Is Slavery a Race Realtions/Racism Issue?

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I'm black and the fact is that shit continued after slavery and whites like you exist now and are the problem.

You are hallucinating if you think that blacks were the only ones to suffer. Many Whites suffered. (And still do) As an example, look at Andrew Carnegie. He used to think that the long hours and poor pay and poor working conditions he subjected his workers to was survival of the fittest. As if he was doing mankind a favor. When in fact what he was doing was stuffing his pockets with as much money as they could hold. And now we have globalization. Which is a stake through the heart of unions in this country. It was unions that stopped child labor. Got people better pay and shorter work hours. And safer working conditions. As well as weekends off. Also, you think I am a problem? I know that you and people like you are the real problem. Hod do you like themmaples.
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