Is the "free stuff" remark fair to Sanders?

The sooner the left (and Sanders) realizes there is no such thing as "free stuff" the sooner the reality of Sander's pie in the sky BS will come crumbling down
Neither is public school for kids or using highways yet you have no problem with that.

I do have a problem with public schools....they keep turning out idiots such as yourself
How hard is it for you people to understand that Bernie is just adding more government services? Nothing his is proposing is more "free" then any other government service.
The sooner the left (and Sanders) realizes there is no such thing as "free stuff" the sooner the reality of Sander's pie in the sky BS will come crumbling down
Neither is public school for kids or using highways yet you have no problem with that.

I do have a problem with public schools....they keep turning out idiots such as yourself
How hard is it for you people to understand that Bernie is just adding more government services? Nothing his is proposing is more "free" then any other government service.

You're a waste of time, you don't even understand the loon's platform. There is no way to pay for his pipe dreams
And the Republicans got rid of Pay as You Go, which was balancing the budget,

in order to embark on their free stuff spendfest.
Repubs platform has ben "gubmint is bad/drown it in the bathtub" and they prove it every chance rubes and the wealthy put them in office


Argumentum ad absurdum, relating a desire to trim government down and restore the concept of federalism to wanting to end government/drown it in the bathtub.

You can't argue on the merits, so you resort to exaggeration and outright lies.
so "the pledge" that your people sign is a fiction?


What "pledge"
Take the Pledge | Americans for Tax Reform
marty has never heard of the pledge EVEN THOUGH the people he sends to D.C. take it or else

I like number two in The Pledge. Delete tax expenditures and match with reduction in tax rates.

See, marty? An acknowledgement that deductions and credits come at the expense of higher tax rates.
I think it's fair. I mean, most of his supporters would privately admit they're supporting him in the hopes of receiving more free stuff. They may not say it openly, but that is how most of his supporters feel. That being said, not all of his proposals are unreasonable.
The sooner the left (and Sanders) realizes there is no such thing as "free stuff" the sooner the reality of Sander's pie in the sky BS will come crumbling down
Neither is public school for kids or using highways yet you have no problem with that.

I do have a problem with public schools....they keep turning out idiots such as yourself
How hard is it for you people to understand that Bernie is just adding more government services? Nothing his is proposing is more "free" then any other government service.

You're a waste of time, you don't even understand the loon's platform. There is no way to pay for his pipe dreams
No you just buy into whatever Fox News tells you. It's not like you actually have an informed opinion about his platform.
The sooner the left (and Sanders) realizes there is no such thing as "free stuff" the sooner the reality of Sander's pie in the sky BS will come crumbling down
Neither is public school for kids or using highways yet you have no problem with that.

I do have a problem with public schools....they keep turning out idiots such as yourself
How hard is it for you people to understand that Bernie is just adding more government services? Nothing his is proposing is more "free" then any other government service.

You're a waste of time, you don't even understand the loon's platform. There is no way to pay for his pipe dreams
No you just buy into whatever Fox News tells you. It's not like you actually have an informed opinion about his platform.

I rarely watch Fox news, however I did study economics at the university level....Bernie should have
And the Republicans got rid of Pay as You Go, which was balancing the budget,

in order to embark on their free stuff spendfest.
Repubs platform has ben "gubmint is bad/drown it in the bathtub" and they prove it every chance rubes and the wealthy put them in office


Argumentum ad absurdum, relating a desire to trim government down and restore the concept of federalism to wanting to end government/drown it in the bathtub.

You can't argue on the merits, so you resort to exaggeration and outright lies.
so "the pledge" that your people sign is a fiction?


What "pledge"
Take the Pledge | Americans for Tax Reform

Repubs platform has ben "gubmint is bad/drown it in the bathtub" and they prove it every chance rubes and the wealthy put them in office


Argumentum ad absurdum, relating a desire to trim government down and restore the concept of federalism to wanting to end government/drown it in the bathtub.

You can't argue on the merits, so you resort to exaggeration and outright lies.
so "the pledge" that your people sign is a fiction?


What "pledge"
Take the Pledge | Americans for Tax Reform
marty has never heard of the pledge EVEN THOUGH the people he sends to D.C. take it or else


When have I ever asked anyone I voted for to never raise taxes?
NK isn't communist, dumbfuck.

Interesting spin.......
The Communist movement in Korea emerged as a political movement in the early 20th century. Although the movement had a minor role in pre-war politics, the division between the communist North Korea and the anti-communistSouth Korea came to dominate Korean political life in the post-World War II era.
Neither is public school for kids or using highways yet you have no problem with that.

I do have a problem with public schools....they keep turning out idiots such as yourself
How hard is it for you people to understand that Bernie is just adding more government services? Nothing his is proposing is more "free" then any other government service.

You're a waste of time, you don't even understand the loon's platform. There is no way to pay for his pipe dreams
No you just buy into whatever Fox News tells you. It's not like you actually have an informed opinion about his platform.

I rarely watch Fox news, however I did study economics at the university level....Bernie should have
I doubt it considering you demonize the very idea of paying taxes.
I do have a problem with public schools....they keep turning out idiots such as yourself
How hard is it for you people to understand that Bernie is just adding more government services? Nothing his is proposing is more "free" then any other government service.

You're a waste of time, you don't even understand the loon's platform. There is no way to pay for his pipe dreams
No you just buy into whatever Fox News tells you. It's not like you actually have an informed opinion about his platform.

I rarely watch Fox news, however I did study economics at the university level....Bernie should have
I doubt it considering you demonize the very idea of paying taxes.

Where did I demonize paying taxes? Don't start your bullshit lying and projecting. That's getting old
How hard is it for you people to understand that Bernie is just adding more government services? Nothing his is proposing is more "free" then any other government service.

You're a waste of time, you don't even understand the loon's platform. There is no way to pay for his pipe dreams
No you just buy into whatever Fox News tells you. It's not like you actually have an informed opinion about his platform.

I rarely watch Fox news, however I did study economics at the university level....Bernie should have
I doubt it considering you demonize the very idea of paying taxes.

Where did I demonize paying taxes? Don't start your bullshit lying and projecting. That's getting old
You have said before that paying taxes would do nothing to affect the national debt.
How deep do you want to go into Sanders Marxist background? There are dozens of examples of his ties to CPUSA during his life including the founding of a Marxist propaganda organization in Vermont. If democrats are ready for a communist, go ahead but at least be honest about it rather than dwelling on trite issues like "free college tuition".

Bullshit......Let's ....for argument Sanders a "communist"......Does that mean that the US, upon his election. would abandon free market policies, abandon our congressional and court oversight. adopt an all-out unionized workforce policy????

Stick to name calling and be labeled just another right wing fool.
NK isn't communist, dumbfuck.

Interesting spin.......
The Communist movement in Korea emerged as a political movement in the early 20th century. Although the movement had a minor role in pre-war politics, the division between the communist North Korea and the anti-communistSouth Korea came to dominate Korean political life in the post-World War II era.
They also say the USSR and china were communist... doesn't mean they are right.
The very essence of communism is not have a totalitarian dictator in the driver seat.
There has NEVER been a communist country. EVER
You're a waste of time, you don't even understand the loon's platform. There is no way to pay for his pipe dreams
No you just buy into whatever Fox News tells you. It's not like you actually have an informed opinion about his platform.

I rarely watch Fox news, however I did study economics at the university level....Bernie should have
I doubt it considering you demonize the very idea of paying taxes.

Where did I demonize paying taxes? Don't start your bullshit lying and projecting. That's getting old
You have said before that paying taxes would do nothing to affect the national debt.

No I haven't, stop your god damn lying
Many of us have learned on this forum that to expect right wingers to be "fair and balanced" (love that Fox slogan) is a fool's errand......Nonetheless, is it really fair to simply state that Sanders is offering "free stuff" without any plan as to how to finance the largess .....or is it just partisan bullshit?

Right wingers may strongly disagree with Sanders about a Medicare for all plan regarding health care insurance, but to be fair, he has stated that indeed a tax would be imposed on individuals and families, but the return on the savings (which would basically screw over PRIVATE health insurers) would be substantial. We may think of ourselves as "exceptional", but such HC deliveries have existed in other industrialized countries for decades and to say that we could not do the same is an admission that we may be far from exceptional.

Second, the "free stuff" regarding college tuition has also been addressed by Sanders....Primarily his source of income would be generated from taxing the gambling speculations of Wall Streeters....but more important is Sanders' reasoning that a college degree in the 21st century is the equivalent of a HS diploma and that we have long made high school attendance both mandatory and free.

You may not agree with Sanders....but at least stick to your proper reasons for the disagreement.

Just skimming the responses so far, while I admire your optimism, it seems clear we're going to have to listen to "free stuff, free stuff, free stuff" with robotic insistence from now until November, because they don't know and they don't want to know.

It's why they sat there nodding and smiling when Karl Rove assured them Romney would be elected by a landslide.

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