Is the cross the next target of liberals and blacks ?

Study: The KKK helped Republicans win the South - Vox
In 1960, the American South mostly voted for Democratic candidates and was solidly Democratic at the congressional level. By 2000, it was solidly Republican in presidential politics and mostly Republican at the congressional level. The transformation, clearly, had something to do with race and the Civil Rights Movement. But aprovocative new papersuggests that Ku Klux Klan activity — as opposed to the broader phenomenon of racism — played a small but meaningful role in the process. Counties with more Klan activity saw a more dramatic shift toward the GOP, a shift that stands up to a range of reasonable statistical controls and suggests that the Klan was really a difference maker.

A provocative new study conducted by two George Soros goons who examined each other's anuses determined that "HATE WHITE PEOPLE, HATE REPUBLICANS."

Brilliant post as always, monkey boi.
Actually, that would be CON$ervoFascists who burned crosses, you lying pile of shit.

Actually - it would be democrats, as you full well know.

You lying does not alter reality - regardless of what your messiah of hate George Soros tells you.
Again, it was CON$ervoFascists who burned crosses. Most were Democrats back then but all are Republicans now.
Seems that 6th grade is about as far as you went. Probably kicked you out then cause they thought a 19 year old seventh grader would be too weird for the normal kids.

The problem is stupid, that the issue was the admittance of new slave states. It had absolutely nothing to do with civil rights and sure the fuck not with integration. The failure of the Missouri Compromise was the proximate cause of the tensions.

You are an ignorant dolt spewing idiocy because you think it will further the political goals of your party.

In fact, it merely reveals you to be an uneducated fool.
You are a fucking moron. I was referring, dipshit, to the era when the confederate flag reappeared on the flags of southern states; when your white sheet wearing brethren started flying and carrying it; the 1940's through the 1960's. That was when the federal government fought to integrate the south and federal civil rights laws were passed.

The flag was a symbol of treason in the 1860's resurrected by inbred fools like you 80 to 100 years later.
A provocative new study conducted by two George Soros goons who examined each other's anuses determined that "HATE WHITE PEOPLE, HATE REPUBLICANS."

Brilliant post as always,

A moronic new retort conducted by a Right wing anal orifice who examined his own anus and determined white Republicans look just like his colonic aperture...Stupid as routinely expected from slack jawed conservative trashy
funny world and USA these lefty progressives are building ehh . The Christian cross , lots of people of all races revere that symbol . Will be interesting to see as they go after it .

If you folks have not noticed they are already "going after it."
Apparently not here in Progressive California......there are large crosses on almost every third high hill here in San Diego County.

Didn't say they were winning every battle. I don't think they have much to say what is put up on private property.
They have no say. That is the point. Religious symbols are private and should only be on private property
They are a creation of God, yes they are. No matter how you try and twist it.
Not a word in the bible regarding abortion, not that the bible is relevant to any discussion of what the law should or should not allow
You cannot support the killing of God's children and call yourself a christian. So therefore there will be no liberals in heaven. I guess that's why it's called heaven!
If it will be filled with assholes like you, it will be hell.
Telling the truth and hope people change their ways and live by God's word, is grace.
Whose God? You wanna live by your version of god's word, go right ahead. Demanding that others do as well is graceless.
I do, but like with the flag issue. Liberals are pretty much in everyone's business. Abortion is murder, no matter what being you believe in.
Many blacks are Christian, and regularly attend church, no doubt about it. However between secular blacks, and white liberals, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised that once the issue with the Confederate flag has been won, the focus could easily become the cross since it too can be seen as a symbol white superiority.

If the flag is seen as a symbol of slavery and white power, how can the cross be ignored when you consider how it was once used against blacks ?
Absolute idiocy. No one has suggested that the cross is a symbol of racism and should be banned. You are talking nonsense.

The history of crosses burning in the yards of a person of color is new to you ?
Burning crosses are a symbol of racism; crosses that are not burning are not. Did you happen to see the cross on top of the AME church where the racist killed those people? Or the one inside the Church?

Supporters of the flag, say the Confederate flag also has representation other than slavery.
So, you would equate someone who would fly an American flag with someone who would burn one. You see no difference between the two. And, by the way, the confederate battle flag stands for two things: treason and racist resistance to federal laws regarding integration and civil rights.

Well first off, slavery was evil and needed to end, but I think the treason was conducted by the federal government when they forced states to get in line and remain part of the union, but that argument is for another time.

Anyway, some people believed slavery was allowed in the Bible, so their crosses could have represented their Christian faith, but could also be used as a warning to intimidate blacks. Same symbol.
funny world and USA these lefty progressives are building ehh . The Christian cross , lots of people of all races revere that symbol . Will be interesting to see as they go after it .

If you folks have not noticed they are already "going after it."
Apparently not here in Progressive California......there are large crosses on almost every third high hill here in San Diego County.

Didn't say they were winning every battle. I don't think they have much to say what is put up on private property.
They have no say. That is the point. Religious symbols are private and should only be on private property
Not a word in the bible regarding abortion, not that the bible is relevant to any discussion of what the law should or should not allow
You cannot support the killing of God's children and call yourself a christian. So therefore there will be no liberals in heaven. I guess that's why it's called heaven!
If it will be filled with assholes like you, it will be hell.
Telling the truth and hope people change their ways and live by God's word, is grace.
Whose God? You wanna live by your version of god's word, go right ahead. Demanding that others do as well is graceless.
I do, but like with the flag issue. Liberals are pretty much in everyone's business. Abortion is murder, no matter what being you believe in.
So, wanting the government out of the decision by a woman, with the advice of her doctor, whether or not to terminate her pregnancy is the government out of someone's business?
Abortion is murder, no matter what being you believe in.

Is war murder ? holy roller...
Was it bad to take the likes of Hitler out?
was it bad to invade occupy Iraq for fake reasons hell yes it was bad it was MURDER...holy roller
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
I think that is a lot less than the number of United states babies innocently murdered. We invaded Iraq because of Saddam refusing to follow united nations sanctions.
If you folks have not noticed they are already "going after it."
Apparently not here in Progressive California......there are large crosses on almost every third high hill here in San Diego County.

Didn't say they were winning every battle. I don't think they have much to say what is put up on private property.
They have no say. That is the point. Religious symbols are private and should only be on private property
You cannot support the killing of God's children and call yourself a christian. So therefore there will be no liberals in heaven. I guess that's why it's called heaven!
If it will be filled with assholes like you, it will be hell.
Telling the truth and hope people change their ways and live by God's word, is grace.
Whose God? You wanna live by your version of god's word, go right ahead. Demanding that others do as well is graceless.
I do, but like with the flag issue. Liberals are pretty much in everyone's business. Abortion is murder, no matter what being you believe in.
So, wanting the government out of the decision by a woman, with the advice of her doctor, whether or not to terminate her pregnancy is the government out of someone's business?
Most abortions are done for convince, not because the life of the mother is in danger.
I think that is a lot less than the number of United states babies innocently murdered. We invaded Iraq because of Saddam refusing to follow united nations sanctions.
We invaded Iraq because of business just want to show out how moral you are with abortion but as soon as the Government gives the signal you are ready to approve of slaughter.....I have nothing but contempt for those who put all their moral eggs on the abortion basket and approve of all killings ordered by the Government but strut around self righteously looking down on women ...
Most abortions are done for convince, not because the life of the mother is in danger.
If I am not mistaken I believe you were trying to say "for convenience" but you are too stupid to write properly..
.. and you know this HOW about the motives of women? are an effing moron
I think that is a lot less than the number of United states babies innocently murdered. We invaded Iraq because of Saddam refusing to follow united nations sanctions.
We invaded Iraq because of business just want to show out how moral you are with abortion but as soon as the Government gives the signal you are ready to approve of slaughter.....I have nothing but contempt for those who put all their moral eggs on the abortion basket and approve of all killings ordered by the Government but strut around self righteously looking down on women ...
Rewriting history? Are we? Saddam was a brutal killer, terrified his people and we took him out and liberated a country. Not my fault Obama screwed it up. Also if liberals wasn't crying so bad the first time we invaded Iraq. Then Bush one would've taken Saddam out back then. We wouldn't need to invade again if it weren't for people like you.
A cross racist? No
A burning cross racist? Yes


But many in the South will make the same sort of defense of the Confederate flag. They'll say it simply represents their culture, or their region of the country. Yet the left strictly views the flag as a racist symbol and it must go.

The cross has represented good, but it's also been used as a way to justify white superiority.

So how come there isn't calls for the cross to go ?
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First off, yes I realize the Confederate flag issue has mostly to do with the location of where it is flown. The flag will still be flown on private property.
But let's face it, the very sight of it regardless of the location is frowned upon, and eventually due to pressure, it will completely disappear.

So what about the cross ? It's not supposed to be displayed on publicly owned spaces, government buildings, etc.

However, since the cross has a long history of being used to terrorize blacks, and is used as a symbol of the KKK, are we now headed for the day where the cross itself will be viewed as a racist symbol, and there will be calls for it to not be seen anywhere in public ?

Might sound ridiculous, but we all know how the left feels about Christianity, and they could use the racial aspect of this to rid the American landscape of this classic Christian symbol.
I doubt the African American Episcopal Methodist church comes out against the cross.

Of course they won't. White liberals and secular blacks are the ones who would be the most likely to call for removal.

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