Is the Election Effectively Over?

You are cherry picking. Only a few States had Shrillary ahead by more than 3 or 4 points and I know you OCDd them into your tiny brain.
VA, NH, PA, MI, WI, and CO are ahead by 3 to 8 points. They have never wavered from the Clinton column.
Added to her column of committed states, she easily wins the election.

The debates become even more critical.

Unless there is something completely extraordinary during the debate…they don’t matter. Maybe if they were held in August or early September when minds are still being made up.
3 points! Ooooooh!
Yup, a lead in those states that Trump has not been able to crack. How about that!
More like six to ten but it will probably be inside of 6 by the time they start counting votes.
Trump is going to kick her a$$.

He will lose by approximately 120-130 electoral votes.

I see the map like this. She may win Ohio as well. I don’t see her carrying Iowa or NC. It’s all over except for the right wing excuses.

Screen Shot 2016-09-14 at 10.31.03 AM.png

Just out of curiosity, what state listed for her above do I have wrong?
More like six to ten but it will probably be inside of 6 by the time they start counting votes.
Trump is going to kick her a$$.

He will lose by approximately 120-130 electoral votes.

I see the map like this. She may win Ohio as well. I don’t see her carrying Iowa or NC. It’s all over except for the right wing excuses.

View attachment 89441

Just out of curiosity, what state listed for her above do I have wrong?
I'm not going to type what's right in front of your eyes.
It's funny, my daughter lives in Miami and every bumper sticker and house has a Trump sign; not ONE Hillary sign in sight.
More like six to ten but it will probably be inside of 6 by the time they start counting votes.
Trump is going to kick her a$$.

He will lose by approximately 120-130 electoral votes.

I see the map like this. She may win Ohio as well. I don’t see her carrying Iowa or NC. It’s all over except for the right wing excuses.

View attachment 89441

Just out of curiosity, what state listed for her above do I have wrong?
I'm not going to type what's right in front of your eyes.
It's funny, my daughter lives in Miami and every bumper sticker and house has a Trump sign; not ONE Hillary sign in sight.

Translation: You have no argument.

EVERY bumper has a sticker and every house has a sign? Really?

No matter; take away Florida; she still wins. Next?
More like six to ten but it will probably be inside of 6 by the time they start counting votes.
Trump is going to kick her a$$.

He will lose by approximately 120-130 electoral votes.

I see the map like this. She may win Ohio as well. I don’t see her carrying Iowa or NC. It’s all over except for the right wing excuses.

View attachment 89441

Just out of curiosity, what state listed for her above do I have wrong?
If the Repubs take FL and NV, solid possibilities, HRC still wins 273 to 265. I do think NC will go Hillary, putting her at 287 and Trump at 251. If FL and NV do go HRC, then 325 to 213.
You are cherry picking. Only a few States had Shrillary ahead by more than 3 or 4 points and I know you OCDd them into your tiny brain.
VA, NH, PA, MI, WI, and CO are ahead by 3 to 8 points. They have never wavered from the Clinton column.
Added to her column of committed states, she easily wins the election.

The debates become even more critical.

Unless there is something completely extraordinary during the debate…they don’t matter. Maybe if they were held in August or early September when minds are still being made up.[/QUOTE]

Real Clear has PA & Wi as toss ups.

You take the toss ups away...they go to Clinton.

She gets 311 when toss ups are taken away. He gets 227. Originally he was below 200.

But nothing's changed.
You are cherry picking. Only a few States had Shrillary ahead by more than 3 or 4 points and I know you OCDd them into your tiny brain.
VA, NH, PA, MI, WI, and CO are ahead by 3 to 8 points. They have never wavered from the Clinton column.
Added to her column of committed states, she easily wins the election.

The debates become even more critical.

Unless there is something completely extraordinary during the debate…they don’t matter. Maybe if they were held in August or early September when minds are still being made up.
3 points! Ooooooh![/QUOTE]

Not sure where that data is coming from.

The bigger picture is that things have shifted in spite of the left's lack of awareness.
More like six to ten but it will probably be inside of 6 by the time they start counting votes.
Trump is going to kick her a$$.

He will lose by approximately 120-130 electoral votes.

I see the map like this. She may win Ohio as well. I don’t see her carrying Iowa or NC. It’s all over except for the right wing excuses.

View attachment 89441

Just out of curiosity, what state listed for her above do I have wrong?
I'm not going to type what's right in front of your eyes.
It's funny, my daughter lives in Miami and every bumper sticker and house has a Trump sign; not ONE Hillary sign in sight.

Translation: You have no argument.

EVERY bumper has a sticker and every house has a sign? Really?

No matter; take away Florida; she still wins. Next?
If every Liberal, Progressive and inveterate Welfare recipient votes, she definitely wins.
In other words, the US becomes a toilet.
The Alt Right won't accept that whatever is happening with HRC, those votes are not going to Trump.

PA and WI are way beyond the MOE.
More like six to ten but it will probably be inside of 6 by the time they start counting votes.
Trump is going to kick her a$$.

He will lose by approximately 120-130 electoral votes.

I see the map like this. She may win Ohio as well. I don’t see her carrying Iowa or NC. It’s all over except for the right wing excuses.

View attachment 89441

Just out of curiosity, what state listed for her above do I have wrong?
I'm not going to type what's right in front of your eyes.
It's funny, my daughter lives in Miami and every bumper sticker and house has a Trump sign; not ONE Hillary sign in sight.

Translation: You have no argument.

EVERY bumper has a sticker and every house has a sign? Really?

No matter; take away Florida; she still wins. Next?
If every Liberal, Progressive and inveterate Welfare recipient votes, she definitely wins.
In other words, the US becomes a toilet.

Yet it is your messiah is now giving away 6 weeks maternity leave on the taxpayer’s dime.

Care to debate which of the states I awarded to HRC will not be hers or are you too much of a pussy to go on the record? I’m guessing you’re too much of a pussy.
In case you didn't get the news Hillary no longer appears in public without an earplug to let her handlers tell her what to say and what to do.

Her coughing fits are becoming more legendary each time, I think the extended coughing fits at appearances in public is now upto three.

That of course could be an undercount, the lack of people at her events is already legendary.

poor loon.

is there anything else that the voices in your head are telling you?
Trump is going to kick her a$$.

He will lose by approximately 120-130 electoral votes.

I see the map like this. She may win Ohio as well. I don’t see her carrying Iowa or NC. It’s all over except for the right wing excuses.

View attachment 89441

Just out of curiosity, what state listed for her above do I have wrong?
I'm not going to type what's right in front of your eyes.
It's funny, my daughter lives in Miami and every bumper sticker and house has a Trump sign; not ONE Hillary sign in sight.

Translation: You have no argument.

EVERY bumper has a sticker and every house has a sign? Really?

No matter; take away Florida; she still wins. Next?
If every Liberal, Progressive and inveterate Welfare recipient votes, she definitely wins.
In other words, the US becomes a toilet.

Yet it is your messiah is now giving away 6 weeks maternity leave on the taxpayer’s dime.

Care to debate which of the states I awarded to HRC will not be hers or are you too much of a pussy to go on the record? I’m guessing you’re too much of a pussy.

funny how they're not shrieking about liberals and "free stuff"....imbeciles.
More like six to ten but it will probably be inside of 6 by the time they start counting votes.
Trump is going to kick her a$$.

He will lose by approximately 120-130 electoral votes.

I see the map like this. She may win Ohio as well. I don’t see her carrying Iowa or NC. It’s all over except for the right wing excuses.

View attachment 89441

Just out of curiosity, what state listed for her above do I have wrong?
If the Repubs take FL and NV, solid possibilities, HRC still wins 273 to 265. I do think NC will go Hillary, putting her at 287 and Trump at 251. If FL and NV do go HRC, then 325 to 213.

Too many Hispanics in Florida for Trump to win it in my view. Clark County dominates Nevada and it’s a long time supporter of HRC. She won by 5% in 2008 over Obama. Interestingly Obama got more delegates out of it because of the strange rules that the Bernie crowd swore was something new:

Screen Shot 2016-09-14 at 11.16.26 AM.png
More like six to ten but it will probably be inside of 6 by the time they start counting votes.
Trump is going to kick her a$$.

He will lose by approximately 120-130 electoral votes.

I see the map like this. She may win Ohio as well. I don’t see her carrying Iowa or NC. It’s all over except for the right wing excuses.

View attachment 89441

Just out of curiosity, what state listed for her above do I have wrong?
If the Repubs take FL and NV, solid possibilities, HRC still wins 273 to 265. I do think NC will go Hillary, putting her at 287 and Trump at 251. If FL and NV do go HRC, then 325 to 213.

Too many Hispanics in Florida for Trump to win it in my view. Clark County dominates Nevada and it’s a long time supporter of HRC. She won by 5% in 2008 over Obama. Interestingly Obama got more delegates out of it because of the strange rules that the Bernie crowd swore was something new:

View attachment 89446

I live in Florida, just outside of Tampa Bay....I see plenty of Trump stickers but haven't seen one single Hillary bumper sticker. Hell, even when it was a forgone conclusion that Barrypuppet wouldn't carry Texas in 2008 or 2012, I saw plenty of Barrypuppet/Biden bumper stickers all over the road back then. I have seen "Feel The Bern" bumper stickers but not even one Hitlery. They had to pay people 50 bucks to attend the DNC convention when Sanders supporters walked out, Hitlery has enough baggage to fill the cargo hold of a 757 and she is a sandwich short of a picnic lunch mentally. Her own handler even admits that Hitlery needs her hand held and is easily confused even when meeting with foreign leaders....but she seems to be as sharp as a tack when she was trading diplomacy for donations to her slush fund that is the "Clinton Foundation".......when it comes to dollar signs, she seems to have it altogether. LOL!
Trump is going to kick her a$$.

He will lose by approximately 120-130 electoral votes.

I see the map like this. She may win Ohio as well. I don’t see her carrying Iowa or NC. It’s all over except for the right wing excuses.

View attachment 89441

Just out of curiosity, what state listed for her above do I have wrong?
I'm not going to type what's right in front of your eyes.
It's funny, my daughter lives in Miami and every bumper sticker and house has a Trump sign; not ONE Hillary sign in sight.

Translation: You have no argument.

EVERY bumper has a sticker and every house has a sign? Really?

No matter; take away Florida; she still wins. Next?
If every Liberal, Progressive and inveterate Welfare recipient votes, she definitely wins.
In other words, the US becomes a toilet.

Yet it is your messiah is now giving away 6 weeks maternity leave on the taxpayer’s dime.

Care to debate which of the states I awarded to HRC will not be hers or are you too much of a pussy to go on the record? I’m guessing you’re too much of a pussy.
Anything <= 5 is fair game.
The Florida polls are bullshit.
Outside the MOE is outside the MOE.

But you are right that FL is part of Trump's path to victory.
Given current polls Hillary would lose the popular vote right now. Given current trendlines she will lose even without Obama's adopt a terrorist proposal or her ignoring medical orders,
Given current polls Hillary would lose the popular vote right now. Given current trendlines she will lose even without Obama's adopt a terrorist proposal or her ignoring medical orders,
The current polls show nothing of the sort. She will take NY and CA with large majorities and is a few points behind in TX. WI, MI, PA, and VA are in her wheel house, and I think NC will go that way as well. FL and OH are toss ups. Do some thinking of you own, William: you are no dummy.
Given current polls Hillary would lose the popular vote right now. Given current trendlines she will lose even without Obama's adopt a terrorist proposal or her ignoring medical orders,

If the lametream media and poll takers were being honest and not in the back pocket of the globalists that sign their paychecks, you would find that Trump would be up by 20 points in an honest poll...not because he is any "savior" but because awaken Americans are on to the bullshit we have been fed over the last 30 years.

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