Is the cross the next target of liberals and blacks ?

Most abortions are done for convince, not because the life of the mother is in danger.
If I am not mistaken I believe you were trying to say "for convenience" but you are too stupid to write properly..
.. and you know this HOW about the motives of women? are an effing moron
In 2004, in a survey 7% of women had an abortion for medical reasons. You have lots of blood on your hands.
And after the baby's been delivered it better learns quickly how to fend for itself because conservative Christians only care it isn't killed before birth. If it starves afterwards, it must have been God's will!
They've already done it here. We created a charter school that used the building of a closed catholic school. The church still owns the building and rents it to the school system for use by the charter school. That had to take the cross off of the building to appease the atheist wing of the democrat fascist party.
Rewriting history? Are we? Saddam was a brutal killer,

Is it this Saddam that we see here next to Rumsfeld ? They look like they are stepping out....
At one point Saddam was an ally.
I thought you said he was a "Brutal killer" how did we have a "Brutal Killer" as ally...did we need someone brutally killed...Jesus weeps for every dollar that could have bought bombs and bullets but instead is wasted on food stamps for little kids to eat...
A cross racist? No
A burning cross racist? Yes


But many in the South will make the same sort of defense of the Confederate flag. They'll say it simply represents their culture, or their region of the country. Yet the left strictly views the flag as a racist symbol and it must go.

The cross has represented good, but it's also been used as a way to justify white superiority.

So how come there isn't calls for the cross to go ?

Nice try......but a logical fail

The confederate flag represents a nation whose sole purpose was to ensure the continuation of slavery

It was a despicable concept and continuing to honor it is below us
Most abortions are done for convince, not because the life of the mother is in danger.
If I am not mistaken I believe you were trying to say "for convenience" but you are too stupid to write properly..
.. and you know this HOW about the motives of women? are an effing moron
In 2004, in a survey 7% of women had an abortion for medical reasons. You have lots of blood on your hands.
Most do it for economic considerations
Until you are willing to address those conditions, you will continue to see abortions
First off, yes I realize the Confederate flag issue has mostly to do with the location of where it is flown. The flag will still be flown on private property.
But let's face it, the very sight of it regardless of the location is frowned upon, and eventually due to pressure, it will completely disappear.

So what about the cross ? It's not supposed to be displayed on publicly owned spaces, government buildings, etc.

However, since the cross has a long history of being used to terrorize blacks, and is used as a symbol of the KKK, are we now headed for the day where the cross itself will be viewed as a racist symbol, and there will be calls for it to not be seen anywhere in public ?

Might sound ridiculous, but we all know how the left feels about Christianity, and they could use the racial aspect of this to rid the American landscape of this classic Christian symbol.

Shitting your pants huh thumper

Thomas Jefferson:

"The Christian god can easily be pictured as virtually the same god as the many ancient gods of past civilizations. The Christian god is a three headed monster; cruel, vengeful and capricious. If one wishes to know more of this raging, three headed beast-like god, one only needs to look at the caliber of people who say they serve him. They are always of two classes: fools and hypocrites."

Millions of innocent men, women, and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch toward uniformity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one-half the world fools and the other half hypocrites. To support roguery and error all over the earth.-- Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, 1781-82
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God states several times in the bible that no one should harm a child. You think killing one isn't harming them?
1 Samuel 15:3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.
You need to read why God commanded it.
How does a rationalization change the fact that your God contradicts herself?
Next target will be confederate statues. Traitors shouldn't be honored with statues.
God states several times in the bible that no one should harm a child. You think killing one isn't harming them?
1 Samuel 15:3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.
You need to read why God commanded it.
How does a rationalization change the fact that your God contradicts herself?

Misunderstanding on your part. God is a Spirit and referring to God as "Father" is a reference to the Creator, not gender.
First off, yes I realize the Confederate flag issue has mostly to do with the location of where it is flown. The flag will still be flown on private property.
But let's face it, the very sight of it regardless of the location is frowned upon, and eventually due to pressure, it will completely disappear.

So what about the cross ? It's not supposed to be displayed on publicly owned spaces, government buildings, etc.

However, since the cross has a long history of being used to terrorize blacks, and is used as a symbol of the KKK, are we now headed for the day where the cross itself will be viewed as a racist symbol, and there will be calls for it to not be seen anywhere in public ?

Might sound ridiculous, but we all know how the left feels about Christianity, and they could use the racial aspect of this to rid the American landscape of this classic Christian symbol.
The left have been publicly & actively trying for YEARS to remove the cross from public areas.

What rock you been hiding under?
First off, yes I realize the Confederate flag issue has mostly to do with the location of where it is flown. The flag will still be flown on private property.
But let's face it, the very sight of it regardless of the location is frowned upon, and eventually due to pressure, it will completely disappear.

So what about the cross ? It's not supposed to be displayed on publicly owned spaces, government buildings, etc.

However, since the cross has a long history of being used to terrorize blacks, and is used as a symbol of the KKK, are we now headed for the day where the cross itself will be viewed as a racist symbol, and there will be calls for it to not be seen anywhere in public ?

Might sound ridiculous, but we all know how the left feels about Christianity, and they could use the racial aspect of this to rid the American landscape of this classic Christian symbol.

Shitting your pants huh thumper

Thomas Jefferson:

"The Christian god can easily be pictured as virtually the same god as the many ancient gods of past civilizations. The Christian god is a three headed monster; cruel, vengeful and capricious. If one wishes to know more of this raging, three headed beast-like god, one only needs to look at the caliber of people who say they serve him. They are always of two classes: fools and hypocrites."

Millions of innocent men, women, and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch toward uniformity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one-half the world fools and the other half hypocrites. To support roguery and error all over the earth.-- Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, 1781-82

Not at all asswipe, I'm just getting ahead of the curve and looking for the next target of the left.
Probably the next battle will be Christmas lights. obumble has already declared his own little war against them.

Obama administration to regulate Christmas lights - Washington Times
Damn you assholes are stupid and gullible!!!

From your link:
“The Consumer Product Safety Commission … is issuing a final rule to specify that seasonal and decorative lighting products that do not contain any one of three readily observable characteristics (minimum wire size, sufficient strain relief, or overcurrent protection), as addressed in a voluntary standard, are deemed a substantial product hazard under the Consumer Product Safety Act (“CPSA”),” the final rule said.

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