Is the church more important than the bible?

Is the church more important than the bible?

can the Bible be built where there is non ... no - were the copies to expire the Bible would expire with them.

the Temple has meaning that can not be destroyed.
then you don't believe in an afterlife Horty? Is it that you don't believe that we live on after death?

Because to me, there is no difference in asking a person face to face to pray for me or pray for a friend in need, than if you asked someone who has 'passed onward'' to the next life, to pray for me or a friend in need. Both are alive! Both are living, only in different dimensions! :)

I don't believe in an instant 'after-life heaven', no.
There is only one Judgement day.
Father, Son, HS and their Angels, along with the few that have been 'raptured' are the onlyt ones in Heaven right now.
(Now, there are some that claim Mary was raptured) :cool:
Everybody else is d-e-a-d.
So if there is no instant afterlife, are you dead in spirit or soul as well....just nothing? Nil? Nada? Where are you when you are awaiting for the Final Judgement of nations by Christ? If memory serves, in revelation, those awaiting the final judgement, ask Christ, "How long Lord, how much longer do we have to wait?" and He tells them to get their white robes on... in other words, the time was near... Well, if these are the people that you say are the 'everybody else is dead' people, then how are they talking to Jesus, if they are dead dead?

Now I don't know if most people living in Christ go to Heaven immediately upon death, though I believe that some may....and it is not called rapture, it is called assumption or maybe ascension...after all, Christ told the thief on the cross that "today, he would see him in paradise''. Is this Paradise that Jesus spoke of Heaven? I dunno? Is it a "level" of Heaven as in one of the 7 levels of heaven, I dunno? I don't know, I don't know....?? hahahaha.... hopefully, some day I will know!! ;)

They are in paradise or prison depending on if they were good or bad. Christ met the theif in paradise they day they died. However, after the resurrection he still had not ascended to His Father in Heaven. Paradise is a different place than where the Father Dwells. Peter likewise talked about prison, a place where the Spirits of the wicked dwelt who were destroyed by the flood. He testified that Christ came to them and preached deliverence.

The parable of lazurus and the rich man is a description of these places. Most assume he is talking about the traditional heaven/hell there. but he is talking abou the place between death and resurrection.

Study the older traditions about Christ's descent into hades. it's very fascinating. And completely lost on most people who follow the Bible.
The Word of God is Jesus Christ. I dont think there are many Churches that dont recognize His infalliability. The problem is when they equate the Bible with God/Christ instead of a tool to bring them to Christ.

Infalliability brought to you by the mouths of mortals. Can't be done.

*Sorry bout that.* :D

Christ had his day and his say. Today is another day.

Ancient words lost on the morals of today.

The Word of God brought Jesus through his Mother. She is the venerate.

Christ still lives. He still leads His Church and speaks the Words the Father commands.

Needing a "commanding father figure" says volumes about the maturity of those who embrace these beliefs.

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