either party that is and I call you a liar and you frankly are and you know it. American politics is all about big money and it is beyond tainted and therefore I have zero good to say about my country's system. Zippo. Its all about the rich who do zero for the nation.

*snore* "If you don't agree with my worldview and desires, you HATE WORKING PEOPLE!"

When I want to hear you bark on command, Fido, I'll wave a Snausage over your nose.
That's not what he said. I have yet to see any candidates apart from bernie address actual issues affecting working people, not just abortion or immigrants. Immigrants hardly affect working people, if anything, it's a positive relationship.

Mass immigration is driving down the wages of all working people. Only scumbags claim it doesn't affect them.
Capitalists love the immigrants, but it hardly affects people apart from a couple of states.

You confuse businessmen with "capitalists." The former don't necessarily support capitalism. Take Michael Moore, for instance. He's a businessmen who has gotten rich off the capitalist system, but he doesn't support capitalism.
I am actually asking this question specifically in reference to a quote that's been ALL THE RAGE amongst my more liberal acquaintances and just makes me shake my head.

"The Republican debates are over. Not one word about income and wealth inequality, climate change, Citizens United, or student debt. That's why the Republicans are so out of touch with the American people. What I heard was more tax breaks for the rich, more people losing health insurance, and more talk about war. That's not what we need."

Speaking of being out of touch. Exactly how clueless and narcissistic is ol' Liver Spots not to realize that a Republican debate is going to be about issues that matter to REPUBLICANS, which are not chosen and defined by liberals and their buzzwords and memes? Why in the Hell does he think there are two major and multiple minor political parties in the country in the first place? Did he actually think reality consisted of the liberal socialist echo chamber? He certainly appears to believe that "the American people" consists only of people who agree with him. Seems to be quite a rude shock for him to find out that there are large numbers of people in this country who don't give the fat, furry crack of a rat's ass about his talking points, and that there are politicians out there who agree with those people and relate to THEM.

So what's the source of Bernie Boy's tunnel vision and oblivion? Is he a nut, or just not real swift on the uptake?

So, nitwit......"income and wealth inequality, climate change, Citizens United, student debt, etc." are ONLY democrats' issues?
While jailing sanctuary cities' mayors and abolishing abortion clinics are the most pressing issues and values of conservatives.


Congratulations. You're the smartest liberal on the boards. Granted, that wasn't a high bar to clear. You can pretty much just shuffle right over that bastard. Still, that's probably an accomplishment for you. :clap:
Conservative priorities: Fuck the immigrants, destroy womens rights.

The immigrants can go back where they came from. We owe them precisely nothing.

Women already have all the same rights that men have.
I am actually asking this question specifically in reference to a quote that's been ALL THE RAGE amongst my more liberal acquaintances and just makes me shake my head.

"The Republican debates are over. Not one word about income and wealth inequality, climate change, Citizens United, or student debt. That's why the Republicans are so out of touch with the American people. What I heard was more tax breaks for the rich, more people losing health insurance, and more talk about war. That's not what we need."

Speaking of being out of touch. Exactly how clueless and narcissistic is ol' Liver Spots not to realize that a Republican debate is going to be about issues that matter to REPUBLICANS, which are not chosen and defined by liberals and their buzzwords and memes? Why in the Hell does he think there are two major and multiple minor political parties in the country in the first place? Did he actually think reality consisted of the liberal socialist echo chamber? He certainly appears to believe that "the American people" consists only of people who agree with him. Seems to be quite a rude shock for him to find out that there are large numbers of people in this country who don't give the fat, furry crack of a rat's ass about his talking points, and that there are politicians out there who agree with those people and relate to THEM.

So what's the source of Bernie Boy's tunnel vision and oblivion? Is he a nut, or just not real swift on the uptake?

So, nitwit......"income and wealth inequality, climate change, Citizens United, student debt, etc." are ONLY democrats' issues?
While jailing sanctuary cities' mayors and abolishing abortion clinics are the most pressing issues and values of conservatives.

Sanctuary cities are definitely one of the most pressing issues on my agenda. You'd think liberal turds like you would understand that opening the flood gates to illegal immigration will only aggravate problems like income inequality and climate change.
We must help Americans get into the middle class!!!!


What would "bailing out families" consist of? Your hero Obama is the one who bailed out his Wall Street buddies.

Ben Carson and Obama both believe in microlending to replace welfare handouts.
The microlending programs I know that are successful involve business training and
education so that the money is paid back and the new home/business owners
work their way up to higher loans as they develop larger business plans, using the capitalist system
of investing in business growth to serve a need in the market.
Now that I can believe in. Business start-ups.

Not if the government is handing them out.
Sanctuary cities are definitely one of the most pressing issues on my agenda.

.....and the above says quite a lot about who you are, how hate-filled you are, and how racism and jingoism plays a large part in your miserable existence.

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