Is the book "Atlas Shrugged" being played out in real time?

Her work is sometimes called enlightened self-interest or rational self-interest which is pseudo intellectual navel gazing for teen-agers..
LOLOL... Galted? The oil business is doing fine. The US has the highest extraction costs in the world so if you want them to invest in additional rigs, exploration and drilling they need high prices. The rest of the world is also expanding production to meet increased market demand. Biden doesn't control the oil business .. No president does unless he starts a war that closes the Suez or the Straits of Hormuz or places sanctions on Venezuela.
They worked their way just fine through all those costs for four years, to make Murica energy independent and a net exporter for the first time in over 50 years.....All that and prices hadn't been lower in decades.

You're talking out your ass.
Regardless of that, you're living through the reality that her fantasy created. How do you like it so far?
I hate to agree with Jillian, but after having read Atlas Shrugged and watching several YouTube interviews with that piece of shit Rand, I am convinced she was nothing more than a selfish, self-centered harpy.
LOLOL... Galted? The oil business is doing fine. The US has the highest extraction costs in the world so if you want them to invest in additional rigs, exploration and drilling they need high prices. The rest of the world is also expanding production to meet increased market demand. Biden doesn't control the oil business .. No president does unless he starts a war that closes the Suez or the Straits of Hormuz or places sanctions on Venezuela.

Joe Biden is even getting galted by the Saudis. He's having to sell off some of our oil reserves, while they're refusing to produce more.

Apparently, they hate commies too. :laughing0301:
The audio version will be just as boring, though probably not anywhere near as sleep inducing....It's an outstanding plot line, ruined by inanely excessive florid prose.

The 25 or so pages of Galt's rant cuts through all the crap and tells the story in a few minutes.


When someone suggested I read "Anthem" as an introduction to Rand's work, every word of it riveted me, and it was so disappointing to try reading "Atlas Shrugged", only to be so bored with it.

Thank you.
I hate to agree with Jillian, but after having read Atlas Shrugged and watching several YouTube interviews with that piece of shit Rand, I am convinced she was nothing more than a selfish, self-centered harpy.

But even you'd have to agree, the story line of "Atlas Shrugged" has some credibility. If the producers of this world were suddenly to refuse to cooperate, collectivism would collapse. It's that concept alone, that drives the left batshit crazy. It also explains their hatred for capitalism, and why they believe everything should be nationalized by the government.
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In comparison to your weak attempt at postmodernist deconstruction, attacking the author, rather than her work alone, in Rand's shadow your shadow is that of a piss ant's crushed on the heel of a cosmic sneaker.


Ayn Rand - Existential Comics
And that was the day that Utilitarians, Objectivists, Communists, and Egoists all united as one: to kill Nietzsche. And also they told him that their group was really hardcore and didn't allow re-rolling characters, so once you died you had to wait outside and not talk.
I hate to agree with Jillian, but after having read Atlas Shrugged and watching several YouTube interviews with that piece of shit Rand, I am convinced she was nothing more than a selfish, self-centered harpy.
Don't mistake the messenger for the message.

Read the nonfiction....The logic borders the unassailable.
LOLOL... Galted? The oil business is doing fine. The US has the highest extraction costs in the world so if you want them to invest in additional rigs, exploration and drilling they need high prices. The rest of the world is also expanding production to meet increased market demand. Biden doesn't control the oil business .. No president does unless he starts a war that closes the Suez or the Straits of Hormuz or places sanctions on Venezuela.
OPEC has cut production to raise prices. It is payback to us for Trump letting us get independent from OPEC and Biden slowing production with his green dream.

Ayn Rand - Existential Comics
And that was the day that Utilitarians, Objectivists, Communists, and Egoists all united as one: to kill Nietzsche. And also they told him that their group was really hardcore and didn't allow re-rolling characters, so once you died you had to wait outside and not talk.
ooooo....A comic book!

That settles it! :uhoh3: :rofl:

When someone suggested I read "Anthem" as an introduction to Rand's work, every word of it riveted me, and it was so disappointing to try reading "Atlas Shrugged", only to be so bored with it.

Thank you.
Anthem is an outstanding short story....The novel format just doesn't suit Rand's writing style.

Try the nonfiction.
But even you'd have to agree, the story line of "Atlas Shrugged" has some credibility. If the producers of this world were suddenly to refuse to cooperate, collectivism would collapse.
If only the producers didn't treat everyone who worked for them like shit.
Rand also omitted the very real fact that many real producers, such as Tesla, were completely screwed by the fake producers such as Edison.
Don't mistake the messenger for the message.

Read the nonfiction....The logic borders the unassailable.
Eh...I worked on Wall Street for too long to fall for her bullshit.
The Board of Directors are not the producers.
I hate to agree with Jillian, but after having read Atlas Shrugged and watching several YouTube interviews with that piece of shit Rand, I am convinced she was nothing more than a selfish, self-centered harpy.

She had some decent ideas on economics in broad strokes. Her misunderstanding of human nature and its application is....odd? Off? Bad, at any rate. And if you ever happen upon real Randians/Randites, whatever they call themselves, their religion adherence to her ideas are off the charts weird, esp as applied to human relationships.

Now that I think on it, maybe dude Randians were early Incels
Eh...I worked on Wall Street for too long to fall for her bullshit.
The Board of Directors are not the producers.
Wall Streeters are some of those she was railing against....Galt and D'Anconia were independent businessmen, not crony corporatist collectivists.

A good representation of how she felt about corporatists is in The Fountainhead.....The movie is more tolerable than the book.
Ayn Rand was a decent novelist who died broke and collecting social security. So anyone who thinks she was anything more is living in a fantasy world

I like it. START with doing nothing but a personal attack. Since that's where you're going to end up, starting with it saves time
She had some decent ideas on economics in broad strokes. Her misunderstanding of human nature and its application is....odd? Off? Bad, at any rate. And if you ever happen upon real Randians/Randites, whatever they call themselves, their religion adherence to her ideas are off the charts weird, esp as applied to human relationships.

Now that I think on it, maybe dude Randians were early Incels
Her life story is one of bitterness.
Her life's goal was to suck up to the rich without having to actually accomplish anything herself.

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