Is the cross the next target of liberals and blacks ?

God states several times in the bible that no one should harm a child. You think killing one isn't harming them?
1 Samuel 15:3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.
You need to read why God commanded it.
How does a rationalization change the fact that your God contradicts herself?
They were disobedient that what happens.
WOW! A "disobedient" INFANT and SUCKLING!
Kill them!
Praise God!
God states several times in the bible that no one should harm a child. You think killing one isn't harming them?
1 Samuel 15:3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.
You need to read why God commanded it.
How does a rationalization change the fact that your God contradicts herself?
They were disobedient that what happens.
WOW! A "disobedient" INFANT and SUCKLING!
Kill them!
Praise God!
Better than killing one out of convenience.
1 Samuel 15:3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.
You need to read why God commanded it.
How does a rationalization change the fact that your God contradicts herself?
They were disobedient that what happens.
WOW! A "disobedient" INFANT and SUCKLING!
Kill them!
Praise God!
Better than killing one out of convenience.
So, killing an infant for disobedience (something they are not capable of) is better than terminating a growing zygote? You are really one fucking sick person.
No, I just did what needed to be done.

and the darkies getting welfare don't ...I get the drift
The darkies have a better chance then whities through affirmative action. The sorry part is liberals are making darkies dependent on government from cradle to grave, all for a vote.
Well, if they have a better chance at getting a job due to affirmative action ( an idiotically incorrect statement), then how are they being made dependent on government? Isn't trying to get them work better than letting them stay on welfare? And doesn't the high proportion of black folks on welfare mean that, for some reason, they are having trouble finding work? Your "logic" is nonexistent.
No, I just did what needed to be done.

and the darkies getting welfare don't ...I get the drift
The darkies have a better chance then whities through affirmative action. The sorry part is liberals are making darkies dependent on government from cradle to grave, all for a vote.
Well, if they have a better chance at getting a job due to affirmative action ( an idiotically incorrect statement), then how are they being made dependent on government? Isn't trying to get them work better than letting them stay on welfare? And doesn't the high proportion of black folks on welfare mean that, for some reason, they are having trouble finding work? Your "logic" is nonexistent.
Better to keep them uneducated and on welfare, so they can get their vote.
You need to read why God commanded it.
How does a rationalization change the fact that your God contradicts herself?
They were disobedient that what happens.
WOW! A "disobedient" INFANT and SUCKLING!
Kill them!
Praise God!
Better than killing one out of convenience.
So, killing an infant for disobedience (something they are not capable of) is better than terminating a growing zygote? You are really one fucking sick person.
God created us, he can also take our lives, is that to hard for you to understand?
No, I just did what needed to be done.

and the darkies getting welfare don't ...I get the drift
The darkies have a better chance then whities through affirmative action. The sorry part is liberals are making darkies dependent on government from cradle to grave, all for a vote.
Well, if they have a better chance at getting a job due to affirmative action ( an idiotically incorrect statement), then how are they being made dependent on government? Isn't trying to get them work better than letting them stay on welfare? And doesn't the high proportion of black folks on welfare mean that, for some reason, they are having trouble finding work? Your "logic" is nonexistent.
Better to keep them uneducated and on welfare, so they can get their vote.
What can you not learn on YouTube in modern times. Should we require welfare recipients to continue their civics education as well, as a condition for benefits?
No, I just did what needed to be done.

and the darkies getting welfare don't ...I get the drift
The darkies have a better chance then whities through affirmative action. The sorry part is liberals are making darkies dependent on government from cradle to grave, all for a vote.
Well, if they have a better chance at getting a job due to affirmative action ( an idiotically incorrect statement), then how are they being made dependent on government? Isn't trying to get them work better than letting them stay on welfare? And doesn't the high proportion of black folks on welfare mean that, for some reason, they are having trouble finding work? Your "logic" is nonexistent.
Better to keep them uneducated and on welfare, so they can get their vote.
What can you not learn on YouTube in modern times. Should we require welfare recipients to continue their civics education as well, as a condition for benefits?
I would be for that, make them go to school and get a degree. Anything to help them better their lives. Liberals won't have that though, they would lose voters.
and the darkies getting welfare don't ...I get the drift
The darkies have a better chance then whities through affirmative action. The sorry part is liberals are making darkies dependent on government from cradle to grave, all for a vote.
Well, if they have a better chance at getting a job due to affirmative action ( an idiotically incorrect statement), then how are they being made dependent on government? Isn't trying to get them work better than letting them stay on welfare? And doesn't the high proportion of black folks on welfare mean that, for some reason, they are having trouble finding work? Your "logic" is nonexistent.
Better to keep them uneducated and on welfare, so they can get their vote.
What can you not learn on YouTube in modern times. Should we require welfare recipients to continue their civics education as well, as a condition for benefits?
I would be for that, make them go to school and get a degree. Anything to help them better their lives. Liberals won't have that though, they would lose voters.
I am all for a liberal education in civics as a for-Cause condition for benefits.
1 Samuel 15:3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.
You need to read why God commanded it.
How does a rationalization change the fact that your God contradicts herself?
They were disobedient that what happens.
WOW! A "disobedient" INFANT and SUCKLING!
Kill them!
Praise God!
Better than killing one out of convenience.
But not better than killing children for fun.

Psalms 137: 9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.
You need to read why God commanded it.
How does a rationalization change the fact that your God contradicts herself?
They were disobedient that what happens.
WOW! A "disobedient" INFANT and SUCKLING!
Kill them!
Praise God!
Better than killing one out of convenience.
But not better than killing children for fun.

Psalms 137: 9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.
So when God comes back and takes the believers and throws the non believers into the lake of fire. Are you gonna be looking in the index of a bible for a verse to contradict his decision? He is God he created us, so he can take us for any reason.
How does a rationalization change the fact that your God contradicts herself?
They were disobedient that what happens.
WOW! A "disobedient" INFANT and SUCKLING!
Kill them!
Praise God!
Better than killing one out of convenience.
But not better than killing children for fun.

Psalms 137: 9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.
So when God comes back and takes the believers and throws the non believers into the lake of fire. Are you gonna be looking in the index of a bible for a verse to contradict his decision? He is God he created us, so he can take us for any reason.
Revelation 21:8 "But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.

Hebrews 9:27And as it is appointed unto men once to die
First off, yes I realize the Confederate flag issue has mostly to do with the location of where it is flown. The flag will still be flown on private property.
But let's face it, the very sight of it regardless of the location is frowned upon, and eventually due to pressure, it will completely disappear.

So what about the cross ? It's not supposed to be displayed on publicly owned spaces, government buildings, etc.

However, since the cross has a long history of being used to terrorize blacks, and is used as a symbol of the KKK, are we now headed for the day where the cross itself will be viewed as a racist symbol, and there will be calls for it to not be seen anywhere in public ?

Might sound ridiculous, but we all know how the left feels about Christianity, and they could use the racial aspect of this to rid the American landscape of this classic Christian symbol.
This is obviously the next straw man fallacy from the right.

Page 47, 3rd paragraph from "How To Talk Like A Liberal On Internet Message Boards".
A straw man fallacy is in essence a lie, consistent with the fact you're a liar.
The darkies have a better chance then whities through affirmative action. The sorry part is liberals are making darkies dependent on government from cradle to grave, all for a vote.
Well, if they have a better chance at getting a job due to affirmative action ( an idiotically incorrect statement), then how are they being made dependent on government? Isn't trying to get them work better than letting them stay on welfare? And doesn't the high proportion of black folks on welfare mean that, for some reason, they are having trouble finding work? Your "logic" is nonexistent.
Better to keep them uneducated and on welfare, so they can get their vote.
What can you not learn on YouTube in modern times. Should we require welfare recipients to continue their civics education as well, as a condition for benefits?
I would be for that, make them go to school and get a degree. Anything to help them better their lives. Liberals won't have that though, they would lose voters.
I am all for a liberal education in civics as a for-Cause condition for benefits.
The more educated a person is, the more liberal they are. Liberals are not the ones resisting any effort to provide access to an education to more Americans.
Well, if they have a better chance at getting a job due to affirmative action ( an idiotically incorrect statement), then how are they being made dependent on government? Isn't trying to get them work better than letting them stay on welfare? And doesn't the high proportion of black folks on welfare mean that, for some reason, they are having trouble finding work? Your "logic" is nonexistent.
Better to keep them uneducated and on welfare, so they can get their vote.
What can you not learn on YouTube in modern times. Should we require welfare recipients to continue their civics education as well, as a condition for benefits?
I would be for that, make them go to school and get a degree. Anything to help them better their lives. Liberals won't have that though, they would lose voters.
I am all for a liberal education in civics as a for-Cause condition for benefits.
The more educated a person is, the more liberal they are. Liberals are not the ones resisting any effort to provide access to an education to more Americans.
Then why are liberals against school choice?
Better to keep them uneducated and on welfare, so they can get their vote.
What can you not learn on YouTube in modern times. Should we require welfare recipients to continue their civics education as well, as a condition for benefits?
I would be for that, make them go to school and get a degree. Anything to help them better their lives. Liberals won't have that though, they would lose voters.
I am all for a liberal education in civics as a for-Cause condition for benefits.
The more educated a person is, the more liberal they are. Liberals are not the ones resisting any effort to provide access to an education to more Americans.
Then why are liberals against school choice?
Anyone can choose to go to any private school they want. What they object to is transferring public dollars to private schools. And we were talking about degrees. You know, that thing that your friends got after high school that you did not.
What can you not learn on YouTube in modern times. Should we require welfare recipients to continue their civics education as well, as a condition for benefits?
I would be for that, make them go to school and get a degree. Anything to help them better their lives. Liberals won't have that though, they would lose voters.
I am all for a liberal education in civics as a for-Cause condition for benefits.
The more educated a person is, the more liberal they are. Liberals are not the ones resisting any effort to provide access to an education to more Americans.
Then why are liberals against school choice?
Anyone can choose to go to any private school they want. What they object to is transferring public dollars to private schools. And we were talking about degrees. You know, that thing that your friends got after high school that you did not.
If the private school is better, then why not let the money go to them?
I would be for that, make them go to school and get a degree. Anything to help them better their lives. Liberals won't have that though, they would lose voters.
I am all for a liberal education in civics as a for-Cause condition for benefits.
The more educated a person is, the more liberal they are. Liberals are not the ones resisting any effort to provide access to an education to more Americans.
Then why are liberals against school choice?
Anyone can choose to go to any private school they want. What they object to is transferring public dollars to private schools. And we were talking about degrees. You know, that thing that your friends got after high school that you did not.
If the private school is better, then why not let the money go to them?
Because it takes it away from the students whose parents cannot afford private school. I paid for my son to attend a private high school. I did not expect the government to help me out or to take money from the public school to help me. I guess you would prefer to get government handouts rather than pay for things yourself.
Well, if they have a better chance at getting a job due to affirmative action ( an idiotically incorrect statement), then how are they being made dependent on government? Isn't trying to get them work better than letting them stay on welfare? And doesn't the high proportion of black folks on welfare mean that, for some reason, they are having trouble finding work? Your "logic" is nonexistent.
Better to keep them uneducated and on welfare, so they can get their vote.
What can you not learn on YouTube in modern times. Should we require welfare recipients to continue their civics education as well, as a condition for benefits?
I would be for that, make them go to school and get a degree. Anything to help them better their lives. Liberals won't have that though, they would lose voters.
I am all for a liberal education in civics as a for-Cause condition for benefits.
The more educated a person is, the more liberal they are. Liberals are not the ones resisting any effort to provide access to an education to more Americans.

The "more educated a person is, the more liberal". Well duh, look who's doing the educating.
There's not a campus in this country that is not HEAVILY dominated and ran by liberal academia. The influence is overwhelming, in fact at times any sane person being "taught" (more like preached to) would wonder if they live in the same country as the one the professors live in. It would be a miracle if any of the students came out of that environment being anything other than a flame throwing asshole liberal.
It isn't until many years have gone by from living and working in the real world before these indoctrinated robots get an independent brain of their own.

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