Is Stuart Stevens The New Conservative Benedict Arnold?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

" On the GOP doing an "autopsy" after the 2012 election when Mitt Romney lost to Obama
--- because we'd only won the popular vote once since [the] 1988 presidential votes — it was presented as a moral mandate, that if you are going to deserve the right to be the governing party of this big, confusing, loud, changing country, you needed to reflect that. So then Donald Trump comes along, and you can almost hear this audible sigh of relief and all that got thrown out, "Well, thank God we don't have to pretend we care about this stuff. We can just win with white folks and we can just be comfortable with that." And I mean, it just showed how phony it was."

So Stu Stevens is getting all of this attention because he is admitting that Trump didn't remake the Republican party, but the Republican party made Trump?? Why does the mainstream media keep acting shocked that the republican party has a bunch of republicans in it?? While it is a fact that Stu Stevens will be viciously attacked and called a traitor, anti-Trumper, etc -- What he said is still true....Just like when Stu Stevens attacked people who said invading Iraq was wrong and Bush was a moron...will there be another rebranding effort after Trump like there was after Bush?

When you keep feeding your base the same bullshit for over 50 years, don't act shocked when your party becomes what you have been feeding it -- and it didn't start with Trump, and no, it wasn't Sarah Palin or Joe the Plumber that brought this era in either...

This has been around since the days of William F. Buckley...And as much as some conservatives want to convince themselves that there is no recessive gene in their party that took it over with racist dog whistles, sexism, celebration of intellectual rot and xenophobia -- that isn't true...that gene is dominant in their party and has been around for awhile (In both parties). One ideology did a better job of purging than the other.

It took Buckley 10 years to evolve from once claiming "The South Must Prevail" and saying the white race is superior and must hold all power -- from later claiming that his greatest legacy was keeping the conservative movement free of bigots, kooks and anti-Semites -- but if this were true, Trumpism wouldn't be a thing....and no matter how many pictures you take with black trump supporters while whining about identity politics -- the fact still remains..
Okay, now I know why I never heard of him. He's an ex-Mitt Romney polyp and currently with The Lincoln Project.
Mitt Romney is the only person in the history of the United States of America to vote to remove a President from office of his own party ... ha ha ha ... and Stu's the traitor? ... gotta love them conservatives ...

" On the GOP doing an "autopsy" after the 2012 election when Mitt Romney lost to Obama
--- because we'd only won the popular vote once since [the] 1988 presidential votes — it was presented as a moral mandate, that if you are going to deserve the right to be the governing party of this big, confusing, loud, changing country, you needed to reflect that. So then Donald Trump comes along, and you can almost hear this audible sigh of relief and all that got thrown out, "Well, thank God we don't have to pretend we care about this stuff. We can just win with white folks and we can just be comfortable with that." And I mean, it just showed how phony it was."

So Stu Stevens is getting all of this attention because he is admitting that Trump didn't remake the Republican party, but the Republican party made Trump?? Why does the mainstream media keep acting shocked that the republican party has a bunch of republicans in it?? While it is a fact that Stu Stevens will be viciously attacked and called a traitor, anti-Trumper, etc -- What he said is still true....Just like when Stu Stevens attacked people who said invading Iraq was wrong and Bush was a moron...will there be another rebranding effort after Trump like there was after Bush?

When you keep feeding your base the same bullshit for over 50 years, don't act shocked when your party becomes what you have been feeding it -- and it didn't start with Trump, and no, it wasn't Sarah Palin or Joe the Plumber that brought this era in either...

This has been around since the days of William F. Buckley...And as much as some conservatives want to convince themselves that there is no recessive gene in their party that took it over with racist dog whistles, sexism, celebration of intellectual rot and xenophobia -- that isn't true...that gene is dominant in their party and has been around for awhile (In both parties). One ideology did a better job of purging than the other.

It took Buckley 10 years to evolve from once claiming "The South Must Prevail" and saying the white race is superior and must hold all power -- from later claiming that his greatest legacy was keeping the conservative movement free of bigots, kooks and anti-Semites -- but if this were true, Trumpism wouldn't be a thing....and no matter how many pictures you take with black trump supporters while whining about identity politics -- the fact still remains..

Hardly. There is nothing new about the "never trumpers", and I am sure that President Trump doesn't expect any loyalty from this fellow. The idea that the GOP should follow the Romney Model and be satisfied with a respectable 2nd place isn't something that President Trump thinks is sustainable. And personally I agree. What is the purpose of writing position papers or giving money and speeches, if you are never going to be able to actual implement your policies?
He's a classical Republican as distinct from the current crop of agent provocateurs.
He's a classical Republican as distinct from the current crop of agent provocateurs.

He is of the Progressive Republican globalists that Democrats like Republicans to be. We had 28 years of that nonsense.
He's a classical Republican as distinct from the current crop of agent provocateurs.

If "Classical Republicans" are Republicans who never speak ill of a democrat and lie down quietly, ride in the back of the bus and are content to be pathetic losers, I think you're right. This gentlemen is a veteran of the Romney Atrocity of 2012.

" On the GOP doing an "autopsy" after the 2012 election when Mitt Romney lost to Obama
--- because we'd only won the popular vote once since [the] 1988 presidential votes — it was presented as a moral mandate, that if you are going to deserve the right to be the governing party of this big, confusing, loud, changing country, you needed to reflect that. So then Donald Trump comes along, and you can almost hear this audible sigh of relief and all that got thrown out, "Well, thank God we don't have to pretend we care about this stuff. We can just win with white folks and we can just be comfortable with that." And I mean, it just showed how phony it was."

So Stu Stevens is getting all of this attention because he is admitting that Trump didn't remake the Republican party, but the Republican party made Trump?? Why does the mainstream media keep acting shocked that the republican party has a bunch of republicans in it?? While it is a fact that Stu Stevens will be viciously attacked and called a traitor, anti-Trumper, etc -- What he said is still true....Just like when Stu Stevens attacked people who said invading Iraq was wrong and Bush was a moron...will there be another rebranding effort after Trump like there was after Bush?

When you keep feeding your base the same bullshit for over 50 years, don't act shocked when your party becomes what you have been feeding it -- and it didn't start with Trump, and no, it wasn't Sarah Palin or Joe the Plumber that brought this era in either...

This has been around since the days of William F. Buckley...And as much as some conservatives want to convince themselves that there is no recessive gene in their party that took it over with racist dog whistles, sexism, celebration of intellectual rot and xenophobia -- that isn't true...that gene is dominant in their party and has been around for awhile (In both parties). One ideology did a better job of purging than the other.

It took Buckley 10 years to evolve from once claiming "The South Must Prevail" and saying the white race is superior and must hold all power -- from later claiming that his greatest legacy was keeping the conservative movement free of bigots, kooks and anti-Semites -- but if this were true, Trumpism wouldn't be a thing....and no matter how many pictures you take with black trump supporters while whining about identity politics -- the fact still remains..

Hardly. There is nothing new about the "never trumpers", and I am sure that President Trump doesn't expect any loyalty from this fellow. The idea that the GOP should follow the Romney Model and be satisfied with a respectable 2nd place isn't something that President Trump thinks is sustainable. And personally I agree. What is the purpose of writing position papers or giving money and speeches, if you are never going to be able to actual implement your policies?
What policies??

Right now Trump is taking credit for policies that so-called conservatives claimed they hated weeks ago...

He is claiming credit for protecting pre-existing conditions, like that's something he came up with -- and conservatives ignore it, even tho they know they have been trying to take away those protections since Obama passed it...

He is claiming credit for extending unemployment benefits, eviction moratoriums, student loan debt -- all of which were "liberal" ideas that conservatives fought tooth and nail to oppose -- or did we forget Lindsey Graham saying he would extend unemployment benefits over his dead body...

Trump and his cult base have only one policy -- trying to "trigger the libs" -- far as I am concerned, Trump can pass Medicare For All to trigger the will be popular with the country, but it damn sure won't be "conservatism"

" On the GOP doing an "autopsy" after the 2012 election when Mitt Romney lost to Obama
--- because we'd only won the popular vote once since [the] 1988 presidential votes — it was presented as a moral mandate, that if you are going to deserve the right to be the governing party of this big, confusing, loud, changing country, you needed to reflect that. So then Donald Trump comes along, and you can almost hear this audible sigh of relief and all that got thrown out, "Well, thank God we don't have to pretend we care about this stuff. We can just win with white folks and we can just be comfortable with that." And I mean, it just showed how phony it was."

So Stu Stevens is getting all of this attention because he is admitting that Trump didn't remake the Republican party, but the Republican party made Trump?? Why does the mainstream media keep acting shocked that the republican party has a bunch of republicans in it?? While it is a fact that Stu Stevens will be viciously attacked and called a traitor, anti-Trumper, etc -- What he said is still true....Just like when Stu Stevens attacked people who said invading Iraq was wrong and Bush was a moron...will there be another rebranding effort after Trump like there was after Bush?

When you keep feeding your base the same bullshit for over 50 years, don't act shocked when your party becomes what you have been feeding it -- and it didn't start with Trump, and no, it wasn't Sarah Palin or Joe the Plumber that brought this era in either...

This has been around since the days of William F. Buckley...And as much as some conservatives want to convince themselves that there is no recessive gene in their party that took it over with racist dog whistles, sexism, celebration of intellectual rot and xenophobia -- that isn't true...that gene is dominant in their party and has been around for awhile (In both parties). One ideology did a better job of purging than the other.

It took Buckley 10 years to evolve from once claiming "The South Must Prevail" and saying the white race is superior and must hold all power -- from later claiming that his greatest legacy was keeping the conservative movement free of bigots, kooks and anti-Semites -- but if this were true, Trumpism wouldn't be a thing....and no matter how many pictures you take with black trump supporters while whining about identity politics -- the fact still remains..
Yes how dare they tell the truth about the psychopath in the White House.

trumpscum are imbeciles

" On the GOP doing an "autopsy" after the 2012 election when Mitt Romney lost to Obama
--- because we'd only won the popular vote once since [the] 1988 presidential votes — it was presented as a moral mandate, that if you are going to deserve the right to be the governing party of this big, confusing, loud, changing country, you needed to reflect that. So then Donald Trump comes along, and you can almost hear this audible sigh of relief and all that got thrown out, "Well, thank God we don't have to pretend we care about this stuff. We can just win with white folks and we can just be comfortable with that." And I mean, it just showed how phony it was."

So Stu Stevens is getting all of this attention because he is admitting that Trump didn't remake the Republican party, but the Republican party made Trump?? Why does the mainstream media keep acting shocked that the republican party has a bunch of republicans in it?? While it is a fact that Stu Stevens will be viciously attacked and called a traitor, anti-Trumper, etc -- What he said is still true....Just like when Stu Stevens attacked people who said invading Iraq was wrong and Bush was a moron...will there be another rebranding effort after Trump like there was after Bush?

When you keep feeding your base the same bullshit for over 50 years, don't act shocked when your party becomes what you have been feeding it -- and it didn't start with Trump, and no, it wasn't Sarah Palin or Joe the Plumber that brought this era in either...

This has been around since the days of William F. Buckley...And as much as some conservatives want to convince themselves that there is no recessive gene in their party that took it over with racist dog whistles, sexism, celebration of intellectual rot and xenophobia -- that isn't true...that gene is dominant in their party and has been around for awhile (In both parties). One ideology did a better job of purging than the other.

It took Buckley 10 years to evolve from once claiming "The South Must Prevail" and saying the white race is superior and must hold all power -- from later claiming that his greatest legacy was keeping the conservative movement free of bigots, kooks and anti-Semites -- but if this were true, Trumpism wouldn't be a thing....and no matter how many pictures you take with black trump supporters while whining about identity politics -- the fact still remains..
Yes how dare they tell the truth about the psychopath in the White House.

trumpscum are imbeciles

Its not that at all. The point is that they are supposed to be "Republicans" but have absolutely no idea or strategy to defeat Liberalism.

The problem with the never trumpers is that they are pissed that Trump didn't hire them for jobs in the administration. In spite of their disdain for him in the 2016 election, they expected to be rewarded.

" On the GOP doing an "autopsy" after the 2012 election when Mitt Romney lost to Obama
--- because we'd only won the popular vote once since [the] 1988 presidential votes — it was presented as a moral mandate, that if you are going to deserve the right to be the governing party of this big, confusing, loud, changing country, you needed to reflect that. So then Donald Trump comes along, and you can almost hear this audible sigh of relief and all that got thrown out, "Well, thank God we don't have to pretend we care about this stuff. We can just win with white folks and we can just be comfortable with that." And I mean, it just showed how phony it was."

So Stu Stevens is getting all of this attention because he is admitting that Trump didn't remake the Republican party, but the Republican party made Trump?? Why does the mainstream media keep acting shocked that the republican party has a bunch of republicans in it?? While it is a fact that Stu Stevens will be viciously attacked and called a traitor, anti-Trumper, etc -- What he said is still true....Just like when Stu Stevens attacked people who said invading Iraq was wrong and Bush was a moron...will there be another rebranding effort after Trump like there was after Bush?

When you keep feeding your base the same bullshit for over 50 years, don't act shocked when your party becomes what you have been feeding it -- and it didn't start with Trump, and no, it wasn't Sarah Palin or Joe the Plumber that brought this era in either...

This has been around since the days of William F. Buckley...And as much as some conservatives want to convince themselves that there is no recessive gene in their party that took it over with racist dog whistles, sexism, celebration of intellectual rot and xenophobia -- that isn't true...that gene is dominant in their party and has been around for awhile (In both parties). One ideology did a better job of purging than the other.

It took Buckley 10 years to evolve from once claiming "The South Must Prevail" and saying the white race is superior and must hold all power -- from later claiming that his greatest legacy was keeping the conservative movement free of bigots, kooks and anti-Semites -- but if this were true, Trumpism wouldn't be a thing....and no matter how many pictures you take with black trump supporters while whining about identity politics -- the fact still remains..
Yes how dare they tell the truth about the psychopath in the White House.

trumpscum are imbeciles

Its not that at all. The point is that they are supposed to be "Republicans" but have absolutely no idea or strategy to defeat Liberalism.

The problem with the never trumpers is that they are pissed that Trump didn't hire them for jobs in the administration. In spite of their disdain for him in the 2016 election, they expected to be rewarded.

That would be because the Republican party has no idea...of anything. It used to be about conservative principles and ideals. Now, it's a home to every kook, whack job, and conspiracy theorist out there. It's all about the cult of You-Know-Who. They've driven all the moderates and real conservatives away. Let's face it, with the advent of Reagan's supply side (trickle down) economics and budget deficit spending, the Republican party moved away from real conservatism. Then, along comes Newt and it really heads downhill. Any sane politician could see that the coming Trump administration was going to be a disaster. No one who wanted to protect their good name would have even been associated with Trump.

" On the GOP doing an "autopsy" after the 2012 election when Mitt Romney lost to Obama
--- because we'd only won the popular vote once since [the] 1988 presidential votes — it was presented as a moral mandate, that if you are going to deserve the right to be the governing party of this big, confusing, loud, changing country, you needed to reflect that. So then Donald Trump comes along, and you can almost hear this audible sigh of relief and all that got thrown out, "Well, thank God we don't have to pretend we care about this stuff. We can just win with white folks and we can just be comfortable with that." And I mean, it just showed how phony it was."

So Stu Stevens is getting all of this attention because he is admitting that Trump didn't remake the Republican party, but the Republican party made Trump?? Why does the mainstream media keep acting shocked that the republican party has a bunch of republicans in it?? While it is a fact that Stu Stevens will be viciously attacked and called a traitor, anti-Trumper, etc -- What he said is still true....Just like when Stu Stevens attacked people who said invading Iraq was wrong and Bush was a moron...will there be another rebranding effort after Trump like there was after Bush?

When you keep feeding your base the same bullshit for over 50 years, don't act shocked when your party becomes what you have been feeding it -- and it didn't start with Trump, and no, it wasn't Sarah Palin or Joe the Plumber that brought this era in either...

This has been around since the days of William F. Buckley...And as much as some conservatives want to convince themselves that there is no recessive gene in their party that took it over with racist dog whistles, sexism, celebration of intellectual rot and xenophobia -- that isn't true...that gene is dominant in their party and has been around for awhile (In both parties). One ideology did a better job of purging than the other.

It took Buckley 10 years to evolve from once claiming "The South Must Prevail" and saying the white race is superior and must hold all power -- from later claiming that his greatest legacy was keeping the conservative movement free of bigots, kooks and anti-Semites -- but if this were true, Trumpism wouldn't be a thing....and no matter how many pictures you take with black trump supporters while whining about identity politics -- the fact still remains..
Yes how dare they tell the truth about the psychopath in the White House.

trumpscum are imbeciles

Its not that at all. The point is that they are supposed to be "Republicans" but have absolutely no idea or strategy to defeat Liberalism.

The problem with the never trumpers is that they are pissed that Trump didn't hire them for jobs in the administration. In spite of their disdain for him in the 2016 election, they expected to be rewarded.

That would be because the Republican party has no idea...of anything. It used to be about conservative principles and ideals. Now, it's a home to every kook, whack job, and conspiracy theorist out there. It's all about the cult of You-Know-Who. They've driven all the moderates and real conservatives away. Let's face it, with the advent of Reagan's supply side (trickle down) economics and budget deficit spending, the Republican party moved away from real conservatism. Then, along comes Newt and it really heads downhill. Any sane politician could see that the coming Trump administration was going to be a disaster. No one who wanted to protect their good name would have even been associated with Trump.

I read all of this, but I don't see how this addresses the question of what the Lincoln Project plan is to implement their policy ideas? Do they have any?

" On the GOP doing an "autopsy" after the 2012 election when Mitt Romney lost to Obama
--- because we'd only won the popular vote once since [the] 1988 presidential votes — it was presented as a moral mandate, that if you are going to deserve the right to be the governing party of this big, confusing, loud, changing country, you needed to reflect that. So then Donald Trump comes along, and you can almost hear this audible sigh of relief and all that got thrown out, "Well, thank God we don't have to pretend we care about this stuff. We can just win with white folks and we can just be comfortable with that." And I mean, it just showed how phony it was."

So Stu Stevens is getting all of this attention because he is admitting that Trump didn't remake the Republican party, but the Republican party made Trump?? Why does the mainstream media keep acting shocked that the republican party has a bunch of republicans in it?? While it is a fact that Stu Stevens will be viciously attacked and called a traitor, anti-Trumper, etc -- What he said is still true....Just like when Stu Stevens attacked people who said invading Iraq was wrong and Bush was a moron...will there be another rebranding effort after Trump like there was after Bush?

When you keep feeding your base the same bullshit for over 50 years, don't act shocked when your party becomes what you have been feeding it -- and it didn't start with Trump, and no, it wasn't Sarah Palin or Joe the Plumber that brought this era in either...

This has been around since the days of William F. Buckley...And as much as some conservatives want to convince themselves that there is no recessive gene in their party that took it over with racist dog whistles, sexism, celebration of intellectual rot and xenophobia -- that isn't true...that gene is dominant in their party and has been around for awhile (In both parties). One ideology did a better job of purging than the other.

It took Buckley 10 years to evolve from once claiming "The South Must Prevail" and saying the white race is superior and must hold all power -- from later claiming that his greatest legacy was keeping the conservative movement free of bigots, kooks and anti-Semites -- but if this were true, Trumpism wouldn't be a thing....and no matter how many pictures you take with black trump supporters while whining about identity politics -- the fact still remains..
Yes how dare they tell the truth about the psychopath in the White House.

trumpscum are imbeciles

Its not that at all. The point is that they are supposed to be "Republicans" but have absolutely no idea or strategy to defeat Liberalism.

The problem with the never trumpers is that they are pissed that Trump didn't hire them for jobs in the administration. In spite of their disdain for him in the 2016 election, they expected to be rewarded.

That would be because the Republican party has no idea...of anything. It used to be about conservative principles and ideals. Now, it's a home to every kook, whack job, and conspiracy theorist out there. It's all about the cult of You-Know-Who. They've driven all the moderates and real conservatives away. Let's face it, with the advent of Reagan's supply side (trickle down) economics and budget deficit spending, the Republican party moved away from real conservatism. Then, along comes Newt and it really heads downhill. Any sane politician could see that the coming Trump administration was going to be a disaster. No one who wanted to protect their good name would have even been associated with Trump.
And to add to your point that the republican party is now a party for kooks....a Qanon believer is now going to be headed to the Congress most likely...

A person who believes Trump is in a secret fight against pedophile sex trafficking cannibals...that is an actual thing she believes, no hyperbole...and this person won her GOP primary...


" On the GOP doing an "autopsy" after the 2012 election when Mitt Romney lost to Obama
--- because we'd only won the popular vote once since [the] 1988 presidential votes — it was presented as a moral mandate, that if you are going to deserve the right to be the governing party of this big, confusing, loud, changing country, you needed to reflect that. So then Donald Trump comes along, and you can almost hear this audible sigh of relief and all that got thrown out, "Well, thank God we don't have to pretend we care about this stuff. We can just win with white folks and we can just be comfortable with that." And I mean, it just showed how phony it was."

So Stu Stevens is getting all of this attention because he is admitting that Trump didn't remake the Republican party, but the Republican party made Trump?? Why does the mainstream media keep acting shocked that the republican party has a bunch of republicans in it?? While it is a fact that Stu Stevens will be viciously attacked and called a traitor, anti-Trumper, etc -- What he said is still true....Just like when Stu Stevens attacked people who said invading Iraq was wrong and Bush was a moron...will there be another rebranding effort after Trump like there was after Bush?

When you keep feeding your base the same bullshit for over 50 years, don't act shocked when your party becomes what you have been feeding it -- and it didn't start with Trump, and no, it wasn't Sarah Palin or Joe the Plumber that brought this era in either...

This has been around since the days of William F. Buckley...And as much as some conservatives want to convince themselves that there is no recessive gene in their party that took it over with racist dog whistles, sexism, celebration of intellectual rot and xenophobia -- that isn't true...that gene is dominant in their party and has been around for awhile (In both parties). One ideology did a better job of purging than the other.

It took Buckley 10 years to evolve from once claiming "The South Must Prevail" and saying the white race is superior and must hold all power -- from later claiming that his greatest legacy was keeping the conservative movement free of bigots, kooks and anti-Semites -- but if this were true, Trumpism wouldn't be a thing....and no matter how many pictures you take with black trump supporters while whining about identity politics -- the fact still remains..
Yes how dare they tell the truth about the psychopath in the White House.

trumpscum are imbeciles

Its not that at all. The point is that they are supposed to be "Republicans" but have absolutely no idea or strategy to defeat Liberalism.

The problem with the never trumpers is that they are pissed that Trump didn't hire them for jobs in the administration. In spite of their disdain for him in the 2016 election, they expected to be rewarded.

That would be because the Republican party has no idea...of anything. It used to be about conservative principles and ideals. Now, it's a home to every kook, whack job, and conspiracy theorist out there. It's all about the cult of You-Know-Who. They've driven all the moderates and real conservatives away. Let's face it, with the advent of Reagan's supply side (trickle down) economics and budget deficit spending, the Republican party moved away from real conservatism. Then, along comes Newt and it really heads downhill. Any sane politician could see that the coming Trump administration was going to be a disaster. No one who wanted to protect their good name would have even been associated with Trump.

I read all of this, but I don't see how this addresses the question of what the Lincoln Project plan is to implement their policy ideas? Do they have any?
Their plan is the same as it was when they were putting on funny little hats and calling themselves tea party members...

We now know that was a manufactured grass roots movement attempting to rebrand the party after the failure of Bush conservatism....

But since they have now been feeding that monster they created -- that monster took over that rebranding effort too -- and now we have a Trump....

So the new plan is to get us to believe that Tom Cotton is the future -- which is basically, Tom will appeal to the depraved base, but do it by not saying the quiet part too loud...

" On the GOP doing an "autopsy" after the 2012 election when Mitt Romney lost to Obama
--- because we'd only won the popular vote once since [the] 1988 presidential votes — it was presented as a moral mandate, that if you are going to deserve the right to be the governing party of this big, confusing, loud, changing country, you needed to reflect that. So then Donald Trump comes along, and you can almost hear this audible sigh of relief and all that got thrown out, "Well, thank God we don't have to pretend we care about this stuff. We can just win with white folks and we can just be comfortable with that." And I mean, it just showed how phony it was."

So Stu Stevens is getting all of this attention because he is admitting that Trump didn't remake the Republican party, but the Republican party made Trump?? Why does the mainstream media keep acting shocked that the republican party has a bunch of republicans in it?? While it is a fact that Stu Stevens will be viciously attacked and called a traitor, anti-Trumper, etc -- What he said is still true....Just like when Stu Stevens attacked people who said invading Iraq was wrong and Bush was a moron...will there be another rebranding effort after Trump like there was after Bush?

When you keep feeding your base the same bullshit for over 50 years, don't act shocked when your party becomes what you have been feeding it -- and it didn't start with Trump, and no, it wasn't Sarah Palin or Joe the Plumber that brought this era in either...

This has been around since the days of William F. Buckley...And as much as some conservatives want to convince themselves that there is no recessive gene in their party that took it over with racist dog whistles, sexism, celebration of intellectual rot and xenophobia -- that isn't true...that gene is dominant in their party and has been around for awhile (In both parties). One ideology did a better job of purging than the other.

It took Buckley 10 years to evolve from once claiming "The South Must Prevail" and saying the white race is superior and must hold all power -- from later claiming that his greatest legacy was keeping the conservative movement free of bigots, kooks and anti-Semites -- but if this were true, Trumpism wouldn't be a thing....and no matter how many pictures you take with black trump supporters while whining about identity politics -- the fact still remains..
Stevens argues that the party's support for Trump isn't just a pragmatic choice. Instead, he says, it reflects the party's complete abandonment of principles it long claimed to embrace, such as fiscal restraint, personal responsibility and family values.

The key phrase being "long claimed"....They never were really behind those values, and that has been evident since at least the Bush 41 presidency....Can't abandon ground that you never really held.

There is a market for a center-right party and a need for it in America. I think something else will evolve. But to get a sense of how deep Trumpism is instilled, there's another Republican Party out there and that's these governors. So if you look at these very popular governors in blue states like [Larry] Hogan in Maryland, Charlie Baker, Massachusetts, Phil Scott here in Vermont, I work for all these guys. And if the Republican Party had any sense, I'd say, look, these guys are wildly popular in the hardest market.

He's totally delusional if he thinks those leftist douchebag poseurs are "center-right" or popular....Hogan and Baker are as polular as cloud seeding hucksters at a cattleman's convention.

But, it's NPR...So what did we think we were going to get?
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" On the GOP doing an "autopsy" after the 2012 election when Mitt Romney lost to Obama
--- because we'd only won the popular vote once since [the] 1988 presidential votes — it was presented as a moral mandate, that if you are going to deserve the right to be the governing party of this big, confusing, loud, changing country, you needed to reflect that. So then Donald Trump comes along, and you can almost hear this audible sigh of relief and all that got thrown out, "Well, thank God we don't have to pretend we care about this stuff. We can just win with white folks and we can just be comfortable with that." And I mean, it just showed how phony it was."

So Stu Stevens is getting all of this attention because he is admitting that Trump didn't remake the Republican party, but the Republican party made Trump?? Why does the mainstream media keep acting shocked that the republican party has a bunch of republicans in it?? While it is a fact that Stu Stevens will be viciously attacked and called a traitor, anti-Trumper, etc -- What he said is still true....Just like when Stu Stevens attacked people who said invading Iraq was wrong and Bush was a moron...will there be another rebranding effort after Trump like there was after Bush?

When you keep feeding your base the same bullshit for over 50 years, don't act shocked when your party becomes what you have been feeding it -- and it didn't start with Trump, and no, it wasn't Sarah Palin or Joe the Plumber that brought this era in either...

This has been around since the days of William F. Buckley...And as much as some conservatives want to convince themselves that there is no recessive gene in their party that took it over with racist dog whistles, sexism, celebration of intellectual rot and xenophobia -- that isn't true...that gene is dominant in their party and has been around for awhile (In both parties). One ideology did a better job of purging than the other.

It took Buckley 10 years to evolve from once claiming "The South Must Prevail" and saying the white race is superior and must hold all power -- from later claiming that his greatest legacy was keeping the conservative movement free of bigots, kooks and anti-Semites -- but if this were true, Trumpism wouldn't be a thing....and no matter how many pictures you take with black trump supporters while whining about identity politics -- the fact still remains..
Stevens argues that the party's support for Trump isn't just a pragmatic choice. Instead, he says, it reflects the party's complete abandonment of principles it long claimed to embrace, such as fiscal restraint, personal responsibility and family values.

The key phrase being "long claimed"....They never were really behind those values, and that has been evident since at least the Bush 41 presidency....Can't abandon ground that you never really held.

There is a market for a center-right party and a need for it in America. I think something else will evolve. But to get a sense of how deep Trumpism is instilled, there's another Republican Party out there and that's these governors. So if you look at these very popular governors in blue states like [Larry] Hogan in Maryland, Charlie Baker, Massachusetts, Phil Scott here in Vermont, I work for all these guys. And if the Republican Party had any sense, I'd say, look, these guys are wildly popular in the hardest market.

He's totally delusional if he thinks those leftist douchebag poseurs are "center-right" or popular....Hogan and Baker are as polular as cloud seeding hucksters at a cattleman's convention.
Well, there is a belief among these Lincoln projecters that people like Hogan or Dewine in Ohio are the path forward.....

But I think if those governors ever tried to run a presidential campaign and didnt at least give lip service to the racist inclinations of their base -- they will be called RINOS....

" On the GOP doing an "autopsy" after the 2012 election when Mitt Romney lost to Obama
--- because we'd only won the popular vote once since [the] 1988 presidential votes — it was presented as a moral mandate, that if you are going to deserve the right to be the governing party of this big, confusing, loud, changing country, you needed to reflect that. So then Donald Trump comes along, and you can almost hear this audible sigh of relief and all that got thrown out, "Well, thank God we don't have to pretend we care about this stuff. We can just win with white folks and we can just be comfortable with that." And I mean, it just showed how phony it was."

So Stu Stevens is getting all of this attention because he is admitting that Trump didn't remake the Republican party, but the Republican party made Trump?? Why does the mainstream media keep acting shocked that the republican party has a bunch of republicans in it?? While it is a fact that Stu Stevens will be viciously attacked and called a traitor, anti-Trumper, etc -- What he said is still true....Just like when Stu Stevens attacked people who said invading Iraq was wrong and Bush was a moron...will there be another rebranding effort after Trump like there was after Bush?

When you keep feeding your base the same bullshit for over 50 years, don't act shocked when your party becomes what you have been feeding it -- and it didn't start with Trump, and no, it wasn't Sarah Palin or Joe the Plumber that brought this era in either...

This has been around since the days of William F. Buckley...And as much as some conservatives want to convince themselves that there is no recessive gene in their party that took it over with racist dog whistles, sexism, celebration of intellectual rot and xenophobia -- that isn't true...that gene is dominant in their party and has been around for awhile (In both parties). One ideology did a better job of purging than the other.

It took Buckley 10 years to evolve from once claiming "The South Must Prevail" and saying the white race is superior and must hold all power -- from later claiming that his greatest legacy was keeping the conservative movement free of bigots, kooks and anti-Semites -- but if this were true, Trumpism wouldn't be a thing....and no matter how many pictures you take with black trump supporters while whining about identity politics -- the fact still remains..
Stevens argues that the party's support for Trump isn't just a pragmatic choice. Instead, he says, it reflects the party's complete abandonment of principles it long claimed to embrace, such as fiscal restraint, personal responsibility and family values.

The key phrase being "long claimed"....They never were really behind those values, and that has been evident since at least the Bush 41 presidency....Can't abandon ground that you never really held.

There is a market for a center-right party and a need for it in America. I think something else will evolve. But to get a sense of how deep Trumpism is instilled, there's another Republican Party out there and that's these governors. So if you look at these very popular governors in blue states like [Larry] Hogan in Maryland, Charlie Baker, Massachusetts, Phil Scott here in Vermont, I work for all these guys. And if the Republican Party had any sense, I'd say, look, these guys are wildly popular in the hardest market.

He's totally delusional if he thinks those leftist douchebag poseurs are "center-right" or popular....Hogan and Baker are as polular as cloud seeding hucksters at a cattleman's convention.
Well, there is a belief among these Lincoln projecters that people like Hogan or Dewine in Ohio are the path forward.....

But I think if those governors ever tried to run a presidential campaign and didnt at least give lip service to the racist inclinations of their base -- they will be called RINOS....
The Lincoln Projecters are a bunch of Bushbot neocons (i.e. poorly closeted leftists)...There's no way forward from people whose go-to policies are to print up more debt, go to war, and expand The State...We already have a political party that has that philosophy.

And take your "racist inclinations" shit and shove it up your ass.....Nobody with any sense is buying your race baiting bullshit anymore.

" On the GOP doing an "autopsy" after the 2012 election when Mitt Romney lost to Obama
--- because we'd only won the popular vote once since [the] 1988 presidential votes — it was presented as a moral mandate, that if you are going to deserve the right to be the governing party of this big, confusing, loud, changing country, you needed to reflect that. So then Donald Trump comes along, and you can almost hear this audible sigh of relief and all that got thrown out, "Well, thank God we don't have to pretend we care about this stuff. We can just win with white folks and we can just be comfortable with that." And I mean, it just showed how phony it was."

So Stu Stevens is getting all of this attention because he is admitting that Trump didn't remake the Republican party, but the Republican party made Trump?? Why does the mainstream media keep acting shocked that the republican party has a bunch of republicans in it?? While it is a fact that Stu Stevens will be viciously attacked and called a traitor, anti-Trumper, etc -- What he said is still true....Just like when Stu Stevens attacked people who said invading Iraq was wrong and Bush was a moron...will there be another rebranding effort after Trump like there was after Bush?

When you keep feeding your base the same bullshit for over 50 years, don't act shocked when your party becomes what you have been feeding it -- and it didn't start with Trump, and no, it wasn't Sarah Palin or Joe the Plumber that brought this era in either...

This has been around since the days of William F. Buckley...And as much as some conservatives want to convince themselves that there is no recessive gene in their party that took it over with racist dog whistles, sexism, celebration of intellectual rot and xenophobia -- that isn't true...that gene is dominant in their party and has been around for awhile (In both parties). One ideology did a better job of purging than the other.

It took Buckley 10 years to evolve from once claiming "The South Must Prevail" and saying the white race is superior and must hold all power -- from later claiming that his greatest legacy was keeping the conservative movement free of bigots, kooks and anti-Semites -- but if this were true, Trumpism wouldn't be a thing....and no matter how many pictures you take with black trump supporters while whining about identity politics -- the fact still remains..
Stevens argues that the party's support for Trump isn't just a pragmatic choice. Instead, he says, it reflects the party's complete abandonment of principles it long claimed to embrace, such as fiscal restraint, personal responsibility and family values.

The key phrase being "long claimed"....They never were really behind those values, and that has been evident since at least the Bush 41 presidency....Can't abandon ground that you never really held.

There is a market for a center-right party and a need for it in America. I think something else will evolve. But to get a sense of how deep Trumpism is instilled, there's another Republican Party out there and that's these governors. So if you look at these very popular governors in blue states like [Larry] Hogan in Maryland, Charlie Baker, Massachusetts, Phil Scott here in Vermont, I work for all these guys. And if the Republican Party had any sense, I'd say, look, these guys are wildly popular in the hardest market.

He's totally delusional if he thinks those leftist douchebag poseurs are "center-right" or popular....Hogan and Baker are as polular as cloud seeding hucksters at a cattleman's convention.
Well, there is a belief among these Lincoln projecters that people like Hogan or Dewine in Ohio are the path forward.....

But I think if those governors ever tried to run a presidential campaign and didnt at least give lip service to the racist inclinations of their base -- they will be called RINOS....
The Lincoln Projecters are a bunch of Bushbot neocons (i.e. poorly closeted leftists)...There's no way forward from people whose go-to policies are to print up more debt, go to war, and expand The State...We already have a political party that has that philosophy.

And take your "racist inclinations" shit and shove it up your ass.....Nobody with any sense is buying your race baiting bullshit anymore.
Cool story bro...

These people (white nationalists, neo-Nazis, neo-conservatives) ain't running in the Democrat party...they are running as Republicans because they believe their chances of winning are HIGHER...why? Because there is a base that is willing to vote for them.....I don't give a fuck if you believe it or not...

"It is what it is"


" On the GOP doing an "autopsy" after the 2012 election when Mitt Romney lost to Obama
--- because we'd only won the popular vote once since [the] 1988 presidential votes — it was presented as a moral mandate, that if you are going to deserve the right to be the governing party of this big, confusing, loud, changing country, you needed to reflect that. So then Donald Trump comes along, and you can almost hear this audible sigh of relief and all that got thrown out, "Well, thank God we don't have to pretend we care about this stuff. We can just win with white folks and we can just be comfortable with that." And I mean, it just showed how phony it was."

So Stu Stevens is getting all of this attention because he is admitting that Trump didn't remake the Republican party, but the Republican party made Trump?? Why does the mainstream media keep acting shocked that the republican party has a bunch of republicans in it?? While it is a fact that Stu Stevens will be viciously attacked and called a traitor, anti-Trumper, etc -- What he said is still true....Just like when Stu Stevens attacked people who said invading Iraq was wrong and Bush was a moron...will there be another rebranding effort after Trump like there was after Bush?

When you keep feeding your base the same bullshit for over 50 years, don't act shocked when your party becomes what you have been feeding it -- and it didn't start with Trump, and no, it wasn't Sarah Palin or Joe the Plumber that brought this era in either...

This has been around since the days of William F. Buckley...And as much as some conservatives want to convince themselves that there is no recessive gene in their party that took it over with racist dog whistles, sexism, celebration of intellectual rot and xenophobia -- that isn't true...that gene is dominant in their party and has been around for awhile (In both parties). One ideology did a better job of purging than the other.

It took Buckley 10 years to evolve from once claiming "The South Must Prevail" and saying the white race is superior and must hold all power -- from later claiming that his greatest legacy was keeping the conservative movement free of bigots, kooks and anti-Semites -- but if this were true, Trumpism wouldn't be a thing....and no matter how many pictures you take with black trump supporters while whining about identity politics -- the fact still remains..
Stevens argues that the party's support for Trump isn't just a pragmatic choice. Instead, he says, it reflects the party's complete abandonment of principles it long claimed to embrace, such as fiscal restraint, personal responsibility and family values.

The key phrase being "long claimed"....They never were really behind those values, and that has been evident since at least the Bush 41 presidency....Can't abandon ground that you never really held.

There is a market for a center-right party and a need for it in America. I think something else will evolve. But to get a sense of how deep Trumpism is instilled, there's another Republican Party out there and that's these governors. So if you look at these very popular governors in blue states like [Larry] Hogan in Maryland, Charlie Baker, Massachusetts, Phil Scott here in Vermont, I work for all these guys. And if the Republican Party had any sense, I'd say, look, these guys are wildly popular in the hardest market.

He's totally delusional if he thinks those leftist douchebag poseurs are "center-right" or popular....Hogan and Baker are as polular as cloud seeding hucksters at a cattleman's convention.
Well, there is a belief among these Lincoln projecters that people like Hogan or Dewine in Ohio are the path forward.....

But I think if those governors ever tried to run a presidential campaign and didnt at least give lip service to the racist inclinations of their base -- they will be called RINOS....
The Lincoln Projecters are a bunch of Bushbot neocons (i.e. poorly closeted leftists)...There's no way forward from people whose go-to policies are to print up more debt, go to war, and expand The State...We already have a political party that has that philosophy.

And take your "racist inclinations" shit and shove it up your ass.....Nobody with any sense is buying your race baiting bullshit anymore.
Cool story bro...

These people (white nationalists, neo-Nazis, neo-conservatives) ain't running in the Democrat party...they are running as Republicans because they believe their chances of winning are HIGHER...why? Because there is a base that is willing to vote for them.....I don't give a fuck if you believe it or not...

"It is what it is"

blablabla...RACISTS!....blablabla......WHITE NATIONALISTS!.....blablablabla...NAZIS!.....blablablablablablablablabla...


" On the GOP doing an "autopsy" after the 2012 election when Mitt Romney lost to Obama
--- because we'd only won the popular vote once since [the] 1988 presidential votes — it was presented as a moral mandate, that if you are going to deserve the right to be the governing party of this big, confusing, loud, changing country, you needed to reflect that. So then Donald Trump comes along, and you can almost hear this audible sigh of relief and all that got thrown out, "Well, thank God we don't have to pretend we care about this stuff. We can just win with white folks and we can just be comfortable with that." And I mean, it just showed how phony it was."

So Stu Stevens is getting all of this attention because he is admitting that Trump didn't remake the Republican party, but the Republican party made Trump?? Why does the mainstream media keep acting shocked that the republican party has a bunch of republicans in it?? While it is a fact that Stu Stevens will be viciously attacked and called a traitor, anti-Trumper, etc -- What he said is still true....Just like when Stu Stevens attacked people who said invading Iraq was wrong and Bush was a moron...will there be another rebranding effort after Trump like there was after Bush?

When you keep feeding your base the same bullshit for over 50 years, don't act shocked when your party becomes what you have been feeding it -- and it didn't start with Trump, and no, it wasn't Sarah Palin or Joe the Plumber that brought this era in either...

This has been around since the days of William F. Buckley...And as much as some conservatives want to convince themselves that there is no recessive gene in their party that took it over with racist dog whistles, sexism, celebration of intellectual rot and xenophobia -- that isn't true...that gene is dominant in their party and has been around for awhile (In both parties). One ideology did a better job of purging than the other.

It took Buckley 10 years to evolve from once claiming "The South Must Prevail" and saying the white race is superior and must hold all power -- from later claiming that his greatest legacy was keeping the conservative movement free of bigots, kooks and anti-Semites -- but if this were true, Trumpism wouldn't be a thing....and no matter how many pictures you take with black trump supporters while whining about identity politics -- the fact still remains..
Stevens argues that the party's support for Trump isn't just a pragmatic choice. Instead, he says, it reflects the party's complete abandonment of principles it long claimed to embrace, such as fiscal restraint, personal responsibility and family values.

The key phrase being "long claimed"....They never were really behind those values, and that has been evident since at least the Bush 41 presidency....Can't abandon ground that you never really held.

There is a market for a center-right party and a need for it in America. I think something else will evolve. But to get a sense of how deep Trumpism is instilled, there's another Republican Party out there and that's these governors. So if you look at these very popular governors in blue states like [Larry] Hogan in Maryland, Charlie Baker, Massachusetts, Phil Scott here in Vermont, I work for all these guys. And if the Republican Party had any sense, I'd say, look, these guys are wildly popular in the hardest market.

He's totally delusional if he thinks those leftist douchebag poseurs are "center-right" or popular....Hogan and Baker are as polular as cloud seeding hucksters at a cattleman's convention.
Well, there is a belief among these Lincoln projecters that people like Hogan or Dewine in Ohio are the path forward.....

But I think if those governors ever tried to run a presidential campaign and didnt at least give lip service to the racist inclinations of their base -- they will be called RINOS....
The Lincoln Projecters are a bunch of Bushbot neocons (i.e. poorly closeted leftists)...There's no way forward from people whose go-to policies are to print up more debt, go to war, and expand The State...We already have a political party that has that philosophy.

And take your "racist inclinations" shit and shove it up your ass.....Nobody with any sense is buying your race baiting bullshit anymore.
Cool story bro...

These people (white nationalists, neo-Nazis, neo-conservatives) ain't running in the Democrat party...they are running as Republicans because they believe their chances of winning are HIGHER...why? Because there is a base that is willing to vote for them.....I don't give a fuck if you believe it or not...

"It is what it is"

blablabla...RACISTS!....blablabla......WHITE NATIONALISTS!.....blablablabla...NAZIS!.....blablablablablablablablabla...

View attachment 374539

Nothing eh? Just ignore the kooks, whacko's, and conspiracy theorists. Nothing to see here. That's one of the Republican Party's issues. They've become a home for every group you are Blah, Blah, Blahing about. And it's about to cost them dearly. A start would be showing these people the door. Tell them to go form their own party. Maybe The Nationalist Party....ooops...too on the nose? :)

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