Is the cross the next target of liberals and blacks ?

Better to keep them uneducated and on welfare, so they can get their vote.
What can you not learn on YouTube in modern times. Should we require welfare recipients to continue their civics education as well, as a condition for benefits?
I would be for that, make them go to school and get a degree. Anything to help them better their lives. Liberals won't have that though, they would lose voters.
I am all for a liberal education in civics as a for-Cause condition for benefits.
The more educated a person is, the more liberal they are. Liberals are not the ones resisting any effort to provide access to an education to more Americans.

The "more educated a person is, the more liberal". Well duh, look who's doing the educating.
There's not a campus in this country that is not HEAVILY dominated and ran by liberal academia. The influence is overwhelming, in fact at times any sane person being "taught" (more like preached to) would wonder if they live in the same country as the one the professors live in. It would be a miracle if any of the students came out of that environment being anything other than a flame throwing asshole liberal.
It isn't until many years have gone by from living and working in the real world before these indoctrinated robots get an independent brain of their own.
Who is using your brain today? But, you are right. Education is liberal. Wanting people to be able to learn and then think for themselves is the liberal. Giving them the information and the skills to process it and reach their own conclusions is liberal. Many will become more conservative as they grow older, but the old fashioned kind of conservative. Not the ignorant tea party type of conservative we have today.
I am all for a liberal education in civics as a for-Cause condition for benefits.
The more educated a person is, the more liberal they are. Liberals are not the ones resisting any effort to provide access to an education to more Americans.
Then why are liberals against school choice?
Anyone can choose to go to any private school they want. What they object to is transferring public dollars to private schools. And we were talking about degrees. You know, that thing that your friends got after high school that you did not.
If the private school is better, then why not let the money go to them?
Because it takes it away from the students whose parents cannot afford private school. I paid for my son to attend a private high school. I did not expect the government to help me out or to take money from the public school to help me. I guess you would prefer to get government handouts rather than pay for things yourself.
No, raised a boy on my own, the public school's here are pretty good. I think if a school system isn't doing a job educating the kids, the parents should be able to take the money allotted for their kid and send him to a school that will do it's job. Just like the charter schools Obama tried to quit funding.
Better to keep them uneducated and on welfare, so they can get their vote.
What can you not learn on YouTube in modern times. Should we require welfare recipients to continue their civics education as well, as a condition for benefits?
I would be for that, make them go to school and get a degree. Anything to help them better their lives. Liberals won't have that though, they would lose voters.
I am all for a liberal education in civics as a for-Cause condition for benefits.
The more educated a person is, the more liberal they are. Liberals are not the ones resisting any effort to provide access to an education to more Americans.
Then why are liberals against school choice?
Dude, when is the right going to practice what they preach regarding home schooling; what can you not learn on YouTube, at home?

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