Is the "free stuff" remark fair to Sanders?

Many of us have learned on this forum that to expect right wingers to be "fair and balanced" (love that Fox slogan) is a fool's errand......Nonetheless, is it really fair to simply state that Sanders is offering "free stuff" without any plan as to how to finance the largess .....or is it just partisan bullshit?

If you aren't paying for it, it is free. For you. That is what is meant by "free stuff".

Sanders wants to give a lot of stuff to some people for free, and make "that guy over there" pay for it.

It's the American motto: Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it.

And when everything goes to shit, we blame that guy over there!

So, yes. The "free stuff" remarks about Sanders are not only fair, they are accurate.
mortgage deductions, child exemptions, etec... Who is paying for those?

Typical progressive viewpoint that somehow reductions in your own taxes have to be "paid for" somehow.

Of course they do. Every dollar you get back has to be made up for by someone else, idiot. Did you think there was some kind of magic involved?

It's made up for by higher tax rates and borrowing. That's why they are called tax expenditures.

You are as much a leech as anyone else.

No, it doesn't have to happen if the government spends within it's means. Your assumption is the government is going to spend money no matter what, even if it has to borrow it, raise taxes, or print more $$. It's the progressive mind set that is ruining our nation.
You are just demonstrating more of your innumeracy.

Outlays are irrelevant to the issue of tax expenditures. No matter how much, or how little, the federal government spends, your deductions/exemptions/credits have to be made up for by someone else.

Simple math. But your entitlement mentality prevents you from seeing you are a leech as much as anyone else.

Reducing/eliminating tax expenditures is a conservative cause, fool. You rubes have been led so far off the reservation, you don't recognize conservatism when it bites you in the face.

If you don't believe what I have said about being a leech, ask any economist.
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If we eliminated all tax expenditures, we would have at least $800 billion surplus in revenues.

That means tax rates could be reduced for EVERYONE.

Tax expenditures are being paid for with higher tax rates and deficits.
How'd that work out?

The GOP was handed the White House and all of Congress.

They then proceeded to start three wars, created a new trillion dollar government medical entitlement program, created a massive Cabinet level domestic spying agency, and grew every federal agency but two, and significantly increased federal regulations.
If you aren't paying for it, it is free. For you. That is what is meant by "free stuff".

Sanders wants to give a lot of stuff to some people for free, and make "that guy over there" pay for it.

It's the American motto: Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it.

And when everything goes to shit, we blame that guy over there!

So, yes. The "free stuff" remarks about Sanders are not only fair, they are accurate.
mortgage deductions, child exemptions, etec... Who is paying for those?

Typical progressive viewpoint that somehow reductions in your own taxes have to be "paid for" somehow.

Of course they do. Every dollar you get back has to be made up for by someone else, idiot. Did you think there was some kind of magic involved?

It's made up for by higher tax rates and borrowing. That's why they are called tax expenditures.

You are as much a leech as anyone else.

No, it doesn't have to happen if the government spends within it's means. Your assumption is the government is going to spend money no matter what, even if it has to borrow it, raise taxes, or print more $$. It's the progressive mind set that is ruining our nation.
You are just demonstrating more of your innumeracy.

Outlays are irrelevant to the issue of tax expenditures. No matter how much, or how little, the federal government spends, your deductions/exemptions/credits have to be made up for by someone else.

Simple math. But your entitlement mentality prevents you from seeing you are a leech as much as anyone else.

Reducing/eliminating tax expenditures is a conservative cause, fool. You rubes have been led so far off the reservation, you don't conservatism when it bites you in the face.

If you don't what I have said about being a leech, ask any economist.
in martybegan 's defense, he's a rw hate media puppet :(
Did you ever notice Grover Norquist's tax pledge said nothing about vowing to not increase spending?


It vowed to not increase taxes, but was silent on spending.

Democrats: Tax and spend

Republicans: Borrow and spend
Free stuff?

Two wars and two tax cuts.
wait and the UNFUNDED Medicare Part D

And the Republicans got rid of Pay as You Go, which was balancing the budget,

in order to embark on their free stuff spendfest.
Repubs platform has ben "gubmint is bad/drown it in the bathtub" and they prove it every chance rubes and the wealthy put them in office


Argumentum ad absurdum, relating a desire to trim government down and restore the concept of federalism to wanting to end government/drown it in the bathtub.

You can't argue on the merits, so you resort to exaggeration and outright lies.
so "the pledge" that your people sign is a fiction?


What "pledge"
mortgage deductions, child exemptions, etec... Who is paying for those?

Typical progressive viewpoint that somehow reductions in your own taxes have to be "paid for" somehow.

Of course they do. Every dollar you get back has to be made up for by someone else, idiot. Did you think there was some kind of magic involved?

It's made up for by higher tax rates and borrowing. That's why they are called tax expenditures.

You are as much a leech as anyone else.

No, it doesn't have to happen if the government spends within it's means. Your assumption is the government is going to spend money no matter what, even if it has to borrow it, raise taxes, or print more $$. It's the progressive mind set that is ruining our nation.
You are just demonstrating more of your innumeracy.

Outlays are irrelevant to the issue of tax expenditures. No matter how much, or how little, the federal government spends, your deductions/exemptions/credits have to be made up for by someone else.

Simple math. But your entitlement mentality prevents you from seeing you are a leech as much as anyone else.

Reducing/eliminating tax expenditures is a conservative cause, fool. You rubes have been led so far off the reservation, you don't conservatism when it bites you in the face.

If you don't what I have said about being a leech, ask any economist.
in martybegan 's defense, he's a rw hate media puppet :(

LOL, a puppet calling someone else a puppet. The last time you had an original thought you probably had a seizure.
The left seems to have this interesting idea that as long as someone else (the so called one percent) is paying for all their entitlement ideas it's good or free that hardly seems fair. Look at it this way your at a restaurant and someone wants to order the most expensive thing on the menu but can't afford but the manager says good ahead and order it it's fine and when the check comes instead of giving it to the person who ordered it he gives it to you and expects you to pay it simply because you can.
Is it fair? What else is there to socialism besides promising "free stuff"?

Socialism fixes what capitalism fucks up.
And capitalism fixes what socialism fucks up.
Socialism is an abstract failure. Good luck proving otherwise.

By definition, we are faced with two sides and there isn't much difference between them. Social Democrat versus Social Capitalists. And both sides have a butt load of freebies. The only difference would be who gets the freebies; The General Public or the Corporate Public.
If you aren't paying for it, it is free. For you. That is what is meant by "free stuff".

Sanders wants to give a lot of stuff to some people for free, and make "that guy over there" pay for it.

It's the American motto: Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it.

And when everything goes to shit, we blame that guy over there!

So, yes. The "free stuff" remarks about Sanders are not only fair, they are accurate.
mortgage deductions, child exemptions, etec... Who is paying for those?

Typical progressive viewpoint that somehow reductions in your own taxes have to be "paid for" somehow.

Of course they do. Every dollar you get back has to be made up for by someone else, idiot. Did you think there was some kind of magic involved?

It's made up for by higher tax rates and borrowing. That's why they are called tax expenditures.

You are as much a leech as anyone else.

No, it doesn't have to happen if the government spends within it's means. Your assumption is the government is going to spend money no matter what, even if it has to borrow it, raise taxes, or print more $$. It's the progressive mind set that is ruining our nation.
You are just demonstrating more of your innumeracy.

Outlays are irrelevant to the issue of tax expenditures. No matter how much, or how little, the federal government spends, your deductions/exemptions/credits have to be made up for by someone else.

Simple math. But your entitlement mentality prevents you from seeing you are a leech as much as anyone else.

Reducing/eliminating tax expenditures is a conservative cause, fool. You rubes have been led so far off the reservation, you don't recognize conservatism when it bites you in the face.

If you don't believe what I have said about being a leech, ask any economist.

How am I a leech when i pay substantial state, local and federal taxes, but receive credit for the local taxes I pay which slightly reduces the federal taxes I pay?

All this tax talk is your way of complicating a few simple facts, my money is my money, the government should only be able to tax what it needs to run in a federal and limited way, and me taking deductions I am owed is not leeching.
I don't care how hard you fuckers have to work for my free college Archaeology degree. It's been a dream of mine since forever, and now thanks to Bernie, it's FREE! And you Progs are going to pay for it!

Yeah you have definitely never been to college. An archaeology degree is not easy to get it. You just think it is.
Many of us have learned on this forum that to expect right wingers to be "fair and balanced" (love that Fox slogan) is a fool's errand......Nonetheless, is it really fair to simply state that Sanders is offering "free stuff" without any plan as to how to finance the largess .....or is it just partisan bullshit?

Right wingers may strongly disagree with Sanders about a Medicare for all plan regarding health care insurance, but to be fair, he has stated that indeed a tax would be imposed on individuals and families, but the return on the savings (which would basically screw over PRIVATE health insurers) would be substantial. We may think of ourselves as "exceptional", but such HC deliveries have existed in other industrialized countries for decades and to say that we could not do the same is an admission that we may be far from exceptional.

Second, the "free stuff" regarding college tuition has also been addressed by Sanders....Primarily his source of income would be generated from taxing the gambling speculations of Wall Streeters....but more important is Sanders' reasoning that a college degree in the 21st century is the equivalent of a HS diploma and that we have long made high school attendance both mandatory and free.

You may not agree with Sanders....but at least stick to your proper reasons for the disagreement.
Yes what I find particularly annoying about this tag on Bernie is that a lot of government services are already "free". Public schools and highways are "free" to use yet, you know, depend on tax payer money. The basic fiscal concept of what Bernie is proposing isn't new - the services he is proposing are what's new.
true. Thats what my satirical pick was lampooning- the rw desire to hamstring the gov't EXCEPT for when it comes to the wealthy then, by all means, pull out all the stops.

The Pledge martybegan

Repub-voters :rolleyes-41:

These whinny right wingers blame Obama ...this shit started with Reagan ...he did to the Middle Class what Chris Christie did to Marco Rubio,,,this has been going on thirty years

wait and the UNFUNDED Medicare Part D

And the Republicans got rid of Pay as You Go, which was balancing the budget,

in order to embark on their free stuff spendfest.
Repubs platform has ben "gubmint is bad/drown it in the bathtub" and they prove it every chance rubes and the wealthy put them in office


Argumentum ad absurdum, relating a desire to trim government down and restore the concept of federalism to wanting to end government/drown it in the bathtub.

You can't argue on the merits, so you resort to exaggeration and outright lies.
so "the pledge" that your people sign is a fiction?


What "pledge"
Take the Pledge | Americans for Tax Reform
true. Thats what my satirical pick was lampooning- the rw desire to hamstring the gov't EXCEPT for when it comes to the wealthy then, by all means, pull out all the stops.

The Pledge martybegan

Repub-voters :rolleyes-41:

These whinny right wingers blame Obama ...this shit started with Reagan ...he did to the Middle Class what Chris Christie did to Marco Rubio,,,this has been going on thirty years

they can't abandon the party though because its the only 90%+ white party left :(

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