Is the knowledge of good and evil, good or evil?

Is the knowledge of good and evil, good or evil?

For you, me, and Adam to answer this question; we need the knowledge of good and evil.

Adam may have needed what he was denied by Yahweh to know if the tree of the knowledge of all things, is good or evil to eat from. As scriptures say, he was mentally and morally blind without it.

You and I cannot see any better than Adam could when our mental eyes are blind on issues and without knowledge of them.

It seems that Yahweh put Adam in a catch 22. Damned to being mentally blind and as bright as a brick and unable to reproduce or condemned to death if he educated himself.


Neither good nor evil exists outside of the mind of man
Good exists. Evil doesn’t.

Do hot and cold exist outside the mind of man?

What about light and darkness?

There is no physical quantification of good or evil.

When there is a thermometer that can measure the evil in the air let me know.
Does cold exist? Does darkness exist?
Yes. Deepest temperature 0°K = -273.15°C. Darkest material see: MIT engineers develop “blackest black” material to date
I thought Germans were supposed to be able to understand science.

Your problem is that you are not able to be a Christian on a piece of paper. Very important is it to see that no one who has whatever kind of problem, has a problem because it is a good problem - nor shows any problem of anyone that god hates him.

And sure exists "cold" and "darkness". It's totally stupid to say cold and darkness is not existing. And it's also stupid to think physical darkness is evil. "Psychological" darkness is not good.

In case of cold we have a lowest temperature but in the opposite "heat" not a highest temperature. The position of view which we use to make a difference between "cold" and "hot" is our daily life and the sensoric abilities of our bodies.
Man does not do evil for evil's sake.


Some German and British soldiers of world war 2 reported that killing is able to make fun. In war it's possible someone kills only on reason it makes fun to kill. In such a situation everyone is able to do evil for evils sake.
Man's inclination is for good not evil.

G-d says otherwise.

Write a letter to your congressman.
Did God create evil?

Yes, and gave humanity the freedom to choose.
How many times will you be asking the same question?
So does God contain evil? Where did God get this evil from to create evil?

What do you mean, where did he get it from?
Everything God created is good because God is good. The goodness proceeds from God. How was God able to create evil if his nature does not contain evil?

You’re just subjectively anthropomorphising Him.

Asking who or what He is might be the best place for you to start.
Man does not do evil for evil's sake.


People do what they do because they want to and they get some sort of pleasure and satisfaction from it.

That is the way it always has been and the way it always will be.
You just said the same thing I said.

They do it for their own good. No one does evil for the sake of evil. Evil does not exist. Only good exists. Evil is the absence of good.
And as such evil does not exist anywhere but in the minds of men if it exists there at all

Men cause suffering,
it's not merely a mind construct, it's real and physical.

Yes but it has nothing to do with "evil" and everything to do with men
Is the knowledge of good and evil, good or evil?

For you, me, and Adam to answer this question; we need the knowledge of good and evil.

Adam may have needed what he was denied by Yahweh to know if the tree of the knowledge of all things, is good or evil to eat from. As scriptures say, he was mentally and morally blind without it.

You and I cannot see any better than Adam could when our mental eyes are blind on issues and without knowledge of them.

It seems that Yahweh put Adam in a catch 22. Damned to being mentally blind and as bright as a brick and unable to reproduce or condemned to death if he educated himself.


Neither good nor evil exists outside of the mind of man
Good exists. Evil doesn’t.

Do hot and cold exist outside the mind of man?

What about light and darkness?

There is no physical quantification of good or evil.

When there is a thermometer that can measure the evil in the air let me know.
Does cold exist? Does darkness exist?

Yes and they can be quantified

When you can measure "evil" let me know.

WHat would one unit of evil be called do you think?

Maybe we should call it a Satan or a Lucifer.

So tell me how many Lucifers must be present in the air for a murder to be committed?
So cold does not exist. Only heat exists. Darkness does not exist. Only light exists.'

Cold is the absence of heat and darkness is the absence of light.

Evil doesn't exist either. Evil is the absence of good.

Unfairness doesn't exist. Unfairness is the absence of fairness.

G-d said evil exists,
you weren't consulted.

Creation is not bound by the limits of dulaistic human logic.

The epitome of human corruption - when man willfully denies his evil potential.
Everything God created is good.

And yet G-d calls man's heart evil.

Who are you to argue?
God said everything he created is good. It's the first thing you were told.

Man has a choice to do good or not do good. The problem comes when he doesn't do good and fails to admit it and learn from his mistakes.
Which is contradicted by modern neuroscience.
Is the knowledge of good and evil, good or evil?

For you, me, and Adam to answer this question; we need the knowledge of good and evil.

Adam may have needed what he was denied by Yahweh to know if the tree of the knowledge of all things, is good or evil to eat from. As scriptures say, he was mentally and morally blind without it.

You and I cannot see any better than Adam could when our mental eyes are blind on issues and without knowledge of them.

It seems that Yahweh put Adam in a catch 22. Damned to being mentally blind and as bright as a brick and unable to reproduce or condemned to death if he educated himself.


Neither good nor evil exists outside of the mind of man
Good exists. Evil doesn’t.

Do hot and cold exist outside the mind of man?

What about light and darkness?

There is no physical quantification of good or evil.

When there is a thermometer that can measure the evil in the air let me know.
Does cold exist? Does darkness exist?

Yes and they can be quantified

When you can measure "evil" let me know.

WHat would one unit of evil be called do you think?

Maybe we should call it a Satan or a Lucifer.

So tell me how many Lucifers must be present in the air for a murder to be committed?
So cold does not exist. Only heat exists. Darkness does not exist. Only light exists.'

Cold is the absence of heat and darkness is the absence of light.

Evil doesn't exist either. Evil is the absence of good.

Unfairness doesn't exist. Unfairness is the absence of fairness.

G-d said evil exists,
you weren't consulted.

Creation is not bound by the limits of dulaistic human logic.

The epitome of human corruption - when man willfully denies his evil potential.
Everything God created is good.

So the serial killer is "good"?

The rapist, the thief the pederast are all "good"

Sometimes, bad people do good things, and good people do bad things.

I disagree.

If you rape a child you are not a good person
Man's inclination is for good not evil.

G-d says otherwise.

Write a letter to your congressman.
Did God create evil?

Yes, and gave humanity the freedom to choose.
How many times will you be asking the same question?
So does God contain evil? Where did God get this evil from to create evil?

What do you mean, where did he get it from?
Everything God created is good because God is good. The goodness proceeds from God. How was God able to create evil if his nature does not contain evil?

If god created everything he also created evil if you believe evil exists you must credit god for it.
Is the knowledge of good and evil, good or evil?

For you, me, and Adam to answer this question; we need the knowledge of good and evil.

Adam may have needed what he was denied by Yahweh to know if the tree of the knowledge of all things, is good or evil to eat from. As scriptures say, he was mentally and morally blind without it.

You and I cannot see any better than Adam could when our mental eyes are blind on issues and without knowledge of them.

It seems that Yahweh put Adam in a catch 22. Damned to being mentally blind and as bright as a brick and unable to reproduce or condemned to death if he educated himself.


Neither good nor evil exists outside of the mind of man
Good exists. Evil doesn’t.

Do hot and cold exist outside the mind of man?

What about light and darkness?

There is no physical quantification of good or evil.

When there is a thermometer that can measure the evil in the air let me know.
Does cold exist? Does darkness exist?

Yes and they can be quantified

When you can measure "evil" let me know.

WHat would one unit of evil be called do you think?

Maybe we should call it a Satan or a Lucifer.

So tell me how many Lucifers must be present in the air for a murder to be committed?
So cold does not exist. Only heat exists. Darkness does not exist. Only light exists.'

Cold is the absence of heat and darkness is the absence of light.

Evil doesn't exist either. Evil is the absence of good.

Unfairness doesn't exist. Unfairness is the absence of fairness.

G-d said evil exists,
you weren't consulted.

Creation is not bound by the limits of dulaistic human logic.

The epitome of human corruption - when man willfully denies his evil potential.
Everything God created is good.

So the serial killer is "good"?

The rapist, the thief the pederast are all "good"

Sometimes, bad people do good things, and good people do bad things.

I disagree.

If you rape a child you are not a good person

That’s not what I said.
Is the knowledge of good and evil, good or evil?

For you, me, and Adam to answer this question; we need the knowledge of good and evil.

Adam may have needed what he was denied by Yahweh to know if the tree of the knowledge of all things, is good or evil to eat from. As scriptures say, he was mentally and morally blind without it.

You and I cannot see any better than Adam could when our mental eyes are blind on issues and without knowledge of them.

It seems that Yahweh put Adam in a catch 22. Damned to being mentally blind and as bright as a brick and unable to reproduce or condemned to death if he educated himself.


Neither good nor evil exists outside of the mind of man
Good exists. Evil doesn’t.

Do hot and cold exist outside the mind of man?

What about light and darkness?

There is no physical quantification of good or evil.

When there is a thermometer that can measure the evil in the air let me know.
Does cold exist? Does darkness exist?

Yes and they can be quantified

When you can measure "evil" let me know.

WHat would one unit of evil be called do you think?

Maybe we should call it a Satan or a Lucifer.

So tell me how many Lucifers must be present in the air for a murder to be committed?
So cold does not exist. Only heat exists. Darkness does not exist. Only light exists.'

Cold is the absence of heat and darkness is the absence of light.

Evil doesn't exist either. Evil is the absence of good.

Unfairness doesn't exist. Unfairness is the absence of fairness.

G-d said evil exists,
you weren't consulted.

Creation is not bound by the limits of dulaistic human logic.

The epitome of human corruption - when man willfully denies his evil potential.
Everything God created is good.

And yet G-d calls man's heart evil.

Who are you to argue?

If man's heart is evil and god supposedly created man what does that make god?

The Creator.

Heart is not his only character trait, man has soul, and body.
All these parts have their nature, and integrity within human experience - which through interaction within the personality throughout the life, allow man his freedom of choice.
and all of that nature was created by god.

If god created man he also created the propensity for that person to commit vile acts
Is the knowledge of good and evil, good or evil?

For you, me, and Adam to answer this question; we need the knowledge of good and evil.

Adam may have needed what he was denied by Yahweh to know if the tree of the knowledge of all things, is good or evil to eat from. As scriptures say, he was mentally and morally blind without it.

You and I cannot see any better than Adam could when our mental eyes are blind on issues and without knowledge of them.

It seems that Yahweh put Adam in a catch 22. Damned to being mentally blind and as bright as a brick and unable to reproduce or condemned to death if he educated himself.


Neither good nor evil exists outside of the mind of man
Good exists. Evil doesn’t.

Do hot and cold exist outside the mind of man?

What about light and darkness?

There is no physical quantification of good or evil.

When there is a thermometer that can measure the evil in the air let me know.
Does cold exist? Does darkness exist?

Yes and they can be quantified

When you can measure "evil" let me know.

WHat would one unit of evil be called do you think?

Maybe we should call it a Satan or a Lucifer.

So tell me how many Lucifers must be present in the air for a murder to be committed?
So cold does not exist. Only heat exists. Darkness does not exist. Only light exists.'

Cold is the absence of heat and darkness is the absence of light.

Evil doesn't exist either. Evil is the absence of good.

Unfairness doesn't exist. Unfairness is the absence of fairness.

G-d said evil exists,
you weren't consulted.

Creation is not bound by the limits of dulaistic human logic.

The epitome of human corruption - when man willfully denies his evil potential.
Everything God created is good.

So the serial killer is "good"?

The rapist, the thief the pederast are all "good"

Sometimes, bad people do good things, and good people do bad things.

I disagree.

If you rape a child you are not a good person

That’s not what I said.

Sometimes "good " people do "bad" things.

So if a person commits a bad act how do you know if he is a good person committing a bad act or not?

If you witness a person committing a "good" act how do you know he's not a "bad" person ?

Your actions define your character.

If some person only raped one child was he a "good " person doing a "bad" thing?

I say he is not a good person period.
Man's inclination is for good not evil.

G-d says otherwise.

Write a letter to your congressman.
Did God create evil?

Yes, and gave humanity the freedom to choose.
How many times will you be asking the same question?
So does God contain evil? Where did God get this evil from to create evil?

A god that can be contained by your little brain,

is not my G-d nor the Creator.

Don't confuse.
You didn't answer the question. Where did God get evil from to create evil?
Man's inclination is for good not evil.

G-d says otherwise.

Write a letter to your congressman.
Did God create evil?

Yes, and gave humanity the freedom to choose.
How many times will you be asking the same question?
So does God contain evil? Where did God get this evil from to create evil?

A god that can be contained by your little brain,

is not my G-d nor the Creator.

Don't confuse.
You didn't answer the question. Where did God get evil from to create evil?

The same place he got the stuff to create the universe.
Man's inclination is for good not evil.

G-d says otherwise.

Write a letter to your congressman.
Did God create evil?

Yes, and gave humanity the freedom to choose.
How many times will you be asking the same question?
So does God contain evil? Where did God get this evil from to create evil?

What do you mean, where did he get it from?
Everything God created is good because God is good. The goodness proceeds from God. How was God able to create evil if his nature does not contain evil?

By wanting good.

G-d wanted humanity to choose good,
and so "blip", an opposite dimension became reality.

Don't belittle G-d by projecting your human limitations.
The same outcome can be achieved by allowing man the free will to do good or not to do good.

I am not belittling God. I think you are belittling God when you say God created evil.
Man's inclination is for good not evil.

G-d says otherwise.

Write a letter to your congressman.
Did God create evil?

Yes, and gave humanity the freedom to choose.
How many times will you be asking the same question?
So does God contain evil? Where did God get this evil from to create evil?

A god that can be contained by your little brain,

is not my G-d nor the Creator.

Don't confuse.
You didn't answer the question. Where did God get evil from to create evil?

The same place he got the stuff to create the universe.
Where was that from?
Man's inclination is for good not evil.

G-d says otherwise.

Write a letter to your congressman.
Did God create evil?

Yes, and gave humanity the freedom to choose.
How many times will you be asking the same question?
So does God contain evil? Where did God get this evil from to create evil?

A god that can be contained by your little brain,

is not my G-d nor the Creator.

Don't confuse.
You didn't answer the question. Where did God get evil from to create evil?

The same place he got the stuff to create the universe.
Where was that from?
You tell me you're the one who believes god created everything.
Is the knowledge of good and evil, good or evil?

For you, me, and Adam to answer this question; we need the knowledge of good and evil.

Adam may have needed what he was denied by Yahweh to know if the tree of the knowledge of all things, is good or evil to eat from. As scriptures say, he was mentally and morally blind without it.

You and I cannot see any better than Adam could when our mental eyes are blind on issues and without knowledge of them.

It seems that Yahweh put Adam in a catch 22. Damned to being mentally blind and as bright as a brick and unable to reproduce or condemned to death if he educated himself.


Neither good nor evil exists outside of the mind of man
Good exists. Evil doesn’t.

Do hot and cold exist outside the mind of man?

What about light and darkness?

There is no physical quantification of good or evil.

When there is a thermometer that can measure the evil in the air let me know.
Does cold exist? Does darkness exist?

Yes and they can be quantified

When you can measure "evil" let me know.

WHat would one unit of evil be called do you think?

Maybe we should call it a Satan or a Lucifer.

So tell me how many Lucifers must be present in the air for a murder to be committed?
So cold does not exist. Only heat exists. Darkness does not exist. Only light exists.'

Cold is the absence of heat and darkness is the absence of light.

Evil doesn't exist either. Evil is the absence of good.

Unfairness doesn't exist. Unfairness is the absence of fairness.

G-d said evil exists,
you weren't consulted.

Creation is not bound by the limits of dulaistic human logic.

The epitome of human corruption - when man willfully denies his evil potential.
Everything God created is good.

And yet G-d calls man's heart evil.

Who are you to argue?

If man's heart is evil and god supposedly created man what does that make god?

The Creator.

Heart is not his only character trait, man has soul, and body.
All these parts have their nature, and integrity within human experience - which through interaction within the personality throughout the life, allow man his freedom of choice.
and all of that nature was created by god.

If god created man he also created the propensity for that person to commit vile acts
That is the logical conclusion to Rylah's belief.
Man's inclination is for good not evil.

G-d says otherwise.

Write a letter to your congressman.
Did God create evil?

Yes, and gave humanity the freedom to choose.
How many times will you be asking the same question?
So does God contain evil? Where did God get this evil from to create evil?

A god that can be contained by your little brain,

is not my G-d nor the Creator.

Don't confuse.
You didn't answer the question. Where did God get evil from to create evil?

The same place he got the stuff to create the universe.
Where was that from?
You tell me you're the one who believes god created everything.
I'm not the one who said he got the evil from where he created everything else. You are.

I am the one who said God did not create evil.

So, where did God get evil from?
Man's inclination is for good not evil.

G-d says otherwise.

Write a letter to your congressman.
Did God create evil?

Yes, and gave humanity the freedom to choose.
How many times will you be asking the same question?
So does God contain evil? Where did God get this evil from to create evil?

A god that can be contained by your little brain,

is not my G-d nor the Creator.

Don't confuse.
You didn't answer the question. Where did God get evil from to create evil?

The same place he got the stuff to create the universe.
Where was that from?
You tell me you're the one who believes god created everything.
I'm not the one who said he got the evil from where he created everything else. You are.

I am the one who said God did not create evil.

So, where did God get evil from?

My stance is there is no such thing as "evil"

Evil is not a thing that exists and exerts force on the physical world

Evil is a value judgement made up my men just like gods are made up by men.
Is the knowledge of good and evil, good or evil?

For you, me, and Adam to answer this question; we need the knowledge of good and evil.

Adam may have needed what he was denied by Yahweh to know if the tree of the knowledge of all things, is good or evil to eat from. As scriptures say, he was mentally and morally blind without it.

You and I cannot see any better than Adam could when our mental eyes are blind on issues and without knowledge of them.

It seems that Yahweh put Adam in a catch 22. Damned to being mentally blind and as bright as a brick and unable to reproduce or condemned to death if he educated himself.


Neither good nor evil exists outside of the mind of man
Good exists. Evil doesn’t.

Do hot and cold exist outside the mind of man?

What about light and darkness?

There is no physical quantification of good or evil.

When there is a thermometer that can measure the evil in the air let me know.
Does cold exist? Does darkness exist?
Yes. Deepest temperature 0°K = -273.15°C. Darkest material see: MIT engineers develop “blackest black” material to date
I thought Germans were supposed to be able to understand science.

Your problem is that you are not able to be a Christian on a piece of paper. Very important is it to see that no one who has whatever kind of problem, has a problem because it is a good problem - nor shows any problem of anyone that god hates him.

And sure exists "cold" and "darkness". It's totally stupid to say cold and darkness is not existing. And it's also stupid to think physical darkness is evil. "Psychological" darkness is not good.

In case of cold we have a lowest temperature but in the opposite "heat" not a highest temperature. The position of view which we use to make a difference between "cold" and "hot" is our daily life and the sensoric abilities of our bodies.
What you perceive as cold is in reality absence of heat. What you perceive as darkness is in reality absence of light. And what you perceive as evil is in reality absence of good. This concept should be self evident. I don't understand why you object to it.

I'm sure I have lots of problems. I doubt not being a Christian on paper even makes my list. I suspect that not being a Christian in actuality would be a bigger problem.

You don't have faith that everything works for good. I do.

We are all being tested. We are all being pruned. Everyone. How you perceive your tests matters in how you respond to your adversities and challenges. The logical conclusion of your beliefs is that God does not care. I can assure you that God cares.
Man's inclination is for good not evil.

G-d says otherwise.

Write a letter to your congressman.
Did God create evil?

Yes, and gave humanity the freedom to choose.
How many times will you be asking the same question?
So does God contain evil? Where did God get this evil from to create evil?

A god that can be contained by your little brain,

is not my G-d nor the Creator.

Don't confuse.
You didn't answer the question. Where did God get evil from to create evil?

The same place he got the stuff to create the universe.
Where was that from?
You tell me you're the one who believes god created everything.
I'm not the one who said he got the evil from where he created everything else. You are.

I am the one who said God did not create evil.

So, where did God get evil from?

My stance is there is no such thing as "evil"

Evil is not a thing that exists and exerts force on the physical world

Evil is a value judgement made up my men just like gods are made up by men.
Cool story as you inhabit threads discussing God. You are drawn to God like a moth to a flame and like the moth you have no idea why or control in stopping it. You are trying to fill your God void.

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