Is the cross the next target of liberals and blacks ?

First off, yes I realize the Confederate flag issue has mostly to do with the location of where it is flown. The flag will still be flown on private property.
But let's face it, the very sight of it regardless of the location is frowned upon, and eventually due to pressure, it will completely disappear.

So what about the cross ? It's not supposed to be displayed on publicly owned spaces, government buildings, etc.

However, since the cross has a long history of being used to terrorize blacks, and is used as a symbol of the KKK, are we now headed for the day where the cross itself will be viewed as a racist symbol, and there will be calls for it to not be seen anywhere in public ?

Might sound ridiculous, but we all know how the left feels about Christianity, and they could use the racial aspect of this to rid the American landscape of this classic Christian symbol.
The left have been publicly & actively trying for YEARS to remove the cross from public areas.

What rock you been hiding under?

Yes I'm aware of that, I'm talking about the cross being seen anywhere, and if the left will eventually define the cross as a racist symbol meant to symbolize white superiority.
That just sounds a bit silly don'cha think? Have you ever seen the religious items in a black persons home???
And you think they want to take those away from themselves? Come on

I already addressed that.
I'm talking about secular blacks, and white liberals.

Might sound ridiculous now, but never underestimate the insanity of liberals.

For instance, take the UC Berkeley. The administration there is asking the faculty to stop using phrases like "melting pot" "land of opportunity" when referring to America, because they are afraid phrases like this might offend foreign students.

Oh shit, I probably should never have used the term "foreign" !! My bad !
Rewriting history? Are we? Saddam was a brutal killer,

Is it this Saddam that we see here next to Rumsfeld ? They look like they are stepping out....
At one point Saddam was an ally.
I thought you said he was a "Brutal killer" how did we have a "Brutal Killer" as ally...did we need someone brutally killed...Jesus weeps for every dollar that could have bought bombs and bullets but instead is wasted on food stamps for little kids to eat...
Read up on history. I don't mind helping people, but when you buy them through welfare for a vote. That would also be a sin. Bearing false witness.
Doncha just love how leftists hate Christians until it's time to get them to support more taxes by using Jesus and the poor.
Most abortions are done for convince, not because the life of the mother is in danger.
If I am not mistaken I believe you were trying to say "for convenience" but you are too stupid to write properly..
.. and you know this HOW about the motives of women? are an effing moron
In 2004, in a survey 7% of women had an abortion for medical reasons. You have lots of blood on your hands.
Most do it for economic considerations
Until you are willing to address those conditions, you will continue to see abortions
Yes 23% do it for that, but if that was a good reason, I would've never had a son, but we survived and he was spoiled.
God states several times in the bible that no one should harm a child. You think killing one isn't harming them?
1 Samuel 15:3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.
You need to read why God commanded it.
How does a rationalization change the fact that your God contradicts herself?
They were disobedient that what happens.
And after the baby's been delivered it better learns quickly how to fend for itself because conservative Christians only care it isn't killed before birth. If it starves afterwards, it must have been God's will!
I raised my son on my own with no child support. So there goes your assumption.
So what.........
That's what I figured.
Exactly you see yourself as a hero better than others superior ...I get you....more moral than
Read up on history. I don't mind helping people, but when you buy them through welfare for a vote. That would also be a sin. Bearing false witness.

You are way way superior LOL because on welfare one lives are an IDIOT
And after the baby's been delivered it better learns quickly how to fend for itself because conservative Christians only care it isn't killed before birth. If it starves afterwards, it must have been God's will!
I raised my son on my own with no child support. So there goes your assumption.
So what.........
That's what I figured.
Exactly you see yourself as a hero better than others superior ...I get you....more moral than
No, I just did what needed to be done.
Read up on history. I don't mind helping people, but when you buy them through welfare for a vote. That would also be a sin. Bearing false witness.

You are way way superior LOL because on welfare one lives are an IDIOT
No, they live on the backs of everyone else. Which is wrong, if they need help to get back on their feet. Fine, glad to help.
Racial Bias Plays A Key Role in Welfare Policy Decisions
June 23, 2015By Sara Goddard0 Comments

Paul Krugman argues that “the original sin of slavery … is an integral part of the left-right divide.”
Racial Bias Plays A Key Role in Welfare Policy Decisions Wonk Wire
Referencing authors Alberto Alesina, Ed Glaeser, and Bruce Sacerdote: “Racial discord plays a critical role in determining beliefs about the poor … Opponents of redistribution in the United States have regularly used race-based rhetoric to resist left-wing policies … Within the United States, race is the single most important predictor of support for welfare.”

“To see what they’re talking about, and why their point remains so relevant, look at two maps:”


No, they live on the backs of everyone else. Which is wrong, if they need help to get back on their feet. Fine, glad to help.

yes the takers right ...not like you heroic steadfast and white.....
You think I don't struggle?
I am sure you my mother struggled to raise my four brothers myself and two sisters.... I ate Government surplus food as a child ...the famous Govt cheese and powdered eggs and canned pork... I am not shamed of that [it was before Food stamps]... I congratulate you on your strength and courage....
No, I just did what needed to be done.

and the darkies getting welfare don't ...I get the drift
The darkies have a better chance then whities through affirmative action. The sorry part is liberals are making darkies dependent on government from cradle to grave, all for a vote.
and you know this how ?
One of the first thing Obama did when elected was to stop funding for a charter school for minorities in Washington. He had to restart it because of the outrage from the parents. Keep them uneducated and on welfare. Got their vote for a lifetime.
One of the first thing Obama did when elected was to stop funding for a charter school for minorities in Washington. He had to restart it because of the outrage from the parents. Keep them uneducated and on welfare. Got their vote for a lifetime.
That is just shrill partisan hogwash..
One of the first thing Obama did when elected was to stop funding for a charter school for minorities in Washington. He had to restart it because of the outrage from the parents. Keep them uneducated and on welfare. Got their vote for a lifetime.
That is just shrill partisan hogwash..
True story, even Obama realizes if a minority gets an education. Then they become conservatives, ask Ben Carson.

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