Zone1 Is socialism dying abroad?....

Increased poverty is what they have now... have you ever been to Argentina?... I have and its a beautiful country... the country use to thrive with an economy much like our own... people were happy and prosperous... then a minority of people like you took over by force and now there is economic ruin....
The way you can prove that to yourself is the number of Argentinian citizens flocking to America.....
They have tried this form of brutal libertarian austerity twice before.

How did that work out for them?
Nothing to do with sanctions then? and the arrogant Empire deciding some Muppet called Juan Guido was President, even though he never won an election, what the hell is the matter with many Americans who think that nonsense is ok?

Nothing to do with sanctions.
So Argentina will go to hell except for the rich people. Great job! They have 143% inflation. Socialism is simply fair capitalism, you're probably talking about communism again l O l,,,,

A little socialism is good. Most successful countries are a mix of capitalism and socialism.
Actually you are wrong

Socialism has failed every where it has been tried. F

Socialists are the ones who are bvrainwashed including you and that is world wide.

We have health care and it was better before socialism reared its uhly head.

The difference between communism and socialism is simolr to the differennce between man slaughter and murder

Same results just a slightly less willful act of criminal behavior
You don't know the difference between socialism and communism that is democracy!!. Any socialist or Socialist Party is always Democratic and for capitalism Fair and with a good safety net. English speakers are brainwashed All To Hell on the subject brainwashed functional moron. " now we are all socialists!" - the president of Finland when ObamaCare passed. However because of the scumbag GOP we are still technically without healthcare for all so he didn't know about that.
A little socialism is good. Most successful countries are a mix of capitalism and socialism.
Those countries are socialist, always Democratic -Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Every socialist and every Socialist party ever has always been democratic and that is a difference between them and communism. And no socialist gives a damn what any national socialist or Soviet Socialist has to say about it, they're just trying to tap into the popularity of socialism itself as known not in theory but in practice. Socialist theory is absolute tripe
I dont think you understand what socialism is.

When capitalism crushes the middle class... When the middle class shrinks.. socialism becomes more attractive.. Or, you can temper capitalism with a bit of socialism and avoid the wild swings.
When capitalism crushes the middle class... When the middle class shrinks.. socialism becomes more attractive.. Or, you can temper capitalism with a bit of socialism and avoid the wild swings.
So youre just like the last guy who doesn’t understand what socialism is…

Big win for economic freedom in Argentina... the people have had enough of socialism and big government... Maybe we should take a hint from the rest of the world and go back to America first and American citizens first.... say what you want about Trump he was way ahead of this guy and just as right too...

Socialism always fails.
I think people around the world have seen what big government that promises everything but delivers very little...
can do to a country to make life harder...
The best government is always the one that does only what is necessary and doesn't try to do what a free people in the private sector can do better.

Nothing to do with sanctions.
So why have sanctions if it's nothing to do with them? the Americans have to realise they can't decide who will govern another Country, what gets me is why some of the American people go along with that shit?
So youre just like the last guy who doesn’t understand what socialism is…
You xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx English speakers are now going to tell the Socialists who won what they are in France Italy Spain the Netherlands Norway Finland Sweden Germany Italy etc etc etc. You can say that communism is pure socialism but socialism in practice is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a great safety net Healthcare normally is the question... all you know about it is Savage capitalist English\ American propaganda. The UK got lucky after World War II and got socialist but they had to call it labor. Australia Canada New Zealand followed but they have to call it something else too because of this ridiculous propaganda conflation of Communism and socialism which keeps us backward. Thanks GOP great job!
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A little socialism is good. Most successful countries are a mix of capitalism and socialism.
Fair democratic capitalism is socialism. Try and get past the conflation of Communism and socialism. In practice every socialist in every democracy ever has been for always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net and they killed the communist in elections who then disappeared with the USSR
You brainwashed functional moron English speakers are now going to tell the Socialists who won what they are in France Italy Spain the Netherlands Norway Finland Sweden Germany Italy etc etc etc. You can say that communism is pure socialism but socialism in practice is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a great safety net Healthcare normally is the question... all you know about it is Savage capitalist English\ American propaganda. The UK got lucky after World War II and got socialist but they had to call it labor. Australia Canada New Zealand followed but they have to call it something else too because of this ridiculous propaganda conflation of Communism and socialism which keeps us backward. Thanks GOP great job!
Odd that if you ask those countries they will tell you they aren’t socialist. Probably because you don’t know what socialism means.
Fair democratic capitalism is socialism. Try and get past the conflation of Communism and socialism. In practice every socialist in every democracy ever has been for always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net and they killed the communist in elections who then disappeared with the USSR
Ummm no it isnt.
Ummm no it isnt.
It is in every country that doesn't speak English, brainwashed XXXXXXXXXXXXX. And I don't care what the National Socialist or the Soviet Socialist have to say about any of this crap, along with the English language super capitalist propaganda that conflates the two terms of Communism and socialism so there is absolute right-wing idiocy in this country. You are a prime example.
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Odd that if you ask those countries they will tell you they aren’t socialist. Probably because you don’t know what socialism means.
It is because they don't want to get in a stupid violent argument with brainwashed functional moron English speakers, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. The parties that made their countries what they are were called socialists, then they changed the names to all kinds of stuff so they don't have to listen to your stupid crap. I know the Spanish government in power is still calling themselves socialists. Canada England New Zealand and Australia are all socialist but they have to call it labour or social democracy or Democratic socialism or Democrats or green or Progressive or whatever but they can't call themselves socialist because three quarters of the country goes nuts out of sheer ignorance. We are the only modern country that doesn't qualify as socialist because we don't have health care for all which appears to be a big red line. We are all socialists now!- the president of Finland when ObamaCare passed. But he did not know this stupidity of the GOP..
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It is because they don't want to get in a stupid violent argument with brainwashed functional moron English speakers, brainwashed functional moron. The parties that made their countries what they are were called socialists, then they changed the names to all kinds of stuff so they don't have to listen to your stupid crap. I know the Spanish government in power is still calling themselves socialists. Canada England New Zealand and Australia are all socialist but they have to call it labour or social democracy or Democratic socialism or Democrats or green or Progressive or whatever but they can't call themselves socialist because three quarters of the country goes nuts out of sheer ignorance. We are the only modern country that doesn't qualify as socialist because we don't have health care for all which appears to be a big red line. We are all socialists now!- the president of Finland when ObamaCare passed. But he did not know this stupidity of the GOP..

Apparently you don't have to obey the rules?
Like i said shame about the Fascist death squads that America has always supported in South and Central America, and don't forget the Military Junta in Argentina attacked the Falkland Islands, the clown now in charge said he will take them back, that presents a problem for the rightwing nutters in the UK who would support the Comedian.
YOU LIBS NEED TO STOP LOOKING BACKWARDS..... memo to you... its a different world today....
Odd that if you ask those countries they will tell you they aren’t socialist. Probably because you don’t know what socialism means.
If you ask them, they will tell you they like their form of government. I have traveled in Norway and they prefer their socialist form of government over ours.

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