Is the Democratic Party waking up?

This madness has spawned the rise of nutters like AOC, Talib & Omar, not to mention this largely whacko crop of "presidential candidates", especially Bernie and Warren.

Laughing out loud here...

No, it's not "Trump" who "spawned" these terrible, horrible people. Their stances and ways of thinking evolved way before Trump even alighted on the campaign stage. It's the plutocrats and their unmitigated, unadulterated greed, and their iron grip on American politics, tightening since the 1980s and Reagan's neo-liberal societal arson, who "spawned" that evil. Now, it turns out those terrible, horrible people don't just tell the truth about Trump, but also about the plutocrats and their unmitigated, unadulterated greed, and the consequences these people inflict upon the living conditions of ordinary Americans, when, in fact, serious people are supposed to keep all that under wraps. These plutocrats do not like to hear anything other than how beautiful and virtuous they are, and how their every deed is meant to benefit the greater good of all, for without them and their unmitigated, unadulterated greed the country would surely fall apart.

Now, upon seeing the plutocrats and their unmitigated, unadulterated greed besmirched, and their tender little feefees hurt, the very serious people go to work, bellowing and screeching at these terrible, horrible people telling the parts of the truth the very serious people know, but also know it's better to lie about. It's what the plutocrats' lackeys are supposed to do, you know?

Now, since it can no longer be disputed that the plutocrats have translated their obscene wealth into political power to such a degree it poses a mortal danger to democratic rule itself, compounded by the fact that the misery imposed contributed to the election of a would-be autocrat set to dismantle the rule of law, it's about time Americans collectively overcome their Stockholm syndrome, and resolve to curtail plutocratic power. Sanders, Warren, and AOC point out the way to do that. If we lose a Mac, or a Manchin along the way, so what? Since democracy and the rule of law are at risk, there cannot be much regard or concern for those who think the status quo, which brought the current misery about, is the solution to it.

My my but aren't we just full of ourselves. So many words yet nothing said. :blahblah:
But for the majority, they are indeed unusual (even some Trumpsters have the balls to admit it), and the point is that the response from the hard Left would be similar.

Slight difference is that while Trump's antics can be unusual, his policies aren't. The antics of the left's candidates may not be as unusual, but their policies will "fundamentally change the US", according to Sanders. Sorry, but people need to wake up and be adults. Get over the hatred for Trump, the person, along with some of his childish antics, and focus on his policies, which are, in a very large part, working. If one of the left gets elected, he/she may be a smooth talker and say all the things that gives you that warm, gushy feeling, but the country will collapse both economically and socially.

Who's antics on the left would you say are usual? Nadler and Schiff running a trumped up kangaroo impeachmet court or Nancy Pelosi tearing up the SOTU address on national TV? LOL
Since the day Trump was elected, I've been concerned he'd be so over-the-top that the Democratic Party's response would be over-the-top, too. Sure enough, that's what we've seen. And, predictably, ugly politics now pollute damn near every part of our society.

But I've also been hoping that just enough sanity would remain in the party that it would be able to see some boundaries. Maybe that's happening now, too: Centrist Democrats rethink alliances as Biden crumbles

This madness has spawned the rise of nutters like AOC, Talib & Omar, not to mention this largely whacko crop of "presidential candidates", especially Bernie and Warren. Maybe the more pragmatic elements of the party still have enough influence to stop the freakin' madness.

Here's hoping.

From the linked piece:
“If Bernie ends up being one of these frontrunners, he’ll have to moderate. I’m not going socialist. Never been a socialist,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said. “If he doesn’t change, I’ve got a dilemma there. We’ll see. But we’re talking about hypotheticals. I think there’s going to be a lot happening between now and then.”

The soul-searching within the establishment wing of the Democratic Party comes after Sanders solidified his frontrunner status in Iowa and New Hampshire, which produced a pair of cringeworthy finishes for Biden. The former vice president did so poorly in New Hampshire that he ditched his own election night watch party to head to South Carolina, possibly giving an opening to Bloomberg, who skipped the first four contests.

“I’m feeling a momentum shift to Bloomberg right now,” said Rep. Lou Correa (D-Calif.), who endorsed Biden in the summer and plans to stick with him.

One of the most glaring examples of the change in tide on Capitol Hill is a trio of Bloomberg endorsements from the Congressional Black Caucus on Wednesday — a not-so-subtle show of force against Biden, who remains the favored candidate among black voters nationally.

The democratic party is dead. It exists in name only. Get rid of the Donkey as a symbol, they should use Disney 's mad hatter as their new icon.
He is fairly rational and open minded to conservative thought and reason.
He doesn’t discuss anything. He tosses stinky bait and then goes into leftist bullshit.
All I can say is that that has not been my experience in discussions with Mac.
Yet another thread of mine turns into a bitch-fest, from both ends, about me. Personally. Not the point of the thread, which is what I would actually like to discuss.

These people are incredibly willing to jump in and illustrate my primary opinion of wingers -- the two ends can be comically similar in their behaviors -- pretty much every day.

And every time they do it, they confirm my opinion for me. Pretty freakin' amazing to watch. I don't even have to ask! And it doesn't cost me a dime!
Ya actually started with Its trumps fault the dems are so over the top

From the diplomad
End of a diddy's about sniffy

That will leave the Democrats with an avowed Marxist, or what we Cold War veterans would call a Communist, a completely fake gay white version of the fake black Obama, a couple of lesser lights who have managed to keep their "accomplishments" well hidden from view, and a fabulously wealthy fraud who is financing his own campaign and repudiating his accomplishments as mayor of New York to gain the favor of the "woke" crowd.

The DiploMad 2.0: Corruptocrat Joe Shuffles to the Door . . .

Mac wasn't concerned that OBAMA wouldn't be too far over the top, but let Trump talk about restoring America's #1 position greatness and excellence, and it was just too much for Mac and the democrats?
I can understand you don't see anything unusual about Trump and his behaviors. I get it. To you, the cartoonish hyperbole, constant personal attacks and general instability are perfectly normal.

But for the majority, they are indeed unusual (even some Trumpsters have the balls to admit it), and the point is that the response from the hard Left would be similar.

You're a liberal, Mac, and unmasked.

Kinda funny, I mean, remotely. Not very interesting though, all told.
He is fairly rational and open minded to conservative thought and reason.
He doesn’t discuss anything. He tosses stinky bait and then goes into leftist bullshit.
All I can say is that that has not been my experience in discussions with Mac.
Yet another thread of mine turns into a bitch-fest, from both ends, about me. Personally. Not the point of the thread, which is what I would actually like to discuss.

These people are incredibly willing to jump in and illustrate my primary opinion of wingers -- the two ends can be comically similar in their behaviors -- pretty much every day.

And every time they do it, they confirm my opinion for me. Pretty freakin' amazing to watch. I don't even have to ask! And it doesn't cost me a dime!

It's because you think you're better than everyone here. And crow about it constantly.
Ya actually started with Its trumps fault the dems are so over the top

From the diplomad
End of a diddy's about sniffy

That will leave the Democrats with an avowed Marxist, or what we Cold War veterans would call a Communist, a completely fake gay white version of the fake black Obama, a couple of lesser lights who have managed to keep their "accomplishments" well hidden from view, and a fabulously wealthy fraud who is financing his own campaign and repudiating his accomplishments as mayor of New York to gain the favor of the "woke" crowd.

The DiploMad 2.0: Corruptocrat Joe Shuffles to the Door . . .

Mac wasn't concerned that OBAMA wouldn't be too far over the top, but let Trump talk about restoring America's #1 position greatness and excellence, and it was just too much for Mac and the democrats?
I can understand you don't see anything unusual about Trump and his behaviors. I get it. To you, the cartoonish hyperbole, constant personal attacks and general instability are perfectly normal.

But for the majority, they are indeed unusual (even some Trumpsters have the balls to admit it), and the point is that the response from the hard Left would be similar.

You're a liberal, Mac, and unmasked.

Kinda funny, I mean, remotely. Not very interesting though, all told.
Super duper! I can go on with my day now!
He is fairly rational and open minded to conservative thought and reason.
He doesn’t discuss anything. He tosses stinky bait and then goes into leftist bullshit.
All I can say is that that has not been my experience in discussions with Mac.
Yet another thread of mine turns into a bitch-fest, from both ends, about me. Personally. Not the point of the thread, which is what I would actually like to discuss.

These people are incredibly willing to jump in and illustrate my primary opinion of wingers -- the two ends can be comically similar in their behaviors -- pretty much every day.

And every time they do it, they confirm my opinion for me. Pretty freakin' amazing to watch. I don't even have to ask! And it doesn't cost me a dime!

It's because you think you're better than everyone here. And crow about it constantly.
If that's your perception.
We are not responsible for your side's actions.
Wingers aren't responsible for pretty much ANYTHING.

Calling me a name, does not address my point.

We are not responsible for your side's actions. Trump is a politician with completely reasonable policies and a odd and off putting style. That does not justify the over the top reaction from the Left.

The issue you wanted to discuss, is about you and yours. I wish you luck in discussing it. If you wanted to discuss it, you should not have tried blaming Trump for it.

Indeed, that you did, shows that you are not immune.
This is your problem. You create a post with an opinion when challenged you just give up. You claimed the far left is a bunch of bigots (paraphrasing) and then when asked who they are you can't answer.

Hell the only person on my list I would consider to be at least a little bigoted was a former Republican and with him it's kind of a mixed bag.

That was well done, apparently following the best traditions of debate, namely, questioning and examining the reality content of propositions together. Sadly, the passive-aggressive one is loath to support his assertions, and instead resorted to whining about the very worthy challenge.

He has answered your questions in the OP, though:

"This madness has spawned the rise of nutters like AOC, Talib & Omar, not to mention this largely whacko crop of 'presidential candidates', especially Bernie and Warren. Maybe the more pragmatic elements of the party still have enough influence to stop the freakin' madness."

He talks about "freakin' madness", and puts "presidential candidates" in scare quotes, but he can't back it up.

So, while Mac won't be of much use, let's try to answer the question: Is the Democratic Party waking up?

For to me it seems, the Democratic party is waking up to the fact that they've neglected the White working class, and are trying to do something about that. In so doing, they seem increasingly determined to take on the plutocrats (hence Mac's whining). They are, as far as I can see, not yet fully waking up to the fact that a corrupt administration is marshaling the power of the state (and the DoJ in particular) to crush the opposition, and, seemingly, they managed to collapse the Biden candidacy. So, yeah, there's some waking up ahead for the Dems - and let's hope they get it done.
Yet another thread of mine turns into a bitch-fest, from both ends, about me. Personally. Not the point of the thread, which is what I would actually like to discuss.

These people are incredibly willing to jump in and illustrate my primary opinion of wingers -- the two ends can be comically similar in their behaviors -- pretty much every day.

And every time they do it, they confirm my opinion for me. Pretty freakin' amazing to watch. I don't even have to ask! And it doesn't cost me a dime!

Mac, people complain about you because you are Pompous, not because you are "moderate" or "sensible".

you have a point of view.

I have a point of view.

Sweet Sue has a point of view.

I would go so far to say all of our points of view have been molded by our life experiences. Don't judge until you've walked a mile in another person's shoes

Yes, there's a reason why Bernie is leading the polls. Because when you are a 22 year old with $65,000 in college debt and no job options other than Starbucks, "Socialism" sounds like a pretty good idea.
Trump was a response for the democrats going out of line.

They did not like it, now going even further out of line.
Trump was a response for the democrats going out of line.

They did not like it, now going even further out of line.

Trump was what happens when you feed the Republican Base a steady supply of Racism, Misogyny and homophobia.. Eventually, you end up with someone who takes that shit seriously.

^^ is what happens when you go full retard.
I have no problem with the idea of judgement. But be prepared to defense your reasons for it.
I feel zero (0) obligation to defend my opinions when I know I'm in an asymmetrical conversation. They are a waste of time. I'm burned out on them.

Further, I no longer come here in search of interesting conversation (although I do stumble into it from time to time). I come here to observe behaviors and occasionally belch out my opinion when the mood strikes (which allows me to observe even MORE behaviors).

I do think it's funny when wingers here complain that I don't respect their intellectually dishonest, hyper-partisan, comically one-sided opinions. Most of them are the same people who clearly find it perfectly reasonable to launch nasty, personal insults and attacks on other parts of this very forum, and then expect me to take them seriously.

You're certainly free to turn my threads into bitch-fests about me. All they do is cement my opinions. Otherwise, I just don't care.
I feel zero (0) obligation to defend my opinions when I know I'm in an asymmetrical conversation. They are a waste of time. I'm burned out on them.

Then maybe you should just stop coming here and annoying people.

I do think it's funny when wingers here complain that I don't respect their intellectually dishonest, hyper-partisan, comically one-sided opinions. Most of them are the same people who clearly find it perfectly reasonable to launch nasty, personal insults and attacks on other parts of this very forum, and then expect me to take them seriously.

You're certainly free to turn my threads into bitch-fests about me. All they do is cement my opinions. Otherwise, I just don't care.

Well, you have a point, Mac. You've managed to achieve bipartisanship. Everyone on both sides thinks you're a pompous ass.
This is your problem. You create a post with an opinion when challenged you just give up. You claimed the far left is a bunch of bigots (paraphrasing) and then when asked who they are you can't answer.

Hell the only person on my list I would consider to be at least a little bigoted was a former Republican and with him it's kind of a mixed bag.

That was well done, apparently following the best traditions of debate, namely, questioning and examining the reality content of propositions together. Sadly, the passive-aggressive one is loath to support his assertions, and instead resorted to whining about the very worthy challenge.

He has answered your questions in the OP, though:

"This madness has spawned the rise of nutters like AOC, Talib & Omar, not to mention this largely whacko crop of 'presidential candidates', especially Bernie and Warren. Maybe the more pragmatic elements of the party still have enough influence to stop the freakin' madness."

He talks about "freakin' madness", and puts "presidential candidates" in scare quotes, but he can't back it up.

So, while Mac won't be of much use, let's try to answer the question: Is the Democratic Party waking up?

For to me it seems, the Democratic party is waking up to the fact that they've neglected the White working class, and are trying to do something about that. In so doing, they seem increasingly determined to take on the plutocrats (hence Mac's whining). They are, as far as I can see, not yet fully waking up to the fact that a corrupt administration is marshaling the power of the state (and the DoJ in particular) to crush the opposition, and, seemingly, they managed to collapse the Biden candidacy. So, yeah, there's some waking up ahead for the Dems - and let's hope they get it done.

Actually he sees some Democrats as 'far left' that he likes to broad brush all Democrats with. But I was specifically interested in who he thought was a bigot and far left. He couldn't answer, he realized this and ran away.

I do agree that Democrats do need to talk more about issues that are important to the white working class. I mean they do, they just need to be more obvious about it. The world isn't only transgendered Hispanics. We have lost union memberships that had helped build the middle class. Our infrastructure is a mess and we don't want to send kids off to war anymore. These things affect all of us in one way or another.
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Actually he sees some Democrats as 'far left' that he likes to broad brush all Democrats with. But I was specifically interested in who he thought was a bigot and far left. He couldn't answer, he realized this and ran away.

He also doesn't seem to realize WHY people are supporting Bernie or AOC. It's because the bottom 80% only own 6.7% of stocks, the top 20% of the country owns 93% of them.

So while those guys might make him wet his expensive suit, those of us who wear denim to work just can't get worked up that 'Oh, my God, you guys... Wall Street Hates Bernie!!"
Actually he sees some Democrats as 'far left' that he likes to broad brush all Democrats with. But I was specifically interested in who he thought was a bigot and far left. He couldn't answer, he realized this and ran away.

He also doesn't seem to realize WHY people are supporting Bernie or AOC. It's because the bottom 80% only own 6.7% of stocks, the top 20% of the country owns 93% of them.

So while those guys might make him wet his expensive suit, those of us who wear denim to work just can't get worked up that 'Oh, my God, you guys... Wall Street Hates Bernie!!"

I think Mac is pretty much just in it for himself.

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