Is Satan really evil?

I have read it and was horrified by it.

But one thing I questioned as a child was, what exactly did satan do? And why is he considered evil?

Did he torture people in the bible? No but God tortured people.

Did he kill anybody in the bible? No, but God commited genocide numerous times.

Did satan threaten anybody with harm? Nope

Did he say anything in the bible? Nope

So you guys take the word and I use his own words jealous and angry God, who commited every unspeakable act against humanity, murdered the innocent, genocide, and who says you must fear me!

Most Americans have never lived in fear so the word really does not mean much to you.

But fear is terrible, a feeling of dread that creeps into your insides and makes you paralyzed.

So you want to go to heaven, with a being that has commited all of these acts on your people and you must fear him or else. Does that sound like paradise? If God were a ruler in a country on earth, that would be the most miserable place you could ever think to be.

And then Jesus says that you can bribe your way into heaven and receive "treasure" in heaven? What the heck does that mean?

I really think you religious folk should take a critical look at your bible!

So satan was thrown out because he tried to overthrow God,

Umm from the way the bible portrays God he should had been overthrown.
Satan was thrown out for having sex with humans. Not a problem you will ever face.

Nor anyone.
Yes as I said, he wanted to overthrow a God who required fear to be a condition of worship, who said he was a jealous and angry God. That does not sound like leadership, that sounds like tyranny.

And what would have stopped Satan from doing the same thing?
George Washington could have been king but refused. Sometimes rebellion things get better and sometimes they do not. We will never know. I do not like only hearing one side of a story.

But causing fear to rule never works in this world. Apparently it works in the next. But it is not a way of being that I would ever embrace.

Well according to the book of Job , Satan works for God, because if he worked independently, would he not treat his people well in hell?
Yes as I said, he wanted to overthrow a God who required fear to be a condition of worship, who said he was a jealous and angry God. That does not sound like leadership, that sounds like tyranny.

And what would have stopped Satan from doing the same thing?
George Washington could have been king but refused. Sometimes rebellion things get better and sometimes they do not. We will never know. I do not like only hearing one side of a story.

But causing fear to rule never works in this world. Apparently it works in the next. But it is not a way of being that I would ever embrace.

Well according to the book of Job , Satan works for God, because if he worked independently, would he not treat his people well in hell?

Oh man.

Perhaps you have never felt fear, not the fear of being late for work, but terror induced fear. If you ever felt that type of fear, ask yourself could you really live eternally with such a being?


I am bipolar, Timothy, I also suffer from anxiety and depression. If you want to know what real fear is, that's it. Anxiety is the state of perpetual irrational fear and overwhelming terror. Bipolar basically is depression, fear, anxiety, terror and bliss all hitting you at once.

When I have an attack, the first thing I do is turn to God. I don't blame God.


"At Ohio State University, I participated in an open forum on a radio talk show.

From the start, callers were antagonistic. I could feel the tension as soon as the lines lit up. One angry woman, referring to abortion, said, "All you people have is an agenda you're trying to promote. You want to take away our rights and invade our private lives."

Abortion had not even been brought up.

"Just a minute," I replied. "We didn't even raise the subject."

"What is your position on abortion, then?"

I said, "Can I ask you a question? On every university campus I visit, someone stands up and says that God is an evil God to allow all this evil into our world. This person typically says, 'A plane crashes: Thirty people die, and twenty people live. What kind of God would arbitrarily choose some to live and some to die?' "But when we play God and determine whether a child within a mother's womb should live, we argue for that as a moral right. So when human beings are given the privilege of playing God, it's called a moral right. When God plays God, we call it an immoral act. Can you justify this for me?"

That was the end of the conversation."

Growing Your Church Through Evangelism and Outreach, Chapter entitled 'Reaching the Happy Thinking Pagan' by Ravi Zacharias, pp 18-19
I am only antagonistic to trolls.

Look some people need religion, I agree with that. And have no problem with that.

I am not so much as questioning your personally held beliefs, just questioning the things I have seen and read within those pages that made no sense to me, and was forced and screamed at to accept when I was a child.

Religion has shaped the world. I have been to temples and cathedrals all throughout the world and been amazed at the craftsmanship and care it took to create.

But religion has changed especially christianity since its beginnings. A lot of christians know nothing about it though.

I was always struck by having to be God fearing people and threats of hell and thought, forcing people like that does nothing for me and I view that as wrong and evil.

If I live my life as a good person, I help people, donate time and money. And have fun and take care of my family, yet do not accept Jesus I am going to hell. Yet others not so generous that do will. I would rather not go to heaven if people are like that and I have to live in fear.

The punishment/ reward of christianity makes no sense to me. Submit to be saved and go to a place where 1/3 of angels chose to leave.

That does not bother anyone?
Yes as I said, he wanted to overthrow a God who required fear to be a condition of worship, who said he was a jealous and angry God. That does not sound like leadership, that sounds like tyranny.

And what would have stopped Satan from doing the same thing?
George Washington could have been king but refused. Sometimes rebellion things get better and sometimes they do not. We will never know. I do not like only hearing one side of a story.

But causing fear to rule never works in this world. Apparently it works in the next. But it is not a way of being that I would ever embrace.

Well according to the book of Job , Satan works for God, because if he worked independently, would he not treat his people well in hell?

Oh man.

Well does he work for God or not?
Yes as I said, he wanted to overthrow a God who required fear to be a condition of worship, who said he was a jealous and angry God. That does not sound like leadership, that sounds like tyranny.

And what would have stopped Satan from doing the same thing?
George Washington could have been king but refused. Sometimes rebellion things get better and sometimes they do not. We will never know. I do not like only hearing one side of a story.

But causing fear to rule never works in this world. Apparently it works in the next. But it is not a way of being that I would ever embrace.

Well according to the book of Job , Satan works for God, because if he worked independently, would he not treat his people well in hell?

Oh man.

Well does he work for God or not?
I am sure there is a denomination that believes that. But it is not known, since God created everything then yes I suppose he would. And if he did not work for him, it leads the credence that maybe God is not omnipotent as people are lead to believe.

Or it could be that every tyrant needs a villain to blame. An interesting idea, so he lets him persevere slowing giving him lost souls like mine I guess, that did not submit.

Best thing to do is read it and decide for yourself. It is one book and instead of seeking somebody else to lead you, follow your own path, with the book or without it your choice.

I was always amazed that preaching is a job, I imagine older folks know more what's in the bible than a preacher. Especially if they read it all their lives. I been reading this book for thirty years but need to talk to someone who read it for 10 years to explain it to me.

I wish my college classes only had one book that never changed. Lol

Nah that would be boring!
I have read it and was horrified by it.

But one thing I questioned as a child was, what exactly did satan do? And why is he considered evil?

Did he torture people in the bible? No but God tortured people.

Did he kill anybody in the bible? No, but God commited genocide numerous times.

Did satan threaten anybody with harm? Nope

Did he say anything in the bible? Nope

So you guys take the word and I use his own words jealous and angry God, who commited every unspeakable act against humanity, murdered the innocent, genocide, and who says you must fear me!

Most Americans have never lived in fear so the word really does not mean much to you.

But fear is terrible, a feeling of dread that creeps into your insides and makes you paralyzed.

So you want to go to heaven, with a being that has commited all of these acts on your people and you must fear him or else. Does that sound like paradise? If God were a ruler in a country on earth, that would be the most miserable place you could ever think to be.

And then Jesus says that you can bribe your way into heaven and receive "treasure" in heaven? What the heck does that mean?

I really think you religious folk should take a critical look at your bible!

So satan was thrown out because he tried to overthrow God,

Umm from the way the bible portrays God he should had been overthrown.
Satan was thrown out for having sex with humans. Not a problem you will ever face.
Lol and where pray tell is that in the bible? Are you taking about genisis 6? It strictly says sons of God, but every denomination has a meaning for that, whatever they feel it means to the scholarly priests in that sect. Again it says sons of God so it must mean gods sons, could Jesus have been getting strange back then? But of course that implies he had brothers. So make things say what it does not say, that lucifer had sex with daughters of men. That is why it is hard to take the religious seriously because you have one book, One Book, and still can't all agree on it.
The Bible is not a book, it's a collection of books.

Kind of true, it is a collection of stories, which gets my goat when they quote revelations about changing scripture because revelations was by itself for many years, so it was only referring to revelations when it read that changing scriptures is bad.
No, it's a collection of "books", not stories. And it's "Revelation", not Revelation(s).
I have read it and was horrified by it.

But one thing I questioned as a child was, what exactly did satan do? And why is he considered evil?

Did he torture people in the bible? No but God tortured people.

Did he kill anybody in the bible? No, but God commited genocide numerous times.

Did satan threaten anybody with harm? Nope

Did he say anything in the bible? Nope

So you guys take the word and I use his own words jealous and angry God, who commited every unspeakable act against humanity, murdered the innocent, genocide, and who says you must fear me!

Most Americans have never lived in fear so the word really does not mean much to you.

But fear is terrible, a feeling of dread that creeps into your insides and makes you paralyzed.

So you want to go to heaven, with a being that has commited all of these acts on your people and you must fear him or else. Does that sound like paradise? If God were a ruler in a country on earth, that would be the most miserable place you could ever think to be.

And then Jesus says that you can bribe your way into heaven and receive "treasure" in heaven? What the heck does that mean?

I really think you religious folk should take a critical look at your bible!

So satan was thrown out because he tried to overthrow God,

Umm from the way the bible portrays God he should had been overthrown.
Satan was thrown out for having sex with humans. Not a problem you will ever face.
Lol and where pray tell is that in the bible? Are you taking about genisis 6? It strictly says sons of God, but every denomination has a meaning for that, whatever they feel it means to the scholarly priests in that sect. Again it says sons of God so it must mean gods sons, could Jesus have been getting strange back then? But of course that implies he had brothers. So make things say what it does not say, that lucifer had sex with daughters of men. That is why it is hard to take the religious seriously because you have one book, One Book, and still can't all agree on it.
The Bible is not a book, it's a collection of books.

Kind of true, it is a collection of stories, which gets my goat when they quote revelations about changing scripture because revelations was by itself for many years, so it was only referring to revelations when it read that changing scriptures is bad.
No, it's a collection of "books", not stories. And it's "Revelation", not Revelation(s).
They all have different authors, they were told by word of mouth as stories before they were written down, or letters as in some in the the New Testament. Ok got me on revelation, they are still told as stories to children, broken up to there natural form.

But does it matter? They are horrifying hate inducing stories.
I have read it and was horrified by it.

But one thing I questioned as a child was, what exactly did satan do? And why is he considered evil?

Did he torture people in the bible? No but God tortured people.

Did he kill anybody in the bible? No, but God commited genocide numerous times.

Did satan threaten anybody with harm? Nope

Did he say anything in the bible? Nope

So you guys take the word and I use his own words jealous and angry God, who commited every unspeakable act against humanity, murdered the innocent, genocide, and who says you must fear me!

Most Americans have never lived in fear so the word really does not mean much to you.

But fear is terrible, a feeling of dread that creeps into your insides and makes you paralyzed.

So you want to go to heaven, with a being that has commited all of these acts on your people and you must fear him or else. Does that sound like paradise? If God were a ruler in a country on earth, that would be the most miserable place you could ever think to be.

And then Jesus says that you can bribe your way into heaven and receive "treasure" in heaven? What the heck does that mean?

I really think you religious folk should take a critical look at your bible!

So satan was thrown out because he tried to overthrow God,

Umm from the way the bible portrays God he should had been overthrown.
He's glad you think that way......
Well I guess He isn't as loving as Jesus said. Guess I will turn my other cheek to him then. But you would follow someone like that is frightening and makes perfect sense of how people like hitler, the ayatollah, Stalin and numerous tyrants gained power.
Turn that cheek at your own peril.

The only sin Gos doesn't forgive is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
It has been turned for a long time. And you bear to mind my point. My peril, fear, blaspheme, you fear to question. That is evil in my eyes. That is blind, why think when you just accept.

Do you even know what you believe.

I suggest rereading timothy, those passages go on great length in how to conduct a churches affairs.

What church uses those doctrines? If you disagree with those concepts then are you blaspheme? If you agree with them then you are on the right path I suppose.

Martyrs were killed then to blaspheme their savior. Some say why would they do that if it was false.

But many pagan religions had martyrs as well that said the same thing.

And 1/3 of the Angels followed lucifer and they were intimate with the knowledge of God. Yet they chose to leave. Imagine being in paradise and denying it. That in itself seems pretty powerful. All they had to do was submit yet refused. Why? What don't we know?

If you'll accept the fact that it's all a bunch of horse shit made up by people who believed in witches, thought the earth was flat, shit on the ground and wiped on their hands life will get easier. When it comes to fairy tales my favorite is Jack and the Beanstalk.
I have read it and was horrified by it.

But one thing I questioned as a child was, what exactly did satan do? And why is he considered evil?

Did he torture people in the bible? No but God tortured people.

Did he kill anybody in the bible? No, but God commited genocide numerous times.

Did satan threaten anybody with harm? Nope

Did he say anything in the bible? Nope

So you guys take the word and I use his own words jealous and angry God, who commited every unspeakable act against humanity, murdered the innocent, genocide, and who says you must fear me!

Most Americans have never lived in fear so the word really does not mean much to you.

But fear is terrible, a feeling of dread that creeps into your insides and makes you paralyzed.

So you want to go to heaven, with a being that has commited all of these acts on your people and you must fear him or else. Does that sound like paradise? If God were a ruler in a country on earth, that would be the most miserable place you could ever think to be.

And then Jesus says that you can bribe your way into heaven and receive "treasure" in heaven? What the heck does that mean?

I really think you religious folk should take a critical look at your bible!

So satan was thrown out because he tried to overthrow God,

Umm from the way the bible portrays God he should had been overthrown.
He's glad you think that way......
Well I guess He isn't as loving as Jesus said. Guess I will turn my other cheek to him then. But you would follow someone like that is frightening and makes perfect sense of how people like hitler, the ayatollah, Stalin and numerous tyrants gained power.
Turn that cheek at your own peril.

The only sin Gos doesn't forgive is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
It has been turned for a long time. And you bear to mind my point. My peril, fear, blaspheme, you fear to question. That is evil in my eyes. That is blind, why think when you just accept.

Do you even know what you believe.

I suggest rereading timothy, those passages go on great length in how to conduct a churches affairs.

What church uses those doctrines? If you disagree with those concepts then are you blaspheme? If you agree with them then you are on the right path I suppose.

Martyrs were killed then to blaspheme their savior. Some say why would they do that if it was false.

But many pagan religions had martyrs as well that said the same thing.

And 1/3 of the Angels followed lucifer and they were intimate with the knowledge of God. Yet they chose to leave. Imagine being in paradise and denying it. That in itself seems pretty powerful. All they had to do was submit yet refused. Why? What don't we know?

If you'll accept the fact that it's all a bunch of horse shit made up by people who believed in witches, thought the earth was flat, shit on the ground and wiped on their hands life will get easier. When it comes to fairy tales my favorite is Jack and the Beanstalk.

I don't believe it. When people stop asking questions and accept things because of tradition and to fit in based on fear of being left out. Something is very wrong.

But I do respect belief because some people need it.
Most people.

But I just don't understand it.

If God ruled a country like he rules the believers. People would be in full rebellion.
He's glad you think that way......
Well I guess He isn't as loving as Jesus said. Guess I will turn my other cheek to him then. But you would follow someone like that is frightening and makes perfect sense of how people like hitler, the ayatollah, Stalin and numerous tyrants gained power.
Turn that cheek at your own peril.

The only sin Gos doesn't forgive is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
It has been turned for a long time. And you bear to mind my point. My peril, fear, blaspheme, you fear to question. That is evil in my eyes. That is blind, why think when you just accept.

Do you even know what you believe.

I suggest rereading timothy, those passages go on great length in how to conduct a churches affairs.

What church uses those doctrines? If you disagree with those concepts then are you blaspheme? If you agree with them then you are on the right path I suppose.

Martyrs were killed then to blaspheme their savior. Some say why would they do that if it was false.

But many pagan religions had martyrs as well that said the same thing.

And 1/3 of the Angels followed lucifer and they were intimate with the knowledge of God. Yet they chose to leave. Imagine being in paradise and denying it. That in itself seems pretty powerful. All they had to do was submit yet refused. Why? What don't we know?

If you'll accept the fact that it's all a bunch of horse shit made up by people who believed in witches, thought the earth was flat, shit on the ground and wiped on their hands life will get easier. When it comes to fairy tales my favorite is Jack and the Beanstalk.

I don't believe it. When people stop asking questions and accept things because of tradition and to fit in based on fear of being left out. Something is very wrong.

But I do respect belief because some people need it.
Most people.

But I just don't understand it.

If God ruled a country like he rules the believers. People would be in full rebellion.

Yeah...that part about him being a supreme, all knowing, all powerful entity but even poor people being expected to give him their money throws me a curve. The new testament doesn't even mention the word church but now it controls more wealth and real property than any other entity in the world. I smell greed!!
There is no such thing as EVIL. Your premises are false, therefore your conclusions are false.
You may perceive unpleasant hings as evil.

The demons in my head tell me that it's because he attempts to make people think...


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I have read it and was horrified by it.

But one thing I questioned as a child was, what exactly did satan do? And why is he considered evil?

Did he torture people in the bible? No but God tortured people.

Did he kill anybody in the bible? No, but God commited genocide numerous times.

Did satan threaten anybody with harm? Nope

Did he say anything in the bible? Nope

So you guys take the word and I use his own words jealous and angry God, who commited every unspeakable act against humanity, murdered the innocent, genocide, and who says you must fear me!

Most Americans have never lived in fear so the word really does not mean much to you.

But fear is terrible, a feeling of dread that creeps into your insides and makes you paralyzed.

So you want to go to heaven, with a being that has commited all of these acts on your people and you must fear him or else. Does that sound like paradise? If God were a ruler in a country on earth, that would be the most miserable place you could ever think to be.

And then Jesus says that you can bribe your way into heaven and receive "treasure" in heaven? What the heck does that mean?

I really think you religious folk should take a critical look at your bible!

So satan was thrown out because he tried to overthrow God,

Umm from the way the bible portrays God he should had been overthrown.

The Devil is evil. Satan is simply an angel of God's. In Judaism and the Tanach, Satan is the Accuser. The angel who exposes all our deeds good and bad for judgement by God. When Christianity co-opted Judaism though they did a lot of 'equal and opposite' changes to it. Instead of just an afterlife, they invented a hell, instead of just God, they invented a Devil, instead of just God they invented an anti-god, etc.

Satan was never evil. Christianity invented an evil version to scare people into becomming Christian.
I have read it and was horrified by it.

But one thing I questioned as a child was, what exactly did satan do? And why is he considered evil?

Did he torture people in the bible? No but God tortured people.

Did he kill anybody in the bible? No, but God commited genocide numerous times.

Did satan threaten anybody with harm? Nope

Did he say anything in the bible? Nope

So you guys take the word and I use his own words jealous and angry God, who commited every unspeakable act against humanity, murdered the innocent, genocide, and who says you must fear me!

Most Americans have never lived in fear so the word really does not mean much to you.

But fear is terrible, a feeling of dread that creeps into your insides and makes you paralyzed.

So you want to go to heaven, with a being that has commited all of these acts on your people and you must fear him or else. Does that sound like paradise? If God were a ruler in a country on earth, that would be the most miserable place you could ever think to be.

And then Jesus says that you can bribe your way into heaven and receive "treasure" in heaven? What the heck does that mean?

I really think you religious folk should take a critical look at your bible!

So satan was thrown out because he tried to overthrow God,

Umm from the way the bible portrays God he should had been overthrown.

I think YOU should take a critical look at the Bible and at least make some basic attempt to comprehend what it actually says. First, you might spend some time figuring out why God wanted to kill all those "people" as you claim. If you wish to worship Satan, then admit it and do it. It is your choice.
I have read it and was horrified by it.

But one thing I questioned as a child was, what exactly did satan do? And why is he considered evil?

Did he torture people in the bible? No but God tortured people.

Did he kill anybody in the bible? No, but God commited genocide numerous times.

Did satan threaten anybody with harm? Nope

Did he say anything in the bible? Nope

So you guys take the word and I use his own words jealous and angry God, who commited every unspeakable act against humanity, murdered the innocent, genocide, and who says you must fear me!

Most Americans have never lived in fear so the word really does not mean much to you.

But fear is terrible, a feeling of dread that creeps into your insides and makes you paralyzed.

So you want to go to heaven, with a being that has commited all of these acts on your people and you must fear him or else. Does that sound like paradise? If God were a ruler in a country on earth, that would be the most miserable place you could ever think to be.

And then Jesus says that you can bribe your way into heaven and receive "treasure" in heaven? What the heck does that mean?

I really think you religious folk should take a critical look at your bible!

So satan was thrown out because he tried to overthrow God,

Umm from the way the bible portrays God he should had been overthrown.

What? Are you being satirical?
Nope, the only evil I read in the bible was done by humans and God. Yet lucifer gets the blame when hardly a paragraph exists about him.

Reading the bible seeing what God did was horrifying! Had he been human he would be considered worst then all the tyrants of the past, yet people worship him, or are they just afraid not to?

I don't believe in it, I am just curious why people are blind to what he did.

YOU are blind to what he did. One should be well versed in the subject matter he is attempting to discuss before he trys to have a public discussion. The unlearned only appear unlearned and foolish when they fail in their own research.
There is no such thing as EVIL. Your premises are false, therefore your conclusions are false.
You may perceive unpleasant hings as evil.
Yes I do agree with you. Nobody is inherently evil, people always do what they feel is good for them. That is the point.

But the religious believe these things. I have not drawn any conclusion. Just thoughts on why the most evil that christians say is not even represented in their book. And most things they know of the devil are from popular culture verses what is actually within the pages.
I have read it and was horrified by it.

But one thing I questioned as a child was, what exactly did satan do? And why is he considered evil?

Did he torture people in the bible? No but God tortured people.

Did he kill anybody in the bible? No, but God commited genocide numerous times.

Did satan threaten anybody with harm? Nope

Did he say anything in the bible? Nope

So you guys take the word and I use his own words jealous and angry God, who commited every unspeakable act against humanity, murdered the innocent, genocide, and who says you must fear me!

Most Americans have never lived in fear so the word really does not mean much to you.

But fear is terrible, a feeling of dread that creeps into your insides and makes you paralyzed.

So you want to go to heaven, with a being that has commited all of these acts on your people and you must fear him or else. Does that sound like paradise? If God were a ruler in a country on earth, that would be the most miserable place you could ever think to be.

And then Jesus says that you can bribe your way into heaven and receive "treasure" in heaven? What the heck does that mean?

I really think you religious folk should take a critical look at your bible!

So satan was thrown out because he tried to overthrow God,

Umm from the way the bible portrays God he should had been overthrown.

The Devil is evil. Satan is simply an angel of God's. In Judaism and the Tanach, Satan is the Accuser. The angel who exposes all our deeds good and bad for judgement by God. When Christianity co-opted Judaism though they did a lot of 'equal and opposite' changes to it. Instead of just an afterlife, they invented a hell, instead of just God, they invented a Devil, instead of just God they invented an anti-god, etc.

Satan was never evil. Christianity invented an evil version to scare people into becomming Christian.
Interesting, i do not know enough about Judaism. But thanks for the insight.
I have read it and was horrified by it.

But one thing I questioned as a child was, what exactly did satan do? And why is he considered evil?

Did he torture people in the bible? No but God tortured people.

Did he kill anybody in the bible? No, but God commited genocide numerous times.

Did satan threaten anybody with harm? Nope

Did he say anything in the bible? Nope

So you guys take the word and I use his own words jealous and angry God, who commited every unspeakable act against humanity, murdered the innocent, genocide, and who says you must fear me!

Most Americans have never lived in fear so the word really does not mean much to you.

But fear is terrible, a feeling of dread that creeps into your insides and makes you paralyzed.

So you want to go to heaven, with a being that has commited all of these acts on your people and you must fear him or else. Does that sound like paradise? If God were a ruler in a country on earth, that would be the most miserable place you could ever think to be.

And then Jesus says that you can bribe your way into heaven and receive "treasure" in heaven? What the heck does that mean?

I really think you religious folk should take a critical look at your bible!

So satan was thrown out because he tried to overthrow God,

Umm from the way the bible portrays God he should had been overthrown.

I think YOU should take a critical look at the Bible and at least make some basic attempt to comprehend what it actually says. First, you might spend some time figuring out why God wanted to kill all those "people" as you claim. If you wish to worship Satan, then admit it and do it. It is your choice.

You have no idea what critical thinking is. Do you?

i do not worship any being.

Yes he killed all the first born in Egypt, to show his power. God loves innocent children to be used as an example of power. Of course it was gods fault because he did turn pharohs heart against Moses. That was nice of him.

And yes only Noah was good, so he killed and destroyed everybody else to start over again. Lol. Such a loving God.

Oh I guess I am too small minded to think on the terms of God. As I said before if God ruled a country like he did the believers, you would be fleeing like the Syrians. Yet you believe and persist in those believes, against all evidence and logic, that perhaps God is not right, he rules by might alone. And yes he tried to rewrite the narrative by Jesus to a loving kind God a father figure. Lol
I have read it and was horrified by it.

But one thing I questioned as a child was, what exactly did satan do? And why is he considered evil?

Did he torture people in the bible? No but God tortured people.

Did he kill anybody in the bible? No, but God commited genocide numerous times.

Did satan threaten anybody with harm? Nope

Did he say anything in the bible? Nope

So you guys take the word and I use his own words jealous and angry God, who commited every unspeakable act against humanity, murdered the innocent, genocide, and who says you must fear me!

Most Americans have never lived in fear so the word really does not mean much to you.

But fear is terrible, a feeling of dread that creeps into your insides and makes you paralyzed.

So you want to go to heaven, with a being that has commited all of these acts on your people and you must fear him or else. Does that sound like paradise? If God were a ruler in a country on earth, that would be the most miserable place you could ever think to be.

And then Jesus says that you can bribe your way into heaven and receive "treasure" in heaven? What the heck does that mean?

I really think you religious folk should take a critical look at your bible!

So satan was thrown out because he tried to overthrow God,

Umm from the way the bible portrays God he should had been overthrown.

What? Are you being satirical?
Nope, the only evil I read in the bible was done by humans and God. Yet lucifer gets the blame when hardly a paragraph exists about him.

Reading the bible seeing what God did was horrifying! Had he been human he would be considered worst then all the tyrants of the past, yet people worship him, or are they just afraid not to?

I don't believe in it, I am just curious why people are blind to what he did.

YOU are blind to what he did. One should be well versed in the subject matter he is attempting to discuss before he trys to have a public discussion. The unlearned only appear unlearned and foolish when they fail in their own research.
Unlearned? I have read the bible numerous times. Putting critical thinking to it and seeing how scripture is used, I am shocked more people don't see it for what it is.

Tradition, is the death of reason.

How many times need I read it before I become learned? Oh wise one!

Or do you actualy mean I need to accept it, and submit, then I shall be learned. Now that would be foolish!

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