is the lack of fathers in the home a major reason for violent crime in the inner cities ?

Is there anything that can be done to prevent such a sick society from turning to fascism?

Yes. Making sure people like you never have any political power will go a long way towards avoiding fascism.
All replies are welcome marvin, you're one of the more committed racist cheerleaders.
You're limited to one more reply to me today, on account of your lack of any substance that could add to a discussion.
Marvin’s words and sentiment were spot-on and crystal clear (thus my thumbs up for his post). At the risk of my repeating myself, albeit my comments are for readers like me who look for truisms in all posts since I have a hunch you have me on ignore….. the worst kind of leader is the cheerleader/promoter of social doom and gloom, nothing is good and never will be BS and similar naysayers’ messages spouted with the obvious need to bring others down. Feelings of inferiority could explain it, otherwise it appears you spend your days wallowing in misery and hoping it spreads. A toss up perhaps.
President Donald Trump, heading into a fall reelection campaign in which he is currently seen as the underdog, delivered a dark, foreboding nomination speech from the White House on Thursday night, saying if his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, is elected, "no one will be safe."

Trump said the Democratic contender would undermine constitutional protections, embolden "mob rule" and "be the destroyer of American greatness."

"If the left gains power, they will demolish the suburbs, confiscate your guns and appoint justices who will wipe away your Second Amendment and other constitutional freedoms,"

You wonder why conservatives are triggered???

This election will decide whether we save the American dream, or whether we allow a socialist agenda to demolish our cherished destiny."

while Biden wants to expand access to health care under the Affordable Care Act, he has declined to embrace a Medicare-for-All program and he rejected suggestions — despite Republican claims to the contrary — that undocumented border crossings be decriminalized.

Talk about doom and gloom.
...….. the worst kind of leader is the cheerleader/promoter of social doom and gloom, nothing is good and never will be BS and similar naysayers’ messages spouted with the obvious need to bring others down. ...
You just described almost every democrat politician.
There are people running for office with negative messages all of the time, but usually they know enough to publicly balance it with some positivity in the mix- consider false promises- we see that a lot in most elections.

There are only a handful of posters on this board who go non-stop negativity. This one leads the pack (although he lacks true support) with his -everything is horrible, we should just end it now tiring posts. He makes it too easy to call him out just using his own words.
He's just a troll. He's not here to do anything other than troll.
That's all you do! Have you talked about the subject once?
Why would you, of all people, talk about the subject at all?
Yes, I was talking about YOU and your desperate clinging to meaningless materialism because you realize what an empty, pointless excuse for a human being you are. Most of the kids I see doing this eventually grow up and gain a deeper, more meaningful understanding of life. YOU chose to never grow up, which is terribly, terribly sad.
Yes, I was talking about YOU and your desperate clinging to meaningless materialism because you realize what an empty, pointless excuse for a human being you are. Most of the kids I see doing this eventually grow up and gain a deeper, more meaningful understanding of life. YOU chose to never grow up, which is terribly, terribly sad.
I feel sad for you. Liar, racist, mean, arrogant and ignorant. Sad Paddy. And unable to communicate normally with anyone. I see I'm not alone. In fact I see you are this way with everyone except the biggest USMB dicks. You are a dick. You and politicalchic can eat a dick.
Yes, I was talking about YOU and your desperate clinging to meaningless materialism because you realize what an empty, pointless excuse for a human being you are. Most of the kids I see doing this eventually grow up and gain a deeper, more meaningful understanding of life. YOU chose to never grow up, which is terribly, terribly sad.
I feel sad for you. Liar,...
What have I lied about?
...….. the worst kind of leader is the cheerleader/promoter of social doom and gloom, nothing is good and never will be BS and similar naysayers’ messages spouted with the obvious need to bring others down. ...
You just described almost every democrat politician.
There are people running for office with negative messages all of the time, but usually they know enough to publicly balance it with some positivity in the mix- consider false promises- we see that a lot in most elections.

There are only a handful of posters on this board who go non-stop negativity. This one leads the pack (although he lacks true support) with his -everything is horrible, we should just end it now tiring posts. He makes it too easy to call him out just using his own words.
He's just a troll. He's not here to do anything other than troll.
That's all you do! Have you talked about the subject once?
Why would you, of all people, talk about the subject at all?
Because I never had a kid and didn't raise him them right. In fact I chose not to have kids so I could stay out of poverty and work my way up from middle class to upper middle class.

Most of your students make fun of you. Very few high school kids respect high school teachers and you know it. They all believe they will grow up to do much better than you. So why listen to you? You're a broke ass loser. And the part about being a great family man while also a great teacher and coach, liar! My coach in high school sacrifice a lot of time away from his family. If you are a wrestling coach that must be true for you too.
Yes, I was talking about YOU and your desperate clinging to meaningless materialism because you realize what an empty, pointless excuse for a human being you are. Most of the kids I see doing this eventually grow up and gain a deeper, more meaningful understanding of life. YOU chose to never grow up, which is terribly, terribly sad.
I feel sad for you...racist, ...
How so?
...….. the worst kind of leader is the cheerleader/promoter of social doom and gloom, nothing is good and never will be BS and similar naysayers’ messages spouted with the obvious need to bring others down. ...
... I chose not to have kids so I could stay out of poverty...
Yeah, that's why....... :rolleyes:
Is there anything that can be done to prevent such a sick society from turning to fascism?

Yes. Making sure people like you never have any political power will go a long way towards avoiding fascism.
All replies are welcome marvin, you're one of the more committed racist cheerleaders.
You're limited to one more reply to me today, on account of your lack of any substance that could add to a discussion.
Marvin’s words and sentiment were spot-on and crystal clear (thus my thumbs up for his post). At the risk of my repeating myself, albeit my comments are for readers like me who look for truisms in all posts since I have a hunch you have me on ignore….. the worst kind of leader is the cheerleader/promoter of social doom and gloom, nothing is good and never will be BS and similar naysayers’ messages spouted with the obvious need to bring others down. Feelings of inferiority could explain it, otherwise it appears you spend your days wallowing in misery and hoping it spreads. A toss up perhaps.
President Donald Trump, heading into a fall reelection campaign in which he is currently seen as the underdog, delivered a dark, foreboding nomination speech from the White House on Thursday night, saying if his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, is elected, "no one will be safe."

Trump said the Democratic contender would undermine constitutional protections, embolden "mob rule" and "be the destroyer of American greatness."

"If the left gains power, they will demolish the suburbs, confiscate your guns and appoint justices who will wipe away your Second Amendment and other constitutional freedoms,"

You wonder why conservatives are triggered???

This election will decide whether we save the American dream, or whether we allow a socialist agenda to demolish our cherished destiny."

while Biden wants to expand access to health care under the Affordable Care Act, he has declined to embrace a Medicare-for-All program and he rejected suggestions — despite Republican claims to the contrary — that undocumented border crossings be decriminalized.

Talk about doom and gloom.
It would be extremely hard to say that Trump is a “promoter of doom and gloom” if we compare all of his pre and post campaign speeches. One of the specific factors explaining why many like Trump is that he projects an overall positive mindset and attitude regarding situations and challenges. Various statements can be made about Trump, but he never promotes the public message to give up the good fight nor that things are so bad that they can’t be improved.

Consider the infighting that’s been detected between traditional Dems, and the newer generation of Dems (people who still refer to themselves as Democrats but are farther left compared to traditional Dems), and with ideologues even farther left: self-labeled leftists and/or Marxists. I’m leaving out other extreme political groups due to their insignificance at this current time. More of the infighting will lead to a change, time will tell how it falls.

Here’s what many people (I was going to going to write most people but that would take a source but I do think it’s most) are over: Violent protesters stealing and damaging property freely in the streets all summer last year in certain, select cities. Any type of protest that allows for elements of violence will not be respected ever by the masses. Even though each human has the potential for violence, acts of
violence are not a respected “tool for change”. It’s just plain old thuggery and theiving, and Americans in general recognize it for what it is.

Most Americans still want and respect strong leaders who provide effective leadership. Biden does not have those qualities nor the mental ability to provide either of those two things. Trump’s speeches contain elements of truth, overall positivity about doing our best/don’t accept mediocre, and his public statements are typically full of positivity.

You mentioned specific references of Trump calling out the Dems… well no surprise there. Political finger pointing has gone on now for over 200 years now, ever since politicians began grandstanding and politicking to get elected - that’s come from all sides.
His child arrived just the other day he came to this world in a usual way but he was busy on the mat wrestling other people's boys so his kid sat alone at home and played with toys.

Cats and the cradle and the silver spoon. Little boys you blew and the man on the moon. When you comin home daddy don't know when but we'll get together then yea. You know we'll have a good time then.
...….. the worst kind of leader is the cheerleader/promoter of social doom and gloom, nothing is good and never will be BS and similar naysayers’ messages spouted with the obvious need to bring others down. ...
You just described almost every democrat politician.
There are people running for office with negative messages all of the time, but usually they know enough to publicly balance it with some positivity in the mix- consider false promises- we see that a lot in most elections.

There are only a handful of posters on this board who go non-stop negativity. This one leads the pack (although he lacks true support) with his -everything is horrible, we should just end it now tiring posts. He makes it too easy to call him out just using his own words.
He's just a troll. He's not here to do anything other than troll.
That's all you do! Have you talked about the subject once?
Why would you, of all people, talk about the subject at all?
Am I not potentially a person who could fall victim to a criminal who is a criminal because of some guy who refused to be his father?

I live near and visit a violent inner city. Much more violent than where you work. I'm more of an expert on this than you. Your worst public school in MA is better than our best Detroit Public School.

See if you were actually discussing the subject you wouldn't ask such a question. But instead you're doing what you always do. Make this about me. What a loser. Sad you can't stay focused. I feel sorry for any child you teach.
Don't you remember being in high school? What made you become a public high school teacher? Didn't you remember not respecting the teachers because they made so very little money? Who goes to college to get out and make shitty money?

I know you say you aren't materialistic but that's not putting food on the table. I'd say you're a loser in life who's just convinced himself it's better to not have nice things. Fact is you can't have them even if you want them. It's nice to not have things that you can afford because you don't want them but you don't have a 65 acre hunting property, boat, place in Greece and Florida, not because you don't want them, but because you can't afford to have these things.

We are all jealous of teachers who have the summers off but fact is, most of you have to work a side gig and even if you take the summer off, you can't afford to go anywhere. So you come to USMB all day every day. In between playing baseball catch with your kids of course.
His child arrived just the other day he came to this world in a usual way but he was busy on the mat wrestling other people's boys so his kid sat alone at home and played with toys.

Cats and the cradle and the silver spoon. Little boys you blew and the man on the moon. When you comin home daddy don't know when but we'll get together then yea. You know we'll have a good time then.
My oldest son wrestles, so it's a great way to spend even more time together. You fail again, Lonely Boy.
...….. the worst kind of leader is the cheerleader/promoter of social doom and gloom, nothing is good and never will be BS and similar naysayers’ messages spouted with the obvious need to bring others down. ...
You just described almost every democrat politician.
There are people running for office with negative messages all of the time, but usually they know enough to publicly balance it with some positivity in the mix- consider false promises- we see that a lot in most elections.

There are only a handful of posters on this board who go non-stop negativity. This one leads the pack (although he lacks true support) with his -everything is horrible, we should just end it now tiring posts. He makes it too easy to call him out just using his own words.
He's just a troll. He's not here to do anything other than troll.
That's all you do! Have you talked about the subject once?
Why would you, of all people, talk about the subject at all?
Am I not potentially a person who could fall victim to a criminal who...
YOU are a person who is likely to fall victim to an angry pre-school girl.
His child arrived just the other day he came to this world in a usual way but he was busy on the mat wrestling other people's boys so his kid sat alone at home and played with toys.

Cats and the cradle and the silver spoon. Little boys you blew and the man on the moon. When you comin home daddy don't know when but we'll get together then yea. You know we'll have a good time then.
My oldest son wrestles, so it's a great way to spend even more time together. You fail again, Lonely Boy.
His child arrived just the other day he came to this world in a usual way but he was busy on the mat wrestling other people's boys so his kid sat alone at home and played with toys.

Cats and the cradle and the silver spoon. Little boys you blew and the man on the moon. When you comin home daddy don't know when but we'll get together then yea. You know we'll have a good time then.
My oldest son wrestles, so it's a great way to spend even more time together. You fail again, Lonely Boy.
Wait a second. You live in the shit hole community you teach in? So you live in a inner city ghetto? I mean you did tell me that you taught in a " pretty tough neighborhood" where there were a lot of blacks. Low income school district right? Now you tell me that your kid is one of the children you coach? So he goes to that shitty school? Maybe one day he will become a public school teacher like his old man after he drops out of wrestling his junior year of college because he has weak irish knees too. In the future he won't have to deal with unions or he won't get a pension like his old man.

Better yet. He may one day teach at a private school. Then like you he can master the private market not just the public square. LOL

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