Is the book "Atlas Shrugged" being played out in real time?

Do we have the power it takes to control everything? Look at the oil industry: They've been saddled by the Biden administration's stricter governmental regulations, therefore they've cut production and raised the price. Whether or not they can be blamed for the higher gas prices is debatable. But Biden is the one who's catching hell for it. Are the oil companies doing that deliberately? Who knows.
They (we) have more power to shut it all down than do the "woke" industrialists....Look what a couple of sick-outs at the airlines did.
Of course I did.. It's juvenile. Nobody takes it seriously after HS.

Then prove to me that the Biden Administration isn't getting "Galted" by the providers. Are you saying the high prices, inflation, and shortages are Joe Biden's doing?
They (we) have more power to shut it all down than do the "woke" industrialists....Look what a couple of sick-outs at the airlines did.

10/4 good buddy. That's why I said "this time, there are millions of John Galts." You, I, and everyone who wants to see this administration utterly shamed and brought to its knees, are "John Galts." Or "Jane Galts" for that matter.
The inflation is the fault of the Fed and Wall Street banksters, who think that you can cure the hangover by staying drunk forever.

If so, why would the FED and Wall Street bankers not be cooperating with the Biden Administration, in order to fix that?
You're a fucking juvenile...Though it's seriously boring as hell, it very accurately portrays brain dead, state worshiping, knuckle draggers like you.

Rand did show a tiny spark of talent in Atlas Shrugged, but the author was crazy, narcissistic, and taking amphetamines. She had a traumatic childhood in Soviet Russia before she escaped to the United States. She wrote four novels and a handful of political screeds that encouraged selfishness and a lack of concern for other people.. Very shallow and immature.
Rand did show a tiny spark of talent in Atlas Shrugged, but the author was crazy, narcissistic, and taking amphetamines. She had a traumatic childhood in Soviet Russia before she escaped to the United States. She wrote four novels and a handful of political screeds that encouraged selfishness and a lack of concern for other people.. Very shallow and immature.
If that's all you got from her writings, it's you who is as shallow and immature as they come.
Never mind the board handle I've used on here for years. I've never even read the book or seen the movie, but I think I understand the significance of what the author meant to convey. The term "getting galted" is being used to describe what's taking place today: A refusal of the "providers" to furnish a globalist, collectivist, or Maxrist regime the materials it needs, "in an effort to "stop the motor of the world" and bring about the collapse of the bureaucratic society."

John Galt - Wikipedia

In other words, John Galt was the man who organized the withdrawal of all the men in society who have the money and who have the knowledge of how to run a successful business. Men who refused to cooperate with a collectivst form of government. This left only the inept government to keep the country’s economy going.

This seems to be what's occurring right now. It's no secret that the current crop of Democrats are the most left-leaning Marxists this country has ever seen. They are no friend of business, industry, and capitalism. They are enacting business-unfriendly regulations, harsh environmental policies, raising taxes, and apparently those corporations are pushing back. The pushback is being seen in shortages, high prices and disruptions in the supply lines which ultimately, President Biden will be held responsible for. This has led to a country run not as a Democracy but as an ineptocracy. That is defined as a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

Apparently Rand predicted this, and President Trump understood this too. But this time, there are millions of John Galts.

That, or Radio Free Albemuth.

I can't believe you've never read Atlas Shrugged! Or seen the movie (trilogy). It's definitely worth the time. Radio Free Albemuth is good too. It was written by Phillip K. Dick, so it's more of a sci-fi political commentary, but has generally the same message as Atlas Shrugged (commies ruin everything).
Rand did show a tiny spark of talent in Atlas Shrugged, but the author was crazy, narcissistic, and taking amphetamines. She had a traumatic childhood in Soviet Russia before she escaped to the United States. She wrote four novels and a handful of political screeds that encouraged selfishness and a lack of concern for other people.. Very shallow and immature.

In comparison to your weak attempt at postmodernist deconstruction, attacking the author, rather than her work alone, in Rand's shadow your shadow is that of a piss ant's crushed on the heel of a cosmic sneaker.
That, or Radio Free Albemuth.

I can't believe you've never read Atlas Shrugged! Or seen the movie (trilogy). It's definitely worth the time. Radio Free Albemuth is good too. It was written by Phillip K. Dick, so it's more of a sci-fi political commentary, but has generally the same message as Atlas Shrugged (commies ruin everything).
The book is boring as fuck....Easily 300 pages too long.

Though I haven't seen the movie trilogy, it's likely more attention holding than that doorstop.
That, or Radio Free Albemuth.

I can't believe you've never read Atlas Shrugged! Or seen the movie (trilogy). It's definitely worth the time. Radio Free Albemuth is good too. It was written by Phillip K. Dick, so it's more of a sci-fi political commentary, but has generally the same message as Atlas Shrugged (commies ruin everything).

Commies do ruin everything. But someone has to ruin things more, in order for people to understand how commies are ruining everything. That's unfortunate, but that's why there have been so many revolutions throughout history. I'm pretty sure the founding fathers had some uneasiness about breaking away from the protection and prosperity the Crown had to offer, but they envisioned something better, so they did.
The book is boring as fuck....Easily 300 pages too long.

Though I haven't seen the movie trilogy, it's likely more attention holding than that doorstop.
Thanks for pointing that out. I have a copy and have tried several times to get into it and just can't. Maybe if I could find it on audio -- I drive a lot.
Thanks for pointing that out. I have a copy and have tried several times to get into it and just can't. Maybe if I could find it on audio -- I drive a lot.
The audio version will be just as boring, though probably not anywhere near as sleep inducing....It's an outstanding plot line, ruined by inanely excessive florid prose.

The 25 or so pages of Galt's rant cuts through all the crap and tells the story in a few minutes.

The audio version will be just as boring, though probably not anywhere near as sleep inducing....It's an outstanding plot line, ruined by inanely excessive florid prose.

The 25 or so pages of Galt's rant cuts through all the crap and tells the story in a few minutes.

Thanks! That might help enable me to understand more.
Then prove to me that the Biden Administration isn't getting "Galted" by the providers. Are you saying the high prices, inflation, and shortages are Joe Biden's doing?

LOLOL... Galted? The oil business is doing fine. The US has the highest extraction costs in the world so if you want them to invest in additional rigs, exploration and drilling they need high prices. The rest of the world is also expanding production to meet increased market demand. Biden doesn't control the oil business .. No president does unless he starts a war that closes the Suez or the Straits of Hormuz or places sanctions on Venezuela.
Thanks! That might help enable me to understand more.
Like I said, it's a really great story line....Only read it because too people told me that I sounded a lot like John Galt....Though I had read some of the nonfiction, I just had to stomp and slog my way through the whole book.

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