Is Sanders Retarded or Insane?

Bernie is someone who actually cares for working people, who isn't bought off, who has stood firm for decades without flip flopping, he may not be an actual socialist, but he is a social democrat like those in europe, and I applaud him. He's not retarded or insane, he's someone who appeals to working people, veterans..
And is unelectable by the general population . Good luck.
How is he unelectable? His main problem is the lack of media covering him.
So to stand as side to let the Republican Clown Car go thru.
Too bad Bernie is neither black nor hispanic. Were he one or the other he'd be the near-perfect Democrat Party Candidate. Wouldn't hurt if he were transgendered but, hey, they can't have everything!
Yup he is unelectable because the electorate has somehow bought into the lie that being wealthy is possible and that the american "dream" is attainable through a very strong work ethic. The truth is there are alot of people with strong work ethics who bust their butts their whole life only to never get ahead whatsoever. Thats where the majority of people are yet they vote against themselves and by the line that tax breaks for the uber wealthy will get them ahead...and SS is bad and medicare is bad and medicaid is bad...all those things that make it possible for one to retire and not do the most humiliating thing possible by working till you die. This country isnt too bright in the least.
Sanders is a distraction that might beat Hillary, then lose the general.

Probably, but I am still really puzzled by his apparent waking up in a brand-new world where - SURPRISE!!! - there are people other than leftists. I mean, I get that he would never sully himself by actually speaking to such a person, but didn't any of his handlers and advisers bother to tell him we existed?
Sanders is entertaining, but the mainstream left is backing the Hildabeast.
Once she goes down, all the Dims have left is an unelectable candidate following a failed President.

That's their problem, not mine. I'm just hoping someone can clarify why Liver Spots thinks the Republican debate should be defined and dominated by leftist buzzwords and "outrage bait".
Bernie actually thinks the average working person is worth something. Tell me one other candidate from either party that is and I call you a liar and you frankly are and you know it. American politics is all about big money and it is beyond tainted and therefore I have zero good to say about my country's system. Zippo. Its all about the rich who do zero for the nation.

*snore* "If you don't agree with my worldview and desires, you HATE WORKING PEOPLE!"

When I want to hear you bark on command, Fido, I'll wave a Snausage over your nose.
Bernie actually thinks the average working person is worth something. Tell me one other candidate from either party that is and I call you a liar and you frankly are and you know it. American politics is all about big money and it is beyond tainted and therefore I have zero good to say about my country's system. Zippo. Its all about the rich who do zero for the nation.

*snore* "If you don't agree with my worldview and desires, you HATE WORKING PEOPLE!"

When I want to hear you bark on command, Fido, I'll wave a Snausage over your nose.
That's not what he said. I have yet to see any candidates apart from bernie address actual issues affecting working people, not just abortion or immigrants. Immigrants hardly affect working people, if anything, it's a positive relationship.
For the liberal echo chamber these are what matters. Bernie has a better handle on it. Prepare yourself, this is what the press will be talking about all next year, and Bernie will be th nominee

Oh, I'm quite sure Bernie Boy knows EXACTLY what his leftie worshippers want. The question is, why does he appear to think those are the only people in the world? It's not just that he thinks they're correct and conservatives are wrong; he seems to not realize conservatives exist.
Yup he is unelectable because the electorate has somehow bought into the lie that being wealthy is possible and that the american "dream" is attainable through a very strong work ethic. The truth is there are alot of people with strong work ethics who bust their butts their whole life only to never get ahead whatsoever. Thats where the majority of people are yet they vote against themselves and by the line that tax breaks for the uber wealthy will get them ahead...and SS is bad and medicare is bad and medicaid is bad...all those things that make it possible for one to retire and not do the most humiliating thing possible by working till you die. This country isnt too bright in the least.

Well, being wealthy probably isn't possible for YOU, short of winning the Powerball lottery. What you don't seem to understand is that vast numbers of people are more intelligent, talented, and capable than you are when they're asleep, let alone awake.

But gosh, "Abandon hope, all ye who enter here" is an inspiring and catchy campaign slogan. Why don't y'all run with that?
One has to admit that SS and medicare and medicaid have done more to help people than anything else this country has EVER done. Go ahead and run on stopping them and see how many elections you win. They are the only chance older people have. This is an indisputable fact.
One has to admit that SS and medicare and medicaid have done more to help people than anything else this country has EVER done. Go ahead and run on stopping them and see how many elections you win. They are the only chance older people have. This is an indisputable fact.

One "has" to admit that? WHY does one "have" to admit it? Because that's what you believe, and everyone else is compelled to accept your perspective as objective reality? Considering that you believe the vast majority of Americans are condemned and destined to being poor, hopeless welfare drones, I have zero interest in even hearing about your perspective, let alone projecting it onto the world around me.

Frankly, your negativity and pessimism seem to call more for psychotherapy than political action. "Campaigns to slit your wrists by". Just what this country needs.
I surely love my pension, SS, and medicare which I use whenever possible as I paid into them so I am entitled to them. That kind of thinking bothers you I know but since I sold my business and am collecting SS I dont have to belong anymore to the filthy ratrace this nation now espouses.
Yup he is unelectable because the electorate has somehow bought into the lie that being wealthy is possible and that the american "dream" is attainable through a very strong work ethic. The truth is there are alot of people with strong work ethics who bust their butts their whole life only to never get ahead whatsoever. Thats where the majority of people are yet they vote against themselves and by the line that tax breaks for the uber wealthy will get them ahead...and SS is bad and medicare is bad and medicaid is bad...all those things that make it possible for one to retire and not do the most humiliating thing possible by working till you die. This country isnt too bright in the least.

Well, being wealthy probably isn't possible for YOU, short of winning the Powerball lottery. What you don't seem to understand is that vast numbers of people are more intelligent, talented, and capable than you are when they're asleep, let alone awake.

But gosh, "Abandon hope, all ye who enter here" is an inspiring and catchy campaign slogan. Why don't y'all run with that?
That's not what he said, the hard reality is the income gap gets bigger and bigger, wages are stagnant, the working people aren't seeing the "trickle" that's supposed to be happening. Millions of americans work hard their whole lives, do all they can, and never go anywhere, you fail to recognize inheritance, luck, relying on others to push you up..
Most americans will struggle to barely stay in the middle class. Thats the way it is and thinking the "american dream" is something great is hilarious
One has to admit that SS and medicare and medicaid have done more to help people than anything else this country has EVER done. Go ahead and run on stopping them and see how many elections you win. They are the only chance older people have. This is an indisputable fact.

One "has" to admit that? WHY does one "have" to admit it? Because that's what you believe, and everyone else is compelled to accept your perspective as objective reality? Considering that you believe the vast majority of Americans are condemned and destined to being poor, hopeless welfare drones, I have zero interest in even hearing about your perspective, let alone projecting it onto the world around me.

Frankly, your negativity and pessimism seem to call more for psychotherapy than political action. "Campaigns to slit your wrists by". Just what this country needs.
Pathetic. It's a virtually undeniable fact, along with food stamps/meals on wheels/etc.. He doesn't believe that americans are destined to be poor, he believes they should be helped and given better opportunities to move up, it's an undeniable fact that food stamps/etc reduce poverty and help people get out of it.
Welfare programs shown to reduce poverty in America Money The Guardian

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