Is the American divisive, hateful and intolerant culture pushing psychotics over the edge?

In a democracy, if the people don't like what the 50% plus one do, they can vote them out.

That's what you wingnuts are really afraid of. If the politicians don't have an excuse for failing, they'll have to do the dumbass things that they promise - then they'll have to own it.
Checks and balances is a republuc to avoid 50 plus 1 to shove views down the other sifes throat.

Forces compromise. Your side dorsnt do compromise so gridlock is good
In a democracy, if the people don't like what the 50% plus one do, they can vote them out.
Huh? --- how do you "vote out" a leader or party who has majority support? That doesn't even make any sense.

Constitutional limits on government power keep the majority from running roughshod over the minority. That's the entire point.

So, even if the majority thinks it's an awesome idea, they can't pass laws legalizing slavery. Even if the majority doesn't approve of your ideas - they can't pass laws silencing you. Even if the majority doesn't approve of your lifestyle, the can't ban it merely because they find it offensive. Even if the majority thinks it owns your womb - hmm,. well, we're still working that one out. The Constitution is under attack from all sides.
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What you are describing is not at all possible in our system.
That would require people voting for every bill instead of representatives.

You must have slept through the entirety of American Government in high school.

No, what I'm describing is ending the filibuster.

Your attempt at deflection FAILS!
Checks and balances is a republuc to avoid 50 plus 1 to shove views down the other sifes throat.

Forces compromise. Your side dorsnt do compromise so gridlock is good

Checks & balances is achieved by having a Legislative, administrative and Judicial branches of government,

The filibuster is not included in the Constitution.

If the American people don't like the policies of the 50% plus one, they can vote them out of office.
Huh? --- how do you "vote out" a leader or party who has majority support? That doesn't even make any sense.

Constitutional limits on government power keep the majority from running roughshod over the minority. That's the entire point.

So, even if the majority thinks it's an awesome idea, they can't pass laws legalizing slavery. Even if the majority doesn't approve of your ideas - they can't pass laws silencing you. Even if the majority doesn't approve of your lifestyle, the can't ban it merely because they find it offensive. Even if the majority thinks it owns your womb - hmm,. well, we're still working that one out. The Constitution is under attack from all sides.

Wow, you have no idea of how government runs!

First, the filibuster is not in the Constitution.

Second, it's the judicial branches responsibility to make sure that he majority does not ride roughshod over the minority.

Third, if the American people don't like what the majority does, they can vote them out of office.

The filibuster undermines the original intent of the Constitution.
Wow, you have no idea of how government runs!
I understand it just fine. And no, 49% cannot "vote out" 51% - that's pure bullshit. The 49% has to lump it and put up with whatever the majority decides - unless what the majority decides violates the Constitution.
First, the filibuster is not in the Constitution.
So what?
Second, it's the judicial branches responsibility to make sure that he majority does not ride roughshod over the minority.
Yep. By enforcing Constitutional limits on government. Is this a new concept for you?
Third, if the American people don't like what the majority does, they can vote them out of office.
No, if something is up to a vote, the majority always wins. What part of voting and democracy leads you to believe otherwise??
The filibuster undermines the original intent of the Constitution.
Again, so what? Why are you rambling on about the filibuster.

Listen you made stupid claim. It's no sin. Everyone makes mistakes.
I struggled where to put this thread, but in reality it begins and ends with how divisive politics is ruining our nation.

Best estimates, people with psychopathy make up about .6% of the population.
So out of every 1000 people... there are approximately 6 people who are psychotic.
The vast majority of psychotics never harm other people. In fact, historically it is less than 1 in 200.
Having said that, a person with psychosis has a much -much greater chance of becoming violent than the normative population.

Thinking guns is the reason why some teenagers are going on murderous rampages is tragically simplistic.
Our nation has not been this divided since probably the civil war. Arguably.
With the internet, kids can be bombarded with divisive, hateful speech and images. They can go to places like 4chan and see and discuss the most violent topics and find others who agree.
Is this creating monsters??
A psychopaths going to these websites, seeing the hate and anger on the news... seeing the hate and division in their schools... is this enough to increase the likelihood a psychopath committing homicide?

But what can be done about it? Nothing that I can for see working.... Which is sad and frightening at the same time!

United we stand,

Divided we fall! :(

But what can be done about it? Nothing that I can for see working.... Which is sad and frightening at the same time!

United we stand,

Divided we fall! :(
It is a simple decision... is the American tribalism/binary political opinion based thinking working??
If one answers an obvious no to that, then one needs to self examine and answer am I a part of this uber-partisan thinking?
And then stop doing it.
I understand it just fine. And no, 49% cannot "vote out" 51% - that's pure bullshit. The 49% has to lump it and put up with whatever the majority decides - unless what the majority decides violates the Constitution.

So what?

Yep. By enforcing Constitutional limits on government. Is this a new concept for you?

No, if something is up to a vote, the majority always wins. What part of voting and democracy leads you to believe otherwise??

Again, so what? Why are you rambling on about the filibuster.

Listen you made stupid claim. It's no sin. Everyone makes mistakes.

Wow, it's amazing how stupid your answers are!

Are you just pretending to be this stupid or are you really this stupid?

1. No 49% can not vote out the 51%, but that's an incredibly stupid interpertation of what I said. I said the American people can vote them out, dumbass!

2. You asserted that ending the filibuster was against the Constitution. I just pointed out that you were wrong. The filibuster is not in the Constitution.

3. No it's not a new concept for me. I pointed that out to you since you don't seem to have any concept of how our government works.

4. I talking about ending the filibuster to fix a lot of the problems with the government. Try pay attention.

5. If you don't have anything intelligent to say, please don't post. We don't need the rambling of an idiot on the board!
Wow, it's amazing how stupid your answers are!

Are you just pretending to be this stupid or are you really this stupid?

1. No 49% can not vote out the 51%, but that's an incredibly stupid interpertation of what I said. I said the American people can vote them out, dumbass!
You're equivocating. Unless the majority opinion changes, the minority will always lose. You do get that right, despite your flailing?
2. You asserted that ending the filibuster was against the Constitution. I just pointed out that you were wrong. The filibuster is not in the Constitution.
No, I made no such assertion. You're lying. Or confused. Or both.
3. No it's not a new concept for me. I pointed that out to you since you don't seem to have any concept of how our government works.

4. I talking about ending the filibuster to fix a lot of the problems with the government. Try pay attention.

5. If you don't have anything intelligent to say, please don't post. We don't need the rambling of an idiot on the board!
Piss off.
You're equivocating. Unless the majority opinion changes, the minority will always lose. You do get that right, despite your flailing?

No, I made no such assertion. You're lying. Or confused. Or both.

Piss off.

When the American people vote the majority out, the majority becomes the minority. Is that too difficult for you to understand?

Probably is.

Besides that you got nothing.

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